1:20pm Sep 26 2010
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Jasper felt himself fall into the waves. He frantically swam to the surface, gasping for breathe. He coughed and spit up water, barely believing what just happened. He recalled being dragged down here from the ice cream parlor, and them running. He floated in the water and stared at Aza. Had she really just done that? He spit out more water and shook back his hair, to keep from dripping water in his eyes. He was certainly not tired now, for the cool water had jolted him awake. He coughed once more, before saying. "You are one crazy chick." Then he grinned. ((Sorry for the short post. ;c))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
1:23pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 2,668
((i really need a recap, i can't even post...))
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
1:47pm Sep 26 2010
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((Recap: Sara, Kiana and Lafayette are at the ice cream parlor, Aza drug Jasper out to this pond place, and the rest of the characters are still doing whatever they were doing before school was out, I think.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:02pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza stayed in the water, scared that he would hate her if she came out. Her hair was now flat, her make up wasnt water proof and her face was pale. She smiled to herself as her called her crazy. "Thats me" She said lamly. She took a big gasp of air befor going under the water. She suprisingly sayed under for a long time not knowing it. ((Ewwwww sort post xD))
2:14pm Sep 26 2010
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Jasper was beginning to worry when Aza disappeared beneath the water and hadn't come up yet. He held his breathe and dived under the water, and saw Aza. She looked peaceful, floating gently under the water, and he tapped her shoulder. He thought she should probably come up, no matter how long she thought she could stay under the water. He himself could not hold his breathe very long, and shot towards the surface. Jasper knew he would probably have to take two showers, just to get all the murky pond water and smell off him. He wondered why Aza had taken him down here, all he knew is that she was insane.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:26pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza was a little frightened when he tapped her shoulder but she understood that she had been under there too long. When she reached the surface she smiled and swam to shore. "Ok" She said looking verry excited. "I have to show you something" She hopped into a small charter boat and patted the seat accros from her hinting that Jasper should get in. She didnt know why she wanted to show this to him but she had a weird feeling that she should.
2:35pm Sep 26 2010
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Jasper stared at her and sighed, then sat on the seat. "Is your favorite pastime dragging me around the world in an hour?" He said with a small chuckle. He realized they were on a boat. And Aza was driving. Wow, this is probably the unsafest thing in the history of unsafe things, he thought to himself. He hoped things would go smoothly, he didn't need any more shocking surprises while he has a headache. All this on the first day of school. He wondered what tomorrow would bring.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:44pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza started the boat going slow not knowing how Jasper would act. She thought he looked a little worried. Great now he thinks I am a lunatic! She thought. She didnt want him to think of her this way. "Dont worry its not far" The excitment in her went down. All she wanted to do was show him the island no one knew about except her and her brother. Maybe this want a good idea. What if he tells every one at school about the island? She sighed and bit her bottem lip. Soon enough the reached a small island. It was big enough for about 10 people to stand on with out being squished. On there island there was 3 trees and on that tree was a tree house on it. "We are here." She said getting out of the boat and standing on the tini island. "I know this isnt compleatly safe 'cause this island isnt angel protected and humans could come here when ever but It has been safe so far." She pulled the boad up more on the sand and tied it down.
