10:27am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 730
Flare grabbed Cinder, threw him onto her back, and ran behind a tree. She dumped him off, and ran back to help defend him.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
10:28am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Charizard dodged the confuse ray with ease, Ryac hurled a pokeball at the umbreon, and then turned his attention to the Espeon, "Hot-tail, seismic toss on that espeon now!" Ryac was growing bored of this, he was never really into battling wild pokemon, not enough competition for him, but at least this way Charizaard could grow stronger as well as getting some new friends.
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10:29am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 730
Flare came back, and launched a Quick Attack at Charizard.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
10:30am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Thx! )) Spirit sat down in the shadows. She swished her lupine like tail as she did so. She carefully observed the battle. Watching there moves. Soon enough Wind came trotting over. "'Whatcha doing?" He said. Spirit snorted and looked up to him. "Watching this battle. How about you?" She said. "Hmm... Oh yeah! Staring at you." He said, grinning. Spirit whopped him with her paw and continued watching the battle.
10:31am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Cinder was suddenly sucked into the pokeball. it wiggled once. twice. then suddenly he popped out exhausted. he dove off leaving the ninetails and the espeon to defend for them selves. Calyx was hit hard and fell to the ground unable to battle any more.
10:34am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Spirit padded out of the shadows. "Well, Well. Nice battle there." She said. She stopped and lie down in the gras.s. She swished her tail and looked back at Wind. Wind carefully walked from his hiding spot, surveying them closely.
10:38am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ryac sent out Ivysaur, "Bring that Umbreon back to me please Cool Whip!" Ryac then concentrated on the task at hand, the Espeon had been taken out so this equation was a little mroe balanced now, "Hot-Tail, Seismic toss that Ninetails as well, we could do without exausting you too much!"
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10:40am Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 10:42am Feb 20 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
Cinder ran up to the ivysaur. he was an inch away. there eyes met and he sent a confusion ray at it. he then ran out of sight. " dang! that was scary! i thought i was a gonner there! " he exclaimed as he ran into a field of tall gras.s.
10:43am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Stop ignorin mah charry. >:( ))
10:47am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Cinder ran into Spirit and crashed down. " how did yo- when did yo- ? " he staggered. he panted and looked at the unusual pokemon. " hey, im Cinder. who are you?" he asked.
10:49am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( any 1 here? :D O.O ))
10:50am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
"I'm spirit. I am A palkia. This is my mate." Spirit said. Soon Wind walked over and bowed his head. "I am Wind. A Dialgia." Said Wind.
10:52am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" im an umbreon." Cinder said examining the two. " ive never seen a palkia or dialga like you two before." he said.
10:54am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Cool-Whip snapped out of his confusion quickly, "Stupid Umbreon, it should know that gr*censored* is my field of choice." Cool-whip then stood himself up on his vines, he surveyed the area, spotting Cinder lying down for rest, he used Vine whip to pick the umbreon up and carried him back to Ryac. The Ninetails hit the floor after the seismic, toss, Ryac called Charizard back to his poke-ball and went looking for his Ivysaur.
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10:57am Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 10:58am Feb 20 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
"help! help!! " Cinder yelled out. " let me go yu freak!!! " he shouted. he scrached bit and kicked the ivysaur but nothing worked. " let me GOOOO!!!! " Cinder used slash to get out of the ivysaurs grasp. he then ran into the tall gras.s again.
10:57am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Spirit swished her tail. "Well It's obviously because we are rares!" She grinned and began to rewind time. Then put it back to normal. "See?" She said. Wind nodded. He speed up the balance of nigh and day and put stars on the night sky, then he returned it to normal.
11:00am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ivysaur used multiple vine-whips on the umbreaon and picked it up again, and headed back towards Ryac.
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11:02am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" oh come on!!! let me go!! what did i ever do to you?! " he shouted. Calyx staggered to get up. but fell down. she had serious injurys and could not move an inch.
11:05am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( any 1 here?? O.O :D ))
11:07am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Spirit stood, angered with the ivysaur. She used giga impact on it.