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10:36am Dec 4 2010

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Posts: 6,948
That's not funny, it really hurts. Pheonix folded her feathery wings against her side and went to close the door. Why are you here? She wondered. Teh girl wasn't a teacher, that was for sure. She didn't have the same thing a teacher did, the air of authority that always seemed to hover around those loathesome creatures. She breathed a sigh and sat down on her bed...

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11:07am Dec 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,329

Aza stood in the door way with no sudden movements. What had she been doing? "I-uh.,," she stuttered over her words. She Sighed and said. "I just heard a big thud and I was curious," She was now looking at the girls wings. They where diffrent from hers. The girls wings were feathers, instead of petals. She now looked at the girls face. It screamed night or mystery. The girl might not of  saw it but with the girls Dark hair silvery eyes and pale skin it gave Aza gooes bumps for a second or two. She has never seen this girl around so she had to ask. "Are you new?"


11:09am Dec 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
Yep. What is this place anyway? Is it a school or something far more sinister... Pheonix lay back on her bed as she unfurled her wings to their full wingspan. They stretched to almost both sides of the room. then again, the room was only about 15 feet on either side, not that big, especially not for her. Ah yes, thuds, that would have been my toe colliding with the bed dresser. She sighed again and m*censored*aged her toe. when she looked up at Aza, her face took on a milder look. She didn't look as mysterious, it was more open...

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