3:47pm Aug 5 2010
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((Well, i'm not mad. Just unhappy. Just follow the rules, Please. ^^)) Kira Noticed everyone else wake up and groaned. The little mouse scampered up her body and sat on her head. She looked at it curiously, then stood up. Her dress was different then her usual Camo jacket and black shirt. She blinked at it, then looked Wide-eyed at everyone else. "You should introduce yourself." Squeaked a little voice on her head. She realized the mouse was talking. "Shush! Since when to mice talk?" She growled at it. "Sorry. Just giving a suggestion." It muttered and crossed it's tiny arms. She noticed no one else heard him. "What, so now I can talk to animals?!" She snarled, part surprised and part outraged that some guy in an alleyway punched her and made her talk to animals. "Hey it isn't that bad." The mouse muttered, "Now introduce yourself." She groaned. "I'm Kira..." She muttered. ((She can talk to all your pets if you want. 8D))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:01pm Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 1,584
Miasha wanted to shrink away and just not be there. She wanted to be alone again. She hated talking to people. 'Please don't make me do this.' Miasha begged with her mind. Even though she couldn't see Midnight she still knew that he was behind her smiling. 'You're doing great, little one' she heard. She closed her eyes and rolled them under her eyelids so no one else could see her do it. She opened them and took another deep breath. "I'm Miasha," she smiled to Kira. "you can call me Mia, If you'd like" she said. She sisn't know what else to say. Then looked at the other girl that was there. "no, I'm pretty sure we're real" she told her. "Right?" she asked the others.

4:05pm Aug 5 2010
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OoC: I was about to say that you're not mad XD I think we all just got carried away with the roleplay o-o And yus I think t'would be pretty awesome if she could do that x3 She has the animal gem so y'know it's only natural that she does XD BiC: Alexan's ears perked up and twitched. He turned to the girl who had first caught his attention when he had woken, the girl with the silver hair. "To answer your question..." Alexan reach up to touch the silver tunic he now wore. "I'm pretty sure I'm real." He girnned awkwardly. He was sure that he was real, that this wasn't a dream but what he wasn't sure of is how he had gotten here. The last thing he could remember was p*censored*ing out at a friend's house party, he knows that someone had taken him back to his house... or was it his house? Now he began to wonder. Was there a purpous for all these teens being here? Alexan looked over the the girl with deer ears and a mouse atop her head. She had just, rather nervously, introduced herself as Kira. Alexan swore he had heard that name somewhere before. Probably in one of the many manga's he'd been reading through. Alexan made his way twoards Kira, his confidence had grown now, although confused, he felt no need to not talk to these teens, maybe one of them knew something. "The name's Alexan." He announced, stretching his hand twoards Kira, offering it as a type of greeting. Lexnorth looked around, the girl who he had urged Alexan to talk to first of all seemed awfully interested in him. Perhapse she liked dragons? Lexnorth was now intrigued by this. He looked to Alexan for a second before leaving his perch on the boy's shoulder and glided twoards the black haired girl. Instead of landing on her, he chose to perch on the black unicorn's head, right at the tip of it's horn.

4:16pm Aug 5 2010
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Miasha turned as she saw the dragon Fly over her head. She had always wanted to see a dragon. It landed on Midnight's horn. He Looked annoyed by that. She smiled at him with playful eyes. She stepped forward and reached out her hand slightly. She touched the dragons' head. She pulled away instantly. She wasn't exactly sure what this dragon could do. "Lexnorth" She whispered. "I like your name." she smiled. "Can you talk?" she asked it. She wanted to know if the dragon could respond to her. She would be very excited if her could. She doubted it though. She just stood there in awe of the dragon that perched on her friends horn. She smiled again at the thought of there being a dragon right infront of her.

