4:38pm Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 4:39pm Aug 3 2010)
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Posts: 2,046
((Minirent: Your welcome. ^^ Good bio! Just remember people, This is a Semi-lit RP. No one-liner unless Writers block. I understand. Wolf: Great! I like your Bio, there. 8D))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:42pm Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 4:43pm Aug 3 2010)
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Posts: 1,805
Bio: Name: Ivory Sky Age: 17 Gender: Female. Looks: Ivory has silver pixie cropped hair, unnatural pale blue eyes and black skin. She wears a white toga, that has shorts underneath. (see image of SSBB kid icarus) and gold winged gladiator sandals and a gold olive wreath upon her head. She can summon wings that have a 13 foot wingspan. the alua, scapulars and maginal, primary and secondary coverts are brown, and the primaries and secondaries are white.her bones are strong and hollow and the silver gem is situated in her forehead. Personality: Ivory personality if forever changing due to her ability, it can change from somthing calm like a breeze to something else as vicious as a typhoon. she doesn't like taking orders, and likes to be free. She has perfect balance so can stay upright on a thin wire even if a storm is brewing. she likes resting in tree's. Gem: Air Pets: a discoloured peregrine falcon. it has the same pale eyes as Ivory. its wings are the same as hers and the wrest of its body is white. Other: none.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:44pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 1,584

4:44pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((oh and thanks!))

4:50pm Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 4:52pm Aug 3 2010)
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Posts: 2,046
((Mini: Your welcome. ^^ Ilovetoshiro: Accepted. Good bio. ^^ I Gotta go for now, Be back later. We start when I come back.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:54pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 1,584

5:05pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 1,805
OoC:// thanka, and bye bye.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:11pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: It's pretty late here right now (like 11:11pm) So if I don't post it's because I'm sleeping XD
5:52pm Aug 3 2010
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Name: Drakine Wyrm Age: Seventeen Gender: Female Looks: 
Personality: Drakine has this whole f-the-world thing going on. She comes off distant and rather cold for no reason. Befriending her is like trying to befriend the wild flames. Gem: Fire Pets: A fire wolf. Other: None
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:14pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((Good bio.)) Kira groaned softly and cracked an eye open. She felt funny, and she had a pounding headache. She notcied she wasn't at home on her bed. She felt a gr*censored*y ground below her. Around her lay several other teens, All in odd outfiits, as if it was halloween. Well, She'd give them all the candy in the world, because they all looked real. She noticed the odd feeling in her forehead and found the little Gem. She screamed at the top of her lungs, Then silenced herself as she felt her ears twitch. "Okay..... This is isnsane!" She muttered and shakily got up. A little mouse sat on her head.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
3:37am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Ivory Jolted up. She was usually up at the crack of dawn, so this was new for her. the lying on the ground thing, wasn't, she had often snuck out of her bedroom window to sleep under the stars, she enjoyed the cool breeze across her face. She looked to see what had awoken her, and it was a girl. she didnt bother looking at her twice. She rubbed her eyes to get rid of any sleep, and in doing so the tip of her forefinger bristled across the gem in the centre of her forehead. she ran her finger round it and then dropped her hand down beside her. "I am dreaming arnt I?" she asked herself inspecting her body. A pale falcon was perched on her right foot cleaning its feathers. Ivory turned her head to loud girl. she looked her over before twisting more slightly and drawing her foot towards her. the falcon flapped it's wings then landed gracefully, and hopped closer to Ivory cocking its head. There where several others lying on the ground, each outfit more unusual than the next. She turned her back and lifted her hand to scratch her head when she was greeted by something shap. she removed the ob ject which appeared to be a string of olive leaves made out of gold. she return that one situating it behind her ear and found the same thing on the other side. "Okey, what am i? a greek god or something?" she sighed looking at her feet. sandals with small golden wings on them. As she stood up, the falcon flapped it wings and joined her by perching on her shoulder. Ivory could feel the warmth of the bird and the softness of its wings.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:16am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Omg. Me is a co-owner. -does the dance-]] Name: Konatsu [Kon] Stchrictor Age: 17 Gender: Male Looks:  Except with, you know. Black hair. Personality: A very mischievious guy, who loves to pull jokes on people. Kon can't really see the line that he can't cross, though he's good at covering up his tracks. Not very caring and empathetic, more of a tough guy who can't see what's good and what's bad. Gem: Black darkness Pets:
Basilisk named Styx Styx can only turn things to stone when his eyes are red, which is a voluntary action. Other: None e.o
4:16am Aug 4 2010 (last edited on 4:18am Aug 4 2010)
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Can I ask what happened to the "keep genders even" rule? o-e There's much more females. Alexan moned and stirred slightly. He screwed his eyes shut tight as the sudden feeling of pain throbbed through his head. He moved his hand up to place it over his forehead, as if trying to cover up the pain. As he did, so, he moved himself onto his stomach, eyes still closed. Alexan, keeping his hand on his head, shifted himself onto his knees, then finaly opened his eyes. He felt strange. Very strange indeed. It was as if... he was lighter, definately lighter. He felt almost more agile too. His body had definately changed... quite a bit too. He moved his hand from his forehead to scratch the side of his head in wonder. He jumped in shock. "What!?" He yelled out, reaching to to grab both his ears. "They're like.... am I a donkey?" His voice had hushed by now. "No... I'm... well partly human." Alexan shifted slowly onto his feet and looked at his surroundings for the first time. There were other people lying on the floor, unconsious by the look of things. So had someone knocked them out? Probably, Alexan couldn't recall how he had gotten here so he guessed that he was right about that. Having a closer look at all the people on the floor he noticed they all seemed to be teens, probably around the same age as himself. Who would steal a group of teens though? Alexan looked down at himself. He was dressed rather oddly. The skin tight black trousers, that wasn't odd, he'd usually live in skinny jeans. The silvery tunic on the other hand... that was odd. he'd never owned a tunic, never though of it either. On closer inspection it seemed rather elven. "Elven.." He muttered to himself. "Then I must be..." He reached up to grab hold of his ears again. "I'm an elf!?" He cried out loud, completely baffled. "This must be a dream." Alexan looked around again, they seemed to be in the middle of some sorta... nature reserve maybe? As he thought this, a small white dragon, no larger than a house cat, glided from a nearby tree to perch itself on his right sholder. "Huh... nature likes me?" He allowed himself a slight smile. He'd always wanted a dragon... maybe not this small, but it was a dragon. He reached up to pet it with his left hand, but stopped before reaching it. Alexan stared at his hand in wonder... then poked it with his right hand. What he touched was cold, and hard. "That shouldn't be mixed in with flesh and blood." He muttered to himself. Alexan twisted his hand this way adn that, watching as the ob ject in his hand glistened in the light. Seemed to be some sort of gem. It was black in colour but shone a brilliant green when the light hit it in places. "interesting." Alexan murmered. "I'm dreaming, definately." "Owch!" Alexan yelled, the dragon had bitten him on the ear. "Okay okay." Alexan turned to the dragon, placing his hand on it to pet it. "I'm not dreaming then... so what is this?" He looked around once more, two of the teens had woken up. He noticed that one had chesnut brown hair with white streaks in it and deer ears atop her head. She wasn't wearing anything fancy, just a plain, simple, cloth dress. The other teen, also female, has silver hair and dark skin. The silver colour of her hair really stood out against her skin, it was almost hypnotic to look at. Alexan shook his head, something strange was going on, now wasn't the time to just stare at some girls hair. His dragon seemed to agree, it was tugging on his own blonde hair rather impatently. Wait... blonde hair? ALexan had always remembered his hair being black. It was in the same length and style, but his hair was black. Odd.

