5:26pm Jun 17 2010 (last edited on 5:27pm Jun 17 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
Karienne raised an eye when he said under dressed. She ran her tongue over he back teeth and looked at her. "Underdressed? We're b*censored*ically wearing the same thing just that I have a jacket and that I'm wearing heels, but in my defense I just came from a party." She said. Then she looked at her shoes. Then laughed. "Well if you like my shoes so much maybe I'll let you borrow them 'kay." she said laughing shaking her head slightly She wasn't even going to bother answering the last part about it being painful. The noticed how he was looking at Rau. The poor girl didn't notice. She frowned slightly and punched in him the arm. "Hey eyes back in your head buddy."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:29pm Jun 17 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Cherrie squealed in protest as Capricorn spray-painteed her. "HEY, YOU JERK!" she shrieked, slapping him, "THIS IS GOING TO TAKE AGES TO GET OUT OF MY HAIR!" ((I dunno WHAT I'm doing right now, just so ya'll know. ^_^ )) "URGH!" she took the spray-paint from Hailen, and, careful not to permanently hurt him, knocked Alpha on the head with it.
6:29pm Jun 17 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Capricorn stuck his tongue out at Karrie. "No harm, no foul!" He laughed. That's when Cherrie hit him. "Ouch. That REALLY hurt." He chided sarcastically. "Are you serious, Cherrie? How could someone who worries about her hair that much even be in the organization, much less be an Alpha? Cool it, it's just a joke." _________________ Rau still was clueless. "Wait, what just happened? I'm out of the loop."
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:49pm Jun 17 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"That didn't sound like a joke, that sounded like a challenge!" Cherrie shouted, glaring at Capricorn, "Do you doubt my ability? I'm a GIRL. Girls worry about their HAIR." She hit him with the Spray paint again. "Thanks to you, I'm gonna have to look emo. If I don't dye my hair, the teachers will know where I've been! I don't know what you and Hailen are gonna do about the paint, on your skin, but I'm gonna try make-up remover. It SHOULD work. If either of you have girlfriends, I'd go to them." she tossed her now-black hair as she turned around yet again. "Now, can we PLEASE get to doing what we came to?"
7:07pm Jun 17 2010 (last edited on 7:10pm Jun 17 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
Karienne got a flustered look for a moment. "I really don't know Rauley." she said. "Cappy is definately on or off something." The she flinched at Cherries sudden out burst when she realized the girl was right. That was perminate spray paint. And it was really stupid for Crapricorn and Halien to do that. She shook her head then laughed when Cherrie said something about Capricorn having a girlfriend "Capricorn can't get a girlfriend." She said quietly then looked away to hide laughter. Cherrie and Cappy had a real love hate relationship.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:22pm Jun 17 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Laughing, Halien fell to the ground. "Guys, guys." He chided, failing at keeping a straight face. "We wouldn't want to fail the Alpha and Alphess would we-" Smothering chuckles, he continued, "Afterall, they've provided such a lovely example for.." Shaking with suppressed laughter, he howled out, "Us lowly citizens!" Cackling, he modeled his face to Cherrie. "I have more of those stickers, you want some?" He asked, flashing out identical stickers stating, "WARNING. Permanent paint. Please do not get on face" Mirth bloomed onto his face, and he leaned over again, laughing. "I stuck those on when you weren't paying attention. They're temporary. No worries."

8:06pm Jun 17 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"I hate you, Hailen", Cherrie said in a mock-serious tone, giving him a good whack as well. "That's for making me thing I'd have to dye my hair black." She hit him again. "That's for putting the stickers on my spray paint."
6:53am Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Grimacing, Halien rubbed his cheek, and stuck out his tongue at Cherrie. "Girl, who taught you to slap?! I need to track them down and kill them." He muttered, fingering his stickers. Sagittarius sighed, and huddled in his sweatshirt. No one noticed him, as always. "What I'd give for some attention" He whispered, wanting to be noticed as Sagi the human, not as Sagi, Halien's best friend and wallflower.

7:48pm Jun 20 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Cherrie grinned happily. "I will take that as a compliment!~" she chirped, laughing at Hailen's antics. She heard Sagitarius muter something and turned to face him, her ex pression now serious. "Attention you say? Why would someone as attractive as you have a lack of attention?" Cherrie asked, blushing immediately after she realized what she'd said.
3:01pm Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 1,446
SAgi froze. "Wh-wh-what...?" He asked, stunned. "U-u-u-uh t-th-than-thank you?" Halien looked at Cherrie and then at Sagi. He couldn't help it. He shook with laughter, then controlled himself. After all, Sagi and Halien had been best buds since a... loooong time ago. "Looks like you have an admirer Sag" He winked, and strolled over to the brick wall. "You need a lesson in determining if guys like me have boyfriends or not." HE commented, then smirked, "But then again, it's fairly easy to figure out. Sagi is a chick magnet, with that oh-so luscious blonde hair of his" Halien added mock-seriously. "How could a guy as lowly as me achieve a girl when there's HIM?" he grinned, and suddenly spun around and pointed his finger playfully at Capricorn.
