3:16pm May 1 2011 (last edited on 7:01pm May 3 2011)
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"Do you really think that I didn't know you were different?" The girl asks, her tone sharp with hurt. The man beside her smiles. "Of course I knew. I just didn't expect you would be foolish enough to bring it up to me, face-to-face." He sighs dramatically, running a lazy hand through her hair. For anyone else, this gesture would look affectionate. But somehow, this man made it look condescending, like he was comforting a small child. "Really, sweetheart, you would have been better off calling me." His smile turns devilish. "But then again, it would have just delayed my arrival." The girl pulls away, her face showing clearly how hard the movement was for her. "What do you mean?" "Well, as soon as you let on that you knew something, I would have run over." "R-run?" she gasps. "But...I'm so far away..." The man grabs her hand, toying with it idly. "Not for me." The girl snatches her hand away, horror written across her features. "What..." she murmurs, words failing her. She starts to back up. Only when her back is against the cool, hard plaster does she try again. "What are you?" The man smiles again. "Darling, didn't you know you fell in love with a vampire?" She barely has time to gasp before his fangs pierce her throat. Introduction (Ooc) W-what? Is it true? Can it be? Yes! Lola is back, everyone, and itching for a good supernatural roleplay. ^_^ I'm happy to be back on Res, and hope to get some good roleplays up and running in the not-too-distant future. If you don't remember me, I used to roleplay a boatload here on Res. This could be my only one for a while, but I do have some plots in mind. ^^ Anyways, do read on, and consider joining, but keep in mind I tend to ramble. :P Introduction (Bic) The supernatural races are as diverse as the personalities that belong to them. There are vampires, lycanthropes, shapeshifters, witches, warlocks, demons, angels, fallen angels, werecreatures, faeries, elves, and almost any type of legend you can imagine. They live far apart in the world, blending in to human society to escape notice. Their governments and rules vary by race, but some rivalries stand between species. For example, vampires and lycanthropes are at war. Faeries and elves, though close relatives, will attack each other on sight, or flee at the first sign of each other. Werecreatures are tolerant of almost any race but lycanthropes. These habits are in each creature's blood, but peace has prevailed almost everywhere But their peace is not everlasting. A new species has emerged unexpectedly from the depths of shadows: the Wraiths. These creatures are made of shadow, but can shift shape. And they are back with a vengeance. Long ago, the other supernatural combined their power to rid the world of their evil. But now, they have found a way our of their wards. And they want revenge. Suddenly, supernaturals are disappearing left and right. There have been ambushes on the leaders of the races, and important figures. Not everyone has escaped with their life. If the supernaturals cannot find a way to stop the Wraiths, their world and that of the mortals could be ruined. War is coming. Rules Sorry if there are a lot, I like to keep my roleplays organized~ 1.) No powerplaying or godmodeling 2.) Be literate. This means using proper capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when possible (a few typoes are understandable). Posts must be 2 large(ish) paragraphs minimum. 3.) Note that you must be literate to join this. I can and will refuse people who aren't. My apologies if this sounds harsh, but literacy makes a roleplay oh-so-much better. 4.) Keep genders as even as possible. I realize that female characters are often more popular than males ones, but do try to keep the balance. 5.) Ask to join. 6.) Give me a hug when doing so (read above rule). 7.) No powers beyond that of the race deion, unless given permission. 8.) Ask me before creating a new race. 9.) Starting character limit is three. If you think you can handle more, go ahead and ask. Additional character slots may be opened up to balance out genders. 10.) Please try not to post without Lola. I try to log on every day, but I may miss an afternoon or two. ;c 11.) Romance, action, and conflict are encouraged to keep this interesting, but keep in mind the PG-13 rating.
12.) Ask before claiming a limited spot, or a spot of power. Most rankings should be asked for.
13.) Have fun! *Rules are subject to change, be added, ect.* The Races Vampires Your average blood drinkers. Will drink any type but witch blood, which is intoxicatingly good, but if too much is ingested, acts like poison. They are faster, stronger, more graceful, and have sharper senses than humans and most other supernaturals. Cannot practice magic, but can have spells put on them. Vampires are told from the start to hate lycanthropes, though it isn't in their DNA to do so. Vampires aren't born, but are bitten and then given vampire's blood. Immortal. Lycanthropes Also known as werewolves. Are also told to hate vampires, and it is not in their DNA to do so. They are forced to change into wolves during the week of the full moon, from dusk till dawn, but otherwise do not change form. Their human form retains some wolflike qualities, like sharpened hearing and smell, and usually dull eyesight. Some are stronger than most. Are the highest-ranking of the werecreatures. Are treated with great respect among them, almost godlike, though they keep to themselves. Usually arrogant because of this, and they like to stay in packs. Extended life span. Shapeshifters Shapeshifters can have any kind of animal form but mythical ones, though each individual only has one. The family passes down the animal, but father's creature is usually dominant. They are like the lycanthropes in their ability to retain slight characteristics of their animal in human form, but can shift at will. Extended life span.
