7:52pm May 3 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Sorry, Golf tournament. D| Fails :c))
"MREOW!!" A scream echoed through the alley way.
"I'm sorry sorry!" A girl cried out loud. She quickly jumped up, appologizing to the cat that she had just tripped on. She always had a soft spot for cats, so when she noticed that it was injured with a small cut on it's leg, she almost burst out in tears. The girl placed her hand on the cat and closed her eyes. A moment later, the cat's leg wound sealed, barely leaving a scar behind. "There you go Kitty!" The girl said, scratching the cat behind the ears. "I'm Angela," She cooed, petting it again.
A few minutes later, the girl got up and walked back down the allyway into the street. She mumbled a little tune to herself, ignoring the world around her. She kept her head down, looking at her feet as she walked. It wasn't a moment later that she almost ran into a boy and his strange... creature-like things. They weren't really solid, and they looked almost sad. "Sorry," She mumbled to the boy, backing up from the strange animal thing.
4:10am May 4 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[...Wow. Angel almost bursts into tears after seeing a small cut? o.o Papercuts would make her go cry a river xD ]] Marco didn't do much, just looking the other way and tossing his apple to a nearby cow, standing by its farmer. The apple unfortunately bounced off the cow's head, though it bent down to pick up the fruit and crunched down on it gratefully. Marco grinned, not really noticing the girl. He didn't care much about strangers, anyways. But his familiar, Thisbe, seemed to pick up something from the girl. The hound lifted up his head and sniffed the air, making a low growl, meant for only Marco to hear. The boy gave his familiar an odd look. "Really?" He asked Thisbe. The hound's tail began wagging slowly to acknowledge the question. --- Sanae felt her wings grow larger, almost as wide as a horse, then shrank down to the size of a mouse. She felt wonderful, being out alone in the woods. When she heard a great thud sounding from somewhere, Sanae instinctively made her wings disappear. Suspicious, Sanae began climbing a nearby tree to survey the area. There, stood a boy, near an extremely strange land formation Sanae had sworn she had never seen before. A rock lay nearby, cracked from something. Sanae narrowed her eyes. What does this guy have against rocks? She thought

9:23pm May 4 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Only with Animals, she thinks Humans can suck it. |D)) Ange watched as the boy threw an apple core at a cow, hitting it square on the head. She scoffed slightly, at the boy, not at the cow. Turning her head once more to look at the strange creature, the girl soon walked off. She looked back just in time to see the boy talking to his animal, who seemed to wag it's tail in return. "What in the he-" The girl cut herself off to shake her head. Ange turned around once again. She pulled her I-pod out of her pocket, and put on her large head phones; she was ready to ignore the world once again. ~
Leo smirked again, as he finally lowered the raised ground in his path. It didn't take him long, but he did it easily. He walked a few feet before stopping; he had the feeling he was being watched. He thought it was just his imagination, but after walking quite a few yards more, Leo just couldn't shake the feeling. He decided to say something, even with the fear of looking stupid if no one was there. "He... Hello?" He called out in the empty forest.
3:50am May 5 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ I thought we were RPing in the medieval-ish times? o.o Unless Angel has a secret power - Time travel. ]]
10:17pm May 5 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,338
((Dude, sorry. Totally spaced. it. -Fail.- D| Well... I'll just say that she started humming to herself instead. Sorry. :c))
4:00am May 6 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ ...Ah, ok xD You think Leo can bring all the powered people together? ._. ]] Marco shut up when he saw the girl give them odd looks. He shushed Thisbe. The hound clamped up and stopped wagging his tail. Sighing, Marco looked at Thisbe. They were obviously attracting too much attention, but he wanted to chase the girl down. Thisbe did sense something in her. "Let's go to the forest, 'kay?" He asked Thisbe. The dog didn't say anything, but obediently followed Marco when the boy started trotting off towards the woods. --- Oops. Sanae thought immediately when she heard the boy's voice, calling out. Sighing, she made her wings disappear once again and poked her head out of the tree. "Uh, hey there!" She said, attempting to sound cheerful. "Didn't want to bother you! Sorry! I didn't know this forest would be so crowded. If you excuse me, I'll return to my... Tree foraging." She nodded and disappeared back into the tree.
2:07pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ bump? ono ]]
3:49pm May 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,338
((Sorry, Shay is here. ^-^))
Ange, as curious as ever, couldn't help but notice that the two were heading into the woods. That dog, wolf, whatever it was, very much intriuged her. How could it not? She waited for a few minutes, then slipped out of sight; she was a very good follower, as if to say she was a good 'creep'. Ange paused every now and then, making sure she never got too close.
(Fail. xD)
((Leo can try... D|))
Leo turned instantly at the sound of the girl's voice. She is.... in a tree? What is she doing up there? Leo thought to himself, he even tilted his head to the side, in hope it could answer his question. But, of course, it couldn't.
"Erm..." Leo mumbled to himself at first. "What're you doing up there in that tree?" He called to her, though she was out of sight again. He immediately cringed at the thought that she saw him... Saw him doing his... Tricks. Leo was instantly worried. What would she do? Who would she tell? What would the townspeople do to him? The questions flooded him like a broken dam.
10:24pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 5,998
Marco whistled as he made his way to the forest along with Thisbe. The whistling didn't really seem to lighten his familiar's mood. Marco didn't pay attention to anything around him, focusing on the path ahead of them. Thisbe would occasionally lift up his head, sniff the air, and growl menacingly. Marco had assumed this his familiar was just being paranoid again, paying no attention to him either. "We're here!" Marco crowed, charging into the forest and tripping over a rock ungracefully. Thisbe didn't show much concern. He was obviously used to his master's many blunders. --- "I told you already. Tree foraging." Sanae replied, reaching out to take a nearby branch and shake in unconvincingly. She poked her head out again. "What are you doing here?" She countered.