[Semi-Lit Rp] Royal Magic [Fail at Title]

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2:12am May 8 2011

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<< haha I know thats what I thought when I first saw his power xD >>

"Yah, about that." He said his hand sratching the back of his head while he sorta shrugged. "Im Sam, Sam Syun." He hopped that Arana wouldnt teat him any diffrent. He was holding back the question he dared to ask her, but it slipped out. "Back there.... did you-?" he hopped she knew what he was talking about cause he didnt want to explain it. "Walk with me." He said turning and walking towards the castle. The sun was now setting and the breeze of the night was picking up.


2:21am May 8 2011

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[[ Geh. I want to introduce new characters, but I don't know how they'll fit in and all that stuff D< ]]
 "A Syun." Arana echoed. She shook her head. This kingdom was messed up. Constant fighting, stuck-up princesses. Life seemed much simpler in her old country. She obediently followed Sam, walking next to him and keeping up with his pace.
"Did I what? See that dog?" Arana nodded after saying this, her eyes focused on the path ahead of them. 


2:27am May 8 2011

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Posts: 1,329

<< haha I know I do to! I think tomorrow after I sleep I will. Its saturday 11:24pm my time right now so later I will...somehow >>

"Just a dog.." Sam wanted to believe but he knew that two, was it two, people who know about his power. "I should really go back and talk to Scarlett." He muttered under his breath. "I have to." He shook his head and looked at Arana. He hopped that she wasnt confussed or anything, he hoped that if she knew then she wouldnt tell. "Do you know where the dog came from?" He asked her as he tried not to panic.


10:05am May 8 2011

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[[ Nightnight : D ]]
Arana folded her arms, not liking it when Sam talked about Scarlett. Even mentioning her name...
"I'm not sure where the dog came from." She responded tartly. What was up with Arana? This kid made her feel weird. Maybe it was his powers. She gave him a bit of a suspicious glare when he wasn't looking. 


2:08pm May 8 2011

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Sam stopped and looked at the sky. The sun had almost set and he knew it would be dark soon. Sam turned back to Arana and said looking at her with his redish eyes "We have to go back first thing in the morning tomorrow. For now you can sleep in my room." He knew his parents would be appauled at him  for bringing a Feyoth servant girl to Syuns.  They were almost to the back door of the castle and knew it would be mildly difficult to bring this girl into his room, while his parents and the knights walked around the castle. He shook his head at the thought and looked back be hind them where the forest lay.

Linnia looked out her window. Squinting at the thought of something there another servant entered her room. "Linnia, the queen and King request your presences." Linnia groaned but then nodded at the tiny girl who was about half Linnias size but two time older than Linnia. The girl left and so did Linnia. She had to perform for the Queen and Kings dinner and knew that there would be guests. She wondered if Lord Marco would be there. Stupid question she knew but something was up and she desperatly wanted to know. As Linnia opened the dinner room doors she saw guests. Groaning once again, she put on a fake smile and walked in. "Ah, Linnia our Jester!" The King said standing up to make an anouncement. The big oak doors closed behind her, and she knew she had to do this.

After Arron had finnished performing for the Queen and Kind he went up to his room. He let out a puff of breath as he plopled down on his bed. He stared up at the celing and began to slowly drift off to sleep.

Ace noticed the sun going down. Acctually it was almost fully down. "I must have been spacing" She said to herself not knowing how to get back. The village had more than half its population a sleep, and those who werent a sleep were getting ready to. She scanned the area looking for the guy she saw in the trees but it was far too dark. Ace went over to the tree she had been sitting up aginst earlier. She now sat under this blossom tree with her knees pulled up to her chest and her hands wrapped over her legs. She shivered now and then but she tried to not think of how cold she was and how much troubble she could get in. Sighing Ace thought of the boy and how nice it would be to be a princess or at least free of being a servant. In the morning I will go strait to Auin. Nothing else She told her self as she tried not to fall a sleep


2:40pm May 8 2011

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Posts: 314

Scarlett let herself fall onto her back. The sun was going down and her room was filled with shadows. She knew it would be no use looking for the Syun boy in the darkness.

The wild dog jumped lightly onto her bed, tongue hangind out happily. He had followed her through the castle and into her room; the servants didn't dare say anything about it to her. Scarlett stroked his thick spotted fur as he lay down next to her and closed her eyes, drifting into sleep. As soon as it's morning I'm looking for that boy, she told herself firmly. She wasn't letting any servant get away, or a Syun into her kingdom without warning or punishment. Plus, she wanted to talk to him. She wanted to know what he could do, what powers he had. And how he had done that sun dog trick.

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

7:50pm May 8 2011

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Posts: 1,329

<< Waits for Tld... or shay >>


8:31pm May 8 2011

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Posts: 5,998

Arana jerked back a little. "What, I'm sleeping in your room?" She repeated. "Nooo... No way. I'll sleep... Here." Arana pointed at a random bush. It was too weird for a girl to sleep in a guy's room... Or vice versa. 


Marco looked up at the sky. "Aww... It's night already?" He whined to himself. His shadowy companions looked more invisible than ever. The boy started to climb back up the tree, sliding into his room. Obviously, the maids had worked furiously in his room, it was back to its original, nice, clean state. 


9:47pm May 8 2011

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Posts: 1,329

Sam sighed at her dissaproval. "Dont worry I will sleep in the room next  door. Its my sitting room." He tried to make her feel comfortable with the situation. "It would be absurd for you to sleep out side, come." He said walking inside the castle. The castle was supprisingly quiet. No servant or Knights were walking around.


9:54pm May 8 2011

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Posts: 5,998

[[ Oya, I'll have Natsume bother them too xD ]]

"No, I'll sleep in the sitting room." She mumbled, not wanting to feel like a moocher. Arana looked around the castle. It really resembled the castle of the Feyoth, asides from the distinct change in color schemes. "This is a... Nice place you got here, Sam." Arana said quietly, edging closer to him. She didn't exactly like the dark and empty castle.


Natsume, who had returned from his run in the woods, heard something. Carefully, quietly, he inched into the corridors. There, Natsume saw his brother, Sam. With a girl? Natsume narrowed his eyes. Well, this was interesting.

"Well, hey there, Sam." He said, stepping out from the corner, only a foot away from his brother. "Didn't tell me you brought company home." Natsume nodded towards Arana.


11:36pm May 8 2011

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Posts: 1,329

<< Haha ok, and I thought you had to go? >>

Sam laughed at her. "Fine you will take the sitting room and yah its an ok castle." He shook his head and was about to speek again when he saw his brother. Scowling at him he spoke. "What do you want Natsume?" Sam tried to hid Arana behind him but it was no use, she had been spotted. "And the company I bring home is none of your buisness." Why was Sam being so harsh over this girl. He just didnt want his family to know about this servant girl from another kingdom. Sam sighed not knowing what to say.


6:28pm May 10 2011

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Posts: 1,329

<< Bump... a few more days :) >>


9:38am May 12 2011

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Posts: 1,329

<< Im so tired! Bump >>


5:19pm May 12 2011

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Posts: 314
((Where is everyone?))

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

11:18pm May 12 2011

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Posts: 1,329

<< Tld is out of the country, I think, yah. And I dont know where Shay is. Droped out maybe...? >>


11:50pm May 12 2011

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Posts: 314
((I hope not. Do you know when Tld gets back?))

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

6:03am May 13 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Today :D ]]


9:29am May 13 2011

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Posts: 1,329

<< YAY! Tld is back! >>


9:41am May 13 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ xD Nice to see you too, Leo ^w^ I missed the internet TT_TT ]]
Arana didn't make any attempt to hide. At least the two knew each other. The other guy didn't seem so bad... Menacing? The tone of Sam's voice did surprise Arana a little, though. She gave both of them an odd look, quietly observing both of them.
Natsume feigned a look of hurt.
"I thought we were brothers, Sam." He said endearingly. "I was just a little curious. Since Sam here doesn't normally bring girls home." Natsume tilted his head towards the window that exposed the darkness of the night sky. "... At night." He added innocently. 


5:44pm May 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 314

((Yay! Welcome back to the cyber-world))

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
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