*S H A T T E R E D

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6:46pm May 2 2010

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Posts: 2,440
((because you guys are all already friends and I felt left out. thats all..))

Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

6:48pm May 2 2010

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Posts: 1,966
Zoey giggled, covering her hand with her mouth. She reached up to pat Zain's head. "Eat puppy!" she shreiked. "Are you part dog?" she asked him. She didn't really understand that wolves and dogs were to different animals.

Adopted from Archaeus.


6:48pm May 2 2010

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Posts: 2,440
Shay, having horse instincts, startled at the random girl in front of her, rearing onto her hind hooves and kicking with he rfront hoves, her human arms just flailing madly. She landed not having caused anyt harm but a shocked ex
pression was frozen on her face. "u-u-uh...." She stuttered incoherrently.

Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

6:52pm May 2 2010

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Posts: 1,966
Sky shook her head. "Okay..." she frowned, backing up a bit. She almost was hit by a car, which swerved dangerously around her. She forgot she was on a highway. She lep back onto the dry gr*censored* that bordered the highway. She turned to the girl. "So do you wanna have dinner with us?"

Adopted from Archaeus.


6:58pm May 2 2010

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Posts: 2,440

Shay frowned unsettled by the stranger. "i-im not so good at strangers..." she mumbled before turning around and cantering away.

((me and my horse terms. sorry if im being difficult. But like I said in her personality she is super shy...unless she knwos them. i think imma add another charrie :)

Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

6:59pm May 2 2010

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Posts: 480
"Uh.." Zain flinched at the girl's touch, but then quickly relaxed. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." He smiled at the girl on his lap and then pointed to the food. "You eat and then the puppy will eat, okay?" The squeal of tires made Zain turn his head, wondering if it had anything to do with Sky and the horse girl.

Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)

7:07pm May 2 2010 (last edited on 7:17pm May 2 2010)

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Posts: 2,440
  • Name:Lycander
  • Age:around 15
  • Gender:male
  • Animal DNA:Bird
  • Deion or Picture:
  • Animal Form Picture or Deion: he is swan like but he is capable of much longer flight. and he's smaller.
  • Personality:Rp it.
  • History (MUST HAVE):I apologise. uhm lets just say nothing important,
  • Other: none.

  • Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

    7:14pm May 2 2010

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    Posts: 1,094

    "Come on, let's go for a walk in the forest." Luigi suggested. Daisy nodded and started to walk with him.

    ((Braindead ._.))

    "What's your name?"
    "Bob, sir."
    "Bob. I like Bob."
    "It's a sacred name, sir."
    "All right, your Sacred Bob."
    Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3

    7:15pm May 2 2010

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    Posts: 1,966
    Sky grimaced and turned around. She growled. "Whatever." she walked back into the forest with head high. She slinked toward Zain and Zoey. She frowned and dropped down onto the ground, rubbing her temples. "Centaur girl was being sooo RUDE." she huffed, grabbing a cracker and tossing it into her mouth. "Yummy." she smiled. Zoey grabbed a peace of bread, thinking it was a cracke and threw it into her mouth. "Yummy!" she giggled. She loved copying her sister. Sk shot a glare at her sister, a smile playing at her lips. She broke into a grin and started laughing. "She never fails to amuse me." she shook her head.

    Adopted from Archaeus.


    7:21pm May 2 2010

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    Posts: 2,440

    Lycander landed on his old bedroom window. Lucky the window was open he flew in landing on his messy floor. Evverything was as he had left it. Lyce concentrated and focused shifting back to his most normal form. Just wings. He sighed just wanting one last visit. He grabbed his ipod and stuck it in his coat pocket. Having expirimented with this earlier, he knew it would stay there. He transformed back to his small bird form and flapped out the window landing in a tree. Tired. But he continued on seeing search lights shinging in the sky from all the escaped hybrids. He landed on a tree in the forest to exhausted to go further. He shifted human and sat on the branch, letting his wings hang down comfortably. He closed his eyes lightly.


    Shay watched all this happen from a somewhat safe distance. It amazed her his wings. She had always longed to fly... It had been one of her dreams as a child. She smiled and remained in the shadows just watching.

    Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

    7:28pm May 2 2010

    Normal User

    Posts: 480

    Zain laughed at the two sisters and then took a bite of a hotdog. "What happened with her?" he asked, hoping that Shay changed her mind and came back with them. It was better that they stayed together. So they could protect eachother. It was better than being alone with wako scientists running around. His ears twitched at the sound of others approaching them and Zain let out a thick growl, ready to shift and fight if he had to.