Witches/Warlocks Witches are much more common than warlocks, though they are the same race. They can cast spells and enchantments, and are the only race that can read the magic runes of spell books. They tend to have an aversion to vampires because of their thirst for blood, but others have taken up vampire hunting. Witches and warlocks are mortal in their form except for an extended life span and the ability to cast spells and make potions. Demons Demons are creatures that look like humans, but have supernatural powers. They are stronger, faster, and more vicious than a vampire, and have control over an element. This control is not complete, but they can command that element to do their bidding, though lots of use will leave a demon weak. Demons are unerthly beautiful, if only for predatory purposes. They are highly attracted to angels. Immortal. Angels Angels are the anti-demon of sorts. They are often kind, but also proud and very arrogant. They are just as strong and as fast as demons, but instead of elements, have control over different powers. This can array from the ability to become invisible, read other's minds, or send dreams. But they are governed by the same principle: the more use, the weaker the angel becomes. Angels are also disgusted by demons. Despite the other species' attraction to them, angels do tend to hunt demons, or kill when they get too close. They are resemble the holy creatures, with wings, but don't serve a greater power. It has yet to be determined if they used to, or if they have long-lost cousins, or if it is simply a myth. Generally beautiful. Immortal. Fallen Angels The offspring of an angel and a demon. Very rare, and often die at a young age. This is because they are very off-balanced with their powers, and often possess both types of powers--a very precarious position. This often drives them to insanity, or death. Others are born with no powers at all, with one parent's, with or without wings. Those who do survive usually have unbalanced temperaments. There has been talk of a law against these hybrid children. Werecreatures Follow the same principles as lycanthropes, but their creatures range as far as shapeshifters'. Treat the lycanthropes with an almost godlike appreciation, though no one knows why. Species that tend to dislike each other naturally tend to have aversions in werecreatures as well (for example, a dog and cat might not be best friends). Extended life span. Faeries The Fair Folk, as some call them. They can range anywhere from pixies to dryads. They are michevious, and not to be trusted. They can practice Faerie magic, which can be dark, and tend to keep to themselves except for creating trouble. But, if convinced that they should help you, are invaluable allies with their vast knowledge and a surprisingly wise aspect to them. Faerise also hate their close cousins, the elves, for reasons unknown. This is part of their DNA, and will attempt to kill on sight, or flee. Immortal. Elves The elves are very closely related to the Faeries. But instead of having the ocassional wings, and a love for mischief, they are very private and love nature. In fact, they are a part of nature. Each elf is one of four types: Spring, Winter, Autumn, or Summer. They often has plants actually growing from their bodies, and can speak toboth plants and animals. The type of foliage on them varies by their season, thought the season doesn't affect their ranking. They share the hatred of the Faeries, and follow the same principle. Wraiths The wraiths are made of shadows in their true form, but can shapeshift into anything with a heartbeat. Their forms are often seductive, to better suit their purpose, but they can also make themselves as unappealing or inconspicuous as needed. They have recently escaped from a hell dimension, and want revenge on the supernaturals. Indefinite life span.
Availability Some creature slots have a limited amount, so ask before claiming one! Vampires: Unlimited Lycanthropes: Unlimited Shapeshifters: Unlimited Demons: [1/3]
Angels: [1/3]
Fallen Angels: 1-2 [1/1] Werecreatures: Unlimited Faeries: Unlimited*
Elves: Unlimited* Wraiths: 3 (These will need a commited roleplayer. If you get a slot, expect one or more rMails from me.) [1/3] *Faeries and Elves do not need to be played, or played directly. If you'd really like to be one, do ask, but they don't benefit the story line excessively. A limit may be added. Character Sheets If you've made it this far, I'm proud! :D If you've skipped to this portion, you can turn around and reread everything, or please don't bother joining. I understand that it's a lot, but it should benefit you to know what's going on. Name: (Full Name)
Aliases/Nicknames: (List all) Gender: (Male or female only, please)
Age: (If immortal, put age as well)
Race: (Self-explanatory)
Deion of Race: (Delete if one of the races listed above) Deion of Powers: (Short and to the point. If a shifter/were, list animal)
History: (At leat a paragraph)
Location: (Where are they?)
