8:33am May 19 2010
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Posts: 481
Howl rolled his eyes. They always came back...and he never regretted sending them away. He then turned his attention to the girl down by the front door; sighing, he leapt easily from the roof and hovered down the contour of his castle, coming to rest gracefully on the small ledge over the front door in the stomach of his castle. "I'll tell you the same thing I told her," the wizard began smoothly, his blond hair foating around his face like a halo in the cool mountain breeze, "I'm not letting you in."
3:14pm May 19 2010 (last edited on 8:53pm May 19 2010)
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(( wow you guys are good lol)) Sakura hadnt gone far, just up on the side of the next mountain over. She was looking closely at the castle searching for any windows that could be seen through and waiting until Howl went back inside. "That good for nothing... AAAAAAAAAH" she bagan to say but screamed when something hit her from behind. It was a tree branch and she immediately felt embarrased at her scare.
5:00pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Twisting her fingers idly at a butterfly, Cielenvoye giggled as she watched it morph, it's bright colors fading into oblivion. Hissing in indignation, the black cat watched the girl, a disapproving look on it's face. "All right all right" Ciel huffed, and with a snap of her fingers, the butterfly regained it's color, but also gained some extra light. "Adults are no fun." She pouted, fun over. "I wish that Wizard would let me have that fire demon. Fire Demons are always fun. They have the greatest sense of humor too. Unlike Mama and Papa." Glaring at the two largest imps hiding in the background, she humphed. "I wish imps could at least SPEAK" She whined, kicking at rocks. (( Go little demented evil girls 8D))

6:28pm May 19 2010
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Caliope just smiled, her green eyes shining with determination. "Then I guess I'll just sit here, then." She planned on going out once more to search for her missing mother (she did it every day), but decided that this would be far more fun. Caliope decided that she would turn this into a game: the waiting game. Whoever gave in first would lose the challenge, not to mention spoil the fun. If she left, she gave in.
8:38pm May 19 2010
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Sakura just couldnt stay awake, she kept dozing, how long could it take one person to open a door? Not wanting the castle to dissapear on her, Sakura teleported on the roof, layed down and fell asleep. She didnt care who saw her, she was young, inexperienced and decided she would do what ever it took to spite the man with dark hair(?)
8:30am May 20 2010
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Posts: 481
Howl's eyes narrowed. He hated being challenged. He made a small noise in the back of his throat and twisted onto his back, putting his arms behind his head and crossing one leg over the other nonchalantly. "Calcifer!" He called into the castle as he continued to fake carelessness, "Move the castle wherever you think is best." "Yes, boss." Calcifer's sarcastic voice came from the small outlet just beside Howl's left side. The castle shuddered, then picked itself up; steam burst from its joints and smoke belched from the chimneys as the castle creaked up onto its talons. Howl continued to feign laziness as his castle began to march down the p*censored* and into a steep ravine, which it negotiated without much trouble, despite its size. --- He gripped the hilt of his sword tightly in his frosted hand, but could not draw it; the fabric tying the hilt to the scabbard was too tight to even show the blade. His footsteps in the snow vanished almost as soon as he made them - he was always careful to leave nothing behind. The wind was cold as it swirled across the mountaintop, picking up snow and sending it dancing around the stones. He was invisible as he stalked.
From atop the snow-covered peak, the castle was being watched... ((I'll add Nanashi the Ronin - ah, rogue samurai - later.))

