[Semi-Lit Rp] Royal Magic [Fail at Title]

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10:27pm May 7 2011

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[[ Where is everyone D< ]]


10:56pm May 7 2011

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<< I was just thinking the same thing... Just throw your charries in guys :)  >>


11:10pm May 7 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Nothing much really happened, gais ._. Just pop in. ]]
Marco slid down the tree, accompanied by his dragons and the wolf. The two dragons happily chirruped, circling each other over his head and shooting black flames in the sky. They were noticeably less visible, as the sunlight had weakened a person's ability to perceive them, along with the wolf. 
Arana grumbled to herself. This guy better be thankful that there were no other servants left in the room. Imagine the looks she would get if Arana was caught just talking to him.
"Not really. I just finished." Arana sighed, leaning against the wall, arms folded over her chest. Then she realized, she really was alone in the room! Now was her chance to experience some freedom. The jester was hopefully keeping Scarlett busy.
"Out of the way." She said, jumping over and out of the window, landing near the boy. "Sorry about that." Arana nodded, then started brushing the dust off herself.  


11:53pm May 7 2011

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Posts: 314

Scarlett sighed, bored. After eating, there really wasn't much she could do. She just wasn't...motivated like she usually was. Not to mention how glitchy her powers seemed to be. Gathering her thick hair into a ponytail, she stood and slipped through the door into the hallway, making her way through the grand corridors of the palace. Once outside, she clucked her tongue lightly, looking for some animal to test her powers on.

The sound of conversation drifted her way, and she paused. She recognized Arana's voice, but not the other. She followed the sound and stopped behind a tree, watching Arana talk to a boy dressed as royalty.

He's not from here, she knew immediately. I would know him if he was royalty here. She inspected him up and down, trying to tell what kingdom he was from. Syun!

She narrowed her eyes, stepping forward. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" she demanded, crossing her arms.

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

11:59pm May 7 2011 (last edited on 12:05am May 8 2011)

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Posts: 1,329

<< i dont know what to post! >>

Ace watched the guy. Her eyes sharp on every move he made. Though the shadows lessened he didnt.

Sam nodded not knowing what to say. He found this girl.... odd, though he had never been out of the castle or out of Syun and every one had treaten him like a prince his whole life. He wondered where he would sleep. Knowing he wouldnt go back to Syun for quite some time he hopped desperatly that no one would find out he was Lord Sam. He kept his voice low and dull though his eyes shone back at her "And who may you be, madam?" He smiled a plastic fake smile due to his worriness and his plain white clothes. His breath caught in his throat as he heard a sharp voice. He spun around. "Lady Scarlett." He said with as much innocence as he could. "Im- Alex" he said not really lieing cause it was his middle name. He gesture to the servant girl. "She was telling me about your kindom, My Lady. See Im a visitor from- Syun." So he decited to tell half the truth.


12:14am May 8 2011 (last edited on 12:16am May 8 2011)

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Posts: 314
Scarlett smirked. She didn't want this boy in her kingdom, yet he was fairly entertaining. "Is there a reason you're visiting? Perhaps you should take your business to my parents rather than the servents." She snapped the last word, glaring at Arana.

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

12:35am May 8 2011

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Posts: 5,998

Arana sighed. Did Scarlett really like picking on everyone? Arana had assumed that was just a nasty rumor the servants passed around during the dark hours of the night. Arana side-stepped, bringing herself closer to the kid named Alex.

"Hey... Don't talk like that to my... Uh. Cousin." She said, eyes narrowing. "Didn't your parents tell you? I need to go to the apocathery, and Alex is taking me today." Arana smiled innocently. 


12:38am May 8 2011 (last edited on 12:45am May 8 2011)

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Sams smile still on his face and his voice still innocent. "And im rather happy talking to your servant- my cousin"  He said trying not to be annoyed by this Princess. "And if you excuse us I believe we have to go, If thats ok My Lady?" He nodded and turned to look at the Scarletts servant he still didnt know the name of. Giving the servant a grate full look, though he could have handled the situation himself, he turned back to Scarlett his face once again bright. How do I make her leave? Sam thought to himself as his mind wondered if he should use his powers.

<< Hold on lemmie read and then fix what Tld wrote! >>


12:46am May 8 2011

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Posts: 314
Scarlett rolled her eyes. She didn't believe a word Arana was saying. She knew this boy wasn't Arana's cousin; if she had royal family in the Syun kingdom, why wasn't she over there? "Don't talk to me that way," she snapped, then turned her attention back to the boy--Alex. "Who are you really?" she asked, leaning against a tree. "What do you want?"

