(Shounen Ai) Castles, Dragons, and Tigers (Private) Oh My!

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10:04pm Dec 9 2010

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[[ I don't know xD Thats a good question lol

And yes, no raciness in the RP Forums ]]

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

10:15pm Dec 9 2010

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Posts: 11,785
(Er...maybe we start with a slight belly bulge? Endraen could sniff around a bit then, based on his experience with tigresses, deduce that Aiden is pregnant? ouo)


7:22am Dec 10 2010

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[[ lol Ok >3< Sounds like a plan ]]

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

2:18pm Dec 10 2010

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Aiden sighed, work was getting less and less interesting to him. All he ever wanted to do anymore was be with or around Endraen. David had noticed this and he'd decided to ask him about it today. "Aiden." He greeted, tying his apron around his waist. 

Aiden didn't stop in his work to reply, it had gotten to hot in the black smith's place he'd had to tie his hair back. "I noticed you been spending an awful lot a time with that animal, Endraen." Aiden still didn't respond, he'd figured that by now David would be used to it. 

"It's been effecting your work, boy, and I suggest you stop." Aiden picked up the sheet of metal and dumped it into a bucket. "My work is fine." He finally replied, leaning against the barrel. "You haven't been doing any work at all." He pointed out. "Hey! remember who you're talking to, boy!"  

Aiden frowned, "I've been coming in on time and staying late every day. I don't take breaks and I don't mess around, my work is fine." Aiden insured. David look at him hard, "Well, I don't like it.. the way you spend so much time with that beast. You have to watch for him Aiden, he's an animal!" Aiden glared down at the cooling metal and David walked away. It was almost time for Aiden to be able to leave and see Endraen now.

[[ so mcu post and yet... its still fail D:]] 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

4:41pm Dec 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785

While Aiden was at the blacksmith's, Endraen was sitting upon the roof of the other male's hut, staring up at the sky with his ears pricked forward. His too-fluffy tail twitched lightly back and forth, his golden eyes focusing in on a bird flying through the air.


((Hurr. Not much I can do with him right now...sorry for the uberfail.

And is this a few months after that night? ouo; The point where Aiden begins to notice his belly is beginning to bulge? |D))


5:11pm Dec 10 2010

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[[ Yes, this is a few months later ^3^ ]]

Aiden, finally able to leave, sighed as he put away the finished pieces of an extended project and pulled on his coat. It was still a little cold out, the spring wasn't quite here yet.

He had been getting cold a lot easier lately, maybe that was due to the sickness that was coming. Aiden knew he was catching something because every morning for the past few days he would get sick. But through out the day his appetite wasn't delayed at all. Plus he would get upset easily. Yup, he was catching something.

Not to mention... weight gain. Aiden figured that it was just how much he was eating lately, which was really a little embarra$sing. He walked to his hut behind the blacksmith place. He was deep in thought and didn't notice Endraen on the roof.  

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

5:26pm Dec 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785
Endraen'a ears rotated towards the sound of footsteps, the tigercat looking over at the source as he stood up. A smile appeared on his face, his tail swishing in a happy manner as he hopped down from the roof and padded over, golden eyes soft. "How was today?" he asked, his voice soft so he wouldn't startle the human. He knew he moved quiter than humans, which was something he just couldn't help.

Something seemed...off about Aiden's scent lately, though, and the tigercat just didn't know what it could be. It was familiar, but he just couldn't place it.

(Will Aiden and Endrean's kid have just ears and a tail? :D White kitty ears and a fluffy tail? Because of Endraen's momma? :D Or just a silver tabby with black markings? ouo)


5:54pm Dec 10 2010

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[[ White fluffy ears sound cute :DD but the tabby markings are fine too XD And I was thinking along the lines of Neko <33 Ears and a Tail myself ]]

Aiden looked up to the sound of Endraen's voice, eyes lighting up immediately. "It was ok." He answered, a small, warm smile on his face. He walked up to Endraen and stopped, "What about yours?" He asked, one of his hands creeping over to touch his stomach until he realized what he was doing and dropped it.

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:03pm Dec 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785

Endraen shrugged softly, a smile on his face. "Ah, the same as always. Wandered around the woods to hunt something down and then just walked around a bit before coming here to wait for you," he purred, moving to curl his tail around the other male, following this with his arms. He nuzzled him, acting so that if anyone saw they'd think he was just being animalistically affectionate, like a cat would act towards his master.

