Name: Isabell (Bella) Byrd
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Family: Kyaan is her twin Brother. Seperated at age 11.
Personality: Isabell is quite the opposite of her elegant name. She is the 'tom-boy' of the olden days. This girl is defiant, she would have made quite a great warrior if women were looked at in this way back in the time. This girl, though a slave, thinks of herself higher than others. She only thinks this because of her physical appearance. She's quite pretty, but she doesn't concentrate on this: She belives that her strong muscles, from years of physical labor, and unatural ability to wield a weapon makes her above others. If she was a royal, you can almost bet your life she would be hated amung most. And the thing that bothers Bella the most: Annoying people. This girl can't handle them. Children? No, she scoffs and waves the back of her hand at them when they wish to speak to her.
Looks: [No weird outfit though... -.-))
Rank: Servent (Syun)
Crush: Natsume, though she'd never admit it.
Other: She wished to contact her brother, but she has not thought of it in years because of her inability to read and write.
-Oh, she loves chocolate as well. :3-

Name: Kyaan Ramano
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Family: Bella (Yes, I do realize him and his sister have different last names. Don't ask my why, for I don't know.)
Personality: Kyaan, despite his situation, is the happiest person you'll ever see! He loves life, even though he knows he'll be a slave the rest of his life. Kyaan is just happy he is alive, none the less as happily as he is now. Kyaan refuses to see the bad in people. He has come to believe that every person is good on the inside, they are just misguided. Not much can get Kyaan down, he's like a brick wall. It's hard not to like this lad once you spend time with him. Not much of the royal family tends to care about him though. He IS a slave...
Looks: [No headphones though, obviously.]
Rank: Servent
Crush: Like away ladies. ;D Hehe
Other: Nope~

Name: Leonardo (Leo) Russo
Gender: Male
Age: 22 (Yes, 22.)
Family: Yeah, he's got them. Doesn't speak to them much though.
Personality: Leo is the... 'Better-than-you' type of guy. He hates to be bothered by everyone, and everything. Leo only has a soft spot for animals, so... Good luck on having him like you. Leo is the pessimest of the group. Never has a single good thing to say. He doesn't like people giving him orders either. (He's like the old guy, now-a-days, that shouts at small children for walking on his lawn...)
Rank: He's a Knight, but he mostly helps train troops, well, more than he goes out to battle anyways.
Crush: Nope. He's open, but good luck with this one...
Other: Nope.

((All art is not mine~ Credit goes to original owners.))