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

12:53am May 8 2011

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Posts: 1,329

Sam sighed. Squinting faintly behind Scarlett he took a peice of the suns light and brought it down to the ground molding it into a dog. "Whats that over there?" Sam asked pointing to were the sun dog was. The dog ran up to Scarlett as intended and jumped on her. She dissapeared into the ball of light. Sam took Aranas hand and pulled her running. As the light started to fad from Scarlett and she was becoming visable once more, they reached the woods.


1:00am May 8 2011

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Posts: 314

Scarlett growled under her breath, annoyed. Clucking her tongue, a wild dog bounded towards her. She nodded at the receding forms of Arana and 'Alex', and the dog shot after them. It was just then that she realized what he had done.

He has powers...like me? He can...control light?

She tightened her ponytail and followed the dog. "Hey!" she shouted. "Wait, I want to talk to you!"

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

1:06am May 8 2011

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Posts: 1,329

Sam could hear scarletts faint voice but he kept running. He held on to Aranas hand not knowing what he was doing exactly. Once they were well submerged into the forest and the dog of light vanished he stopped running and let go of the girl. "Sorry" he mumbled under his breath.


1:08am May 8 2011

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Posts: 5,998

Arana yelped when she felt her hand being pulled by Alex. "Hey, slow down!" She said. Many questions buzzed in her head. She saw how the dog had been made. It wasn't an ordinary dog. 

"Okay, okay, she's gone, Alex!" Arana tried to skid to a stop. Glancing around, Arana realized she had zero ideas about the forest. She had only been in the village and in the Feyoth castle. "...Well, got any ideas?" She asked him. 


1:14am May 8 2011

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Posts: 314
Scarlett stopped near them, breathing heavily, the wild dog at her side. "How did you do that?" she gasped. "Seriously, I need to talk to you."

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

1:40am May 8 2011

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Posts: 1,329

Sam looked at her his eyes stressed with a hint of furry. Scarlett was following them. He sighed and spoke to Arana quietly. "Just follow me. Stay right behind me." He said as he began to run again hopping that the girl followed. How did she know I did that? sam wondered but kept running not able to glance back. "were almost there!" He shouted at the girl, if she was behind them. He soon saw a claring and knew it was Syun. Smiling at the relif he stopped at the forest line and took a step out of the trees.


1:48am May 8 2011

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Posts: 314

Scarlett rolled her eyes, turning away. "Stupid servant," she muttered to herself. "Fine. Let her be caught in a fight between kingdoms. She belongs here, and they sure as hell won't let her run off somewhere else." The wild dog padded next to her as she headed back to the castle.

"If anyone cares," she called as walked through the halls. "Arana's run off with some Syun boy."

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

1:50am May 8 2011

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Posts: 5,998

Arana's look of worry seemed to increase with each step she took. Being snatched away from another part of the world, Arana had no clue where they were. She had only ever been in the Feyoth castle, and had seen the village that lay outside the castle.

"Where are we?" She asked him when they finally slowed, glancing over her shoulder in case Scarlett was still following them.  


1:56am May 8 2011

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Posts: 1,329

Sam was now paceing and muttering to himself. "Uhg I am so stupid. I got caught. She shouldnt have figured it out. Why me, why now. Ugh Im so stupid." Being upset with himself he realized that the girl was still here. He stoped  pacing and smiled a warm smile. "well we are in Syun." He said happy to be home. "What was your name? Sorry I didnt catch it. " He nodded and stepped closer to her to make sure Scarlett wasnt behind. "I should probably re introduce my self" he said with great confidince. 


2:04am May 8 2011

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Posts: 314

Scarlett walked into her room, throwing a pen that sat on a nearby table across the room. It wasn't that she was mad, per say, just...

Impatient and annoyed

Ever since turning 17, she had acted like this more often. She'd been restless, her powers were spotty and unreliable, and the dreams were about to drive her crazy. She had thought, just for a moment, that she had found someone who shared it with her. Someone who knew what it was like to have strange powers and no control over them.

"Damn Syun!" she cursed out loud, pulling her hair out of its ponytail and shaking it out. "Damn powers, damn dreams..." She fell onto the window seat, glaring out the window. "Why me? What did I ever do to deserve this?"

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

2:04am May 8 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ I just realized Sam and Marco's powers are practically polar opposites xD They should totally meet up o_o ]]
Arana had to work hard to stop herself from gawking. Really? She was in Syun territory? The kingdoms were much too close to each other. Arana sighed, an attempt to calm herself down. 
"Oh... Uh... Oh! My name's Arana. Arana Venus." She remembered what they were talking about before Scarlett came. She started to wave her hand to quiet Alex down. "I heard you the first time. You're name's Alex... And you're a Syun?" Arana knew he would be royalty, but not from a rival kingdom.

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