Then he noticed Aiden's hand creeping up towards his stomach, the tiger tilting his head in a curious fashion. "Something wrong? Does your stomach hurt?" he asked softly, ears pulling back slightly as the look on his face and within his golden eyes changed to one of concern.


6:04pm Dec 10 2010

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White and fluffy with silver tabby stripes that make the fur shine. <3))


6:15pm Dec 10 2010

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Aiden was glad that Endraen wasn't cooped up in the village all day and he actually left to get some food and exorcise. He still wondered why Endraen hadn't left yet and hoped that he wasn't here only for him. He reached up and petted behind Endraen's head, just something he did while he wasn't thinking about it.

"Ah, not really..." Aiden responded, he wasn't sure why he had touched his stomach. "I'm fine."

[[ :3 Perfect lol ]] 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:36pm Dec 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785
Endraen moved into the petting he received, letting out a soft, growl-like purr as he listened to Aiden's reply. "You're sure?" he murmured, left ear twitching lightly as he shifted his arms, moving his hand to lightly rest the fingertips against the other's shirt. "Have you been feeling okay...?" he asked, tilting his head slightly to the side.


6:52pm Dec 10 2010

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"Actually, I think I'm coming down with something..." Aiden responded then looked around quickly. He didn't want anyone else to see them, didn't want to risk it at all. "Can we go inside?" Aiden asked quietly

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:59pm Dec 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785

Endraen nodded, uncurling his tail from around Aiden and releasing him from his embrace. He headed towards the door, stopping after a couple steps to make sure that the other male was following. If he could find out what the other male could be coming down with, then he could find out what eh needed to get better faster.


((Fail. P:))


7:12pm Dec 10 2010

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Aiden followed Endraen to the door and opened it for him to go inside. He shivered slightly, again, it wasn't that cold out and it troubled him that he was getting so sensitive to the weather around him. Oce they were inside he closed the door and shed his coat and bag. 

[haha mine fails too XD] 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

7:25pm Dec 10 2010

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Posts: 7,187

[[ .... They just REPLACED my cat!!!!!! Brought a stupid little kitten in and is getting it used to the other two we have like she didn't even matter! It hasn't even been 24 hours damn it!! ;~~~; Its a girl and everything and they're all like: "LOOK! A KITTEN!! <33 Isn't it cute? Look, the other cats like her! Aw! Wanna hold her?" 

NO I don't f-ing wanna hold my cat's replacement D'8< ]]

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

7:35pm Dec 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785

((They're just wanting to make you feel better about it is all. -petpet-))


Endraen padded inside, curling his tail around Aiden as soon as he could. Since they were out of view of prying eyes now, he moved to place a soft kiss on the human's lips befor he looked at him, golden eyes once again filled with concern. "So...what exactly has been going on?" he asked softly, ears pulling back a little.


8:18pm Dec 10 2010

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Posts: 7,187

[[ Shes not gonna make me feek better > > Shes just gonna remind me that mine is gone. Forever. ]]

Aiden felt embarras$ed talking about his sickness but he knew that Endraen was just trying to help. "I've been sick every morning for a few days now." He told the other, "And I've been getting cold really easily and upset fast." He explained.

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

9:18pm Dec 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785

Endraen cocked his head slightly, ears pricked. Morning sickness...? Sensitivity to weather and mood swings...? And the fact that Aiden's scent had been off for a while now... Then a look that said he just remembered something appeared on his face, his tail falling still. Now he remembered why that scent was so familiar... It was the same sort of scent that pregnant tigresses emitted...it was like a mixture of her's and her mate's scents, creating a new scent for a new life.

Did that mean that..Aiden was pregnant? Was that even possible? "...And...weight gain...?" he asked gently, looking up at Aiden with soft, but totally serious golden eyes.


((I'm sure she'll grow on you eventually. You're still just upset is all. -petpetpet-))


9:25pm Dec 10 2010

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Posts: 7,187

Aiden's eyes widened slightly and his face grew hot. He opened his mouth to say something but looked away instead. "Not that much... I guess I've been eating a lot lately..." He said. If Endraen noticed that he had gained a little weight then it had to be more than just a little. HE tried to focus on something else in the hut but nothing seemed interesting enough.

[[...She will... I was holding her and petting her. Shes pretty scared... I finally fried too so I feel a little better about that too ._.]] 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
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