2:25pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Jesters are awesome. |D So funny....
Anywho, I'm here. :3))
2:25pm May 1 2011 (last edited on 2:28pm May 1 2011)
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Posts: 1,338
((Damn double posts.... :c))
2:28pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 1,329
<< Coolio! I will start if no one else wants to. >>
2:28pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 314
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
3:38pm May 1 2011 (last edited on 3:39pm May 1 2011)
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Posts: 1,329
Annetta hummed a familiar tune as she cleaned one of the guest rooms that was occupied this morning. The person who stayed there was messy. She sighed as she dusted and swept and made the bed and did her usual work. It was mid morning and not yet noon. She knew soon that she would have to call Lady Sanae to lunch with her parents. Or maybe she would just bring Lady Sanae her lunch. She put off her tought and spinned trying to make being a servant fun. She was a servant for as long as she could remember. Before that her mom was. Her dad was a low life villager that she barly knew and her mom died so it was just herself. She sighed as memories came to her. She walked over to the window. The light shone in like it was summer though it was only spring. Ace longed for the warmth of the summer sun and the green grass that would be an inch tall. She couldnt wait to tend to the garden where the prettiest flowers grew or the fresh fruit hung. She was daydreaming now and slacking off on her job. She couldnt help it if being a servant had its ups and downs. She wondered what it would be like to be a Princess or be Lady Sanae even though she was adopted. Ace shook herself out of this daydream trance she was in and examined the room. The room was a rich color of blues and some dark greens. This wasnt her favorite room, because it reminded her of the deepths of the sea or a dark tree aginst the early night sky. It was a dark room that she thought could use a little more color and light. Her eyes scanned the room to make sure that it was in tip-top shape but when her eyes scanned over a small circular clock on a dresser, she almost jumped. All this time dilly dallying when she only has an hour to go clean the knights room and bring Lady Sanae her lunch. As she left the gust room she thought more and more about Lady Sanae and since her 17th birthday the other day she had been looking diffrent. Ace couldnt tell if it was her hair or her eyes that was diffrent but she knew one or the other had changed. She was worried and told herself to cheek up on Lady Sanae when she had a chance. Sam was in his room looking out the window as the people in the village worked, walked and talked. Since his room was high up in the palace he had a good view of the world below. It was almost noon which ment lunch and frankly since he hadnt eaten breakfast he wa starving. As shut his curtain and got up, he walked over to his bed he switched on a light that had been his practice dummy ever since he was little. Since Sam's 17th birthday he had been experiancing something weird. He noticed how his dark brown eyes turned red and how the light around him flickered every time he walked by. He was begining to be concerned and since his teachers in his dreams had no idea what has been going on the thought best not to tell them. When sam sat on his bed he concetrated on the light trying to take it out of its original place and put it in the dark corner of his room. His room was a vibrant red with gold trims and designs every where. He liked the gold color of his walls and parts of the fabric on his furniture because every time he played with the light the gold would shine and sparkle. Of course he would never tell any one that. Sam concentrated more and more on the light as it disobayed him. But them the light slowly and carefully began to move. It hovered over his small fire place and began to take form of a fire. "No," he whispered scolding the light as if it were a kid or a dog. The light paied no attention to Sams voice. It then turned into a small compact ball. Still above the fire place, the small ball began to shine brighter and brighter. "No," Sam repeated almost as softly as he took note of the foot steeps coming down the hall. The Ball of light still didnt listen. Sam was getting mad and frusterated. His pale skin turning paler and his golden blond hair shone as the light got brighter and brighter. I can do this he thought as he closed his eyes and put a pillow over his face to shild his eyes from the light. The foot steeps where getting closer and closer and then suddenly a knock at the door. "Sam you alright in there?" It was his mothers voice and Sam removed the pillow from his face to see that the ball of light finally burnt out. He realized that he was breathing heavy almost as if he almost drowned. Sam finally nodded after a good minute of silencde and said "Yah every thing is fine." His mother responded with a kind voice. "Lunch is ready why dont you join me." Again Sam nodded and answered with a yes. << Sorry It took me a while. I didnt know how to start off. Oh and I will bring the jesters in, in a sec. >>