8:19pm May 20 2010
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Posts: 1,367
(Howl, I'm rather confused: since Caliope was sitting on the castle doorstep, did she move with the castle? Or was she left behind?)
8:19am May 21 2010
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Sophie looked between Calcifer and the door, slightly confused at the number of voices that existed beyond the wood. Yes, they'd had to deal with a number of enchanters, but really now, there was never this many at once.
Any thought of returning to her cleaning left her mind. There was little point seeing as she was probably just going to get disrupted again; She had a nagging feeling those enchanters wouldn't give up all that easy.
She grasped the side of the hearth with one hand as Calcifer began to move the castle.
"They've got to be pretty desperate, those enchanters." She mumbled, before sitting on a lone wooden chair and simply watching the door. ~~~ Rahpael yawned. Clearly no-one was listening to him. Eh... He stretched, watching the castle with a bored ex pression before looking over at the enchanters who had tried to enter.
"You may as well give up, you know. Howl's just about as stubborn as a mule."
7:08am May 22 2010 (last edited on 10:13am May 22 2010)
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Waking up, Sakura looked around not remembering thtat she was onHowld castle. "Whe...oh I fell asleep, meybe he went inside." She said crawling over to the edge. When she got there, she saw both the guy and another enchantress, sitting there not moving an inch. "Maybe he has forgot about mEEEEEEEEEE!" The castle had hit a bump, sending her over the side, and she landed right on top of Howl. "OOOf oh Im sorry uuuh hi again." A little emmbaras-sed by her fall she got up and sat next to the sorceress.
8:33pm May 23 2010
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9:23am May 24 2010 (last edited on 9:23am May 24 2010)
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Posts: 481
Howl exhaled sharply as the other Enchanter landed on him, but in the bl ink of an eye, he vanished. He reappeared inside his castle, beside the hearth where Calcifer and Sophie were. He moved to stare out of a hole beside the front door, glaring sinisterly at the two Enchanters on the stoop. "I wanted to forget about you." He said boredly despite the look in his eyes. ---- Stones tumbled down the side of the mountain as the samurai hurried down the sheer face of rock. He hurried nimbly over the stone like a mountain goat, and leaped like a gras.shopper as he sped along, trying to keep pace with the lumbering castle. His left hand was on the hilt of his strangely-tied sword as he ran...
5:33pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 1,367
Caliope just shook her head. "I'm not leaving until I find my mum." She said indignantly, sticking her nose in the air. Who did Howl think he was, anyway? Sure, he was a powerful enchanter, but to treat a person like this? That was just outright rude.
7:13pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 4,258
"So you are here to find your mum... I'm here because i wanted to meet Calcifer." Sakura politely said to the other girl there. "I'm Sakura, and you are?" she introduced her self not wanting to be rude, unlike someone she had met.
7:22pm May 24 2010
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Sophie jumped slightly at the rather sudden appearance of Howl. No matter how many times she'd seen him do this, it was always unexpected. She sighed, then watched as Howl went to deal with the enchanters, craning her neck slightly to see if she could spot them.
Despite not been able to see them all that well, she could hear them, and simply listened as they spoke to Howl and eachother. They sounded harmless, but Sophie knew better than to just go by that alone. She glanced sideways at Calcifer, still burning in the hearth beside her.
"I don't think we'll lose them that easy. By the way, any idea on where your taking the castle?"
7:47pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((can it start to rain??))
6:47pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( o3o No place for me to enter. This is slightly sad. Mind if I lead some chaos in the town Howl? I wanna cause some... EXCITEMENT >:D))

8:37pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((OOH i like that plan fluffy))
10:11pm May 25 2010 (last edited on 10:12pm May 25 2010)
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Posts: 930
"Curse that Wizard Howl! He stole my heart! :(" FKSJHDKJ Can't find a picture.  (avatar from another site) NAME: Eve AGE (in human years and animal years, if you apply): Human; 20 Animal; unknown GENDER: Female SPECIES: Animal shapeshifter, minimal magic powers. (Trying to learn, no luck so far) SHINING or SHADOW? (you may choose "neither"): Neither, new to the magic world PERSONALITY (No one-word answers, please): Eve may seem very goth, but she's actually quite energetic. She's a goth because where she used to live, there were vampires. (more in past) Eve is very naive, unfortunately, and tends to try and get along with everyone. PAST (if you care to disclose): Grew up in Morganville, Texas where vampires ruled the city. Unfortunately, people don't remember the vampires there once they leave. She only remembers them because of her friend, Michael. She does keep the vampires a secrete though. SPECIAL SKILLS (just "magic" is too broad): Shapeshifts into any animal. She must change back to human before changing into another animal. Also, Eve knows just a little bit about magic. She's trying to learn, but so far has found no help. She knows simple skills like levitating small objects, creating small fires, and pickpocketing. OTHER: Very interested in boys. Has a cat demon following her, but has no notice of it. LOL
12:39pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 481
((YAY Moe. :D)) "No clue. I'm just tryin' to escape our cling-ons." Calcifer muttered to Sophie, exhaling a cloud of smoke as he commanded the castle to move faster. Howl, meanwhile, was watching out the peephole, perplexed as to how to handle the two Enchanters outside. "I don't know who you are, what you're talking about, or where your mother is." He said carefully to Caliope. ((Go for it, Igg. And actually, emerald, it's up too high to rain, so I hope snow will suffice.))
3:05pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 930
Moe used a simple spell to make her run faster. "I just have to see what that castle is all about. How is a traveling castle normal?" She raced along the village path, attempting miserably to keep the castle in sight. "Bah, I'll have to cut through and go in diagonally." Slowing to a walk, Moe looked around, hoping her parents hadn't noticed her absent. As she turned, she a cat. The cat. The cat that followed her. "You again? Really? I haven't even given you anything!" She yelled at the cat. The cat didn't even move, and a flustered Moe jogged into an alleyway to cut through the village. "Darned cat..." she muttered angrily. Speeding through the farms and hillside, Moe came to a halt at the mountains. "B-but... where did it go? It was right here!" Moe sighed and flopped down. Even though she was 20 years old, her parents kept locked away in the house. Moe just muttered to herself as she layed down on the gr*censored*. The last she saw of the light was a cat face coming into view.