5:36pm Jun 21 2010
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((If you'd like a different mentor/apprentice, just let me know. ;o Warriors/Apprentices Falconwing- Rainpaw Fallenwind- Blizzardpaw Flamestrike- Shimmerpaw Frostwing- Silentpaw Thornclaw- Icepaw If you're mentoring another one of your own characters, tell me and I'll switch some up. ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
5:48pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 993
((xD All I know about my mentor is that she's a she-cat and named Falconwing.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
5:52pm Jun 21 2010 (last edited on 6:04pm Jun 21 2010)
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((Oops! I forgot to finish her bio, terribly sorry. I'll do that now. Edit: Finished Falconwing's bio.))
6:15pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 2,962
((Thanks Stray. Now, we're just waiting for Serenity to finish up her character sheets, and then we can begin!))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:18pm Jun 21 2010 (last edited on 6:19pm Jun 21 2010)
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Posts: 993
((Awesome. :D I doodled a really quick thing of Thunderstar. Now I really wish I hadn't made him a tabby, I have no experience drawing them, so please excuse the bad markings/ cut off tail, and pretend that it was a real cat with that coloring and eyes. x3 http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk61/Winterisis/Thunderstart.jpg Oh, and exuse the bad anatomy. O.O I was trying to make him more muscular, and I'm not experienced with that either. You have to zoom in for it not to be fuzzy.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:22pm Jun 21 2010
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((They're better markings than what I could do! xD I love Thunderstar. <33 ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:48pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Wow good job Winter! Oh and Winter do you remeber the last warrior I was in with you? It was with Iceshadow I think. And We were like in blood clan and Midnight was deputy and you were Boulder something I think and The leader promoted Boulder whatever to deputy and then he died and Boulder whatever and became leader? And Lola, I think I'm done my bio. But I'm exactly sure how old a moon is.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:49pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 3,002
[[Moon=month...cycle of the moon.]]
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
6:50pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 2,962
((Accepted, Serenity! We can start now! And, yes, a moon is about a month. Kits become apprentices at six moons old, and apprentices are in training...hm... maybe for another six moons? It varies with each one, and how fast they progress through training. Intros can now be posted.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:53pm Jun 21 2010 (last edited on 7:11pm Jun 21 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
[[i'll post mine here]] Emberfur sorted through the herbs on the cave floor next to her. Her paws worked in a flurry as she moved the herbs this way and that, trying to make it as organized as possible. Once she was satisfied, she examined the stock. Deciding they were low on Juniper Berries and Catmint, she shoved the herbs back into their places and walked back into the Medicine Den. She prodded Starpaw awake from his nest. "Come Starpaw. We are going to fetch herbs." She said to him quietly, like a mother talking to her kit. -- Flamestrike padded out of the warriors den, feeling renewed at his long sleep. The sunlight had filtered in through the den, waking him earlier than most. When he stepped outside, he had realized it was later than it looked. He walked over to the fresh-kill pile and took a small mouse for himself before settling down on a sunny patch of gra.ss to eat. -- Frostwing groaned in her nest and shook out her pelt. She padded out of the den and staggered over to the medicine den. Emberfur looked up in surprise at the cat. "My stomach hurts," Frostwing groaned and Emberfur walked over to check. She lay her paws experimentally on Frostwing's stomach and the she-cat seemed to smile. "You had a little too much fresh-kill last night," She said and Frostwing shot her a look. "I was hungry and that mouse looked so fat and juicy," She replied scathingly. Emberfur chuckled, hoping Starpaw was awake. "Starpaw, please fetch Frostwing some herbs," She said to her apprentice. -- Icepaw blinked her frosty eyes open and walked out of the apprentices den. She wondered what she would be doing today. Her training had started about twelve moons ago and she could tell her mentor was proud of her. She had worked her hardest to achieve what she wanted most. To be a loyal and strong warrior. She flexed her claws and watched as Blizzardpaw walked out after her. "Morning Icepaw," He greeted her and yawned. "Morning Blizzardpaw." She answered him and wondered if the rest of her denmates were going to get up soon.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
6:53pm Jun 21 2010 (last edited on 7:15pm Jun 21 2010)
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Posts: 2,962
Whitetail awoke early. The sun was just rising above the towering trees as he climbed out of the warrior's den--two huge rocks leaning against each other. Sunlight dappled the ground, melting away the light frost from the previous night. He yawned and licked his chest a few times before examining the camp. Only a few others were up at this early hour. Whitetail mentally ran a list of the patrols he would need to make in a while, and then helped himself to a dewy piece of fresh-kill. ~ "Moonkit...Moonkit! Wake up!" Moonkit groaned and ignored the impatient mewls of her littermates. "Go back to sleep," she muttered, "It's early." She heard her siblings retreat, and then WHAM! Darkkit landed on her, followed by Nightkit. Moonkit was up in an instant, her eyes wide with alarm. "What was that for?" she cried, her fur standing on end. "That hurt!" Darkkit and Nightkit only stared at her, their whiskers twitching in amusement. ~ "Mom!" Moonkit's cry was high-pitched and filled with annoyance. "Run!" squealed Nightkit, his eyes wide with alarm. Moonkit was always complaining about them! The two kits sprinted out of the den. As soon as they were out of the warm shelter of the nursery, Nightkit was hit with the cold of the morning. The sun was just peaking out over the horizon. He hadn't realized that it was that early. The kits skidded to a halt just in time to crash into Whitetail. Whoops. ~ Darkkit stared up at the huge white deputy. The tom's green eyes narrowed for a moment, and then suddenly a big white paws was bearing down on them. It took Darkkit a moment to realize that the warrior was playnig with them. "Whee!" he heard Nightkit squeal as he ran away. The tom followed in pursuit, but then skidded to a halt. Whitetail was suddenly running towards Darkkit. He darted out of the way, pelting towards Nightkit. Their play continued until the day was warm and the morning bright. Then, Nightkkit and Darkkit retreated to the nursery, exhausted. ~ Sparkwhisker was woken by the sound of yelping kits. "Adderkit, Redkit, be quiet!" she hissed. "I'm trying to sleep, mouse-brains." Her eyes opened wide as she realized she wasn't a kit, and this wasn't the nursery. She sighed and stood up, shaking off her pelt and giving it a few quick licks. As she looked around the mostly-sleepy warrior's den, her gaze met with Redtail's. His eyes narrowed slightly and he turned his back to his sister. Sparkwhisker sighed. He would never forgive her. "StarClan help me," she prayed quietly. "Let my brother forgive me for what I've done." She shook her head, not truly understanding why he brother was still to grief stricken, moons after Adderkit's death. Life wouldn't always be fair, so why linger on things already done? With this thought, she left the den to see what was going on in the rest of the camp.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:08pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 2,962
((Shadow: Medicine cat apprentices usually train longer than the warrioir apprentices, do, though, right? o-O Also, I'll post some weather information on the first page. I'm thinking that it should be the beginning of newleaf, and it's still a bit cold, but warming up.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:10pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 3,002
[[I don't really know. They probably do though. It is morning right? XD]]
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
7:12pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 2,962
((Yes, it is! Once more warriors wake up, I'll have Whitetail organize some patrols. <3 ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:43pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 993