4:18am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: err derp. I didn't mean to type so much o-e I get carried away.
4:34am Aug 4 2010 (last edited on 4:41am Aug 4 2010)
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[[I agree with HappyBunny. I intended to join as a female, but the proportion is just so... bleh D: I would also like to add how hard it is to find a drawing of a guy now XD]] Kon blinked his eyes open. "Ugh... what happened?" He mumbled to himself, rubbing his eye. "My neck's all stiff too." The boy complained, clasping both of his hands around his neck. His right hand landed on something hard, smooth and cold. "What the?" Kon exclaimed, jerking his hand away. He looked down to see a stone, a perfect opal-shaped stone that was as black as the night sky. "Did someone glue a stone to my neck?" Kon wondered out loud, touching the gem again. It's surface was perfect, and had no flaw. Kon was rather disturbed, as he almost felt the stone inside him. "No, no. That's impossible." He thought, slowly getting up. His clothes ruffled. Wait a minute. Kon's clothes never ruffle. It was always the normal shirt and jeans, no frock and stockings. "Ew! Why am I in some sort of waistcoat!" The boy cried, appalled. Kon never liked anything that was even close to a vest, let alone a tuxedo. Waistcoats were just torture. But then again, the only way Kon knew what waistcoats were was thanks to his many boring history lessons. Kon slowly stood up, still a bit miffed by the whole stone and waistcoat thing. It was like he was being thrown back to the Victorian times. He saw another black thing, thin and long, like a ribbon. "What's this?" Kon asked himself, bending down to pick it up. The ribbon wriggled and squirmed. "Snake!" Kon cried, then grinned. "Cool." He slowly picked up the snake. "What a weird snake." Kon thought, as he lifted the snake up by it's head, exposing its red frills and cold black eyes. 'And I say, what a weird child.' The snake's mouth didn't move, but something that sounded like its voice echoed in Kon's head. "Talking telepathic snake!" Kon yelled, immediately dropping it like a hot stone. 'Ouch! Stupid boy, I'm your pet, not a toy!' The black snake complained. "Uh-huh. My mom would never let me get a snake as a pet." Kon retorted. 'Idiot child!' The snake spat at him. 'Just listen to me! Your mother is nowhere near you right now!' Kon looked around. This was the first time he took a good look at his surroundings, and this snake was certainly right. "Oh, so you know this place, do you?" 'Of course I do! Well, not very much, but at least much more than you! Now listen to me, and don't you dare drop me again, stupid boy!' Kon sighed and bent down, lowering his arm so the frilled snake could slither up his arm. "Don't call me stupid." He whined. "My name is Kon, not idiot boy." 'Suit yourself.' The black snake looked at Kon disdainfully.

4:45am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: It's really difficult D: Sometimes I end up drawing guys myself XD I did intendt to find a pixie or a fairy of some sort... but even typing guy or male in brought up female pictures XD
4:47am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[You won't believe how many female warlocks there are XD I thought warlock meant 'male witch' -.-'']]
4:50am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: A male witch would be a wizard nome? o: But then again I'm not too in tune with my fantasy x3 Neh I would write another post but I'm gonna wait for everyone else to do that first XD
4:54am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Well I can't write a post :p So nyahaha. I think I'm gonna love Styx 8D]]
5:01am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((I wish more people where online, i wanna write more xp))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat
