Humans dominate this planet they treat us like dirt, they experiment on us, hungry for power... We are probed, tortured even murdered... We, Shape changers, born from human perents for unkown reasons, We are clas.sed as anomiles, freaks even... The humans only seek to destroy us, obliterate our Kind... And I have had enough, We must fight for what every creature has the right to... Life! Will you help your Shifter brethren or will you betray us to the humans? Will you fight?
~ Posts must be at least two sentances.
~ No serious cussing, crap, arse, etc. are permitted.
~ No Godmodding
~ No Mary sue's or Gary Lou's
~ If i say your banned YOU ARE BANNED FOR GOOD!
~ Be respectful
~ No force breeding or unpermitted violence
~ Have fun!
Age: (Use years and months only)
Number: (If you live in IAR)
Home: (on the street or in the IAR (Institute of Anthromorphic Reaserch) )
Looks: (If you are a dog or cat specify a breed)
History: (You musy have one, no "cant remember" or "to long to say")
Personality: (Dont just say "mean" or "Happy" or "RP it out"...)
~Irissa's form~
Name: Iris or Storm
Age: 15 and 6 months S
Animal: Australian Shepard
Gender: Female
Number: 3508
Home: I.A.R in a flat it has one room a bedroom/ bathroom, She has food thrown in daily, There is a sleeping platform, with a thin matress and a wollen blanket on it, in one corner. There is another bed which folds out above Irises. The front of the room is an observation area made of heavy juty chain link metal, there and she is told she may be getting a rommie...
Family: her mother is dead and her father in prison
Crush/Mate: Not right now
History: She had an average life up until her 13th birthday... she was walking home from school and came back to find an abulance and several police cars outside her house. She ran towards a police officer and asked what had been going on he told her that her dad had gotten drunk and lost control, attacking her mum and killing her in a fit of pure rage. Iris ran into the Forest and let all her anger towrds her father and sadness at the loss of her mother seep out, changing her phisical form... A scientist found her wondering the streets in her shifted form and took her to the IAR...
Personality: Iris loves to stand out from the crowd, She often the wild one in a group and she hates to be a sheep! She is often wary of strangers and hates to be alone with people she doesnt know but She is mostly a friendly and out going person...