10:45am Sep 25 2010
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Aza laughed as she fell to the floor. "Its fine." She said right as the bell rang one finnal time. "Crap. I got to go." She said flashing a quick smile and walking really fast to go to the gym. She thought it was a stupid rule that you couldnt fly in the building. ~ Aza barged in the gym doors in a hurry, but quietly. Not looking up from her feet she walked into the girls locker room. She qickly got dressed into her Black basketball shorts and and skin tight dark green tee. She walked out of the girls locker room and looked up, noticing there were a few people here. She laughed silently to herself. ((Yuck, lame post... sorry))
10:49am Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Maybe after this cla.ss we can time skip. ))
Seth blinked at Aza, then gave her a little wave. She remembered the girl from the last PE cla.ss. "Your name is Aza, right?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. Around them, angels were filing into the gym and changerooms. There would be a second bell to signal the official start of the period.
(( So short and fail. >: ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
10:56am Sep 25 2010
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Aza looked at her and studied her for a while befor saying "Seth right?" She had a smile on her face now. The bell rang and every one was scattering out of the changing rooms and the teachers where comming in. "What teacher do you have?" Aza said noticing that there were 3 teachers in front of her. ((Sorry my posts are short and lame... Can I make another charie? A brother for Aza.))
11:20am Sep 25 2010
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(( I bet it's not a problem. C: She did say that everyone could join. ~ ))
Seth grinned. "Yep. Glad we're on the same page here and I wasn't just creeping you out." She eyed the teachers that were lingering at one end of the gym. "Mr. Burleigh. Far left." She pointed to him just as the second bell rang. Seth grinned. "God, I love PE." She murmured, too quiet for anyone to hear. She started towards the teachers, as the students were supposed to gather around the coach that taught them.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
11:40am Sep 25 2010 (last edited on 11:48am Sep 25 2010)
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Aza Looked at her schedual that was written on her hand. She smiled brightly and siad "Same here!" She was glad she knew at least one person who was in her clas.s so she didnt have to run alone like a dork. She thought of her brother who likes to skip the first day of school. She approched her teacher who was about to talk. --- James was lieing on sthe couch still sleeping. Jeffery flew around the room and landed on James who was still sleeping. Jeffery wacked James in the head with his tale. James quickly sat up making Jeffrey fly across the room. James laughed and got up to give Jeffery some food. Once that was done he went back to sleep. {Bio Skeleton} Name: James Age (15-18 only): 17 Gender: Male Personality: He is outgoing and likes to be troubble.He dosnt care what others think of him. He is protctive of his younger sister, Aza and would kill any one who hurts her. He is a fun guy and sensitive guy, at times. Looks: He has long straight dark brown hair that is about eye level. He looks compleatly diffrent from his sister. His skin is tanned and his eyes are supernova blue. He likes to wear white alot. Crush: Open Ability: Turn invisable Pets (if any): His sisters Dragon turtlue Jeffery. Other: Sister, Aza
12:07pm Sep 25 2010
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Mr. Burleigh eyed the gathered students. "Today, the other teachers and I have decided to host a big game of manhunt- in the air. We'll be flying, staying airborne at all times. There's nowhere to hide, so you'll have to use pure wingpower and have good control." He paused before moving on to the general rules. Seth found herself smiling mischeviously. The wind is high today... This will be fun. "Any volunteers to be the hunter?" "If no one else wants the position, I'd be glad to take it, sir." Seth said, amber eyes narrowed just slightly. She could already feel the adrenaline of a challenge coursing through her.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:25pm Sep 25 2010 (last edited on 12:27pm Sep 25 2010)
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Aza was doing the opposite of Seth. She was frowning. This is gonna suck! She thought as Seth volunteered to be the hunter. Oh great. Aza smiled weakly at Seth as she could see the excitment in her eyes. Aza frowned once more. "Ok clas.s" Mr. Burleigh said looking at the clip bord. "Seth will be the hunter. Now remember that we will be doing this for 20 minuets and if you just have to sit down 'cause your a tired well then you will have a 5 minuets, ONLY." He said rushing us out side. Aza could feel fear in her gut as every one took of flying into the air.Aza took off slowly, expanding her beautiful white wings. "Good luck" she hollored at Seth.
12:31pm Sep 25 2010 (last edited on 12:32pm Sep 25 2010)
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Seth watched them take to the sky, spreading out in many directions. There were about twenty-five angels in the cla.ss- which meant twenty-five targets, fast enough to be a fun challenge. The small, slender girl watched them go with the hungry eyes of a predator. Mr. Burleigh signaled for her to wait a few more seconds, though. She was, after all, the hunter. While she waited Seth rose her hand to point at each of them, shaped like a gun. "Bang. Bang. Bang." She said softly, one eye shut, as if she was aiming a real gun.
"You can start now." Mr. Burleigh said, not having heard her strange whispers. She didn't reply, instead running forward and launching herself into the air. Wind whistled in her ears and she unfurled her ebony wings. They caught the air and she was tugged upwards. Most of the students were above her, visible as backlit dots against the sky, like poppy seeds. Seth surged upward and past them. They scattered as she came close, but she didn't aim for any of them. Yet.
When she was above everyone, she selected a small cluster and tucked her wings in to dive. She dropped like a rock at a terrifying speed. The students saw her coming and tried to get away, but the only way fast enough was downward, like Seth. But they would reach the ground before she did. So they would be trapped.
Seth grinned wildly- her plan was working wonderfully. She had caught three in that dive alone, and now they were working for her. Aza's flying form caught her eye, and Seth gave a cheery wave before speeding towards her.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:36pm Sep 25 2010
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I don't think anybody ever saw this)) Name: Akilina Age (15-18 only): 15 Gender: Female Personality: She is a smartyoung girl, but timid like a mouse. She doesn't speak unless spoken to and only raises her hand when she is sure of the answer. She hates flying, due to the fact that the first time she did so, she was attacked. She is, however, a loyal friend if you earn her trust. Watch out, if you betry her, she will not hesitate to destroy you. Looks:
Crush: Open Ability: She can control the element of water (Creating living familiars that last for over a year.). Pets (if any): She has a small kitten by the name of Naida. She created it, but it dissapears when she is weak. Other: None
 <-- Click me
12:39pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( You can probably jump right in, Dusk. I did, and I don't think Sara minded. She did state somewhere that everybody was welcome after all. :3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:45pm Sep 25 2010
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"Useless." Aki said to herself, tearing the feathers from her wings. She hated them, they got in the way and only hurt others. She sat outside, stripping her wings of their feathers. sure, they would grow back in a few minutes, but it gave her comfort to know that for a while, she didn't have to wiorry about them. She snarled, seeing that up in the sky, Students were flying. Flying, the word seemed so harmless, yet she knew better. Flying was exhilerating and terrifying. The sky was so high and she had hurt herself the first time she had flown, but why. Why was she different. She was supposed to like flying, but she didn't. It scared her out of her wits. She watched the teacher with careful eyes. He glared at Aki, but said nothing, not knowing her past. She brought a little water to her hands and played around with it as her kitten played with it. The sun was high into the sky now and she realized that if she didn't do something soon, the teacher was going to explode on her and that was something she didn't need added to her day. She stood up and pretended to take off. Her wings were back, but she was in no mood to fly. She looked up at the sky, wondering how those students felt so carefree and on top of the world. Why didn't she...
 <-- Click me
12:50pm Sep 25 2010
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Aza laughed as Seth was comming near. She waved and started to fly up. With seth Close behind, Aza started to fly up more. SHe didnt know how fast she was until she started to p*censored* other angels. When she was up high enough, Aza decited to use Seths stratagy. With seth seconds behind Aza stoped flying and instead dropped flying in a B line towards the teacher then flying up and in circles.
12:57pm Sep 25 2010
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The other students, thinking that Seth was distracted by this fast-moving target, tried slipping past her. She whipped out a hand and grabbed the collar of one boy's shirt, dragging him back. "Oh, damn-" He started, but Seth held a finger to her lips, and he stopped talking. "Listen. Help me catch Aza. Go behind her, subtly, while I attack her from the front. Go! Act annoyed and don't be obvious." She grinned as he flew off, grumbling to himself. Seth beat her wings an extra time, giving her a bit more altitude. She was almost level with Aza.
She wheeled after her, trying to catch her while she was spiraling. Eventually she tried a different tactic, and went right to the centre of Aza's circular flying. She then joined the invisible orbit and went the opposite direction that Aza was going; eventually, they would either collide, or Aza would be driven upward, since Seth was already angled down.
Seth's helped hovered about ten feet above them.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
1:01pm Sep 25 2010
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"Fly!" Aki's teacher yelled. Aki looked up at Aza and Seth and the others and whimpered slightly before taking off. She tried to steady herself in the air, but then she saw Seth, or Aza, or was it some other person. she couldn't tell, the sun was in her eyes. She blinked and tried to fly, but to no avail, she hadn't done it recently. She cocked her head, the earth was rising, or was she falling...
 <-- Click me
1:29pm Sep 25 2010
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((okay, i'm waiting on froggeh.))
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
1:39pm Sep 25 2010
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Aza saw Seth infront of herr. Aza Flew up wards missing Seth once again. She then flew right bumping into a tree. She fell down to the ground. She laughed and called for her 5 min break.s ((Sorry it bad and short I have to eat))
1:40pm Sep 25 2010
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((Is ignored.))
 <-- Click me
1:44pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 2,668
((feyth, you're not being ignored. I saw your post, I accept it okay. If you read all the other posts I have made, it clearly states that anyone can join and that as long as you follow the bio skelly.))
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
1:46pm Sep 25 2010
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((Sara. Sorry, I wasn't talking about you.))
 <-- Click me
1:48pm Sep 25 2010
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Seth didn't even notice Aza crash into a tree and call her break. She was focused on the distant, spiralling form that was about to be best friends with the ground. "Crap!" She said out loud, turning sharply and breaking into a dive. Her hair whipped behind her as she quickly approached the target, now visible; a girl, Seth's age. Fingers outstretched, Seth closed her hand around the girl's wrist, slowing her descent. They were still falling, though. A limp body is a lot heavier than one thinks. She was awake though, and alive. Seth gave her a grin despite the circumstances. "At least you won't die, right?" She was stroking hard to keep them from falling outright.
They touched the ground, and Seth immediately moved to steady the girl. "'Scuse me." She said to Mr. Burleigh, who looked at her with irritation at the lack of respect. "Skipping cla.ss today, sir. Have a good one."
She turned to the girl as they walked. "Would you rather go to the nurse's office, or to the caf?" She smiled. "I think fresh juice would do you a lot more than being worried about."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe