10:24am Jun 22 2010
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Emberfur's whiskers twitched with amusement when she watched Starpaw scuffle around, looking for the right herb. She touched her tail to his side gently. "Starpaw, you are turning into a fine medicine cat. Watermint is used for belllyaches, yes," She said to him, her tone light. "Eat these, Frostwing." She said and Frostwing lapped the herbs up obediently. She waddled over to a fresh nest and sat down in the medicine den. Emberfur let out a purr of amusement. She looked up at the sound of pawsteps at the entrance to the medicine den. She sniffed the air, and past the smell of herbs, scented Thunderstar. She padded to the entrance and dipped her head respectfully. "Good morning, Thunderstar. Just keeping our pacients in check," She reported to him. --- Blizzardpaw looked up at his mentor, savoring the last few bites of his sparrow. He stood up and shook out his fur. "I'm ready now, Fallenwind." He replied to his mentor and flexed his claws. He couldn't wait to practice his battle moves today. The new season was bound to bring warm air and he wouldn't have his paws freezing and numb while trying to hunt or battle. -- Flamestrike nodded to Fallenwind before he left for the medicine den. He watched the leader go and stood up. He padded over to the apprentice's den, wondering if Shimmerpaw was up yet. "Shimmerpaw," He called.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
11:39am Jun 22 2010
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((Sorry everyone. xD I woke up late, so I'm having quite the slow morning. Winter, organize the patrols as you please. Just make sure that Whitetail gets some! Tld: If you'd like to, sure! Just post the character sheets soon so that we don't move too far ahead. ;D Alice: That's fine, too. x D I'm not normally one to play kits, though I find the three I have right now rather amusing. <33 )) "Whuh?" Shimmerpaw was jolted awake when Flamestrike called for her. She blinked a few times, shaking her silvery-gray pelt free of the moss and bracken she had slept in before padding out of the den. She licked her chest before coming to sit in front of her mentor. "Yes, Flamestrike?" she asked, wanting to sound collected and diplomatic, but it came out almost whiny. Her ears flattened in embaras.s ment, but she didn't back down.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
11:42am Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 11:42am Jun 22 2010)
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Flamestrike's whiskers twitched in amusement. Apprentices always kept him entertained. Whether it be their squabbling, their lack of wanting to do their cho.res, or their energy, he did not know. "Shimmerpaw, we're going on a border patrol this morning. Hurry up," He told her and backed out of the den.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
11:48am Jun 22 2010
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"Okay, Flamestrike!" Shimmerpaw chirped, her embaras.sment forgotten. They were going on a patrol! As she walked further out of the den, the sun warmed her pelt after a chilly's night sleep. Even with the other apprentices, the nights were colder than what she liked. Newleaf was here, but it had yet to bring the warm atmosphere and abundant prey. Shimmerpaw was hoping that it would come soon. ~ Whitetail dipped his head at Falconwing. "You're welcome to come on a hunting patrol," he said. "Besides, we ought to see how your apprentice is progressing, correct?"
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
1:53pm Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 4:48pm Jun 22 2010)
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Posts: 993
((x3 Time for Rainpaw's stubbornness.)) Rainpaw turned to see her mentor happily as.signing them to a hunting patrol, which the white apprentice was fine with. It was about time for the warriors to be watching her hunting skills, since with her good ear turned towards them, she coud hear the deputy and her mentor discussing that fact. She unsheathed her claws, sharpening them in a small piece of tough wood, ready to collect some fresh-kill for the pile. Padding up to them, Rainpaw stared up at the deputy with her clear blue eyes, deciding to ask her question. "When are we leaving for the patrol?" Her tone was bored, though as many knew, it meant nothing, just that she wasn't feeling anything, it was her default. ----- Thunderstar smiled at Emberfur's report, glancing over at the apprentice who had just fetched the watermint. "And I can see Starpaw's doing well in his training too." The mention of the apprentice's name reminded him of the real reason that the leader entered the den. "Emberfur, may I speak to you alone for a minute? I need to discuss something with you." His thoughts flashed over to the disturbing message Starclan had sent him that night, wondering what the medicine cat would make of it as well.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
1:57pm Jun 22 2010
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Starpaw twitched his tail in delight at having gotten something, even if it was simple, right. He looked over at Thunderstar in awe and respect, never really have gotten to know the leader very well, but like most cats he *censored*umed admired the clan leader. He dipped his head slightly, not knowing what to say. He suddenly remembered the small amount of herbs in the store and got back to his paws. "Emberfur, may I go out and see if any of the herbs are shooting up yet?" He asked hopefully, wanting to get out of camp. He wanted to give Thunderstar and his mentor some private time. -- Falconwing looked over at Rainpaw and purred slightly. "She progressing at a amazing rate, though she needs to work on a few battle techniques yet she does very well at hunting." She told Whitetail triumphantly. "It should be only a few more moons before she becomes a apprentice." Glancing around she noticed Silentpaw's sulking form and hid a purr of amusement. "Who all is coming on this patrol?" She asked the deputy. She grinned down at her apprentice. "We'll be leaving when Whitetail says so." She told her cheerily. -- Glad to see the apprentices enthusiasm, Fallenwind nodded slightly and started for the camp entrance. "Well, it looks like Thunderstar is busy, and so is Whitetail so lets head to the training grounds." He meowed and started towards the camp entrance then the grounds. "Perhaps we should work on you tackling a larger cat first. There always seems to be some one your size or bigger in battle."

