8:56pm Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 5:08pm May 15 2010)
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Posts: 481
(( "Oh!" the woman cried as the young man before her dissolved into ashes, which began to blow about in the wind. The woman's trained eye darted up the side of the mountain, where she became fixated on a figure atop the peak. "Why did you do that to my husband, you heartless wretch?!" she screamed over the howl of the gathering storm. The wizard on the mountain laughed warmly - "Correct, I am heartless. But so many are these days, Ma'am - including that wannabe-human you married so quickly. Who are you working for, and why are you doing this to us?" In a land far away, humans and animals alike live in harmony with a deep magic; this force dwells, dormant, in all living things. For some, this magic is more awake than usual - this gives rise to wizards, dragons, sorceresses, unicorns, talking beasts, and potion-peddlers. These magical beings, called the Enchanters, live among their own; wizards and sorcerers dwell amongst normal humans, and some talking beasts are content working with dumb animals. Some of the normal folk are respectful of them, while others fear, despise, or envy them. Those that succumb to envy have congregated and invented a machine that can draw out an Enchanter's magic and bottle it up, leaving the once-magical creature lifeless. The bottled magic is sold for exorbitant prices to normal folk who desire the gifts of an Enchanter. But wizards and dragons are anything but stupid - these spellbound creatures are hip to the tricks of normal folk, and most have gone into hiding to protect themselves from being stripped of their powers and killed. Among these is the nefarious Howl, who uses his infamous moving castle to dart beneath the radar of everyone, from commoners to the King himself. But one of his deadliest adversaries, along with some other Enchanters, has joined forces with the King in an attempt to bottle Howl's magic...and the magic of countless other Enchanters. Those in hiding are known as Shining Enchanters. Those who do the hunting for the King are called Shadow Enchanters. This is not based on magic type - Shining Enchanters may use Black Magics, and Shadow Enchanters may use White Magics.
Quite a plot. This is set in the land of Ingary, a place full of wondrous scenery - from the barren, cold tundra called The Wastes to lush green valleys and soaring, snow-crested mountain peaks, Ingary is your wildest dream. Consider this a combination of Harry Potter, Narnia, and (of course) Howl's Moving Castle. So if you've ever wanted to be a shining unicorn, powerful dragon, shape-shifting bunny, talking wolf, or a spell-casting wizard, this is the roleplay for you. Any creature with magical reputation is welcome here. However, I do have a few rules: 1) NO GODMODDING. 2) NO POWERPLAYING. 3) Dedcation is a MUST. Bookmark the thread, for God's sake. 4) No one-liners. 5) Semi-literate, at least, is required. I have to read what you're saying. 6) There needs to be a healthy balance of shining-Enchanters (good Enchanters) and sympathetic common folk and shadow-Enchanters (bad Enchanters) and envious common folk. Please don't just join the Shiners because you don't want to be persecuted - someone has to do the persecuting, or this roleplay will die. 7) Up to 5 characters per user, please. 8) Please post "Curse that Wizard Howl!" to join. Now, you have to introduce your character. Please follow mine; don't just thrust yourself into my game without saying who you're playing as. When making a bio, follow the below skeleton. [Picture PLEASE] NAME: AGE (in human years and animal years, if you apply): GENDER: SPECIES: SHINING or SHADOW? (you may choose "neither"): PERSONALITY (No one-word answers, please): PAST (if you care to disclose): SPECIAL SKILLS (just "magic" is too broad): OTHER:
If you are confused, follow my examples, which come after this post.))