3:53pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 314
Scarlett sat on the window seat in her room, bored. The big bay windows were open to let fresh air in, and the cool breeze carried scents from below; the mixed but harmonizing fragrances from the garden. Leaning back against the wall, Scarlett pushed a hand through her thick crimson waves. A young sparrow chirped and caught her attention as it landed rather clumsily just inside the room. Scarlett smiled to herself and gently stroked the gray-brown feathers atop its head. "Hey," she said softly. The sparrow chirped again and hopped towards her. "Where's your family, you're too young to be out here alone, aren't you?" She listened carefully to the bird's answer, which would seem to be a series of chirps to anyone else. "Yes, you are. Go home," she told the young sparrow sternly. It shook out its ruffled feathers and hopped away, taking off.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
5:35pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 1,329
Linnia bounced up and down the halls skipping and running. She was full of energy and the mid morning sun just gave her all the more reason to be happy. She had just gotten done performing for the Queen and King and now she was off to the kitchen to get an early lunch. The long halls echoed when Linnia chirped and sung. Her voice was bad but she didnt care, she loves music. She banged on the walls as it echoed louder than her voice. Her honey brown hair bounced and fell around her shoulders as she turned a corrner almost missing the hall way that held the kitchen. Hee dark blue eyes scanned each room looking for bread and grapes. One of the cooks in the silver kitchen rooms yelled at her as she sung and ran looking around for her daily lunch. Deciding that it wasnt worth to be banned from the kitchen again she started to hum, her voice low as she started to turn her run into a bouncy walk. Spinning now and then and dodging waiters with food trays she finally found bread and grapes. Smiling at the delightfull food that were now in her hand she thought it best to leave the kitchen and eat in her room. Linnia, with her bread in one hand and grapes in the other, attempted to fix her hat. The blue and light grey thing that labled her a jester. She didnt care what people thought though. And when she tilted her hat to the left trying to fix it, it fell. She was in a empty hall way so for her it was ok that her hat fell at that moment. She smiled at her clumsiness and went down to grab her hat but her food was in her hands. How. She thought as she stared at this problem. Linnia got down on her knees and bent down her hands in the air above her head and her mouth open reaching for the hat. Once it was hooked in her mouth she stood up. Looking around once again with her big ocean colored eyes she noticed that she stood in front of Lord Marco's room. Her eyes widdened as she hoped that he wasnt in there, and if he was she hoped that he wouldnt open the door. Standing, she surried off to her bed room to eat. Arron looked around his face woodened as he wondered what he would do next. He had to perform for the Queen and King durring lunch which he hated but he knew he had to do. Shaking his head he lurked in the shadows of the forest that was near the castle. He liked to spend time in there cause it was dark and no one could see him. Also he liked following the forest and going to Auin. They were right. The people who said he would be a good spy was right. For a year now he had been spying on the Auin family. He discovered lots though none of which was helpfull. Sighing and knowing that luch was comming soon he made his way slowly and quietly to the castle. Not to be seen by the hunters or the small rays of light that shone throught the bushy tree tops. The sting of the shadows coldness touched his cheeks as he reached the bordere of the forest and the castle. Stepping into the light he looked up at the sun to try to determind what time it is. Aproximitly 11:30 He thought as he sccuried out of the light and into the castle. Being glad he was a jester and not a servant made him relifed knowing that he didnt have to tend to anyones needs. He quickly and sneakly grabbed a peice of bread from the kitchen and then went off the serve the Queen and King , the two he did have to tend to but not every muinte of the day.
6:59pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 1,329
<< I added a map for you who want to know the set up... >>
8:09pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Leo~ *Points at bios.* I believe you mistaked Kyaan's and Leo's ranks. Kyaan is the servent and Leo is the knight. ^-^))
"Clean what??" A girl's voice peirced the silence of the small room. "I seriously wish you know who you're talking to. I do NOT clean the stables, and that is that!" The girl's voice was cold, harsh almost. It had an 'I'm-better-than-you' type of tone to it as well.