4:03pm Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 4:05pm Jun 22 2010)
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[[lol Winter. Flamestrike is the warrior and Emberfur's father. Emberfur, not Emberstrike is the medicine cat XD]] Emberfur nodded to Starpaw. "That would be great. If you want, you can try to catch a mouse or two while you're out there," She said, knowing he wanted to give her and the leader some privacy. "I think the juniper berries would have sprouted by now." She told him, dismissing him and turned to Thunderstar. "Starpaw is becoming a wonderful medicine cat even though he may beat himself up," She said calmy. "We can take this into my den if you'd like," She said, flicking her tail to the wounded cats surrounding them. -- Flamestrike stopped at the fresh-kill pile. "Shimmerpaw. It seems that Thunderstar is talking to Emberfur. You may eat a quick bite before we're off," He said to his apprentice. She might as well eat if they had time to spare.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
4:48pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 993
((Psh, fail. xD I'll edit it.)) Thunderstar nodded, looking over towards the Medicine Cat's den, padding over to it and twitching his ears uncomfortably. The leader waited in Emberfur's den, glancing around, not used to being in any den other than his own. Remembrance of the night's message from his father, Thunderstar's amber ees shut, trying to wash the thought out of his mind, at least until Emberfur came. He needed to get a second opinion, Eagltalon's omen not entirely clear to him. Why it had been his father, who never visited him in dreams, other than his nine lives ceremony, Thunderstar couldn't figure. It had to mean something more than just protecting his family, his clan. The thing that bothered him... Protect them from what?
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
4:54pm Jun 22 2010
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Shimmerpaw nodded and selected a mouse from the fresh-kill pile. A wave of guilt hit her as she surveyed what was left; a sparrow, two scrawny mice, a vole, and a rather plump mouse. She sighed and set down the mouse, ready to take one of the thinner mice, when she spotted Sparkwhisker surveying the fresh-kill too. "You want some?" she asked the older warrior, pushing the moue towards her. The tawny warrior's whiskers twitched. "Sure, Shimmerpaw. Thanks." The two cats stooped the share the mouse. A few minutes later, and with about five bites in her belly to hold her until sunhigh, Shimmerpaw licked her jaws clean. "Okay, Flamestrike! I'm ready, I think." ~ Whitetail said, "I'll be looking forward to seeing her as a warrior. She has a lot of potential." He purred as he saw Shimmerpaw declaring her readiness for a patrol. "Oh!" He said, "I almost forgot. We really should have the patrol moving out." He glanced aorund the cats out of den, then mentally made list. "Rainpaw, Falconwing, Midnightflower, Flamestrike, and Shimmerpaw! Are you available to come on a hunting patrol?"
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
4:59pm Jun 22 2010
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((I suppose we might want to pause for Serenity and Alice, so that they can post their intros as well. <33 ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:43pm Jun 22 2010
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[No, it's alright. I'm here. Should I just jump in anywhere? and I added Fangkit as a character, too. I didn't really feel like going through that whole birth-stuff. :/]
8:29pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 993
((x3 Yeah, I think you should just dive in. Lets see, who's left that wants to go on a border patrol other than maybe Flamestrike and Shimmerpaw? :D))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
8:38pm Jun 22 2010
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((That's fine, Alice. ^O^ Jump in anywhere you please. ;o ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
1:10pm Jun 23 2010
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((Omg. c; Bump.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
2:55pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 6:48pm Jun 23 2010)
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Wolfsong groaned, wishing she was out of the nursery. Opening one eye, she bat one paw at her kit, who seemed to love poking her desperatly in the side. "Come on, mom! I wanna go hunting!" the kit wailed. She felt something jump on her, before feeling little paws pressing into her back. "I wanna go on an adventure! Come play with me, please! Please, please, please?!" Wolfsong sat up straight, flicking her tail over Fangkit's mouth. This must've been one of his hyper days. USually he didn't talk as much. "Queit, Fangkit. You'll wake the other queens," she hissed. "And you know you can't go out of the camp. Not until you're apprenticed." Fangkit squealed, before running around his mother in circles. Ugh, definatly hyper. she thought, rolling her eyes. "And, by the way, mom, I can be an apprentice! I'm better than all the warriors in this Clan," Fangkit laughed. Wolfsong's eyes widened, and she gasped. "Don't say that," she snarled. "You aren't old enough to be apprenticed. You're only three moons old, and you have to be six to be apprenticed."She smiled then, her blue eyes glittering. "Why don't yu go get me some fresh-kill," she suggested. She watched as Fangkit zoomed out of the nursery, saying something like, "Someday I'll catch you some fresh-kill, and you'll be so proud of me!" Before his blue tail dissapeared from view.
