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7:05pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 4,093
(( Not sure. :3 She'll probably be on within a few hours, I think. Her time is almost the same as mine and it's only 8pm. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

7:08pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Kiggan saw Akilina. "What are you doing?"he sighed as he scratch his head. He made a swerving motion and made water splash her in her face.

(( im brain dead))


Kai-Ching climbed onto Gwa-Ryu's back. "Lets go into the forest. Maybe there are some fruit trees that are ready."she said rubbing some dirt from her filthy face. After wandering the forest the duo found and apple tree. "Ooh! Look!"she sang happily.


7:12pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 6,948
"I was doing what the teacher said." Aki said, blocking the water before it could hit her. She sighed and glared at him evily before getting up again as the teacher called her and the boy to fight...

Party image<-- Click me

7:12pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 4,093
(( D:< -punts child and badger- Dun go near my apple tree! ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

7:31pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 776
ooc:// COMPUTER'S FIXED!!!! Haha! But it is a little slow...oh well.


7:33pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((my applez! RAWR!))

Kiggan walked over to the arena and took a fighting stance. "Lets go."he said casually.


7:35pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 4,093
(( Yay, Damien! 8D That's awesome. Now... reply! >O ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

7:44pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 776

ooc:// I am! I also don't know what to do with Nokomis. T.T Also....I figured out that sadly...all my characters are old. T.T And my apologies for the shortness. My brain is killing me from all that stupid virus stuff all day.


Ti Jinh’s gaze lifted and seen Fever. Raising an eyebrow he slightly shrugged. “They do…the one Jet belonged too sort of…disappeared” he laughed as his eyes narrowed before averting his gaze to the hawk on his shoulder. Jet spread his wings and took off into the sky. Ti Jinh’s green eyes followed the bird until it disappeared within the distance before his gaze fell upon Fever.


“Where are you from? I havn’t seen you around the village before. You a traveler? Or…other?” He asked watching her closely. Something was very odd about her, or so he thought.


8:02pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 6,948
Aki sighed and lifted her hands to bow politely. Then she grinned and shifted her back feet as the fight began. She raised her arms, encasing herself with ice, not even knowing that she was the avatar....

Party image<-- Click me

8:29pm Aug 29 2010 (last edited on 9:43pm Aug 29 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
Fever smiled widely, amused. He didn't notice that I dropped down from the sky. She thought. She didn't blame him though. There was sand still settling in the air and he had been focused on his hawk. Probably.

Or maybe she was giving him too much credit.

"Traveler, more or less. I left my father to rot in his booze." They were grim words but her face didn't show any hint of anger or sadness. She paused, realizing she hadn't mentioned where she was from, like he'd asked. It was too late now; it would be awkward to randomly throw it in there.

If he really wants to know, he'll ask again. She wasn't sure how he would react to her being from the Fire Nation- although she herself was technically an Air Nomad. The war was over, but grudges still lingered.

She saw him watching her intently, and decided to return the favour. Her clear grey eyes were trained on his green ones, a hint of a smirk on her lips as she spoke.

"You live in Chin?"

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

8:51pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 776

Ti Jinh nodded lightly to her question. "I do...I have lived there for ten years" He said a little bluntly but meaning to sound rude. Ti Jinh wanted to practice more sandbending, but he wasn't about to do anything in front of her, especially since she did come from the sky. It was a little weird in his mind.

"Do you travel by tree's all the time or do you ever give the air a rest and travel with your own two legs?" He asked as a slight smirk fell upon his face. He moved aside and leaned against a nearby tree. Again he wasn't meaning to sound rude, he was just bored and well had nothing better to do. He was actually kind of thankful she showed up when she did.


8:57pm Aug 29 2010 (last edited on 9:41pm Aug 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
(( Lolol, so he did notice... xD ))

Fever blinked. "I do travel with my own two legs. I just use them to hop around in trees." She grinned. She didn't really think he was being rude, the way he spoke. After all, she could be just as blunt and depressingly honest.

She was silent for a moment. Then, abruptyly, she flung the bag of apples over her shoulder so that it rested in front of her. Her fingers deftly untied the complicated knot- years of practice, she didn't want her stuff falling out while she was flying around- and she grabbed two apples.

She tossed one, overhand, in Ti Jinh's direction, and bit into her own. "Free of charge. You cured me of my boredom and social depravity." She said this because she tended to charge people for the things she gave them.

It was a weird habbit of hers, and was probably born from her months on the street without money or the determination to steal food. She was starving, but eventually started running errands for people. Since then she almost always demanded some sort of compensation.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

9:29pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Kai-ching stood on Gwa-Ryu's backto reach a nice looking apple on the tree. She didnt even notice the guy and girl talking to each other nearby.


Kiggan watched as she sheilded herself with ice. "Easy."he breathed as he spun around stripping the ice from her and useing the water to lash out at her.


9:30pm Aug 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 776

(( Hehe. He notices a lot ))

Ti Jinh caught the apple before watching her for a few seconds. He took a bite and stood up straight. “Thanks…Were you heading back to Chin Village?” he asked curiously. “And no problem about the boredom…Not much going on my end either” he shrugged letting his eyes wander up to the sky.  “By the way, I’m Ti Jinh. An Earthbender to no one” He laughed a little bit and shook his head. He could be called Ba Sing Se’s earthbender, but then again he’d have to claim the city and he would do no such thing. He hated being titled by the place he lived, which was the reason of him traveling every so many years.  

Jet let out a screech from above as the hawk circled above the two. Ti Jinh glanced up watching it before shaking his head. He broke off a part of the apple and tossed it up watching as Jet dove down snatching the piece and disappearing within the tree tops. “Stupid bird. Doesn’t even eat fruit” he muttered letting out a sigh before focusing on Fever. “It’s weird…It disappears everyday around this time for a few hours” he shrugged not really caring about his hawk’s habits.


9:34pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 6,948
A smile slid across Aki's face and she grabbed the water with great agility, tossing it back with great ferocity. She attempted to knock him backwards as she herself lept into a water bowl and sat down, closing her eyes....

Party image<-- Click me

9:39pm Aug 29 2010 (last edited on 9:43pm Aug 29 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
Fever nodded, biting off another chunk of her apple. Juice flooded into her mouth and she smiled to herself. "Yeah. I'm staying there until I've got a few more supplies for the winter."

"You're an Earthbender?" She perked up, eyes lighting up with interest. "I've never sparred with one before." Her pale eyes narrowed slightly as if in challenge.

She didn't warn him. Didn't give him much of a chance to react at all. She wasn't even sure if he heard her murmur, "Brace yourself," before she lurched towards him.
The world was a blur at the terrifying speed she was going, supernaturally propelled by air, though it wasn't visible. When she was barely a foot away from him she jumped, not too high, and twisted mid-air. She stayed very close to him so it would be harder to Earthbend her away.

The twist gained momentum and her bare foot cut through the air, aiming for his chin.

Let's see what you can do. She thought, eyes wide with excitement. A good spar was one of her favourite pasttimes.

(( xD Like I said. -pokes bio- She bursts into battle at any moment. ;c Weird kid. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

9:58pm Aug 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 776

(( lol. Your fine... It's interesting ))

Ti Jinh was a little taken back but wasn't that distracted. He threw up his arms to block her foot from hitting his chin. Following that action sand spun around the two as Ti Jinh's eyes narrowed as he watched Fever. "Hehe..." quietly he laughed figuring he couldn't use direct earth attacks on her due to her close proximity, but knew that if he was able to block her attacks by hand he could get a few little things in he learned within the past ten years of bending.

"Okay airbender...." he smirked behind his arms flipping his hair out of his eyes with a swift motion of his head. At times he wished he had short hair and this was one of those times.

The sand around the two started to get thicker and with reh slide of his right food it shot up into the air and spun towards Fever's side to knock her off balance within the air. He hopped this would give him some sort of advantage.


10:06pm Aug 29 2010 (last edited on 10:17pm Aug 29 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
Fever turned to intercept the sand that was rushing towards her. She held her hands apart, one at her shoulder and the other her waist, and created a vortex of air spinning within it.

It was meant to block the sand, and would have worked on flying chunks of rock or ice, but sand was different; it was thin and much like water. Air could pa.ss through it.
Most of the sand was redirected by the everspinning sphere, though about half still crashed into her side. She stumbled to the right, a hiss escaping her lips.

"So you knew? How observant. Not that I was trying to hide it." She smiled at him, as if they weren't fighting at all.

Even as she was saying this, her right foot was making a large sweeping motion in front of her on the ground. It simultaneously did two things, raise a huge, thick dust cloud between them, and send a blade-like arc of air skimming along the ground towards Ti Jinh, hoping to trip him. Then another. And another.

The dust cloud was more a distraction than anything. Being a sandbender, she knew he would have less trouble than average people seeing through the haze, but if- and she hoped- he saw this as her main motive, the air sweep might go unnoticed.

Until it hit, of course.
Fever didn't wait to see if it did; she stepped lightly to the side, then flew silently in to the trees and made her way back to the village. By the time the dust cloud cleared or Ti Jinh dodged her attacks, she would be long gone.

She had apples to sell.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

11:39pm Aug 29 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Kai-Ching sat in the apple tree watching Fever and Ti-Jinh tussle. It was quite interesting to watch the airbender and earthbender play around. She giggled a little as she saw a cloud of dirt block some view.


Kiggan smiled. He liked when she got in a fighting mood. He stumbled a little from the force that she had flung the water. She had power inside of her he admitted. "Nice."he commented. He lifted an eyebrow as he saw her close her eyes. He froze the water into ice shards and flung them at her.


1:32am Aug 30 2010

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Posts: 4,093
Fever blinked; as she had been flying at reckless speeds through the woods, had she seen a child, sitting in a tree? And not just any tree. The apple tree. Her tree.

She shook it off. You get attatched to things too easily, Fever. But she couldn't bring herself to think of that as a bad thing.

Just share the damn tree.

She skidded to a stop, sending dirt and rocks flying forward as she saw the village from the hill on which she perched. Adjusting her makeshift bag on her back, she began a steady walk into town. She managed a serious face, a businesslike one, on that pretty face of hers. Perhaps it was too fierce. Her determined scowl would either scare customers away or attract the local black market.

But she couldn't tell. And so she was stuck with a terrifying kind of glare that she thought looked professional. Her muffler and hood only added to the effect.

She heard laughter, and her head whipped to the side. Parents and their two children- twins by the looks of it- were sharing some funny family moment that Fever couldn't hear. They all had expensive-looking sandwhiches in their hands.

Fever's left hand went automatically to her stomach as it clenched painfully. It was so tempting. She could easily slip alongside them, and create some sort of scenario- accidentally bump into the father, who's wallet was protruding from his pocket, perhaps? Drop the bag of apples, lean over, snatch the wallet, apologize and back off before he noticed.

Go sell the freaking apples. Steal if you're truly desperate.

She began showing people the apples and asking for a single copper piece each. It was an absurdly cheap price, and they sold quickly. So she went to the bakery, and bought herself two small buns with meat paste about the size of her fist. Six copper pieces each.

She slipped into a narrow alleyway, climbed atop a few stacked wooden crates. Leaning against the wall in the shadow of the tall walls and the setting sun, she was barely visible. Fever took the bread and started tearing in to them, careful not to make any noise.

Outside, the streets were growing quieter as night fell.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
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