12:59am May 2 2011
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Arana shrugged nonchalantly. She really didn't like this girl with a snobby and superior attitude, much like herself. "Hey, Scarlett..." Arana said, sounding pitiful and innocent at first. "Can I eat this, then?" Arana grinned.
1:03am May 2 2011
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Scarlett snorted, resuming her place on the window seat. "Do whatever you like with it. Just see to it that I get something to eat, brought by someone other than you." She turned to look at Arana, arching her brows. "Or I'll take this issue to my parents."
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
1:16am May 2 2011
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[[ Want me to get Arana to bring in an NPC, or Arron? o_o ]] Arana shrugged again, popping a grape into her mouth. "Well, thanks for the free food. I'll get my boss to bring in a more suitable slave." Arana trotted out without waiting for the girl's reply, knowing Scarlett was probably on the edge of attacking her.
7:23pm May 2 2011 (last edited on 7:26pm May 2 2011)
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<< Arugh! So much writing! Much more than I regularly have to! I've never RPed 4 charries. >> When Ace finnished cleaning she rushed to the kitchen. She was running late and hopped Sanae wouldnt be mad. The people in the kitchen gave her a silver plater with stew, bread, fruit and a water canister with a cup to go with it. Once she got everything situated she was off to give Lady Sanae her food. The long hall ways making her arm ache, since she was only holding the tray with one hand. She passed another servant who was in a room with clothes. With one quick glance she figured it was Kyaan, a guy she hardly sees in the halls or rooms. When Ace got to Lady Sanae's room she knocked three times, waited and opened the door. Not looking at Lady Sanae, but instead the table she was going to set the tray down she said. "Lady Sanae, lunch." Once the tray was set down Ace took the water container and poured the water in it and set the cup and the canister on the table, not the tray. Ace turned now to face Lady Sanae, curtsied and said "My Lady. Anything eles?" Another question was burning inside of her but she kept it in 'cause she was scared to ask what has been up with Lady Sanae lately. Sam went to the dining room and smiled at his mother and father who were staring at him with grave conceren. "Sam, please sit." Sam did so begining to feel concern but faked it with a bright smile and a convident nod. He walked to a chair opposite his mother and beside his father who sat at the head of the table. Servant waiters came in and set a turkey leg in front of him with some vegtables and some thick creamy thing on the side. "We need to talk Sam" His father said in a deep low husky voice. Sam hopped that they didnt notice his changes or anything but they did. "Yes Father what is it," He paused and his face turned stern but playfull and pretended that he didnt know what they were going to say "Go on then, say it." His father gave a sigh and looked at his mother the queen who was eating her food peacfully with a frown on her face. "Your mother and I," He paused not knowing how to approch this problem. "We, well-" He could tell his father was getting frusterated. "What was that?" Sam chirped in looking at his father pretending he heard something. "I think there is something out side!" Sam said getting up and looking around "This is important Sam and-" Sam cut his father off "Can we talk about this later father? I really should go see and make sure it isnt one of those Damn Feyoth spys again." He got up and bowed to his father then his mother and left the room as fast as he could with out seeming rushed. Linnia was in her room looking up at the celling. She just finnished her lunch and was feeling bloated. She smiled at her full happy self and sighed. She was sitting in silence for too long and needed to streach her legs. She got up and walked humming and singing as she pranced around the halls looking for and exit. The sun shone in the windows and in the corridors birds sung and flew around. She almost sung as good as the birds but not quite. She skipped around and in circles. Her dress twirling and her blue boots making noises on the floor almost in a racing rhythm. She was happy and knew if any one saw her like this she would be deathly embarassed. See she was known for this cold heartless personality and would like to keep it like that. << I dont know what to do for Arron... You can bring Arana to get Arron who is in her room. Even though he is a jester she could tell him that the Queen and King demand him and only him. >>
7:11am May 3 2011
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Sanae quickly hid her black crow wings while Ace still had her back turned. She twirled around, also hiding the custom slits she had made in her robes. Sanae trotted over to the table and grabbed the thing nearest to her hand, stuffing it down quickly. "Thank you, Ace!" Sanae grinned. "There isn't much, really. What's up with everyone lately? I see some of the servants giving me strange looks. Did I upset them?" Sanae tapped her chin in thought. --- Natsume heard the trumpet that sounded mealtime [there's a trumpet that sounds lunch. nobody shall argue o_o] He slid off the tree with no problem and trudged to the castle, opening the gates and closing them behind his back. Natsume sauntered over to the dining room where the Syuns ate, just in time to see Sam leave. "What's up with him?" Natsume asked his parents, taking a [whatever food being served] --- Arana cheerfully skipped down the halls, happy with her free food. Then she paused, remembering what Scarlett had said. "Oh. Gotta get her a new slave before she goes off whining to her parents." She sighed, turning around and walking towards the corridors that lead to the rooms of the servants, basically, everyone who wasn't a Feyoth. Arana knocked on a random door [Arron's] "Hey, Scarlett wants some food, and she won't accept any from me." Arana drawled.

9:53am May 3 2011
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Ace nodded at the hungry lady and spoke. "Nothing really," Her voice trailed on as she forced a smile along with words to carry on "Its just that you have been acting strange My Lady." Ace's voice was low as she had her eyes fixed on the water containter to avoid looking at Lady Sanae. << Cool a trumpet xD and its turky haha >> Sam didnt look back he stode a confident walk but in side he was deathly afraid. Not of the truth but of him self too. He knew some how his power felt wrong or he felt diffrent but he didnt quite know whats up. He smiled at the people who said "Good after nood Lord Sam" or just "Lord Sam". Sam tried the best he could to fake his best atitude but it wasnt going so well. He ran and went outside of the castle and into the woods that lingered behind it. He often didnt go in the forest but when he doesnt know to do, he goes searching. << What to do with Linnia : >> Arron opened the door and saw a girl munching on food. His flat face gave an odd ex pression. "Im a Jester not some servant" He sounded as if he was a prince or a lord though he was almost as low as a servant. He thought this girl lucky that he was acctually talking to her and not somewhere behind a tree hiding or in the shadows not to be seen. His pirce yellow eyes watched her and his dark brown hair sat around his face and above his eyes. Shaking his head and scoffing he shut the door.
10:12am May 3 2011
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Sanae tilted her head to one side in question. "Strange?" She asked her servant, slowly settling down on the nearby chair. "What... I'm weird to them?" Sanae almost sounded hurt. [feil :c] --- Natsume leaned against the chair and didn't turn his head to watch his brother walk off. He bit into his turkey and looked at his silent parents. Natsume shrugged. "Well, I'm off now, mom and dad. You know. Knight duties and stuff." Without waiting for another word from his parents Natsume jumped off his seat and ran off, dashing past Sam while sticking his tongue out at him. Natsume grinned and continued running until he was out of breath, almost at the end of the village that resided near their castle. --- Arana backed off a little when she realized who was behind the door. Ooops... She thought. "Hey, it's not my fault Scarlett's being so cranky today." Arana crossed her arms and opened the door, leaning against the frame and crunching on a pastry. She pointed at her tray of food. "Want some? Scarlett allowed me to take the food during her fit."

10:58pm May 3 2011
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Ace was looking at Lady Sanae now, Was she hurt? Oh no! Ace quickly said "Oh its not much its just that your hair... or is it your eyes. They look diffrent some how, I guess" She shook her head and tried to reassure Sanae that everything was alright. "I might have been mistaking, Lady Sanae." She smiled as if nothing was wrong. Noding Ace said wanting to travel or at least get away from the castle for a while. "Lady, Is that all cause I was thinking I could take the rest of the day off?" Her voice was shaky but her voice was hopefull. She was hopping that Lady Sanae didnt get mad at her for asking. Sam went through trees and curved around rocks as he looked up and realized he was in a diffrent kingdom. Gasping sam looked down at his clothes. He was dressed royalty, but he didnt know what kingdom he had wandered to. Dueo... Maybe? No wait. Feyoth He could tell he was in Feyoth because of the flag color. He quickly stipped of his royalty clothes and was now wearing a white tee and his some what royal white pants. Sighing at his apperance he continued forward into Feyoth << Stupid Linnia >> Linnia was bored. What to do what to do she thought still in the corridors. Oh! A thought came to mind as she ran up the stairs. She looked left and right making sure that she was going the right way. Back to the kitchen She thought as she took a wrondg turn, not knowing it. She was looking for one of the other servants but when she knocked on a door she realized it was Lord Marcos room. Her eyes grew and took a coupple steps back but not going anywhere. Arron looked at the girl his face blank as he entered his room. He cleared his trought. "Im good he said" He dissapeared into a shadow that hung in the corner and waited for what she would say. << Fail xD >>
4:00am May 4 2011
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[[ Where is everyone? ._. ]] Sanae looked extremely confused, bringing her hand up to touch the are around her eyes. My eye color? She thought. What in the world was odd about it? Sanae resolved to check it as soon as Ace was out of the room. "Yes, you can take the rest of the day off, Ace." Sanae nodded and dismissed her servant, waiting for her to exit Sanae's room. --- [[blerg someone go bother Natsume]] --- Marco was having fun with his little shadows when a knock had sounded on his door. "Quick, hide!" He whispered to his friends. The dragons nodded and hastily melted into the shadows, leaving the wolf, who was already nearly invisible in the corner of Marco's destroyed room. Marco skipped to the door and opened it, trying to block up as much space as he could. "Oh, hey, you're the court jester." Marco gave the girl a generous smile. "So... What do you want? Did my parents call?" --- Arana rolled her eyes. Fine, go starve. She thought, helping herself to the last strawberry and leaving. Arana paused before she was fully out of the room. "Oh, remember, gotta go get Scarlett some food. I don't think she ever wants to see me again." She said with a smirk, then strolled along to the kitchen, dumping the tray in a washing bucket. Arana sighed and stared out the window, wondering if the Feyoths would allow her to just run off for a day. That was when she saw a person fully dressed in white. "Weirdo." Arana muttered. "Is he some sort of priest?"

