10:43pm Feb 27 2010
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Brittany shook her head. "Thank you for offering, though. That's very kind of you," she told him, and, being her friendly self, gave him a one-armed hug, her other arm being used to keep her backpack on her shoulder. Ryan nodded and padded along beside her, pulling out his candy bag and rifling through it to find things that wouldn't melt, like suckers and such, that he could put in his pockets. "You know, Aldia, girls can carry candy around a lot easier than guys can. Have you noticed that?" he asked, smiling as he looked over to Aldia. "They can hide it in their purses, while guys are limited to their pockets." ((I'm very huggy with people I like. :D Like my friends. P: Reggie (My friend who I swear is like...a foot taller than me) is very clingy. xDDD
11:21pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 392
"Uh... no problem" he said slightly surprised by the contact. He wrapped one long arm around her and squeezed in a quick hug before letting his arm fall back into place by his side. "Let's go hu?" he asked walking. Aldia laughed swinging Lette's hand as she walked. "It's only easier if we have purses" she said. "I, don't carry one" she laughed. "Just my back pack" she held up the item in question with her free hand. ((I'm really huggy too XD. A little too much so some times ^^;;))
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
11:33pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I has a small purse that's stuffed so full it's gonna bust one day. xD; My friend Reggie tends to like...hug me and lean on me, but the height difference makes it awkward and I usually end up almost falling over. xDDD;)) Brittany nodded, a wide, warm smile on her face as she started walking as well. "Do you have any hobbies, Marcus?" she asked after a little while, looking over at the male curiously, wanting to learn more about him than just his name. __________________________ Ryan chuckled lightly. "True," he said, pulling out a Tootsie-Pop, flavored Cherry. He turned to Aldia and offered it to her. "You know, I've always wondered how many licks it really does take to get to the Tootsie-Roll center of a Tootsie-Pop. I've tried counting, but then I lost track and gave up."
11:46pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 392
"Uh..." a light blush dusted Marcus's cheeks "I uh... I write poetry" he said quietly wringing his hands togeather nervously. "And I play video games" he nodded. "You?" he looked at her with a slight smile. Aldia took the Tootsie-Pop with a happy smile "thanks" she said. "Oh and 2,546 for me" she said. "2,601 for me" Lette said with a laugh. "We sat down and counted one day" she nodded. ((Those are two actual numbers I got from counting XD The power was out and I had nothing better to do, the licks were kida smallish ^^))
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
11:49pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( no way! i got 1,076... 1,074... and 1,096 XD so apperently im not the only one who gets insanely bored! *i also did one to prove mah teacher wrong XD ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
11:51pm Feb 27 2010
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Brittany smiled. "I tend to go between writing stories and drawing during school, but when I'm at home, I'm either talking to friends online or playing my video games," she answered. "And I like poetry. It puts how you think and feel into words. Each different poem has such a deep meaning, but you have to think to figure out what it is," she added. Then she blinked. "Oh, I read a lot, too, but I'm usually drawing on my schoolwork during clas$," she giggled. Yeah, she was a doodle-bug. Ryan blinked. "That's a pretty high number," he said, then grinned. "And that means the commercials really lied to us!" ((Pffft. I really am. I doodle all the time. :D Wanna see one of my more recent doodles? Even though it may not look like a doodle? xDDD;))
12:12am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 392
Marcus smiled "I'm sure your teachers apreciate the art" he said with a small chuckle. "I used to jot poem ideas onto home work so the teachers would get confused... I have a seprate note book for that now" he said. "I know right!" Aldia laughed. "When we finished I ran down the stairs up to my dad and said 'Daddy, the comercials lied to us!' He looked at me like I was crazy till I explained" she laughed. Lette smiled "I went home and did the exact same thing only I didn't explain I ran off to my room and my mum was confused till dinner" she laughed too. ((Awsomeness XD and no you're not the only one who gets that bored. Sure I'd love to see the doodle. My history teacher, for his home work we summarise each part of the chapter then write comentary, well I watch an anime called Hetalia and it's about history so I just draw the characters. I did the most adorible drawing of Russia for our last asignment XD))
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
