6:52pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 730
((Leo, I think she means you should be more serious and specific.))

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
7:01pm Feb 28 2010
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Shayde stepped forward, pressing himself against her to keep her from falling over. "Then you must rest," he told her, tail twitching back and forth.
7:04pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Silver jumped around. he tryed to fly. but fell. he ran over to Reno and smiled. he lunged for his face and clung onto it not letting Reno breathe or able to talk. (( xD i guess thats his way of saying HI xD ))
7:13pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 730
"Thanks." She smiled at him and saw Silver stuck to Reno's face. She groaned. "I'll be right back," she sighed, and padded over. She peeled Silver off his face, and set him on the ground. "Stay off his face, Silver!" she repermanded. Turning to Reno, she apologized. "Sorry, I think that's how he says hi..." She grabbed Silver and walked back to Shayde. "So, what about resting? That sounds nice right about now."

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
7:17pm Feb 28 2010
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Surprised, Reno shook his head, trying to fling whatever it was that was blocking his ability to breathe off of hi face. He was now blind, due tot he fact he had no iris or pupils no, and relied on Aura to see. He had no clue what was clinging to his face at the moment. Mira walked over and gently lifted the little Lugia off of Reno with a small giggle. "Its alright, little one. You just startled him." Yoru fluttered his wings, jumping up to try and fly on his own. Shayde padded over and nudge hi muzzle under him, then tossed the little Diga into the air, where he flew all on his own.
7:19pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Ah, darn, late post. D:>))
7:19pm Feb 28 2010 (last edited on 7:19pm Feb 28 2010)
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Posts: 867
Yume walked over to the tree with Yuki on it and didn't notice her as she practiced razor leaf.Once she thought she mastered it,she looked around for a pokemon to make the move on and saw a slight movement over the trees and looked straight up. Yuki had jumped to another tree,seeing that a stranger had come into her and Kazumi's territory.She yelped as Yume used razor leaf and turned,snarling.Leaping down the tree,she landed and quickly ran to Yume,with icy fangs."Who are you?!"she growled fiercely. Kazumi had heard Yuki's yelp and ran outside to see what was going on.There,she saw a chikorita and her glaceon battling between some trees."Yuki,wait!"she cried and Yuki obeyed."Now,Yuki use ice fang!The chikorita's young!"
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
7:19pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 730
((lol Flare took Silver off his face already XD))

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
7:19pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" galalalale!!! " silver yelled and squirmed trying to cling to someones face again. he turned to Shayde. he jumped form her grasp and onto Shaydes face. this time he clung on tighter.
7:20pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 730
((lol mine was too! XD))

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
7:21pm Feb 28 2010
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(( i think Silver ish trying to kell u...xD jk ))
7:22pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 730
Flare sighed. "Great. I'll get him." She once again peeled Silver off a pokemon's face. "Stick to my face, if you must." She put him on her head. ((I have to get off now))

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
7:25pm Feb 28 2010
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Silver gnawed on Flare until it hurt. he jumped to Shayde again and clung to his face. ((xD ))
7:25pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( bai bella d: ))
7:34pm Feb 28 2010
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Shayde blinked, then shook hi head, wating the Pokemon off. Mira walked over and peeled him off, gently rubbing his head with a giggle. "Are you hungry, little one?" she asked.
3:03pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 730
Flare winced. "I think so, but he might be greeting us. I'm really not sure." She laid down, unable to stand for the moment.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
6:42pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" sheko mina lagalalo!! " Silver shouted. he acted as if he was the only smart pokemon there and they couldent understand him. so he jumped up and attacked Nyght, who was looking for something to eat. " get this thing off me!! " he yelled he tossed and turned he ran Silver into a tree, but he still held on. he swinged him everywhere but still diddent move. he clawed at Silver hurting him but he wouldent budge. nyght couldent breathe....
6:52pm Mar 1 2010
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Mira trotted over to grab Silver, frowning slightly before pulling a Potion out of her bag. She sprayed it onto where the little Lugia had been injured and sighed. "Little one, you're going to need to calm down. You can't talk right yet, so we don't know what you want, hun," she said gently, lightly tapping him on his nose. "Could you show us what you want by drawing a picture, or by poiting it out?" she asked.
7:08pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 730
Flare laughed at Mira, acting so understanding. "He won't draw a picture, just watch your face!"

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
7:30pm Mar 1 2010
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Mira smiled. "You never know. You can never be totally sure about someone else, whether they be Pokemon or human. They may be hiding something wonderful inside and refusing to let it out. You just have to try everything when something else fails," she said, looking over at Flare.