4:30pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 2,721
Salem thought back to his family. He'd missed them ever since he left for boarding school, but often just shoved it all to the back of his mind. "Very well then." He said simply. "I wont get in your way, unless of course you get in mine." He warned. Calmly, he swiveled around and slowly started off in the other direction.
I\'m back.
4:31pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 302
(( Sorry will reply when I get back! ))
5:43pm Jan 22 2010
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Kain burst out of his room shout, "What's going on?" Then he noticed Izzi with her bag. "Are you...trying to leave school?" he said in his street clothes insted of his uniform.
 Beyond Birthday <3
6:21pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 2,721
Salem shuddered and turned in suprise at the sound of Kain shouting. "Moron." He grumbled, slightly on the irritated side. Such disruptions often made him angry. It was then that Salem noticed Kain was not in school uniform. "You're gonna get yourself in a heap of trouble." He commented, shaking his head.
I\'m back.
6:38pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 2,065
"Ugh but there so uncomfortable," he complained. "Besides, I never go to any deletions, well I do but sneak out," Kain said with a smirk while getting back to talk to Izzi.
 Beyond Birthday <3
6:53pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 538
Zoey watched a small group gather in the hall, making plans of escape. She'd always thought of running away, but could never actually bring herself to do so. But if others were thinking of trying, she might as well attempt an escape as well. Shyly, she walked up to them, hardly making a sound. Zoey cleared her throat awkwardly to announce her arrival, since she hardly like to talk, and glanced around at them apprehensively. "You guys are going to escape?" Her voice was quiet as she brushed her bangs back from her face.
7:00pm Jan 22 2010
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"Oh, no, I'm not a part of that little plot." Salem replied, turning to face Zoey. "I doubt we could make it twenty feet away from the school without getting caught." He shook his head in doubt. "But I'd be interesting to see someone successfully escape this prison. Oh, how lucky they'd be." He let out the tiniest of grins, thinking about being free.
I\'m back.
7:07pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 538
Zoey pouted ever so slightly, as she thought of an escape plan. "I bet we could get out if we worked together," Her voice was still barely audible, and the whole "working together" thing seemed cheesy, but she knew it was possible. She wandered around a lot at night, when everyone was supposed to be asleep and in their dorms, because she enjoyed the peaceful silence. She knew what halls were being monitored at what times, so she'd be a good a-sset to the escape, but she'd keep her knowledge to herself for the time being. How did she know if she could even trust these people?
7:15pm Jan 22 2010
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"Working together? How old. I much prefer the idea of spliting up, whoever makes it, makes it. And those who don't have to try again later." Salem said with a coldish tone. "Besides, if everyone grouped together we'd all get slowed down." He added, running a hand through his silky black hair. "But we could go in small groups." He suggested, starting to take interest in the whole escape subject.
I\'m back.
7:26pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 538
"I never said working together involved being together," Zoey mumbled, looking away from the seemingly arrogant boy for a split second to roll her eyes. She was already begining to realize that it may have been better to just try to escape on her own, though she'd never be brave enough by herself. She looked back at him and stared at him with an annoyed look on her face, and she stopped talking. I will just keep my knowledge about the hall monitors to myself then, She thought with a slight smirk. Let these people find their own way out.
7:50pm Jan 22 2010
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((Not even sure how to reply until the others get back ;())
I\'m back.
8:07pm Jan 22 2010
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"You don't have to be soo mean Salem," Kain said giving him a light pat on the back. "Anyways, I would gladly help you out in any way I can girl, but I didn't quite catch your name," Kain said to Zoey.
 Beyond Birthday <3
8:10pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 538
Zoey shifted her gaze to the other boy that approached. He seemed nicer than the other, but she still felt uneasy around them. "Zoey," She stated simply.
8:15pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 2,721
"Mean? Pfft." Salem gave a sharp frown. His somewhat squinty eyes had a solid glint in them. "Zoey, eh? As you may have heard, I'm Salem." His eyes wandered around the group, scanning over each of the others.
I\'m back.
8:27pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 2,065
"Nice to meet you Zoey, I'm Kain," he said with a warm smile. "Anyways, I would like to escape this prison too now that I think of it," Kain said to Zoey
 Beyond Birthday <3
10:17pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 302
" Well yeah I am running away " she replied! "The head mistress is so mean to me I am just going to pack my bags and leave! Hey guys do you want to like help eachother to escape! After all you guys want to as well," they all looked puzzled but Izzi was sure they wanted to go!
11:56pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 2,721
"I think we should escape in pairs and reunite somewhere later." Salem suggested, shooting a glare at Izzi. ((Ugh, I'm so braindead ;())
I\'m back.
12:23am Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 302
" Maybe " Izzi replied! " How about at midnight tonight, we all meet up outside at the Water Fountain and we can make up a plan there? " But then she realised she had no idear how to make it to the fountain! (( Soz I haev no idear either Kate978 ))
12:32am Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 2,721
"That might work." Salem knew he didn't know his way to the fountain, but he wasn't gonna admit it. That's just how he was. He glanced out the nearby window, noticing that the sun had set behind the horizon.
I\'m back.
12:52am Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 538
Zoey nodded wordlessly, agreeing to meet by the fountain. Their plan seemed good enough, and at the moment she couldn't think of a better plan. "Who is paired with who?" She finally asked quietly. ((I'm braindead too. xD))