The little lady whom the girl was talking to sighed and rubbed her eyes with her apron. "Isabell, Lis-"
"It's Bella!" The girl named Isabell snapped at the older woman.
"Bella," The older woman said, her tone starting to become dry. You could tell she was used to this treatment. "You are a servent, and the lowest of them all. You will do as you are told!" The woman dropped her apron and eyed the girl with displeasure.
"Margerete," Bella started, her eyes flashing with anger and unhappiness. "You know what I do, and don't do. Send me to clean a room, fetch some water, sweep the courtyard! Anything but those darned stables," Bella said the last worth through her teeth, barely spitting it out, "will never, EVER, be touched by me." The girl folded her arms, stuck her chin up and walked out of the servents' quarters.
The girl could hear the woman screaming her name, but did she listen? No, all she wanted to do was get away. She walked back into the halls, wondering if anything needed to be done. Nothing appeared to need help though. Bella sighed and wormed her way back into the kitchen. It was her favorite place to be, though it wasn't strictly... allowed, per say.
"Ah! Miss Bella!" The chef said, eyeing the young girl with bright, sparkling eyes.
"Monsieur Tony!" The girl said back, rushing to give the fat, jolly man a big hug. "Do you need any help with lunch today Tony?" She asked, her own eyes light and playfull. "Perhaps... We can make pie like last time?" The girl was obviously getting at something. "The apples are quite delicious this time of the year!"
"Miss Bella!" The chef said with a small laugh. "You do not mean for me to make TWO pies, like we did the last time?" Tony looked at the girl before laughing at her comments. "Have you been sneaking in apples again, Isabell?"
"Tony... How could you even accuse me of something like that?!" Bella said, using fake suprise. Tony was the only one that could call her "Isabell", everyone else was to refer to her as 'Bella'.
The old man's eyes twinkled as he went back to his cooking. "Oh Isabell, come help me with lunch! It is near noon, if my timing is correct!"
Kyaan whistled cheerfully as he walked down the corridors. He was holding a small woven basket in his hands, all filled with fine, delicate clothing. It was his duty, as it was every day, to hand wash, fold, and put away the royal's clothing. Because there was so much of the royal 'family' living there, his job took him most of the day.
"Kyaan!" A deep voice called out to the happy lad. "Are you done with that laundrey yet?!" The male turned the corner to face the servent himself. He was a burly man, and had a whip on belt, oftenly used.
"Sir, I'm delivering it to the rooms as we speak," Kyaan said in a soft voice, not looking up at the man. He never had, feeling it was disrespectful to do so to his 'masters'. "I will be sure to come get you, sir, once I have finished my current case..."
"And that's why I keep you around, Kyaan, you're lack of self-respect," The older man spat these words out on the servent, sneering as he walked away. The man was cruel and constantly picking on this specific boy.
"Yes, sir..." The boy mumbled softly at the man walked away. Kyaan waited until the man dissapeared from view before he started to whistle his favorite tune again. A smile spread across his face as he kept walking, he was thinking about how great his life was; even though, in reality, his life sucked.
With a small knock on an extremely large door, Kyaan waited. About ten seconds pa.ssed before he entered the room. Still humming to himself, the boy put away the delicate dresses and undergarments into the wardrobes. It took him a while, for Kyaan hated to do any job lousy. With a small nod of approval, the boy walked back to the wash room, getting ready for his next load to wash.
-Leo will go here-
8:24pm May 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,329
<< Oops sorry! Haha I have to leave but I will fix it when I return! >>
10:35pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Uh, catch up? o_o And how should I start off? :u ]]
10:52pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 1,329
<< Nothing really happened... This is what happened with each charrie so far Ace- She cleaned a guest room and on her way to clean the Armor room and then, later, going to bring Sanae her lunch. Sam- Going to go to lunch with his mom and dad (King, Queen) Scarlett- Up in her room Linnia- In her room after taking bread and grapes from the kitchen. She dropped her hat in front of Marco's room but quickly scurried off. Arron- Was in the forest but now in his room after taking bread from the kitchen. Bella- In the kitchen with Tony after telling off another servant(?) Kyaan- Putting away laundy Sorry I didnt know how else to put it...Oh and I dont know how you can start off. It took me and hr for me to figure out what to do >>
10:52pm May 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 314
((just make your charries do something random...that's what I did, at least.))