12:39am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Hetalia is WIN. I drew Russia during World Geography once. This time around, I had to do an essay on Turkey, and I kept repeating that eh's scary. Because he is. owo And I giggle each time I hear the countries now. And when I look at a map and see Russia and China... -flail- And Russia's adorable anyways. <3~ Turkey frightens me. As does Belarus. ;n; Maru kaite chikyuu, maru kaite chikyuu, maru kaite chikyuu, Boku Hetalia~ <3 Draw a circle and there's Earth, draw a circle and there's Earth, draw a circle and there's Earth, I am ITaly~ <333)) Brittany giggled again. "My Spanish teacher certainly does. She's always commenting on them," she told him, then smiled. "I'm always either doodling or writing something on whatever is I'm doing at the moment, and it's usually the same thing for a while. Right now I'm trying to find a new way to draw wings, so now my work has feathered wings doodled on it." Ryan laughed. "That sounds exactly like how I would react!" ((Linky~ http://rikathefallen.deviantart.com/art/World-Geography-Doodle-154308308 Copy and paste it. I'm not sure if the links work on the forums yet. P:))

12:56am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 392
(( Rawr I hate Belarus, she's trying to steal my Russia-Kun! ^^ Yeah, I'm a Russia fan girl XD He's just so cute and strong and crazy! Also I laugh when I look at a map and see Russia and China, Canada and America too lolz. Nice pic by the way ^^ Oh and I'm pretty sure everything on the forums is fixed now)) "Well, the best of luck on improving, though I'm sure you're already wonderful at drawing" he said. "I've been working to put a book of poems together for a while... I'm almost done" Marcus said in a semi proud way. Aldia laughed "it's so awesome how awesomly awesome you are" she said with a giggle and a happy smile.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
1:27am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Nu. Canada and America is backwards. Nobody can top the HERO! ;D 'Cept Russia. 'Cause he's Russia. Ivan~ Ilu~ <3 Ivan is also afraid of Natalya. owo; Hong Kong is sexy. ;3 Aldia is like a backwards Prussia, going on about awesome. ;O)) Brittany felt her cheeks heat up in the slightest of blushes. "Well, I don't really think so, but other people seem to," she answered him, moving her hand to fix her glas$es, blue-green eyes still warm and kind as she smiled. "Would let me read your poems some day?" she asked Marcus with a smile. ________________________ "Oh, is it now?" Ryan teased playfully, grinning at Aldia.
1:34am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 392
"Sure" Marcus said with a soft smile, a little blush on his face. He ran his fingers through his hair again. "Maybe at lunch" he said. "Yep" she laughed. Lette tugged on Aldia's hand "clas.s" she said with a smile. "Mkay" Aldia said kissing Lette's cheek before letting go of her hand. Lette smiled and walked away into a nearby clas.s room. (( *Sigh* Russia, I love you ^///^ he's sooo hawt and cute at the same time. ))
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
2:07pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Brittany's smile widened a bit. "Alright," she said, flicking her head to move her hair out of her face, where it had a habit of falling to obscure her vision. _______________ Ryan chuckled, then took the chance to look at where they were. He figured that they were getting pretty close to their destination. ((Rar. P:))
6:36pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Asphalt continued doodling.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:40pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 392
Marcus smile and suddenly stopped walking "isn't this your clas.s?" he asked gestering to the door beside them. Aldia smiled "here we are, boredom central! Let's get to not paying attention" she laughed. She really never did pay too much attention in cl*censored*, she was a bright girl but she had her own agenda.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
7:34pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:48pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Reverend looked ahead of him, staring at the board for moment. He pulled out a pencil from his pocket and started chewing the eraser
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:51pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Brittany paused and looked to the door, then nodded. "Thank you for walking with me," she said, giving him another one-armed hug before heading intot he room. "I'll see you later, MArcus!" ___________________________ Ryan laughed. "Yeah. If only they could make it more interesting," he said, padding into the room.
8:54pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Asphalt poked the back of the girl in front of him with the tip of his pencil. Not because she was cute, but because he needed a laugh.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:00pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 392
"By" Marcus said softly turning away to go to his cl*censored* once she was in the room. Aldia sighed "hm, maybe like a game or something? I mean really, geometry is shapes, shapes are needed for games, let's play games in geometry cl*censored*, it'd be helpful" she said quietly walking into the room.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
9:19pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Ryan nodded, sighing softly. "It would help," he agreed before sitting down. _____________________ Brittany sighed, instantly bored. She sat down and started doodling little chibis all over her notebook, smiling softly. ((Yes. :D))