7:39pm Dec 19 2009
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(( I said he didn't flinch. )) Finally, Vitriol reached the room where his living room was held. He took a deep breath, and then he walked through them and saw his guest. "Welcome, welcome..." He said, his voice altered slightly by his respirator, his voice coming out a little airy. The maids and servants jumped and stood up, standing still. He nodded his head at them and they left the room. He smiled at his butler, but realized, he would not see it. So he flicked his fingers slightly and his butler stepped to his side. Vitriol walked to his guest and sat on the largest chair their. It was next to the fireplace so that his form was slightly darkened by the flames that danced in his already unnerving eyes. He gazed at them, never flinching, never blinking.
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7:43pm Dec 19 2009 (last edited on 7:44pm Dec 19 2009)
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Karienne looked over at him. She bit her lip. She definately didn't want to break the silence. She looked down at her fingre and she dwidled her thumbs. She looked back at him. He gaze was unerving. She pulled on her curls self consiously.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:44pm Dec 19 2009
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[[Sorry, but the way you hav it typed doesn't make sense...]] The vampire's silver eyes continued to glow as he looked through a veil of his own black hair. He stood as far away from the fire as he could. But he never made eye contact with Vitriol, the great as$as$in. Nor did he talk for all his words were in his own language of the Cherokee. He tilted his head to one side and waited for his host to talk.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:47pm Dec 19 2009
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Akira looked up at the man, blinking his silver eyes. "I am honoured..." he murmured, bowing his head again. To be so formal was in his instinct, as he had been raised to be so polite. He was itching to ask the questions he wanted answered, but of course, his mouth betrayed him, and from it came no words. He had to be silent, as he had been trained to be, or he would come off as reckless and loudmouthed. Which he wasn't.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:50pm Dec 19 2009
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"Welcome to my house. I'm sure you all know why you are here. If not, then that's a pity." He said, his voice smooth. he turned to his butler. He leaned in and whispered in his butler's ear's something of an unknown language. The butler disappeared behind a door and soon returned with drinks for everyone. Including a cup of blood. "There are different drinks here each suiting your origin. Please, enjoy them." he said carefully, never letting his gaze wander from them. He took his own gl*censored*. Inside was a strange blackish substance that seemed to have bits of gold and green inside it. In the middle of the drink pulsed a beautiful blue color. He carefully removed his respirator and skillfully, he managed to take a sip of his old drink. He quickly put the respirator back on and took a deep breath. Not once had he revealed what it looked like underneath his respirator. (( I would love to make a comic of this, but I just can't draw for my life. I might be able to write it, but then, I'm lost..... ))
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7:55pm Dec 19 2009
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The Native American vampire took the cup of blood from the tray and sniffed it as he raised it under his nose. AB+. Good enough. He took a sip and his fangs were seen as his lips parted. Swallowing the blood, his head swirled for he hadn't fed for more than three months. He had kept close tabs on his target which had seemed to drop off the face of the earth.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:57pm Dec 19 2009 (last edited on 7:59pm Dec 19 2009)
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Karienne smiled and took a gl*censored* of champagne. If anyone could guess she was orignated from french but because she had no accent no one knew. She sure was fluent in french but she was fluent in other languages too. She took a sip of her drink and saw Vitriol quickly drink his gla.ss of whatever that was. Then he eyes shifted over to the guy who drank down what appeared to be blood. Is he a cannibal of somesort? She thought to herself not knowing he was a vampire. For all she knew they did not exsist.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:58pm Dec 19 2009 (last edited on 7:59pm Dec 19 2009)
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Vitriol smiled when he saw the man take the cub of blood. That would be the vampire. He thought as he watched him down it. His gaze flickered back tot eh other's, waiting for them to take their cups. He swirled the drink around in his cup as he watched them. Surprisingly, it sloshed like water and not like something thick. Vitriol saw the one girl take the champagne. That would be the french woman. He thought wryly. She might not have the accent, but she was definetly french.
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8:08pm Dec 19 2009
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Callista warily took her drink, which was a pale, peachy color. She briefly put it up to her lips and sipped, the sweetest taste she had ever encountered filling her mouth. The taste was almost impossible to swallow. It was as the myths had recalled, pure Nectar. Of course, this version was dulled down with water, since complete pure Nectar would have lit fire to Callista’s insides. The drink was almost too much for her to handle, taking only tiny sips of the Greek drink. Memories of her home flooded her.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
8:14pm Dec 19 2009
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Vitriol felt his lip twitch behind his respirator when he saw the other woman take the greek drink. And that would be the one who I am guessing, is the greek woman. He thought, smiling. Once again, no one saw it, his mouth being covered. "I'm glad you like your drinks, Zaou, Callista, Karienne, Akira." He said, naming them by their, well, names. He wondered inwardly if they would be surprised that he knew their names just by the drinks they had chosen. (( Ah, here comes the part where he is clever. He knew that there were different origins, but he didn't know who was who. So, he waited for the others to show it to him without knowing. Thus, he learned which ones are which and of course, being a professional @ss@ssin, he would know their names. And... Probably a lot more things. LoL ))
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8:21pm Dec 19 2009 (last edited on 8:22pm Dec 19 2009)
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Karienne almost did a spit take when he said her name. She quickly covered her mouth and looked at him. How did he know my name? She thought. She shook her head. He an a.ss.a.sin he would do his research. She guessed. ((Okay when you say alot more thing I think creepy things like bra sizes and stuff XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:22pm Dec 19 2009
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Posts: 993
Callista raised an eyebrow at Vitriol, but as.sumed he had his ways of knowing. The sweet Nectar did burn her throat slightly, but she persisted in drinking, knowing that it would strengthen her. She learned this from her favorite movie, The Princess Bride, remembering how the prince had taken in bits of the poisin to be immune to it. Someday, she thought, I will be able to drink entirely Pure Nectar. She gazed up at Vitriol.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
8:24pm Dec 19 2009
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Vitriol gazed back at them. "Well? My first question goes unanswered. But I am guessing you framed my question as a comment more than a question." He said smoothly, still gazing at all of them.
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8:33pm Dec 19 2009
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Zaou nearly spat out the mouthful of blood in his mouth when Vitriol said his name. Gulping it down, his mouth dropped and his fangs were exposed. A bit of blood stained them slightly. He wanted to ask why Vitriol know his name, but he couldn't place the words into English or anything coherent.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:38pm Dec 19 2009 (last edited on 8:40pm Dec 19 2009)
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( Ey. e.e I ahven't even done anything yet. ) Akira murmured "thank you" when he took his drink. "Habushu." he said after taking a sip of his drink. A liqueur made of various herbs and honey, and was always stored in a bottle containing a pit viper. Akira was never quite sure why the Japanese did it, but he thought it was because they thought the snake had medical properties. Clearly, the snake had been drowned in the alcohol, since he could taste every part of the snake. It didn't matter, though, since he actually preferred to be able to taste the viper. It gave the drink a...different taste.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:45pm Dec 19 2009
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(( Tis okay Kira. )) Vitriol turned his gaze to Zauo. "Please, forgive me if I startled you. But it seemed most..... improper of me to call you miss, or sir, when I already know your names." He said lightly.
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8:49pm Dec 19 2009
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That seemed to make more sense. "But how did you find out?" he asked, in Cherokee of course. He was still slightly confused and said his words with care.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:50pm Dec 19 2009
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( o-o 'Kay. ) Akira didn't seem phased by the fact that Vitriol knew his name. In fact, he wasn't. If he had been, he wouldn't have spit out his drink like the female and the vampire had done. It would be very rude, and Akira wasn't rude. Besides, it would make him seem immature, too. Taking another sip, Akira's eyes flickered up to watch Vitriol. He knew the man's name, but only because he had been told who he was going to meet. But...the other as-sas-sins' nanes...he had no idea what they were.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:52pm Dec 19 2009
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Posts: 993
Callista nodded. "I am enjoying this, however dangerous it is to drink." She as.sumed that if anyone else were to drink this, they would combust, since they had not built a tolerance for it. It was clear to her, being called by her name. After all, Vitriol was the greatest as.sas.sin of the times. "Are you not going to have a drink, Mr. Vitriol?" She asked coyly.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
8:54pm Dec 19 2009 (last edited on 8:55pm Dec 19 2009)
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Karienne pulled on her hair. She was still surprised he knew their names. I mean, of cousre she knew him. He was the greatest a.ss.a.ssin of al time. But she, she was mearly a normal unknown a.ss.a.ssin as far as she knew. She took another sip of her champagne and sat back and crossed her leg over her other one. She bit down on her lip. Everyone seemed to be talking but Karienne kept her mouth shut.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.