2:52pm Sep 26 2010
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Jasper didn't say a word, just helped her tie the boat down, then he sat on a broad rock on the island. He made no comments, didn't say anything. Just sat there, staring and thinking. He looked over the water, taking in his surroundings. After about an hour of just sitting, he said. "I think we should go." And that was all he said, nothing mroe, nothing less. ~ Back at the parlor, Lafayette was starting to worry. He, Kiana and Sara were having a fun time, talking and laughing, but he had not seen Jasper since Aza pulled him outside. He wondered where they had gone, and what they were doing. He sighed quietly to himself. Jasper did these things a lot with some of his close friends, just going off to whereever and not returning to later, but this was some new chick he had just met. Seriously. Today. Lafayette betted that Jasper didn't even know Aza's last name, or anything about her. But them again, all Lafayette saw was her dragging Jasper outside and then the two of them running. He knew Jasper would probably be home by the time he left the parlor, and decided to visit him before he himself went home.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
3:00pm Sep 26 2010 (last edited on 3:03pm Sep 26 2010)
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Posts: 1,329
Aza Nodded and let him take the boat back while she stayed on the Island. "Sorry" She said while he was leaving. She sat down on the sand beach and pushed a strad of her blond hair back behind her ear as she watch the sun set go down. Yup, bad idea She though. ((Sorry its getting weird lol and Sorry its so short Im brain dead))
4:03pm Sep 26 2010 (last edited on 4:04pm Sep 26 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
(( Uwwaah. xD You guys post tons. Oh well. Is it alright if Seth shows up at the parlour? I need something to do. :c ))
"Agreed." Seth murmured before standing. She unscrewed the lid from the water bottle and tossed them both into recycling. "I'm in the mood for some ice cream. See you around." She grinned, then decided on whim to leave the way she came. With a light kick on the ground she hurtled up through the ceiling and onto the roof of the school.
Luna? This would be a good time to show up. Seth crossed her arms, standing on the very edge of the roof with half her feet prodtruding into open air. A few kilometres away, she could see a small street with bustling shops and parlours. That was where the ice cream parlour was. Somewhere. Unzipping her jacket so she could let her wings out, she jumped off the roof and let the wind carry her forth.
Once actually within the crowded lane, it was decidedly harder to find anything you wanted. The streets were packed and, what with her size and build, she was easily tossed around in the river of angels. Seth stopped trying to fight it, and took a deep breath. With a determined frown she jerked out her elbow, managing to whack some guy in the arm. Hope I picked a good one. The dude whirled around and frowned deeply at her. "What-" "Accident." Seth snapped. "Now, where's the ice cream parlour?"
Seth heard Lafayette before she saw him; he was sitting there, laughing, and eating ice cream with two other girls. She thought she recognized them. Sort of. "Listen." She said, pulling on her jacket as she approached, quickly covering the bruises on her neck. "Much as I am all overjoyed to run into you here, I kind of already know you." She turned to the two girls. "I'm Seth. How's the ice cream? Be honest, I want to know if it's worth buying."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
4:20pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"Hey! Wait!" Ice cream. It was the food of the sea. She loved the cold, the water, ice. It was her element, her friend. Just thinking of it made her mouth water. She ran after her, trying to catch up, trying to pinpoint her in the sea of flying angels. She herself was safe from the crowds, being that she, the one angel who wasn't flying, was alone on the cloudy ground. She noticed that the icecream parlor was in the air. "What I do for food." ashe muttered to herself, flapping into the air. She felt very nervous doing that, but she finally made it there...
 <-- Click me
6:30pm Sep 26 2010
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((Lol, they were sorta just onexone convo, just to continue along the roleplay. ;c By the way, Dustfather, I adore Seth. xD she's awesome))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
6:38pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Hehe, thanks Froggie. xD I love making characters with her sort of attitude. They're very fun to roleplay as. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:40pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 1,682
(( Mine are either cold and rude, or sweet and fun. ;c ))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
6:43pm Sep 26 2010 (last edited on 6:43pm Sep 26 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
(( I should really be more creative with my characters. )8 I hardly ever make them tall. I think the only tall ones are Amaranta and Lucy. The rest are like 5'3".
Probably because I wish I was shorter. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:45pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 1,682
(( How tall are you? Mine are either 5'5" or 6'2". My shortest character is Genevieve, who is 4'11" and fifteen. xD))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
6:51pm Sep 26 2010 (last edited on 6:52pm Sep 26 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
(( I'm 5'8". I know, it's not really towering, but I'm taller than all my family and a lot of my friends. It just feels awkward. D; ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:55pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 1,682
(( ;c I'm 5'5", so I can't relate.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
7:01pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Lucky. :c
Lolol, I'm going to stop posting until Sara gets back. I don't want to spam up her board. c8 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe