[Small] Avatar New Generation [Group]

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10:15pm Aug 31 2010 (last edited on 10:17pm Aug 31 2010)

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Posts: 776

"Your whispering?" Ti Jinh asked when she leaned out the window, but sort of ignored that whole convesration as his mind focused a little more on Jet who was missing. "I swear if she touches one feather on his head...." He muttered as his green eyes narrowed once again. He completly ignored the bandages he had next to the chair before his eyes focused on Fever.

"Please, but if you can't find him come back immediatly. I fear Nokomis hasn't left. Its late and Jet doesn't stay out this late" He said glancing out the window at the night sky. A frown fell upon his face at all the possiblities filled his head. Once again his eyes shut trying to clear his mind.

He opened his eyes looking down at the girl before he forced a smile. "Why don't you two go raid the kitchen. Anything in there is yours" He said softly happy to see a smile on her face, nor did he care that the large badger came with her. All were welcome in his home.


8:44am Sep 1 2010

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Posts: 6,948

"I*m a very angry waterbender." she said, folding her arms and glaring at him. When she did this, something happened with the man and Aki turned her head to stare at him. "what's wrong?" She asked...


((He could be theone to tell her she is the avatar?))

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10:47am Sep 1 2010

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Posts: 3,029
The man looked down to his feet. "Aki come with me."he said as he walk tward a large building. "You come too Kiggan. Its time you learn something."


Kai-Ching happily agreed to be given the privalage to raid someone's fridge with Gwa-Ryu. They looked through everything, up and down. Munching on treats, meats and al kinds of things. Kai-Ching had not eaten this well since her mother died 5 years ago. She got so relaxed and careless that when she found a large bag of marshmellows she began to fire bend to roast some of them.


11:52am Sep 1 2010 (last edited on 9:04pm Sep 1 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
Fever pulled up her muffler and tied it tighter at the back so that it covered even her nose, leaving only her eyes exposed. She kept her hood down; what if she missed Jet out of the corner of her eye?

"I'm not sharing the feast for tonight, sorry." She said to Kai-Ching and Gwa-Ryu. "But that means more for yourself, right?" Her eyes reflected the small firelight that Azula's daughter was producing, and paused.

There sure are a lot of firebenders in Chin.

"I have insomnia, so don't mind it if I stay out till sunrise." She looked at Ti Jinh once before stepping out into the dark night air.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

1:33pm Sep 1 2010

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Posts: 6,948
"Why?" Aki wondered, but followed the man. She was curious about qwhat he had to say, but something deep in her mind told her that she already knew. She shook it out. She couldn't read the man's mind and so there was no way she could know, unless.... She shook her head again, no her family wasn't killed, the war was over...

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9:01pm Sep 1 2010

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Posts: 4,093
(( Bump. :3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

9:01pm Sep 1 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Where is Kiggan.))

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9:15pm Sep 1 2010

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Posts: 6,948

This is what she looks like and ignore the wings: I didn'tdraw this:


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9:25pm Sep 1 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((omnoms sandwich))

Kiggan followed them into the building. "Aki."the man hesitated. "You are...the chosen one...the Avatar." Kiggan scoffed wide eyed. "Youre kidding!"


Kai-Ching relinquished her flame. She crawled into a random bed and layed back but didnt sleep.


9:27pm Sep 1 2010

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Posts: 6,948
"Me... What!?" Aki stumbled back. "What is this, a cruel joke?" She asked angrily, her eyes switching from glaring at the man to narrowing at the sight of Kiggans. "UYou're in on this, I know it." the water bender said and suddenly her eyes glowed with an angry blue light and she rose into the air...

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9:36pm Sep 1 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Kiggan's eyes widened as he watched her. "It..its true."he said with fear. "Aki!"he called out to her. "Aki look at yourself!"

9:38pm Sep 1 2010 (last edited on 9:39pm Sep 1 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
(( Hn. ~3~ I guess I have to wait for Damien to get on. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

9:39pm Sep 1 2010

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Posts: 6,948
It was as if she was watching herself from outside of ehr body. She was swirlingin a vortex of water, knocking the man and 18-year-old aside. The building fell to the ground with a sweep of Aki's hand and then it was over and Aki fainted to the ground in a small heap, unsure of what she had done....

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9:47pm Sep 1 2010

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9:53pm Sep 1 2010

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Posts: 3,029
When it was all over and done, Kiggan was left with terrible scars. He was in so much pain, he was writhing about. "Aki!"he huffed as he struggled to get up. He went overto her and kneeled over her. "Its all gone."he said on the edge of a panic attack. "You recked the village, Aki."

9:54pm Sep 1 2010

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Posts: 6,948
"The entire village, are you kidding me, I can't wreck viallages, only the avatar can do that." She said, before fainting again...

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10:11pm Sep 1 2010

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12:37am Sep 2 2010

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Posts: 4,093
(( Bump. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

8:39am Sep 2 2010

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Posts: 6,948

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11:15am Sep 2 2010

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Posts: 776

ooc:// Ugh! Sooooo sorry. You wouldn't beleive the HW I had to deal with yesterday. I apologize and I will post now.


Ti Jinh nodded lightly at Fever's words before watching her leave. Sighing he turned towrds Kai-Ching and just watched her mess with her firebending skills. He simi frowned turning away from her letting her do what ever. His mind had seemed to venture to the past then to the present. Ignoring the whole comotion he glanced at Kai-ching who seemed to take the bed that his friend stayed in when he was in town. Smiling lightly he nodded to her before slipping into his own room just down the little hall. He fell onto his bed and just staired at the ceiling debating if he was going to go out and help search or stay here and wait.

Within the forest just out of the Chin village, Nokomis stood in the middle of Jet's clearing watching the hawk struggle in a wodden cage. She smirked leaning against a tree and wondered what to exactly do with it. "Well...with a flick of a finger I could roast the lovely chicken, but then what fun would that do?" She asked herself sending a flame underneath the cage watching the bird go even more crazier. Smirking she glanced up at the dark night sky. "The boy just asked for his bird back...he didn't specify if he wnated it dead or alive" she laughed evily watching her orange flames dance their way up towards the cage.

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