    ((He hears Luigi and Daisy))

    Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)

    7:36pm May 2 2010

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    Posts: 2,440

    Lycander opened his eyes and caught shay staring at him. "Can I help you?" he asked somewhat menacingly. He shook his head ruffling his pure white hair and wings at the same time.


    Shay startled walking backwords. "Uhm im sorry. Your just amazing to look at!" she exclaimed. Lycander scoffed.

    "Well so are you. I mean come on you have 6 limps. Ant much?" Lycander teased. Shay frowned. "Well." she said. She took alot of things, including jokes to heart. "Im just joking..." Lycander said jumping from a height that would kill any human. But he used his wings to glide down gently. "Whats your name"

    shay stumbled. "im shy. i mean shay" she said blushing. "Well I can see your Shy. Thats obvious" he laughed sticking out his hand. "I'm Lycander" He smiled. Shay took it shaking it nervously. "Nice to meet you..." she muttered.


    Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

    7:44pm May 2 2010 (last edited on 5:39pm May 3 2010)

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    Posts: 1,966

    "'I don't feel good around strangers'" she mimicked Shay's voice. She didn't mean to sound rude, but she was annyed. She was only trying to help the girl.

    "Pfft." she shook her head. She heard Zain growl. She turned to him, concentrating hard. She could hear the footsteps of people coming this way. She pulled Zoey into her arms. Zoey protested, but then seeing her sister's face, her emerald green eyes widened and she started trembling. "Sky? What is it? Is it the scienthists?" she asked. Sky almost smiled at the horrible prenunciation. Her wings unfurled and curled themselves around Sky and Zoey. "Zo, be quiet!" she hissed. Her teeth were barred. She had quite pointy teeth. She hadn't got sharp pointy teeth through DNA transfers, it was just something she was born with. Sharp, sharp teeth.

    Adopted from Archaeus.


    8:10pm May 2 2010

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    Posts: 6,511
    ( Dammit. :U I think I'll just drop out. This roleplay's hard to keep up with. )

    Beautiful Sunset
    Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


    8:25pm May 2 2010

    Normal User

    Posts: 480

    ((Aww, alright Kira. :( You could just have your chara join everyone else.))

    Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)

    8:39pm May 2 2010

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    Posts: 1,966
    ((Post Meg, POST!!! xD))

    Adopted from Archaeus.


    9:10pm May 2 2010

    Normal User

    Posts: 480

    ((OKAY XD))

    Zain quickly rose to his feet, sniffing the air. The hair on his tail stood on end and he shifted to his wolf form to check it out. Stay here, he barked to the others and slinked towards the movement just beyond a thick bunch of trees.

    Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)

    2:13pm May 3 2010

    Normal User

    Posts: 1,966
    Name: Zoey (Aka Zo, Z, or Zoe.)
    Age: 6
    Gender: female
    Animal DNA: none- all  human
    Deion or Picture:
    But her hair is a coppery-color
    and is all curly with ringlets
    and such, and her eyes are
    emerald green.
    Animal Form Picture or Deion: none- all human
    Personality:Sweet, curious
    History (MUST HAVE): She was abandoned when she was born, and sent to the orphanage that Sky was in, with a paper in her hands that said that she was Sky's sister. When Sky was captured, so was she, except they never got the chance to put in animal DNA because both she and Sky escaped.
    Other: Sky's little sister. All human.

    Adopted from Archaeus.


    2:24pm May 3 2010

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    Posts: 1,966
         Sky, never having really listened to anyone, ignored his warning. "Come, Zo." she kneeled on the ground, feeling little arms wrap around her neck and Zoey's little legs wrap around her waist. "Hold on Zo. Don't want you to fall off. Keep behind me, so that no one'll know you're here." Sky took a step forward, falling after Zain. She had her wings spread out, and her muscles coiled, ready to jump at any sign of danger. Her eyes where completely black, her fingers curving into talons.

    Adopted from Archaeus.


    4:43pm May 3 2010 (last edited on 4:45pm May 3 2010)

    Normal User

    Posts: 2,440
    ((I will most liley be dropping out as well. Mostly because of the continuous mocking of my charries. Plus there isn't anywhere to jump in realy :/))

    Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3
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