8:56pm Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 8:53am May 22 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 481
((OMG Howl goes here!  NAME: Howl Jenkins, also called Wizard Jenkins or Wizard Pendragon. AGE: 27 human years. GENDER: Most as.suredly male. SPECIES: Human (sometimes). SHINING or SHADOW?: Neither. PERSONALITY: Presenting the mysterious, mildly-nefarious Howl Jenkins. Neither Shining nor Shadow, Howl is the sort of wizard to use his magic to beautify, enrichen, or otherwise make himself more wonderful. Despite his selfish ways, he is a vigilante who takes to saving other Enchanters from the talons of the Shadow (to glorify himself, of course). As such, he has taken on a following of neither Shining nor Shadow Enchanters, but this wizard is constantly on the move - and lonely. He roves alone through the misty hills on the edges of The Wastes in a mysterious castle built on gigantic steel chicken legs. The thing he values most in life is freedom; to maximize his, the front door to his castle can transport him to four different locations - blue and red portals lead to separate towns, a green one to his castle, and a strange black portal that takes him to a secret hideaway... PAST: Howl was a talented apprentice to an old Witch (who has since pas.sed away). One evening, in a cottage in a flower field on the edge of The Wastes, Howl chased and caught a star as it fell from the sky; he swallowed the star, and this act gave birth to Calcifer, Howl's much-coveted Fire Demon who controls the movements of the moving castle. Ever since Calcifer's creation, Howl has taken to living just under the radar of the Shadow - his moving castle is well-known, and he has earned himself a reputation for stealing and eating the hearts of beautiful women. However well he is known, he constantly eludes capture, and is one of the most wanted Enchanters in all of Ingary. On a darker note, the birth of Calcifer cost Howl something precious...as such, the two live in symbiosis, and are very keen on each other's sorrow, pain, and elation. But the extent of their connection is tested almost nightly, when Howl transforms into a dark monster... SPECIAL SKILLS: Howl specializes in spells of altering, correcting, and otherwise changing. He also utilizes spells of manipulation, potions of disguise, an charms that enable a person to "disappear". OTHER: The Castle, Calcifer, Blonde-haired Howl, and Howl's creature form. Didn't want to disclose too much. ;3
Nanashi is the dark-haired one. NAME: Nanashi, the "nameless one" or "no-name". AGE: Unknown, but young. GENDER: Male. SPECIES: Human. SHINING or SHADOW?: Neither. PERSONALITY: Nanashi is bitter, sarcastic, and rude. Despite this, he can be very laid-back, and has a heart of gold beneath the la yer of cruelty. For a Ronin (a masterless samurai), he is strangely less than willing to fight; he dislikes confrontation, even though he is well-trained and very dangerous in battle. His sword is more mysterious than he - for some reason, he has tied the hilt to the scabbard, making it impossible to draw... PAST: Nanashi was plucked from a shipwreck just outside of Japan; he was the only survivor. Even though he was a foreigner, he was raised and trained by the Japanese to be a fearsome samurai. His red hair frightened the citizens, but since he's learned to dye it black, they don't give him much trouble. During a power struggle with an opposing Shogunate, Nanashi's master ordered him to slaughter the other Shogun's two young children. Unable to disobey, the samurai put the children to death (despite much mental turmoil and uncertainty). Ever since that day, Nanashi has been hounded by the slaughter - he denounced his old master and his ti tle, escaping into the wilderness of Japan without a name. This is when he bound his sword together, unwilling to draw the blade ever again. After wandering alone for some time, the Ronin stumbled upon a boy named Kotarou and his dog, Tobimaru; he formed a (rather unstable) alliance with them as their hired bodyguard. His skill as a valued though nameless samurai was unknown to the boy and his dog until Nanashi's guardedness was stripped away by the many clashes the three endured against the mighty Ming army. Now, separated from Kotarou and Tobimaru, the samurai wanders the Wastes, unsure of where he is or who to aid... SPECIAL SKILLS: Nanashi is the most skilled samurai in all of Feudal Japan. His talent with a blade is unrivaled, but rarely seen. OTHER: N/A.))

8:59pm Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 8:25am Apr 27 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,789
~(I may just join this one. >3 If I do, my bio's go here ♥ Oh! And~ "Curse that wizard Howl"~ I may take a chara from the movie. :o)~ 
NAME: Sophie Hatter
AGE: 18/19
GENDER: Female
SHINING or SHADOW? (you may choose "neither"): Neither
PERSONALITY (No one-word answers, please): Sophie is a rather calm and laid back being, never seeming to show much surprise when cornered with any number of situations. She tends to let things go over her head, and is in no way new to this scene between Enchanters and the others. When it comes down to it, Sophie will do what she needs to, whether or not she fears the situation, especially if she someone she cares about happens to be involved.
PAST (if you care to disclose): She is very deft with the needle and makes the most beautiful hats and dresses. She unknowingly talks life into objects. As the eldest, she is resigned to the "fact" that she will have no chance of finding her fortune, accepting that she will have a dull life running the family hat shop—until she is turned into an old crone by the Witch of the Waste, a powerful witch who has mistaken Sophie for her sister, the current love interest of Wizard Howl. Sophie leaves the shop and finds work as a cleaning lady for the notorious Howl, famed in her town for eating the hearts of beautiful young women. Currently, she watches from the sidelines the plight of the Enchanters, her own views being rather one sided.