4:19pm Aug 5 2010
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Kaina groaned as she forced open her eyes. Her body throbbed in extreme pain. She clutched the back of her neck and felt something, a jewel or gem of sorts. Kaina sat up and glanced down to see that she was wearing a blue dress. A dress! I'd never be seen near a dress. Kaina then felt something move beside her. She moved her head slowly, not sure what creature she would find twitching there. Kaina saw it, long and seemed to have rough skin. Cautiously, the teenager touched the creature's skin. She felt dry scales. Kaina moved her hand along its body to find that it was long, like a snake. Kaina shook her head. Not like a snake, is a snake! The girl who no longer felt like this whole thing was real ran her hands through her hair. Moist, like it had been dipped in water. Kaina pulled her hair outwards so that she could somehow look at it. The hair was a dark blue. I don't remember changing my hair color, Kaina thought, staring at the strands of blue hair with a few white streaks. Too strange. Kaina released her hair and glanced around. There were other unusual people, no one that she knew really.
4:29pm Aug 5 2010
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Lexnorth coiled his tail around Midnight's horn. He grinned sheepishly. This girl did like dragons it seemed, she also liked his name. It was the first time anyone had said that. The girl questioned if Lexnorth could talk, Lexnorth hessitated. He could talk, though usually he only spoke telepathically and that was only too the one whom he chose, or had been chosen for him, too be his comapnion. Lexenorth lifted his head into the air, tucking his wings into his side. He wondered if he should speak. It seened that this girl was very shy, it would probably give her a confidence boost. "Thank you." He spoke clearly in his wise and ancient sounding voice, something that wouldn't be expected for such a small dragon. "I can speak. I... I just have chosen not to with my voice untill now."
4:35pm Aug 5 2010
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Miasha eyes lit up with excitment. She jumped a little when the dragon talked. She looked at midnight. He had a rather annoyed expresion on his black face. Mia smiled. She looked back at Lexnorth. "If you could talk why not use your voice?" she asked him. She wanted to know a few different things about the dragon. She had those questions stuck in her head waiting to get out.

6:00pm Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Ivory watched as the elf pas$ed infront of her and whent to talk to the doe eared girl who had just introduced her self. Ivory turned her head and nodded to her as a greeting. She turned her atention back to mia. "Well mia who is not of my imagination, my names Ivory." She chuckled. she could tell that she found it difficult to communicate to people. She watched as the dragon who had accompanied the elf boy flew over and spoke out loud. she looked at Blade who was now settled on the ground. "Can you talk out-loud?" she asked the peregrine. Blade cocked her head up to meet eye to eye with Ivory before returning her eye focus on a rabbit in the distance. No, I can't talk like Lexnorth can. she telepathised to her partner.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

7:49pm Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 5,998
"Nice to meet you... Mia and Alexan... and Lexnorth." Kon used his knuckles to knock the gem on his collarbone to show Alexan that he had one. 'Told you not to do that.' He heard Styx make another irritated hiss of displeasure. "Oh, and this is Styx. He's a Basilisk." Kon tapped Styx's head, grinning. Styx lifted his head to gaze at Mia and Alexan, his red frills flared. "For some reason, he can only turn stuff into stone when his eyes are red." Kon added. "What can Lexnorth do?" He asked with no air of challenge, just genuine curiousity. 'I'm better then that dragon.' Styx said, feeling slightly offended. "You're still cool, buddy." Kon grinned. The Basilisk merely flicked his tongue out at Kon again and rested his head on the boy's shoulder.
6:45am Aug 6 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Whee I drew a picture of Alexan wearing his tunic with Lexnorth on his shoulder :3 I'll upload that soon maybe x3 Also I shall post later, my mum's taking up a dress that's a bit too long for me for before we go on holiday x3
1:02pm Aug 6 2010
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Lexnorth raised his head high, puffing up his chest in an attempt to make himself look larger and more important. He could tell he was annoying the unicorn, he was enjoying it. Lexnorth prepared himself for an explination which would make him sound much more wise than he actually was. "Us dragons are a strange and rather secretive species." Lexnorth began. "We choose not to use our voices. We tend to only speak on rare occasions. Then, when we do speak, it's only to our chosen companions through telepathy. I sence that you have much more to ask of me?" Lexnorth questioned Miasha, a slight reptilish grin on his face. Before Miasha had a chance to ask another question, Lexnorth heard his name being spoken... someone questioning what he could do. Lexnorth smiled inwardly to himself, the besalisk who accompanied this boy thought that Lexnorth was just your typical midi dragon. The truth was, he wasn't a midi dragon at all. Lexnorth could do many things, such as change size and dragon specie. He recalled one time long ago when he had chosen the form of a Moth dragon. He enjoyed that form, though it did have its dissadvantages. Lexnorth returned his focus to the girl before him, smiling. "Yo, Styx." Alexan nodded at the basalisk. Alexan slowly returned his attention to Kon. "Lexnorth... I'm not too sure what he can do. He's not exactly told me much about himself. I should ask sometime." Alexan grinned sheepishly and reached his right arm behind his head, itching it in awkward curiosity. Alexan then let out a slightly awkward laugh.

