8:37am Aug 4 2010
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OoC: I'm very much tempted to write another post o-e
8:38am Aug 4 2010
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((Might as well.))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

11:30am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

11:46am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((soooo when are we going to start or is daisy not on yet??))

11:47am Aug 4 2010
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((Is there an Earth gem?))
 <-- Click me
11:51am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((Min, we already started!! heh heh, people are only waking up though))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

12:14pm Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((kk still reading someones intro))

12:38pm Aug 4 2010
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Miasha sighed and rolled over. Her eyes were still clasped shut but her mind and body was awakening. She moved her fingers to grab her pillow that was supposed to he under her head but all she felt was long wet strands of gr*censored* in her hand. She opened her eye imeadiatly and sat up. She looked around. Other kids surrounded her. One was a girl with fawn brown Deer ears sticking out of her head. Miasha cocked her head to the side in curiosity. Another girl was a light brown chocolate color with silvery white hair. That was odd. Miasha stood and looked around. Her head was throbbing nd she tried to rub the pain away with her hands but as soon as she raised her hand she stopped. There was a purple and green gem planted in the back of her right hand. "What the-" she said stopping in mid scentence. She looked around again. the girl with the doe ears had a gem planted in her forehead and a guy had it implanted in his throat. Miasha pulled her left hadn up to brush it then stopped again. Her skin was much lighter than it used to be. Her hands were always tanned slightly. She hesitated to pull a strand of herhair out. She couldn't believe what she saw when she did. Her hair was pitch black. She remembered crearly that she had light brownish blonde hair. What the heck was going on. Miasha turned when she heard an impatient stomping behind her. She gasped at what she saw. A large pitch black unicorn was staring at her with glaring firey orange eyes. She reached out her hand to touch it. She had alway dreamed that unicorns were real. She had always dreamed of magical animals and magic itself being real and now she had a huge unicorn staring at her. 'Hello young one.' she heard. She looked around. the unicorn just stared at her. "Uh, hello?" she asked it. "Who are you?" she asked. 'I am whoever you want me to be.' she heard the voice again. 'Oh! Your talking to me with your mind!' she thought. The horse threw bac his head in a nod. Miasha smiled. 'What shall i call you?' she asked him brushing her hand down his mane. 'That choice is not mine to make.' He said in a strong husky voice."how about midnight," she suggested "Since your coat is so dark. Like the darkness at midnight" He winned in acceptance. "Yes, that fits you." Miasha smiled. 'Now do you have any idea where we are?' she asked in her thoughts.'I do know where we are' Midnight told her. "can you tell me?"She asked out loud.Midnight shook his head. "why?" she asked him. 'I do not know why, I just can't' he told her. Miasha huffed still running her hands through his long silky mane. She smiled and just stared at the Creature infront of her.

3:13pm Aug 4 2010
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Alexan looked around, more of the teens had woken up now, almost all of them. Now was probably a time to start conversation. "Yo." He said alloud in greeting, walkign twoards the person nearest to him, the black haired girl who had just woken up. She appeared to be talking to herself. Odd. Alexan thought to himself. 'Not as odd as you might think.' An ancient voice spoke to him. Alexan looked around for someone old... there was noone there. "Who?" 'Don't speak aloud, you might look "odd" just like you have described that female being.' Alexan hessitated a while, the dragon on his shoulder tugged on his hair again. 'It is I who is speaking to you, fool.' Alexan nodded, straining to look at the dragon. He didn't find it surprising that it was talking to him... nothing could be strange now, he was an Elf, that was strange enough. So... what's up with this. Alexan touched the jewel implanted on the back of his left hand. 'That is something which gives you power. Power that you have never had before, that noone has had before. Well... when I say noone, I tell a lie. I mean to say, no human... though, you are no longer human, I'm guessing you've noticed already.' The dragon nodded it's tiny head, nudging Alexan under his chin. So this gives me power. What sort of power? Alexan reached up to touch the dragon with his left hand, the dragon nudges it away. 'That gem is the nature gem. It's power is related to that element.' Alexan nodded, turning his hand again to look at the jewel fully. So it's based on that, but what exactly are it's powers? The dragon lowered his head. 'That is something I cannot tell you. You'll have to find that out for yourself.' The dragon lifted it's head again. 'My, my. Where are my manners? I have not introduced myself. My name is Lexnorth. I will be something of your companion and your guide. I will be of much help to you in time to come.'

3:26pm Aug 4 2010
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((can he not see midnight??))

3:35pm Aug 4 2010
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OoC: Yes but he's not taking notice of that x3 To Alexan it sounds like she's having a one way conversation with herself because he doesn't know midnight is talking to her through telepathy. But now he knows because Lexnorth is talking to him x3
3:42pm Aug 4 2010
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Ivory looked round there was quite a collection of characters in the small arrangement of teens. some did not look human at all, well, they had, Anti-human features, including a boy with elf ears and a girl with dear antlers and tail. she found that most peculiar. So? Said a strong yet feminine voice. "So what?" Ivory replied, without thinking who had spoken. You haven't asked for my name yet. Spoke the voice. Ivory Twitched her shoulder blades, something didn't feel right to her, then she continued "I dont know who im..." she stopped and looked at the Peregrine who was staring at her. "I must be out of my mind." she thought to herself. I can as$ure you that you are not Ivory Sky. Ivory Blinked at the bird and tilted her head forward slightly before cocking it away slightly. "Okey then, what's your name?" she asked telepathicly. My name is Blade. thank you for asking. Ivory looked over her free shoulder and using her arm rubbed the centre of her back. there was something there, or rather, something that wan't there, however she did not know what. Tell Me Sky, have you ever dreamed of flying? questioned Blade. "Well, yea, of course." she spoke out loud. She watched as blade hopped down her arm to her wrist. she could tell that the peregrine was smiling, even though it was not visible.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

3:49pm Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((OOOHHH okay....)) 'So,' Mia thought 'What is this?' she asked tapping the gem in her hand. 'It's a gem' Midnight replied. Mia looked at him with a stern look on her face. 'It is a gem that gives you power' he smiled. 'Your gem gives you the power to conjure things.' he told her. 'Conjure what?' she asked him. 'That i do not know' he said "You're supposed to know stuff!" Mia cried. She looked aroung knowing it was too loud. She covered her mouth and smiled. "So, Do the others have powers like mine?" she asked him. 'Some have te power to talk to animals and such.' he said. 'Such as that girl over there' he flicked his tail towards the girl with the doe ears and tail. "yes, that explains why she has a tail and ears" Mia nodded. Then she turned to a boy that was older than her that had the ears of an elf. He was an elf. "Cool" she murmured. "What about him?'" she asked midnight. 'I do not know.' he told her. 'it is to difficult to tell. Why don't you go ask him?' Mia looked at midnight with big eyes. "No, way." she told him "I can't im not good with talking to people." She winced. "although he does have a Dragon. I always loved book about dragons" she said pulling her hand to her mouth and starting to chew on one of her finger nails. She was tempted to go over there and talk to him but decided against it. "I can't" she shook her head. Midnight shrugged 'Suit yourself' he muttered.

4:15pm Aug 4 2010
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Alexan nodded his head at the dragon's words. His elven years twitched slightly, picking up conversation that black haired girl was having with herself... but it was probably not with herself, he guessed the large midnight black unicorn creature was talking to her telepathically just as Lexnorth had been with him. 'Speak to her.' Lexnorth nudged Alexan's neck. What? Why? Alexan through back at his dragon. 'She wants to speak to you, I've peaked her interest and she wishes to know what powers you hold.' Alexan closed his eyes and shook his head. "I don't even know what my powers are." Alexan's voice was quiet, he was confused at the moment and rather frustrated. He still had no clue as to what was happening and no idea what he was meant to do or how to discover these powers. They had something to do with nature, that was about all he knew. 'Go, speak to her. Go on, or are you too shy young one?' Alexan shook his head at Lexnorth's words, he wasn't shy, not in the least. I'm not shy. Okay? I'll go talk to her now. Lexnorth appeared to smile at him. Alexan looked away from the dragon and twoard the girl. He made his way carefully twoards her. "Yo." he spoke softly. "Uhh..." Alexan lifted his hand up to scratch the back of his head, not sure what to say now. "Cheh." He grinned swkwardly.

4:26pm Aug 4 2010
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Midnight smiled when Mia heard a soft voice behind her. 'He's come to you' he snickered. "Shut up" she threw back at him. She turned to face the boy. "uhhh." she gulped hard staying by midnights jaw. "Hi," she smiled slightly but it vanished instatnly. She wasn't at all good at talking to people. She really didn't like it either unless they likes some of the same things she liked. She wanted to talk but her mind forbidded her. Her purple eyes stared at the elf infront of her. She wanted to know why he was an elf and what his gem meant. She leaned over and saw that his gem was embeaded in his left hand. She brushed a small nimble finger over hers. Midnight backed up and pushed her forward slightly. 'Stop it!' she cried in her mind. 'Talk to him.' He urged. Mia looked back at him and shook her head slightly. 'I can't' She said with pleading eyes. Midnight smirked. 'You are so shy, little one' he smiled 'you need to get over your fears' he told her. Mia hesitated and opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. ((gtg for a little bit))

4:32pm Aug 4 2010
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((Can I join as an ice gem for ice?))
 <-- Click me
4:41pm Aug 4 2010
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((im back anyone here?? other than feyth.))

4:41pm Aug 4 2010
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((-lurks- Hi mini!))
 <-- Click me
4:42pm Aug 4 2010 (last edited on 4:50pm Aug 4 2010)
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OoC: I'm here I'll edit this with a post in a second XD BiC: 'Ask about her gem.' Lexnorth urged. 'She's a terribly shy girl. I can tell by her body language.' Alexan nodded. "So uh..." Alexan looked down at the girl's hand and saw she was rubbing a gem, much like the one embedded in his won hand. "You have one too then I see." Alexan lifed his left hand to his face, showing the girl his gem. "So... uh." He paused a moment. "Can I ask your name?" Alexan felt the skin on his cheecks become hot, he realised he was blushing. Well that's rather embar*censored*ing... He thought to himself. 'No it's not. It's a naturall reaction young one. Why would you find it embar*censored*ing may I ask?' Alexan paused a moment longer, pondering his reply. He decided not too. 'Fine. I shall simply find out myself later.' Lexnorth replied, his voice still completely calm and content.
4:42pm Aug 4 2010
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