6:10pm Jan 16 2010
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Vitriol was instead, panting heavily and leaning against the wall. His eyes closed and his hand pinching the bridge of his nose. Andrew was instantly by his side. "Dneirf. Tser." He said, his tone almost pleading. Vitriol shook his head. "T'nac. Ot lufnaip." He said, his voice whisper like as it came out through his respirator. Vitriol's half open eyes gazed at his guest. "Sorry... I mean no confusion.... But I must...." But he didn't finish. His eyes glazed and he slumped to the floor. Andrew hissed angrily and with surprising strength, he picked Vitriol up. "Do not wander the corridors at night. There are things here besides Maser Vitriol that are dangerous." Andrew warned them. His eyes were in the shadow, but it was hard to miss his green cat like eyes as they glowed in the dark. He grunted as he carried Vitriol up the stairs.
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6:46pm Jan 16 2010
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Akira stared after the two, muttering, "Who said anything about wandering?" Random. he thought, frowning. Random and somewhat irritating. What kind of a host leaves his guests all alone in such a large room, and having their servant warn them like that. I'm not exactly sure what to think of it all. He spaced out, going over what had just happened in his head.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:57pm Jan 16 2010
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As Andrew carried Vitriol up the stairs, Vitriol began to sweat. He panted through his respirator as he dreamt his last mission. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open and he pulled away from Andrew's grasp. They were in his room. Andrew was staring at him sadly. "What..." Vitriol began, but a growl from Andrew told him to be quiet. "You're lurking in the past Vitriol. You know better than to do that. Your a Cypher God for pete's sake." Andrew hissed at him, pacing. Vitriol watched his butler warily. "I cannot help it Andrew. Everyday I take on a mission, it seems as if death is following me." He stared out the window at the almost full moon. "I lost her last time, Andrew.... She was the last Cypher God I had come to this world with.... Now she's gone....." he whispered. Andrew looked at his master with sympathy. "We all have our troubles, Vitriol. Yours just tend to hurt more." His friend said, laying a burning warm hand on his shoulder. Vitriol shuddered from the warmth. "Do not go looking for human flesh tonight, Andrew. We have guest. hunt in the woods..." he said quietly. Andrew sighed. "As you wish." He wrinkled his nose slightly. " I hate being able to smell everything. It can smell your sweat and your poisonous blood." He growled irratbly. Vitriol chuckled sadly. (( Alright. So I decided to create a creature called a Cypher God. Andrew isn't a vampiric lion, just a huge freaking m*censored*ive lion. K? I thought a god would fit Vitriol's abilities. I just chose Cypher because it sounded cool. *grins* The drink could of been a special drink only someone like him can drink. ))
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7:02pm Jan 16 2010
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( o3o Okau. ... *can't do anything* )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:25am Jan 17 2010
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(( Lol actually, you can. You could go upstairs and eavesdrop on them. Remember, everyone in that house besides the maids and Andrew are *censored**censored*ins. Highly trained ones as well. I'm thinking of making another *censored**censored*in's rp. ))
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11:55am Jan 17 2010
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( o_o But, Akira's not one to eavesdrop on his host. u.u )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:10pm Jan 17 2010
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(( he he. ))
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1:06pm Jan 17 2010
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((Lol.)) Karienne watched as Vitriol fainted. She looked from Callista to Akira. Then back to Vitriols servant helping him towards his room. "Well that was odd." she stated bluntly. She looked at Callista then Akira. "So...what do we do now?"
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:06pm Jan 17 2010
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"I am not entirely sure." Akira said, blinking. "I suppose we should go to our supplied rooms. There is not a reason for us to stay here."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:44pm Jan 17 2010
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A maid rushed towards them and frowned. Another maid behind her was taking her time. She pointed at herself, then at the stairs, then at them. "She cannot speak. But she will guide you to your rooms." Said the maid behind her. "My name is Witha. That's Ravin. We shall be your guides during your stay here." The girl said in a calm tone. She gazed at them. Something was off about her gaze. As if se didn't really see them....
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8:36pm Jan 17 2010
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Akira stared at the girls, lowering his gaze a bit. "Then, do we simply follow her?" he asked in a monotone.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:40pm Jan 17 2010
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The girl with no voice glared reproachfully at him and nodded. The girl who was blind chuckled slightly. "She's not deaf, Akira. She's just mute. As I am blind." She giggled. Ravin smirked slightly at him as Witha giggled. She turned to Witha and made a few strange hand signs. Then she turned back to the others. Witha smiled slightly. "I'm sure you will find us to be great company." Then she frowned slightly. "Don't forget Master Andrew's warning, though. He's serious." Witha shuddered ad rain placed a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. 'I should know. I was bitten by one of his...." She hesitated, searching for a word and finding none. ((She was bitten by Andrew when Andrew went into berserk mode. Basically he went nuts when he smelled her and attacked her. He he ))
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8:44pm Jan 17 2010
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"Did I ask if she was deaf? Was I speaking to her?" Akira mumbled to himself, clearly irritated. "Why does everyone believe I'm saying bad things?" He basically ignored whatever else the girl said, muttering to himself.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:02pm Jan 17 2010
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Karienne laughed and shook her head some of her curls falling into her face. she looked over at Akira. "Calm down."She said. She patted his back. "IM sure she didn't mean you meant harm."She said.. Then squinted as if thinking. "Wait that didn't make sense...."She trailed of.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:10pm Jan 17 2010
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Ravin and Witha looked at each other and shrugged. They weren't humans or whatever these creatures were. They wouldn't understand them. Ravin and Witha held hands as they waited. "Are you ready to go to your rooms?" Witha asked, curious.
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2:01pm Jan 23 2010
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Karienne looked over at the two girls and shrugged. "Well Im up for it."she said. She looked at the other two @ss@ssins. "What 'bout you two?"
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:04pm Jan 23 2010
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"Indeed, I am." Akira answered, straightening. He had been leaning on the wall for quite some time now, and his back ached. Maybe, the bed he got would be soft enough to suit his likings, but not so soft that he sunk into it. He hated those kinds of beds...
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:16pm Jan 29 2010
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Witha nodded and Ravin did something odd. She tapped Witha's shoulder and she drew a circle. Witha nodded and she went to Akira. "Come." She said softly. She took his hand and started leading him up the staircase. She counted the numbers in her head as they p*censored*ed the doors and when they stopped at Door number six, she opened it. "Your room." She said quietly. Ravin took Karienne's hand and without a word, towed her up the stairs. She counted the doors as they went by and stopped soon at door number three. She opened the door for her and looked at her softly.
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10:21pm Jan 29 2010
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"Ah," A trace of red flitted over Akira's face when Witha took his hand, since he wasn't that used to being around women. When he was led up to his room, he sighed, somewhat relieved, and smiled at how the room looked so simple. Just like they did in Japan. If he didn't point out all the differences between his room in Japan and the room he was given here, he could say with confidence that the room he had been given looked exactly like the one he had back home. "Thank you," he murmured, stepping inside his room. So simple, he thought, smiling. I've seen it a thousand times before, but this room seems rather... He didn't finish his thought.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:50am Jan 30 2010
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Witha watched him for a few seconds then smiled. "Just call my name, in normal voice please, when you need me. I will hear you." She said warmly. She was prepared to leave, then stopped. "Oh and, please do not walk the corridors or wake Master Vitriol..... That would be rather..... unwise..." Witha said, a frown on her face. Then she left.
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