Current Status: (What their job is, if any, any current conflicts, ect.) Lover/Crush: (Are they involved in a relationship?)
Strengths: (List three)
Flaws: (List three) Clothing: (Short deion or general idea)
Weaponry: (Up to four things)
Pets: (Optional. Delete if not used.) Acessories: (Anything that doesn't fit under last three categories)
Looks: (Deion preferred. At least one paragraph.)
Other: (Anything else we should know?) Character/Member List Detneth106-Kitmet lolalover6-Alexis V. Mordalle, Christian A. Kingsbury
SerenitySorrow- Jethro Reagan, Ellowyn Grey VampireShadows- Uri Experanza YvaineEspada- Jake Duma
supernovastar- Tuatara Porter Gender Balance; 4 girls, 4 boys Well, I do think that's all. :D Thanks for stopping by! <3
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
3:40pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; May I join? I don't think I've role-played with you before, actually. *hugs* If I may join could I take a shapeshifter and a wraith?
3:43pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc/ Sure. ^_^ I'll put you up~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
3:47pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; If it's alright I'm going to finish my geography essay and then I can go make my bios. ^^ I have the basic ideas for them already though, so I shouldn't take more than an hour or two.
3:49pm May 1 2011
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Ooc/ No worries. ^^ I have to log off now, too. Posting my bios when I get back~ If anyone else wants to join while I'm gone, go ahead and ask. I'll be back as soon as I can.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
4:01pm May 1 2011
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((Lola! -tackleglomp- Haven't seen you in so long. Do you even remember me? If you didn't that would be really awkward for me. Anyways, May I join as a demon and maybe something else. I haven't decided yet.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:56pm May 1 2011
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Ooc/ @Serenity: -glomp'd- Of course I remember you. D: -snugs- I'll go ahead and add you~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:45pm May 1 2011
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 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:27pm May 1 2011
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Ooc; Lola, my bio is taking me forever. I think I'll stick with a shape-shifter if that's alright. ^^;
7:30pm May 1 2011
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Name: Kismet Aliases/Nicknames: Kisa Gender: Female Age: Twenty-three Race: Shape-shifter Deion of Powers: Kismet can shape-shift into a Kenai Peninsula wolf. History: Born to a long line of shape-shifters who tended to take to the male’s line of animals, it was shocking to find that Kismet took her mother’s form of a wolf, yet it was not a wolf of the women’s line. Shocked and angry it was revealed that Kismet’s mother was having an affair with another shape-shifter and she and her newborn daughter were cast out in shame. Kismet’s mother named her after luck in hops that it would somehow shape her daughter’s destiny. Traveling through the city and living off the streets Kismet’s mother died from pneumonia when she was only ten, leaving the strong-willed girl to her own devices. Being a resourceful girl she used her abilities to attack and rob rich humans, taking care that they only saw her wolf form. By the time she was eighteen Kismet had amassed enough wealth to be able to rent out a small apartment and get a job. She now lives comfortably but still holds mistrust for other shape-shifters and humans. She has no issues with other supernaturals and she even holds a certain degree of respect for the Wraiths, noting their power. Location: In her neighbourhood and around the city. She can travel far within a few hours and can cross the city and back in a day. She has no specific location other than her apartment, which she keeps secret. Current Status: Keeps to herself but does occasionally consort with other supernaturals. She holds a job as a bouncer in a club, using her powerful frame to her advantage. She does not have any enemies and doesn’t appear to have any close friends either. Lover/Crush: Kismet is extremely picky on this subject and is not in a relationship. She was once engaged to another wolf-shifter named Gryf but he died under strange circumstances. Strengths: Kismet’s strengths are her leadership abilities, the skill to remain calm in most situations and is very passionate about things she loves. Flaws: Kismet’s flaws are that she is very assertive, bordering on aggressive, and she is very secretive. She also rarely backs down from a fight, no matter what the odds. Clothing: Kismet is a very unpretentious woman who tries to wear clothes that blend in easily. She’s nearly always seen in jeans of some sort, normally plain blue, and a form-fitting t-shirt or tank top. For cold weather Kismet wears a plaid long-sleeve shirt, usually unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. If she needs to dress up fancy Kismet will at most wear a nice shirt. She goes barefoot unless at work, where she wears a uniform. Luckily the cold and the harshness of the city grounds don’t really bother her feet. Weaponry: Her body is her main weapon. Kismet has perfected the ability to shift in movement and knows how to maximize her fighting prowess using tricks and her large size. Accessories: Kismet does have piercings and wears two wolf claws attached with silver wire in her ears. They are real and came from another shifter who ambushed her one night. Kismet managed to beat off her opponent and took the claws as a trophy. Looks: As a human Kismet has chocolate brown hair with dark highlights in it. It is slightly wavy and his just below her shoulder. Though at most she only goes and gets a plain trim, she tends to wear it down with the part to the side of her head, sweeping bangs over her left eye. If worn up Kismet will use a scrunchie to avoid pulling out hairs and twist it into a messy bun. Her face is heart-shape and rather delicate compared to her personality. Her eyes are an odd color, matching her wolf form’s eyes. They are deep amber, often mistaken for gold. Kismet’s skin reflects her wolf shape and is ruddy gold, though some of this is due to a tan. Standing at 5’8” Kismet is not a small girl and tends to stand in a rather assertive manner. She does have curves and a pleasant body shape but she prefers not to flaunt it. She does have an hourglass figure with a thin waist and slightly flaring hips, but her chest is smaller than usual. She’s only a B cup. Other than that Kismet is fairly slim as a human, though most of her weight is not in fat but muscle. Kismet is definitely considered a large wolf by any standards. Standing at 42 inches at the shoulder and weighing 190 pounds, Kismet’s large body is certainly imposing. Despite this she has a slim shape that is most definitely female, covered by thick, soft fur. Her muzzle is narrow and her legs long, giving Kismet a graceful aspect. Kismet’s abundant fur is a pale cream or near white at her paws and lower legs, darkening to beige-cream at her upper-legs and haunches. At the top of her haunches Kismet’s fur turns brown and becomes steadily darker on her back and around her head, with lighter cream and gray spots on her back. Her ruff is brown sharply turning cream right under her muzzle and it stays that way on her muzzle as well, steadily becoming white towards her nose. The fur right behind her nose on the top of her muzzle is light brown and darkens as it recedes to her forehead, though the fur around her eyes and inside her ears are also cream. The brown is richest right in the center of her forehead. The tips of her ears are an odd dark brown color, stark against the cream fur. Kismet’s eyes must be her strangest feature. They are dark amber, bright against her bland coloring. As mentioned before, Kismet is actually quite leggy and most of her weight comes from muscle, making her a formidable opponent in many aspects. On Kismet’s shoulders and on her left hind-leg are long scars, mostly visible on her legs, as the fur has grown thick around her shoulder scars. They are white and any trained wolf would know that they are the healed image of deep wounds, testifying to Kismet’s odd fortitude. Other:

7:31pm May 1 2011
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 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:44pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 681
[ -giant bear hug- This rp seems extremely interesting. I would love to join as a/the Fallen Angel, and an Elf..? I can provide an example of my literacy if needed ^^ ]
8:00pm May 1 2011
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Ooc/ @Vampire: Go ahead. ^-^ I'll put you on the list~ On another note, sorry my characters aren't up yet. o3o I'm having a bit of a creative block.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:05pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 314
Name: Kira Solstice Aliases/Nicknames: Patches, Killer Gender: female Age: 17 Race: Shapeshifter Deion of Powers: Can turn into a raven History: Kira doesn't like to talk about it her history. She was born into a shapeshifter family, obviously, but her mother died giving birth. Her father had died just a few months before, leaving her with no family. She grew up passed from family to family, hiding her powers from everyone. Her birth name was Alexis, but she changed it when she was 9 years old, taking a form of the word 'killer' after she found out that ravens were thought of as bad luck and signs of death and destruction, as well as being connected with countless horror tales. When she turned 15, she decided she was tired of being passed around and ran away. She's been living on the streets and taking care of herself ever since. Location: She's kind of a nomad, but started out in New York City. Currently in Boston Current Status: Has multiple going conflicts with the very few people she semi-regularly interacts with. Lover/Crush: None, not looking Strengths: Being able to fly, of course, in her raven form. She is also naturally unusally fast and has trained herself to fight.
Flaws: Kira's not so good with human interaction. She hates most people and has always been distrustful. Clothing: Since she lives on the streets, she doesn't have much to wear. Whenever you see her, she's probably looking extremely warrior-like. She prefers black to any other color, and usually wears ripped jeans or leather pants, tight tank tops or t-shirts, and either boots or converse.
Weaponry: She mainly uses her arms and legs as weapons, but she also carries a switchblade with her at all times.
Pets: It's not so much a pet, but a raven follows her everywhere. She's nicknamed it Eclipse Flight. Acessories: She travels light, carrying just a canvas messenger bag with her essential supplies.
Looks: Kira almost looks like a personification of a raven. She has jet-black waves that somewhat resemble feathers; her hair tends to be ruffled from either sleep or wind. Her skin isn't too pale, more ivory, but seems almost marble-white because her hair is such a deep black. