{Quoth the raven} Crystals {Nevermore}

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6:16pm Jun 18 2010

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"But what are ferrets going to do with money...?" Ailau asked, getting up on her hind paws with her head tilted, ears flicked forward curiously.


6:38pm Jun 18 2010

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Posts: 4,848

"Okay." Dot replied and ran off.  A couple seconds later, she came back empty handed.  "There is a problem."  She said.  "A monster thing is guarding the cave now.  It must have used the cave to store something."


Sneak blinked.  "We would uh.. We would.."  He thought for a few seconds, "We would HAVE it."  He replied simply, "And we would have the knowledge that we worked hard to steal it and succeeded."


6:46pm Jun 18 2010

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Posts: 11,785
Ailau tilted her head, rubbing her ears with her paws. "And where would we put it to keep from ever getting caught?" she asked, setting herself back down.


6:48pm Jun 18 2010

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"A cave of course."  Sneak replied.  "Just like dragons do!"  He rubbed his paws together.  "It'll be the perfect crime."


10:40am Jun 19 2010

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Posts: 5,279

Rosaline snorted. "Ugh, that complicates things; can't she just go without memory?"

"Erm, no. We need her mind to remember everything." Aaron said. "WShe'll never understand if she doesn't"


3:27am Jun 25 2010 (last edited on 3:33am Jun 25 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 4,848

((Omg o-o I somehow missed that you posted xD  Sorry XD)) 

"Maybe we would lure the creature away from the cave?"  Ribunny asked.  "We would need someone to be the bait though..."

"Ratt will do it!" Miles said.

"Wha- No!  I don't want to.." Ratt whined.

"Of course you do." Miles said. 


10:01am Jun 25 2010

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Posts: 5,279
"Ratt is too small to be bait, and too weak if the creature catches up. Don't even think about Dot, she'd run too fast and the creature would lose her. Maybe Ribunny could go, because she could fly just outside of the monster's reach, but stay close enough to keep him occupied until we get the mushroom." Aaron said.


11:13am Jun 25 2010

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Posts: 11,785

Ailau blinked, then nodded with a smile. "Okay!" she chirruped, getting up on her hind paws to rub her face, smoothing down the fur on her cheeks that her electricity had made to stand on end. She looked at Sneak, waiting for him to tell her what she needed to do.




1:10pm Jun 25 2010

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Posts: 4,848

Ribunny nodded.  "I agree that I should go."  She said.

"Your not going!" Miles hissed.  "You'll get hurt!"

"Why do you care..?" Ribunny questioned.

Miles' eyes widened, "Er.."


"Okay, so this is our plan."  Sneak said, and drew a square in the dirt.  "Say this is the bank."  He said.  "And these," He reached under his hat and pulled out a cowboy hat monopoly piece and a queen piece from chess.  "Yes, I have those in my hat.  Don't judge me."  He placed them down.  "So, since you are so fast, you can run past the security cameras," He moved the queen through the square, "And turn them off, and disarm any traps in the control room, that is here," He pointed to the edge of the square, "So then I can come in, and go to the vault without being seen and use my power to 'pick' the vault's lock.  Then we both grab the money and keep taking trips back and forth until we get it all, and leave before anyone notices!" 


10:19am Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 5,279

"Would you rather outrun the creature Miles?" Rosaline growled, glaring.


11:29am Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 4,848

"If it prevents Ribunny getting hurt, then yes."  Miles growled back.

"Stop trying to protect me Miles."  Ribunny huffed. "Its annoying."


6:22am Jul 8 2010

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Posts: 5,279





3:47pm Jul 8 2010

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Posts: 4,848

((Okay o3o xD

I had a dream that that happened to me once.  o3o))


7:03pm Jul 8 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136

((Oh my god. ;3; I am so freaking late to this thing, but would I still be able to join, Bun? XDD;))


12:38pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 5,279
((Join Dodo! It'll add some more adventure!!!!))


2:32pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 4,848

((Dodo >8u Join.NOW.



5:37pm Jul 9 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136

Name: Horus

Age: Equivalent to a fifteen year old human

Gender: Male

Personality: Rough - Loyal - Stubborn

Species: Lanner Falcon

Crystal color: Light Green. :3

Other Powers (Up to three): Light that reflects off his feathers bends so he appears invisible. Or at least blend in really well.

Good Or Evil: Evil

History: Please, Dear God, no. D:

Other: None

Mate/Crush: Open



5:27pm Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Ailau nodded, lowering herself down with a giggle. "So um. Where's the bank?" she asked, tilting her head as she pricked her ears forward. She looked at Sneak curiously.


7:42am Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 7:42am Jul 13 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5,279

((Ignore this post. DX))


6:18pm Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,848

((I shall not ignore something that is there that is said not to be there when it clearly is!

....wait... what?  o-o))

"Just outside these bushes."  Sneak replied, scrambling over to a bush and moving it to the side to reveal a guard rail that partially obstructed the view of a busy highway.  "We'll have to make it across the highway first though... heheh..."

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