((x3 Yes, they do train longer, usually. It takes more time to learn how to treat others than how to become a good warrior. Ser; xD I totally don't remember that, but it's a possibility, Boulder was always my favorite rouge.)) Rainpaw opened one blue eye sleepily, flicking her tail as her pupils adjusted to the sharp morning light. Her mouth opened wide in a yawn, and the white apprentice stood, walking in a few small circles to aide her in feeling awake. A few pieces of moss clung to the pretty cat's spotless pelt, and she quickly licked them away, not wanting anything to damage her coat's cleanliness. There had always been something Rainpaw had prided about being constantly neat, her fur remaining snowy no matter how hard she trained. Spotting that her nest was messy, Rainpaw nosed a few scraps of the plant together, making a nest that she could rest on if she became tired later in the day. She padded out of the apprentice's den, looking at the meager fresh-kill pile, and wondering when the next hunting patrol would be. Being hopeful, the white she-cat wondered if she would get to show off her hunting skills. Though she had awhile to go, Rainpaw was progressing fast, and had high hopes of becoming a warrior as quickly as she could. ----- Thunderstar sniffed the air cautiously, amber eyes darting around him trying to find the threat. His fur was bristling from neck to tail, and he couldn't shake the feeling of a hostility in the thick air. He pricked his mouth open just a hair, then closed it and stopped breathing in for a minute, afraid that the overwhelming scent would return. It was one he would recognize anywhere, the scent of clan blood. Something was definately wrong about this dream, something awfully suspicious that Starclan must have proclaimed urgent. "Thunderstar." A whisper whistled in on the breeze, and the tabby tom whirled around, staring wide-eyed at his father. No, it couldn't be... Eagletalon never visited the leader's dreams. "Thunderstar, you must listen. Protect your clan, protect your home." The dark tom's yellow eyes burned into Thunderstar's own, and the tabby tom leader opened his mouth trying to ask more, but the odor of blood entered swiftly again, and the cat was knocked off his paws by the red sticky liquid. Caught off guard, Thunderstar thrashed his paws furiously, trying to resurface, but there seemed no end to the lake of blood. Protect your clan. Protect your home... The words echoed over and over as the dream faded into blackness. Thunderstar woke, gasping for air and drenched in a heavy sweat from the dream. "Protect them, eh father?" He mumbled to himself, stretching in the large rock cave that was the Leader's den. Through the almost-circular hole in the top of the rock formation, Thunderstar could see that it was still dawn, a slow fog creeping into his den. The tabby leader shook his pelt of moss and nosed the ferns out of the way of the entrance to his den, squinting in the bright sunrise light. "Whitetail." He called out to his deputy, who had taken a piece of fresh-kill off the pile, making his way over to the tom. "Do you think you could organize a hunting patrol when some of the others wake up? I'll oragnize the border patrol."
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:50pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 1,966
[Actually, I think I'm just gonna have the kits be a few moons old. I don't really like to have to go through the entire birth-thing, you know? I'll post the bios for the kits soon, though.]
10:02pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Flamestrike, having finished his mouse and disposed of the remnants, walked over to the two cats. He had heard the last order from Thunderstar as he spoke to Whitetail. "Thunderstar. I would take dawn patrol." He offered, flexing his claws lazily. He hadn't been on a good patrol in a while and he thought some exercise would do him good. The newleaf air had brought some warm breezes in, chasing away the remnants of the cold.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
12:58am Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 993
((xD I want Thunderstar to choose the patrol.)) Thunderstar twitched his tail as Flamestrike offered to organize the dawn patrol, something he was hoping he would do. "You can come, Flamestrike, and bring Shimmerpaw too, but I'llbring it together. One of the fun things to do in the morning." He said, a little jokingly, flicking his ears nervously. Thinking a little about who he should take on the patrol, a few names came to mind, and he walked calmly over to the warrior's den, sticking his head in and checking. Not all of them were awake. Padding around the camp, he stopped by the b]medcine cat den, lowering his head. "Anyone home?" He called out, looking for Emberfur hopefully, wanting to talk about her apprenice with her. It was always Thunderstar's goal to make sure he kept tabs on his apprentices were progressing well. Knowing that time were tough for a clan that had to adjust to a new home, even after three genearations, and knew that more warriors would help the cats.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
4:28am Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[I know it's a little late, but may I join?]]