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
11:05pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ I got it, Leo. I'll have my servants do their servant-ly duties and my powered people just... Chill in their rooms o-o ]] Arana grumbled to herself as she walked through the halls of the Feyoth castle. It had been a long time since she was taken from her home to serve this miserable family. She carried with her a tray filled with exotic foods, nothing like what the servants had to eat. "I am a Venus. We should not be forced to serve these bunch of people." She complained to herself, trotting through dozens of corridors to make her way to the room of Lady Scarlett, a ti tle Arana refused to acknowledge. Arriving in front of the room, Arana knocked three times. "Hey, Scarlett, mealtime." She said ungracefully. --- Natsume was supposed to stand guard outside the Syun castle. He had chosen to become a knight, to not become a fat and lazy duke. Natsume had grown bored after half an hour of standing guard, and had climbed up a tree to stare at the sky. He still had a watchful eye over the castle, in case anyone suspicious decided to come in. But nothing had happened so far, and the knight sighed, wishing he could be back inside the castle. --- Sanae had been confined to her room the entire time, watching as her hand shrank and grew continuously. First it became the paw of a tiger, then the hand of a monkey, finally returning back to its original shape. Sanae then sprouted her usual crow wings out on her back, the back of her robes slit perfectly by herself to make way for the black wings. --- Marco had made a mess in his room, once again. He had summoned a few 'friends' of his. A shadowy wolf sat quietly in the corner while two small winged lizards darted at each other, spewing out black flames that could not harm the furniture. The two dragons had toppled the lamps, ruined the bedsheets and left small clawmarks on the wall. Marco laughed along with them, glancing at the wolf in the corner who seemed to enjoy being by itself.

11:17pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 314
Scarlett looked up at Arana at the door. "What did you just call me?" she snapped, standing. She wouldn't have a servent speak to her like her family. Arana wasn't her family, even if she lived in the palace.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
11:20pm May 1 2011
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Arana shrugged, able to hear Scarlett's enraged voice through the door. "I don't know, maybe your given name?" She replied, leaning against a wall and observing the door in case the girl decided to break through. Arana really couldn't care about her life anymore. What else could she depend on, in a world where power came only to those who had the right surnames.
11:24pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 314
Scarlett shot towards the door, pulling it open. "I will not be spoken to like that by a servent," she growled, glaring at Arana with blazing eyes. "You will call me Lady Scarlett."
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
12:30am May 2 2011
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Posts: 1,338
"It's ready, Tony!" A girl's voice squealed throughout the kitchen. She clapped her hands together once, as if to finalize the cooking pie. Bella grabbed two towls and put one in each hand, pulling the hot, fresh apple pie out of the oven, then, the other one. She walked over to the table and placed the two pies on the counter. She opened the shades covering the window. It was a nice, sunny day out. She could hear the birds chirping and singing, flying through the trees. It was a peaceful sight.
"On the window seal, right, Tony?" The girl asked, her voice uncertain. With a nod from her fat friend, the girl turned back to her pies. She placed each one on the window pane. She looked outside, once again, and noticed something weird: A boy in a tree. But, this just wasn't any boy. It was Natsume. The girl couldn't help but stare for a while, she never could help it. She just hoped that he wouldn't look her way, that could cause some issues; a servent would never have a chance with someone of his status. He was a knight, certainly Bella isn't good enough for him.
12:45am May 2 2011
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"I'm sure that would make you feel very proud of yourself." Arana muttered. She gestured at the food. "Do you want this or not? You should be hungry." She said, picking off a few pieces of dirt that landed not far off the food.
12:55am May 2 2011
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Posts: 314
Scarlett glared at the servent girl. "As if I'd take it from you," she snapped, turning on her heel. "Tell the chef I said to send someone else next time," she called over her shoulder. "Someone with respect."
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.