10:09pm Sep 20 2010
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 <-- Click me
10:34pm Sep 20 2010
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Aza waited a minuite or so until she flew back down and went to the schedule wall where two girls where laughing. Or just got done laughing. Aza approched the wall, being as silent as a mouse. She searched for her name till she came upon Aza. Her first period was Math. "Dang it!" She practicaly shouted still looking at the lists. She was horrible at math and was hoping that it wouldnt be her first cla.ss. She headed up the stairs slowly. She was some what slouched down looking at her feet. ((I wont be on until after school and after home work so it will probably be about 5pm or so... I will try to be on before school which would be 8am))
2:58pm Sep 21 2010
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Jasper grinned at Lafayette, they both had two clas.ses together. Their first period was a history clas.s and they headed up the stairs together. Lafayette rolled his eyes at the loud laughter coming from the two girls, they sounded like they were possessed. ~ Once they reached the room, Lafayette immediately headed towards the back, for he hated being anywhere close to the front. He sat down in a desk, sighing. He closed his eyes, already bored of the clas.s and it hadn't even begun. Jasper shook his head and grinned, taking a place in the middle, greeting all those around him. "Hey, Fay, why so far back?" Lafayette's eyes shot open and he frowned at Jasper. "Honestly, I'm not a Fay. That's a girls name, and clearly, I'm not a girl." He replied. Jasper smiled and observed the people in the clas.s. Only a few students, a couple of guys and a scatter of girls. He expected the rest to arrive, and relaxed in his seat.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:04pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 2,668
Sara and Kiana walked to their first cl*censored*. Kiana took a seat near the back and so did Sara. Kiana looked over at the guy beside her and noticed that it was the guy that she saw earlier. "I'm Kiana," she said trying to strike up a conversation with this guy. Sara sat in her seat staring off into space thinking about what this school year was going to be like.
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
4:06pm Sep 21 2010
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((Guy in the back,,,Lafayette, correct?))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:07pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 123
Dark rolled out of bed sowly not wanting the weekend to end. "ugggggg," he groaned as he finally stood up straight. He then walked over to the bathroom to shower, brush his teeth, and then get dressed. He had an inkiling feeling that this was gonna be a long day.
Dark has quit rescreatu because he can't control his temper.
4:09pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 2,668
((yes, Lafayette.))
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
4:13pm Sep 21 2010
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((Gotcha. o;)) Lafayette turned to see the girl from earlier, along with her sister.. He had seen them around school last year, and only knew their names. The girl talking to him introduced herself as Kiana. He smiled and replied, "Hey, I'm Lafayette." He wondered why she was talking to him, but didn't ask. He was more of the go-with-the-flow type. Jasper sighed, waiting for the teacher to arrive to give them something to do. He twisted in his seat, wishing he had sat in the back, where there was actual people, talking. Not just staring, like the people around him.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:13pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 2,580
((*lurks* sara dont forget about our rp))
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in
4:40pm Sep 21 2010 (last edited on 4:41pm Sep 21 2010)
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Posts: 126
Amaya grined then remembered the scedule. *better figure mine out!* she thought. "well, I gotta go! see ya!" she rpled to her new aquaintence. Wlking up to the board she smiled at the laughing girls. "math! Great!" she shouted unable to control her exitement. She loves math.. and every other subject, exept for History. She could never get what was so great about the past. She heard a loud ring and rushed to cl*censored*. She sat in the only open seat... next to a girl that seemed very shy.
please join this RP: http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
4:48pm Sep 21 2010
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Utsu sat in her math cl*censored* all the way in the back.SHe kept loooking at her desk none else,and nothing else.She kept staring at the desk, not making a sound.Senshi wasn't in her cl*censored*,So she felt really alone.She didnt cry,but she felt like crying.
4:56pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 126
looking next to her she notied that she had sat next to the girl from before. "Hey! isn't this great! I can't believe that we're in the same cla.ss! Hey! I never got your name! Like before, I'm Amaya this is Eeyore my raven. Whats your name?" Amaya asked te shy girl. Amaya's face lit up in a smile that was welcomeing and kind. Eeyore snuck into Amaya's pack in lack of his cage.
please join this RP: http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
5:00pm Sep 21 2010
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Utsu revered her eyes to the girl"U-Utsu."She said shyly.She had a childs voice but it was absolutly adorable.She could feel herself try to tremble but with the little self contro she had left,she didnt.
5:02pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((Sorry, I haven't been on much xD.)) Asalia smiled at her twin Look. Her cat Zim meowed and peeked his head out of her bag. She smiled and took him out. "Don't forget to take Gir out of your bag again Look."Asalia told him. Look nodded and took Gir out. Asalia went to History clas.s, holding Zim against her lightly. Look chuckled and went to History also, holding Gir next to him.
 (Banner made by Kina)
5:03pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 126
Realizing the girl was shy she blushed then noticed that Utsu was sad. "Whats wrong? Don't cry! We're at school thats a good thing! Or... I-is it something else?"Amaya questioned. The teacher was giving role and repeated Amaya's name with aggetation. After raising her hand finally Amaya turned back to Utsu.
please join this RP: http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
5:05pm Sep 21 2010
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Utsu looked back at the table"Sorry"She muttered softly.Tearing up a little but not too much where it was really visible.She fwlt stupid for being afraid of people.
5:09pm Sep 21 2010 (last edited on 5:13pm Sep 21 2010)
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Posts: 126
((gtg home work T.T)) Eeyore sensed Utsu's fear and flew out of Amaya' bag then cuddled up to Usu to comfort her. "Would you look at that! Eeyore likes you! he s normally shy of getting to close to other people!"Amaya commented. The teacher looked at them and told them to be quiet. Amaya whispered "lets be riends from now on! OK?" then got a loud shoosh from the teacher.
please join this RP: http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
5:13pm Sep 21 2010
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((lol i gtg too)) Utsu looked at the raven and started to relax.She petted the bird with a shy smile"Ok."she whisped=red softly.She couldnt believe her ears,she had a friend.Her first friend of her life.
5:27pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 2,668
((otay uryu-san.))
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
5:32pm Sep 21 2010
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Kiana listened as Lafayette talked. She thought he was kinda cute. Her blonde hair rustled as the air vent above her turned on. The burst of cold air sending a chill up her arm. Sara's eyes closed as nobody talked to her. Her head slipped out of her hands and hit the desk. She shot her head back up. "Ouch," she said rubbing her forehead. You could see the imprint of the desk on her head.
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/