4:55pm Aug 6 2010
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Posts: 1,805
"So... what can you do blade?" questioned Ivory giving the peregrine to hop onto her arm, but blade declined. Instead, the falcon Outstretched its wings as if about to fly but did nothing. I dont think you need to know. she replied, folding her wings once again and cocking her head. Ivory rolled her eyes, typical, she got the stubborn one. she peered down at the peregrine reminding herself that it could read her thoughts, but blade didn't seem fazed by it. She watched as Alexan Returned listening to the small dragon. "Well this is fun aint it?" she said sarcastically before looking behind her and twitching her shoulder blades. Ivory looked at the basilisk, then to the dragon, then to the unicorn. all mystical, where as her partner was a white coloured falcon. She shrugged it off feeling the discomfort in her back again but tried to ignore it.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

11:38pm Aug 6 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Styx glared at the boy named Alexan. 'I suddenly have the feeling to turn a certain elf into stone...' Kon heard Styx's irritated voice echo in his head. The boy chuckled. "I thought you told me to get along with everyone, Styx." He grinned and tapped his Basilisk's head. 'I don't want to be treated like a pet, mind you.' Styx grumbled. Kon shrugged when Alexan mentioned his powers. "You mean me?" Kon pointed at himself. "I'm not too sure either. Something to do with darkness?" Kon knocked on the black gem again. 'Don't do that... Ahhh, why do I bother?' Styx hissed, his tail twitching. "What can you guys do?" Kon asked, remembering again that each kid here had a gem on them somewhere.
3:51am Aug 7 2010 (last edited on 3:56am Aug 7 2010)
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Posts: 2,020
Alexan stoped his awkward laughter as a strange feeling washed over him. He felt the eyes of someone watching him, no not watching... glaring. He took no totice of it. Lexnorth. Alexan thought, he knew Lexnorth would hear him. 'Yes young one?' The reply came clear in ALexan's mind. Lexnorth, I'd like to know... what are your powers? Alexan waited for Lexnorth's reply, but switched off immediately when Kon spoke. "As far as I know... this gem" Alexan raised his hand to show the others. "It has something to do with nature... I have no idea what it lets me do. I know it probably made me an elf though." Alexan frowned, of all the things he could have been he had to be an elf. 'Young one.' Lexnorth spoke to Alexan again, calling for his attention this time. 'Young one, are you sure you want to know all that I can do?' Lexnorth tilted his head to the side, curious to watch Alexan's reaction, the boy seemed to snap his head around with a look of realiseation on his face, obviously he'd been distracted. Lexnorth listened for Alexan's reply. Yes! PLease, I want to know. Styx, he's a Basalisk that can turn people to stone. So what can you do? Lexnorth smile inwardly. 'I'm not a midi dragon. We'll just get that clear first. My specie, have no specie. We have no name, we're just called by our appearance.' Lexnorth waited a while for Alexan to take this in. What? Lexnorth heard the confused reply. He smiled to himself again. 'I am a dragon of many faces. What I'm trying to say is, I can change my specie and size at any given time, whenever I chose to.' Lexnorth shook his head, Alexan had a lot to learn about Lexnorth's species. Lexnorth wasn't surprised that Alexan hadn't heard of his species, Lexnorth's specie were hard to find and rare to come accross. Even if someone did come accross them, they wouldn't know that they were different from any other dragon unless they revealed themselves. Can you change now? He heard the question clear in his mind. Lexnorth grinned. 'Of course' He replied. Lexnorth left his perch on the unicorn's horn and glided elegantly to sit on the ground next to Alexan's feet. 'How would you like to see and extinc species? The horn tail.' Lexnorth questioned his companion. Horn tail? He heard his companion question back. 'I'll show you.' Lexnorth grinned. He opened his wings and took to the air. The tiny dragon moved at an extreemly high speed, the light bounced of his scales creating a ball of silvery light around the dragon. Alexan looked up, watching in awe. The ball of light grew larger as Lexnorth moved higher into the air, once the ball reached a point where it was so large and so high up that it covered the sun, it exploded. The flash of light blinded Alexan for a moment, he blinked it off, rubbnig his eyes. Alexan looked back up to the sky where Lexnorth should be, instead there was a much larger dragon. The dragon dived from its place in the sky, tucking its wings to its sides in order to fall faster, once it neared the ground it opened its wings, stretching them outwards to their full wingspan. They were at least thirty foot in total... and that was just one wing. This dragon was truely huge. It landed nimbly behind Alexan, simply because there was hardly any room for him. 'This is a Horn Tail. They're a brittish specie of dragton.' Lexnorth spoke to Alexan. 'The species became extinct in 1789. Though, with my species, no dragon specie will ever truely be extinct.' Lexnorth waited. What does a Horn tail do? As in, what powers does it have? Lexnorth smiled. 'Horn tails are known to be the most ferocious of dragon specie. They'll eat anything that moves, which led to their downfall. See the large spines accross my head, along my back and on my wings?' Lexnorth heard Alexan reply with a curious 'yes'. 'They're all a part of slef defence, not that the horn tail really needed it. But all these spikes are poisonous. Darned Basalisk better watch himself, I know that he's tempted to turn you to stone, so if you would be so kinda as to avoid his eyes, always, young one.' OoC: Ahaha rambling FTW XD