3:21pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((I'll try and put up an intro in a minute. Once I go and read all the other posts so I know whats happening.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:55pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 3,991
"Thornclaw wake up. Wake up." Thronclaw heard the soft voice in his dream. He purred something softly but woke with a yowl when he felt something sharp scratch his forearm. His blue eys looked down and saw a little blood. He let out a wimper and started to lick. "Oh don't be such a kit." came the voice again. This time full of s*censored*. He looked over and saw a sleek black she-cat with eyes as blue as his. "You are the worst sister ever." He said as he licked her arm once more. She licked her paws and wipped her face. "I let you sleep in when you really should be training, whatever you apprentices name is." Thornclaw shot her a look. "Its Icepaw." He said before walking out of the warrors den. Midnightflower followed him lightly towards the fresh kill pile. "Whatever you say." She said. She looked around, the other cats where now starting to wake. It looked as though Whitetail was orgainizing morning patrol. She looked towards the small fresh kill pile. He should really be organizing a hunting patrol. She thought as she took the mouse from her younger brother. He got a surprsied looked on his face then took the vole. "Rainpaw, Falconwing, Midnightflower, Flamestrike, and Shimmerpaw! Are you available to come on a hunting patrol?" She heard Whitetail call. She made a face and Thornclaw let out a throaty chuckle. Midnight got up slowly and walked over towards Whitetail. "I'm ready." She said in a rather bored voice as she flicked her tail. ((Fail...))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:02pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Starpaw nodded enthusiastically and bolted towards the camp entrance, glad to be able to do something. Almost at the entrance his left paw slammed into his back one and sent him tumbling in a ungraceful heap. Getting back up, ears flat in embarr*censored*ment, he glanced around and hoped no other cat had see his clumsiness. To his horror Silentpaw was snickering. "Shut up Silentpaw! I want to see you do better with legs long enough to fit a fox." He meowed indignantly. Starting towards the entrance again at a much slower rate, the small cat sighed when his brothers pelt brushed his own. "Don't look so upset Starpaw, you'll grow into yourself." Silentpaw told his younger sibling cheerily, glad to be out of the camp himself. "How many cats can say they speak to Starclan anyway." The normally cold apprentice chirped, more trotting now then walking. It had been a while since he'd spoken to Starpaw, being lost in his own worries and training. His brother brought out the nice side in him he kept closed off. Seeing Starpaw dejected look Silentpaw flinched. "Starclan has not spoken to me yet, nor will they..probably." He meowed quietly, giving his elder a look of such sadness and fear it nearly knocked Silentpaw off his paws. "I mean I know all the herbs pretty well, and can deal with most cats through their pain and sickness, that does not bother me. But what if something happens to Emberfur, Starclan forbid, and i'm thew only one left. What will the clan do with a medicine cat that can't speak to Starclan?" Starpaw practically wailed, flattening hi ears again. "Well, nothing we can do about it, so i'v got to collect juniper berries and check on the other herbs. Mind to help?" He asked. Seeing Silentpaw's nod of conformation, the medicine cat apprentice felt better to have some cat watch his back. Sniffing around, he nearly yowled in fear when Silentpaw bolted off and jumped into some bushes. Dragging a small mouse back out, Starpaw looked at is wistfully. "Wish I could hunt like that, without tripping on my own paws." He muttered, then looked in surprise as his brother dropped it in front of him, asking him to eat. About to decline, his belly rumbled in protest. "Thanks he meowed and tucked in. -- Falconwing purred in slight amusement and sat down, curling her tail over her paws to wait for the others. "You know we are." She meowed, and started licking her still sleep ruffled fur into place. Hearing a small mew not far off, her heart went out to Starpaw who was getting up off the ground. Her instincts of a mother told her to bolt over and help the weak apprentice, still in a way seeing him as a kit. Forcing herself to stay still and look away, she knew he would not be happy if she came over. Tail twitching, she waited.

6:31pm Jun 23 2010
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((Yay, the last intros... *goes to add them to the list* I'll post in a moment. ;o ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:45pm Jun 23 2010
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Whitetail nodded. "Let's go!" He called out, raising his voice so that the rest of the patrol could be heard. He started towards the parting between two rocks that served as the entrance and exit to the camp, speeding up to a trot as he entered the forest. Over his shoulder, he tossed out to Thunderstar, "We'll be back before sunhigh." ((Sorry, I'm sort of brain dead.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.