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4:36pm Sep 4 2010

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Ti Jinh glanced up at the tree seeing Fever and Kai-Ching. A small smile fell upon his face before he let out a slight laugh. "Do be carefull Fever" he called up to her looking past the two at Jet who landed on the branch next to Fever and Kai-Ching. He hopped upon Fever's shoulder pressing his beak to her cheek. This was a sign that he liked her.

Watching Jet, Ti Jinh smirked walking off to the river to bathe. He figured if they were hungry they would just raid his kitchen again, in which he didn't really mind. He had snacked on an apple which fully filled his stomach. He was used to going without food for a while.

Reaching the river Ti Jinh didn't take any time to quickly strip and bathe in the river. The last thing he wanted to do was to take his time and let his mind wander. He didn't need any of that since he had plenty of it last night.


5:08pm Sep 4 2010

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Kai-Ching clung tightly to Fever as she took her high up into a tree. Kai-Ching took her face out from hiding against Fever's chest. She looked out over the lively city of Chin and saw lights flicker, children race, people barter and so much more life. "Wow. This looks so cool."she cheered as she looked around at the sight. She looked down and saw Ti Jinh. "Hey!"she said waving out with hae whole arm.


"Nope."Kiggan shook his head. "No one else would have chosen thos toys except the Avatar."he said with a tired ex
pression. "Go to bed now. We have a long trip ahead of us."

((when she goes to sleep we can timeskippy ))

5:11pm Sep 4 2010

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Aki yawned. "If you say so." She said sleepily. Her eyelids fluttered and she fell onto the bed, fast asleep...

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6:29pm Sep 4 2010

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Fever smiled as Jet pressed his beak against her cheek. She closed her eyes for a minute, enjoying the feeling of closeness with those around her. Ti Jinh, Kai-Ching, Jet, even Gwa-Ryu.

It had all happened so fast.

"Down we go." whispered before stepping off the branch.
The ground rushed up to meet them, but Fever landed lightly and easily, even while carrying Kai-Ching. The child was so thin, she barely weighed anything either way.

She put Kai-Ching down and walked in to the house. "Let's clear out his kitchen before he comes back." She grinned and opened the pantry. She wanted Kai-Ching to be as healthy and comfortable as possible before they went to the Fire Nation.
It was a bit troubling though. I wonder if we're doing the right thing by bringing her to the place that is looking for her as a criminal.

But, wherever they were, Kai-Ching was probably safer with Ti Jinh and Fever.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

7:34pm Sep 4 2010

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Kiggan slightly grinned as he watched Akilina go to sleep. He had know this girl her whole life and he was just now find out a crucial bit of information about her. He shook the thought off and went to sleep in a small foldable cot. He awoke early the next morning and headed to the showers. He hope Aki didnt bring any attention to herself while he way away.


Kai-Ching loyaly followed behind Fever to Ti Jinh's house. Gwa-Ryu stayed behind near Ti Jinh. Ka3-Ching looked up to Fever with a hungry look. "Uh...can you make food? You know like this?"she said as she made the motion like she was cooking with a frying pan. "You cook? Please."


9:03pm Sep 4 2010

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"On it." Fever said firmly. She was feeling pretty confident despite the fact that she'd never cooked in her life. How hard could it be?

"Get some wood from the cabinet and then use your firebending to light it." She instructed, pulling out a loaf of bread from the pantry, as well as a few eggs.
I'll make a cla.ssic breakfast. She thought swiftly. French toast. Bacon. Mixed fruit salad.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

9:11pm Sep 4 2010

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"On it"Kai-Ching said trying to sound serious like Fever. She found some fire wood and put it in the kin. "Ha!"she said forcing out a stream of fire onto the wood. "I did it! I do good without a teacher."she boasted.

9:47pm Sep 4 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((So we should time-skip rihgght?))

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10:00pm Sep 4 2010

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(( yup. Sorry I ment to skip but I forgot.))

10:03pm Sep 4 2010

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Jet seemed to stay as far away from Kai-Ching and Fever while they cooked. The last thing the bird needed to be was roasted by an accidental fire. He let out a screech as he perched above the window just watching the two attempt to cook.

Ti Jinh took a deep breath and got dressed quickly after drying off a little bit. He made his way back towards Chin Village but as soon as his back was turned a foot landed between his shoulder blades knocking him face first into the earth. He let a growl escape him as he dug his hand into the earth shooting needle sharp rocks at whom ever had attacked him.

Laughter filled the air as Nokomis danced her way through the rocks and stood smirking in front of Ti Jinh. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and lifted him up so he was looking into her blue eyes. "I know where you are planning to go. You think it was hard on you when you lost your family? Just wait until you step foot within the Fire Nation city. They will eat you alive" She snarled pulling out her dagger and placing it to Ti Jinh's neck. All he did was glare into her eyes not saying a word back to the firebender. "Protect the girl...and watch what happens to you and your lovely airbender" she smirked releasing him but used her dager to slash at him. He wasn't quick enough to bend and block her attack, instead he threw his hand up and caught the blade wincing as it sliced into his hand.

Nokomis smirked and yanked her blade back causing Ti Jinh to yell out of pain before she jumped up, using her fire bending to lift herself onto a branch of a nearby tree. "Go home Ti Jinh and take my warning. Beware" she growled smirking as the blood dripped from her blade. Ti Jinh seemed to harden his gaze as he watched her go form branch to branch into the forest.

Quickly using one of his rags to wrap his hand he made his way back to his home trying not to think of the events that had just happened, nor think about how long Nokomis was actually there. He shivered at the thought of her watching him bathe. "ugh" He muttered ignoring the pain in his right palm before resting his eyes upon Fever how seemed to be cooking in his kitchen. "Whatcha making?" he asked in a more happier tone giving off a slight smirk.


10:51pm Sep 4 2010

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"Nice job." Fever said to Kai-Ching, before hearing Ti Jinh enter the room.

"Good question." Fever breathed quietly so that Kai-Ching couldn't hear. She flipped the egg-soaked bread cautiously in it's frying pan, to check if it was ready. "Um, french toast I think. And bacon. And-- " She paused and whirled around to face Ti Jinh.

"Where's the blood? You reek of it." She said, silver eyes narrowing, which turned briefly towards his hand, where scarlet was already blossoming through the rags.
She blinked, then turned and scooped the french toast out of the pan, as well as the bacon. She grabbed a knife to slice some apples, then put it down, realizing she had no idea how to use the thing. Instead she cut the fruit with shin blades of air.

She stuffed a portion off the food on a tray for Kai-Ching. "Eat up." She said with a grin. "We'll be there in a second."

Cooking had gone decently. But she knew how to patch someone up even better.

She grabbed Ti Jinh's wrist and dragged him out of the room, then all but pushed him into one of the plush chairs, first aid supplies already in hand. She got on her knees in front of him and gently unwrapped the rag.

Without speaking she worked on his cut palm, applying a salve, leaving it to sit for a few minutes, then washing it off. She cleaned the cut once more, applied a bit of herbal disinfectant, stuck on a small folded cloth and secured it with gauze.

Fever sat back, legs folded under her, and glanced up at Ti Jinh. "What happened?" She asked.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

11:02pm Sep 4 2010

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Posts: 776

Ti Jinh frowned not liking Fever's sudden 'blood detector'. "I wasn't even near you" he sighed letting Fever drag him to the room and landed in the chair with a soft 'plop' "Ugh... I'm fine. The stupid thing will heal" he breathed watching Fever work on his palm.

He held out from answering her for a few minutes as his gaze found it's way to the window just opposite of him. "I slipped" he said bluntly turning his soft green gaze on Fever. "I slipped exiting the river, resulting my hand to slid across a sharp rock." His face rested in a blank ex
pression as he just stared at Fever. Yes he was lying, but he wasn't about to give that away.

Jet flew into the room and screeched loudly landing on the arm of the chair. He screeched again and hopped on Fever's shoulder pulling at her hair with his beak. Squaking he hopped on Ti Jinh's knee and nipped at his bandage on his hand. "Quit Jet" He snapped glaring down at the hawk who seemed to be glaring back up at him as if an unspoken agrument was going on between the two.


12:40am Sep 5 2010 (last edited on 3:09pm Sep 5 2010)

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Fever stared right back, silver eyes unblinking. After a few seconds she smiled brightly. "I don't really believe you," She said bluntly. "But I'm not the believing type anyway. You coming? The food I made wasn't just for Kai-Ching. Oh, and Jet can have my bacon." She looked at the hawk, then Ti Jinh, before stepping into the kitchen and out of view.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

9:46am Sep 5 2010

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Posts: 6,948

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10:34am Sep 5 2010

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Posts: 3,029
(( I thought you were going to do the timeskip Feyth))

Kai-Ching looked up from her food with her mouth full. "Whaz wrong wiff him?"she ask reffering to Ti Jinh with her mouth filled with fruit and frach toast. Gwa-Ryu strolled into the house and went over to Kai-Ching and tried to steal her food. She swallowed what all was in her mouth and pouted."No Gwa-Ryu! This is my food."she said trying to push him away with sticky hands.


10:41am Sep 5 2010

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Posts: 6,948

((How much should we skip, should they arrive at the firenation?))

The boat came to a stop as it met the dock. Some firebenders went to rope the boat to the dock while Akilina woke up. Aki sighed, having had not to good a sleep. It was expected, her having just been told a piece of news that hung on her like a deadweight. She got out of bed and rubbed her eyes that had circles under them. Moving her hands in a swift motion, she splashed some misty water on her face. "Kiggan, wake up." She whispered, shaking him..

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11:14am Sep 5 2010

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Kiiggan felt someone shakeing him and tell him to wake up. He yawned a stretched out. "Im up..."he said lazily as he got up and made water from a basin in the room splash in his face. "Uh, that water is really musky."he complained. "Did we reach Fire nation shore?"he asked Aki.

11:16am Sep 5 2010

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She peeked out of the room and nodded as a guard popped into their room. "The ship is docked, please, come with me." He said and without another word, he whisked from the room, expecting them to follow. Aki narrowed her eyes slightly and glanced back at Kiggan. She relaxed a bit and followed after the man...

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11:30am Sep 5 2010

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Kiggan sighed and rubbed his eyes as the man entered. He followed the man, but walked behind Akilina. He felt like he could protect her better that way.

11:33am Sep 5 2010

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"There." The man said and stopped walking. Akilina trudged forward through the braken as they got off of the dock. Aki's eyes widened. The place was m*censored*ive! There were numerous, countless, shopping stalls and a huge palace. She shuddered, wondering who was firelord now because she had forgotten. She sighe dreamily and saw a robe that was beautiful. She took a few coins from her pocket and gave it to the lady selling. She peered at her curiously, but handed ovre the fine outfit. Aki draped it over herself. "How do I look?" She asked...

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