5:20am Aug 7 2010
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Posts: 1,805
"I reckon my power is to do with air?" she muttered, staring at the horn tail that used to be a a smaller dragon. it was huge. much larger than the group of teens put together. She had read about it in a "Harry Potter" book she had received from her grand parents. initially, she didn't read it, but when they died, she felt that she was obligated too. Blade, yet again, was not phased by the appearance of the dragon. she remained calmly perched on the ground besides Ivory, staring off into the distance. (Major fail))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

8:50am Aug 7 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Kon raised his hand to count off. "Darkness... nature... air..." He mumbled. "Hmm, I wonder what else there is?" He wondered out loud. Styx just twitched his tail again and stared at the dragon named Lexnorth. 'Perhaps if I had wings...' The voice floated in Kon's mind again. He merely rolled his eyes. With this Basilisk always stuck to him, Kon supposed he would be doing alot of eye-rolling. "You're cool, I told you already, Styx." Kon walked over to pick up the mouse that Styx turned to stone. "So... um... Anyway to un-stone him?" Kon put the little mouse statue in front of Styx's eyes, thinking that the black pearl-like things would change it back. Nothing happened. 'That's the beauty of it, Kon.' Styx's voice resonated in Kon's mind like a purr. 'Once they turn to stone, they can't change back.' Kon gulped. "That's... nice."
4:55pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 2,020
Alexan managed to break his attention from Lexnorth and turned to Kon. "I think... the other gems are probably other elements. It's just a guess though." Alexan smiled almost half-heartedly. 'My guess is... you're right, young one.' Lexnorth's voice rung through Alexan's mind. Lexnorth... just how much do you know? Alexan was curious, there were a lot of questions left to be answered. 'I'm a very old, very wise dragon. I know much more than I need to.' Alexan frowned to himself. That doesn't answer my question. 'I believe it does. You should be more specific if you wished for a different answer.' Lexnorth's reply made him sound rather smug, Alexan didn't like the smug version of his companion all too much. Okay. He thought to the dragon. Then, how much do you know about these gems and just what do they do? Lexnorth pulled his lips back to reveal almost all his razor sharp fangs in a twisted and megalomanical looking smile. 'As I have said.' Lexnorth began to explain. 'I know a lot more than I need to. For what they do, if I told you everything... well that would ruin things. What I can tell you is that there are gems for different elements and a various other. Your gem has the power over nature. It is also what caused you to become what you are now. That is all I can tell you for now.' Lexnorth waited for Alexan to take in the information. There was a short pause before another question came through. How... how do I use its power? Lexnorth smiled again. 'That, I cannot tell you. It is something that you, young one, must find out for yourself.' OoC: Eheh cruddy post o-e

12:28am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Durr, more people need to start posting x.x]]
3:51am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Indeed they do x3 But I think it's waiting for Daisy we have to do o 3o Oh also, I'm going on holiday for a week at the end of this month. On the 27th. So at that time I give you all permission to decide between you who power plays my charecters~ See if no one does power play them while I'm gone the roleplay's gonna be kinda stuck, or I'll be left far behind with my charecters XD
3:58am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Uhhh, perhaps I could? But my school will be starting soon, so I'm not too sure XD It all depends on what you want :d]]