SPECIAL SKILLS (just "magic" is too broad) Doubt she has any, except, perhaps~ Her ability to talk life into objects. xD
OTHER: None I believe~
NAME: Rapheal Evora
AGE: 24
SPECIES: Elemental Wizard. >3
SHINING or SHADOW: Uh~ Shining most of the time. xD
PERSONALITY: Rapheal is forward, bubbly and loud, acting very much like your typical student. He comes across as seemingly immature, thanks to the way he acts, but in truth, he is incredibly adept with his magical ability. He is friendly and warm, and very laid back when it comes to life in general. He never really has a plan, just tends to simply let the people get on with it and of course, run for it whenever he needs to; Seeing as he tends to move around a lot, this isn't usually a difficult thing to do. Because of his attitude, he is easily liked and easy to get along with, usually. He also has a bit of a flirt issue, which is never usually serious
PAST: havn't really thought of one, just an avarage past I guess~
SPECIAL SKILLS: His ability to control both the water and fire elements fully, thanks to the enchanted and permenant tattoo's on his arms, alongside his everyday magic skills, of course.
OTHER: Has an obsession with strawberries. xD
9:32pm Apr 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 481
((YOU SHOULD TAKE SOPHIE. 8D We need some non-magical folk!))
5:25am Apr 27 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,789
~(ALRIGHT!... And an OC maybe~ xD 'Kay, bio's in my previous post when I get time to edit. xD)~
7:08am Apr 27 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 481
((Yeah, with an OC, of course. ;3 Can't have you bored without an Enchanter.))
8:24am Apr 27 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,789
~(Alright done~ Bumping this ♥)~
6:26pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 481
((What is up with this? No one posting?))
6:41pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(I know! Do you think re-making the thread might help?... >.o)~
6:56am Apr 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 481
((Remaking? I just made it-...))
7:16am Apr 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,789
~(Hai~ Alright, leave it a bit and see what happens... Maybe I'll go nag some people to join. >3)~
7:13am Apr 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 481
((Bump. This is really sad.))
5:44pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 481
7:49pm May 4 2010
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7:18am May 11 2010
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Posts: 481
6:38am May 15 2010
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Posts: 481
7:24am May 15 2010 (last edited on 7:25am May 15 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,367
I'd like to join, if it's not too much trouble...And I apologize in advance for any small errors in spelling: sometimes I type so fast that my letters get mixed up. I don't know how to post pictures on threads, but here is a link: http://www.dailypictures.info/free-pictures/8300/free-anime-pictures/anime-girl-7363-1024x768.htm NAME: Caliope Lisastya AGE: 20 in human years GENDER: Female SPECIES: Fallen angel SHINING or SHADOW? : Shadow PERSONALITY: Caliope's mother abandoned her when she was a little girl, leaving her out in the woods to die. Her natural instinct to survive took over as she began to become wilder and wilder, at times so untame as to rip into a live animal for meat without killing it beforehand. Caliope isn't a violent person, exactly, she just acts on her impulse. She has since learned to control her wilder side, but continues to hunt down those weaker than she. Caliope is bold and outgoing, never afraid to be herself. She enjoys her life and would never trade it for anything else in the world but sometimes she gets sad when she sees mothers walking with their daughters, as it reminds Caliope of her own mother from so long ago. SPECIAL SKILLS: The power to control the elements of light and darkness. OTHER: She has an odd obsession over fluffy animals.
8:11am May 15 2010
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Posts: 9,641
"Curse That Wizard Howl!"
<---But she wears a short indigo tunic (like the one Sakura from Naruto wears), skin tight black shorts and a black sash around her middle. Her hair is held up by a small headband that is black, with a small flower on it. <---Wolf form NAME: Violet D'Amery AGE (in human years and animal years, if you apply): 17 in human years GENDER: Female SPECIES: Shapeshifter, with some magic SHINING or SHADOW? (you may choose "neither"): Neither, though she's wavering towards the SHINING side PERSONALITY (No one-word answers, please): Violet is a shy and unhappy girl, having been through many hardships throughout her life. While not a strong hand-to-hand combat fighter, Violet spends her free time (which she has much of, due to the fact she is friendless) practising the bow. Sometimes she wonders what it would be like to find true love, though is afraid to have her heart broken. PAST (if you care to disclose): SPECIAL SKILLS (just "magic" is too broad): Violet has the ability to shapeshift into a large blue wolf, and can control the element of ice. Her control of the element is pretty good, though she often freezes objects involuntarily. With this ability, she can freeze and animate or inanimate ob ject, organic or non-organic objects, and even freeze the blood of people and animals. She also can gather the moisture from the air and use it to create weapons. She can control this ability in both forms. OTHER:

8:44am May 15 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 481
((Whoa, spontaneous activity! I'm very pleased with this; we'll start after I eat breakfast, to give others a chance to pop in. Oh, and would you two mind confirming that you bookmarked this rp, and letting me know where your characters will be when we start? Howl will be with his castle in the Wastes.))
8:48am May 15 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 9,641
{I dunno, I guess that Violet will stumble on the castle, just to get some action going. And I'm way ahead of you Sweeny, xD. I already bookmarked it, once I joined}