10:11am Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Starpaw groaned as a paw prodded his side, forcing him to miss the huge rabbit teasing him not tail length away. Opening his clear blue eyes, the medicine cat apprentice grumbled in annoyance at having been woke up from a life he knew he would never have, and being forced to watch others do it for him. Yawning widely, Starpaw got up from his nest with a stretch, small tangles in his belly fur snagging the tiny brambles that made up his nest before looking at Emberfur with sleepy eyes. Leaning over, the tiny apprentice licked away a small snag in the fur on his side, running his tongue over the visible rib bones until the fun was smooth, or as smooth as he wanted. Looking out of the den, his eerie blue eyes watched at cats started getting up and padding around. Probably getting ready for patrols. While i'm stuck in this smelly place. Oh well, at least i'm half-way decent with remembering herbs. He though, trying to keep a cheery demeanor. It was then he realized Emberfur had woke him up to do something, and he flushed in embarr*censored*ment. Ear tips burning in shame, he rushed into the herb store and sniffed around. "She said belly ache, I think." He muttered. "Yarrow? No, we don't want her throwing up. Err, juniper berries perhaps. No, didn't Emberfur tell me of a really good herb for this type of thing?" He scowled slightly, tipping his head to the side in thought. "Watermint! That was it." Poking his nose around in the stores a bit more, he finally found a small supply of the herb. "We'll have to go get some more of this, I hope it's starting to sprout." Exiting the store supply he stopped in front of Frostwing with a tiny smile. "Sorry for taking so long Frostwing. I really hope I get better at this." He muttered, fur flushing yet again. Nosing the herbs closer to the she-cat with one paw he spoke, "Eat them, their one of the better tasting herbs." He stopped and looked over at Emberfur. "Watermint is right, right?" -- Hearing cats getting up and about, some with more vigor then most by the groans if annoyance, Falconwing yawned widely barring sharp teeth. Blinking sleep out of her green eyes the she-cat padded from the warriors den before stretching in the cool morning air. Glancing around she was a bit surprised to see Rainpaw already up and about. Trotting over with more energy then she probably needed the she-cat smiled brightly down at her apprentice. "Thunderstar or Whitetail are probably organizing patrols, want to see if we can snag a hunting patrol?" She asked, and without conformation from her apprentice padded over to Whitetail with her plume of a tail held high. Stopping a few tail lengths from the deputy, she dipped her head in respect. "I was wondering if me and Rainpaw could go on a hunting patrol this morning." -- Up and about already, Fallenwind padded back into camp after a moment or two outside of the camp barrier. He did not care anymore if cats looked at him with distrust when he did so, it reminded him of the good days to much to stop. Entering camp with his head held high the tom searched for his apprentice. Spotting her he started over when Falconwing's scorching gaze of fury made his fur bristle. Not looking at the aggravated she-cat, and head slightly lower then normal the large tom padded quickly over to Blizzardpaw. "Eer, have you eaten this morning?" He asked, still new to the whole mentor role. "If so then lets go find Thunderstar to see about a patrol. Afterwards a bit of battle training might warm us up." He mentally snarled at himself for not planning all of this out before. -- Tail twitching in slight irritability, Silentpaw searched the clearing for his mentor, paws itching to leave the confines of the camp and do something useful. Spotting her speaking with Emberfur, the apprentice rolled his eyes and muttered a curse of 'fox-dung' before laying down. He did not feel like eating, which probably would have been smart considering he planned to spend most of the day outside of the camp training with his mentor or by himself. But her at the medicine cats den pretty much told him most of the day would be spent by-himself. Not that he minded though, it gave him time to think on things. Rolling into his back, legs in the air the older apprentice muttered something about the cold weather and the bitterness of it to Starclan, not that he expected an answer. Sometimes he wondered if Starclan even watched over him and his brother. With Starpaw medicine cats apprentice, how could be become a true medicine cat if Starclan did not look upon him? Speaking of his younger brother, Silentpaw flinched at the sight of him, with his mattered fur and way to thin body, it was probably no wonder Starclan ignored him, he looked like a rouge, which they half were. Chuckling bitterly, Silentpaw closed his eyes.