9:52am May 4 2011
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Ace felt bad for Lady Sanae but she had to know the truth. She bowed and smiled then left the room for the day off. Sighing to be free, for the rest of the day, she walked as fast as she could to go outside the castle. The fresh air that raced between her hair. She smiled and looked around. She saw the forests, the great big trees, and decited it was time for a little adventure. Going into the forest she thought it be fun to go to a diffrent kingdom Linnia looked at Lord Marco with wide eyes but quickly got herself together. "Uh, Yes... I mean no. Good Day, Lord" She quickly left but as soon as she realized that he was blocking his room she thought it fun to find out. She quickly walked back, and in time too cause he didnt close his door yet. "Acctually your parents insist that I do a tick or two for you, to cheer you up, or so they say" She knew this would get her in troubble but she couldnt resist. << I will finnish the rest after school! Its early release >>
11:03pm May 4 2011
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<< Should we wait for the others or something? >> Arron looked at the girl leaving. "Food." He mumered to himself. He wasnt lookign forward to talking to Scarlett or talking to anyonr for the matter of fact but he knew that it had to be done. He didnt want to be blamed for something he didnt want to do cause he didnt want to talk. Sighing Arron left his room and creeping down the hall ways he played over and over in his mind what he should say and do. Once he got there and go a whole new platter for scarlett, no Lady Scarlett, he set off to the Ladys room. Feeling akward about the situation he knocked 5 times on her door and entered. His eyes glued to the gound as he walked and spoke. "Lady, your lunch?" He didnt sound too sure of himself and his voice was barly autible. He walked over to the smooth polished oak table. Glancing up at scarlett, Lady Scarlett, he quickly looked back down and spoke "That all?" He knew he didnt have to ask this cause he wasnt a servant but he thought it polite to ask royalty that. Sam looked up at the castle that stood infront of him. He made his way slowly towards the castle only being reconized as a prince by one ot two kids. But once he got to the entrance he noticed gaurds there. Damn he thought chewing on his nails, when a Bright Idea came to mind. Walking closer to the gaurds but not being seen he looked over to the left, the opposite side to him and made a bright light shine. Once the gaurds were distracted he sliped in the castle. He sighed a relif for his power to be working correctly. But then he saw it. One of the Servants (Arana) and froze.
3:52am May 5 2011
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[[ I think we should xD ]]
5:38pm May 5 2011
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Posts: 314
Scalett looked up to see Arron with the food and arched her brows. Didn't expect her to fetch a jester of all people, but it works, she thought to herself. "Just set it over there," she told him, pointing to the table nearby. She turned back to the window sill, where a robin was chirping for attention. "That will be all." She looked over her shoulder at the jester and smiled. "Thank you, Arron."
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
7:09pm May 5 2011
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<< Come out come out where ever you are Shay! haha >> Arron nodded and left the room sinking back into the shadows. It was early in the afternoon but the sun was not quite half way down. With time still left in the day he wondered what he should do. Knowing he had to performe for the queen and kings dinner in a few hours and was bord out of his mind.
10:13pm May 5 2011
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((Shay doesn't know what to post! |D I'll read through everything again and throw my characters in there. xD I can only be on an hour a day though. :c))
10:55pm May 5 2011
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<< Aww only an hour, well at least you get on, right :) and I guess that one of them can bump into Ace or one of Tld's carries. And since the 4 kindoms are kinda at war well... you can intresting. until balance between the kindoms is in place. >>
3:56am May 6 2011
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Marco rarely gave people condescending looks, but he decided to use his social standings to drive out the pestering girl. He gave Linnia a stern and yet patronizing look. "I do think my parents are out today, Linnia." He said, promptly slamming the door in her face and locking it in case anyone else decided to surprise him. Marco sank to the ground, immediately feeling bad about it. But he grinned again when the little dragons peaked out of their lamps curiously, resuming their darting and twirling in the midair. --- Sanae thought Ace was acting rather odd today. She shrugged, her wings sprouting out of her body again. She looked back to make sure nobody was their, climbing up the window and breathing in the fresh air. "Today looks like a good day to fly." She said. Her first time flying! This would be exciting. Sanae took a dramatic leap in the air and off she was, with a power beat of her crow wings. She loved the feeling of the air against her face, her wings beating together in perfect harmony. Sanae tried a few somersaults in the air, accidentally bumping into a tree. --- Arana noticed the boy immediately stop moving when he saw her looking at him. She sighed. What does he think he is, a statue? She thought, giving him a withering look and starting to wash the tray in case Scarlett decided to storm in and accuse her of other things.

10:08pm May 6 2011
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Linnia thought for a second, a smile spread across her face as she spoke as kindly and innocent as she could sound. "Well they told me yesterday to suprise you with this." batting her eyes to show how hurt she was she continued. "I can tell them that you dont want me, I can tell them when they get back" She explaind solemly shifting her feet around and trying to peak in his room. Sighing she nodded. "Lord." She finnished and started to walk slowly as her head hung. She tried the best she could to act sad. Ace started to have butterflies in her stomach. She knew that the kingdoms in war and she was frightened that she would get shot or get put in jail. She shook her head and knew that she had to do this. Not because she wanted adventure but because she wanted to prove to herself that she could do this. As she walked in the shady forest she started to think deeply. Bird chirped and the smell of dirt and patches of grass made her relax. Butterflies in her stomach settled. Her mind flew from thought to thought she finnaly arrived in Dueo. Cool She thought as she looked around to the foreign place as she hid in the shadows. Looking up to the castle, her eyes wandered to a dark window. She wondered why this window was dark while all the others were light. Pushing the thought aside. She walked over to a blossom tree that stood a little out of the forest but close enough to retreat if needed. Sitting underneath the tree aginst the trunk she staired up at the beautiful castle. It was far nicer than the one back in Auin, or so she thought. Maybe it was just something new. Shaking her head she sat and looked around at the new kindom she now sat in. Sam tensed up as he had been spotted. He raised an eyebrow and sighed not knowing what to say. I can dissapear just like that He though but noticing the girl didnt care weather he was there or not he started to relax. "You a servant?" He said in a low voice but a smile pricked in the corrners of his mouth. He kept his eyes low and stepped out of the shadows and walked a step closer to this girl who was apatheticly washing the silver tray that looked a lot like the ones his servants served him. << dont forget that their powers are glitchy >>
11:18pm May 6 2011
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[[ Omnomnom. HurryupShay :u Marco needs a bit of a flaw. I suppose this is the RP where I can really develop him and Arana's characters o^o ]] Marco looked over his shoulder at the door where he could still hear Linnia. He sighed, wishing there was a way he apologize. But it was too late for that. Marco gazed at the destruction his friends had made. He then shrugged. Leave it to the maids to clean. Marco grinned, opening the window and allowing the black dragons to soar in the skies. "Wait for me!" He said, climbing out onto the branches of a nearby tree. The wolf didn't seem to pay attention, though he did start to somberly pad onto the tree along with Marco, closing the window on it's way out. --- [[ Is Sam actually talking to Arana? o-o ]] Arana glanced up at the boy. She assumed that he was a Feyoth, from the smart attire he wore. Nothing like the semi-ragged white dress she had to wear almost every day. She set down the tray, leaning close to the window to reply. "Yes, I am." She said in a mildly stern voice. She didn't like it when Feyoths descended from their comfortable dens upstairs to stare at the servants while they did their chores. Did this guy come down just to bother her? Scarlett probably sent him... Arana thought.

10:00pm May 7 2011
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<< Yah he was :) >> Linnia shrugged as Lord Marco shut the door. Perking back up and singing she skipped back to her room. Ace was looking all around staring at the sky. The blue sky was shining and the white clouds floated over making shapes that took every form. It was refreshing to take a afternoon off. She sighed looking back at the palace. Her eyes widdned as she saw what apeared to be a shadow, but it was in form of a dragon. Was it moving? Shaking her head, Ace blinked not believing her eyes. Nothing was there to make the dragon shadow, but just then she saw a tree move. Trying to focus she spotted a boy. Dressed well, she assumed he was the prince. Huh? She was confussed. Was he doing this? She wondered as she now saw a wolf shadow behind him. Struggling to get up she walked a few steps forward. The Prince, she assumed was Marco. Lord Marco with shadows. Being a village away from Lord Marco she knew she couldnt catch up to him and even if she did she thought him to be harsh to her. A servant from Auin. So Ace just stood and watched Sam nodded at the girl. He hopped she didnt know who he was. He cleared his throat and gave her a sly smile. "Need any help madam" His voice was serious but if she turned she could of easily saw how childish and immature he was being. But Sam walked up to her, at her side he looked down at the crystal haired girl and awaited her answer.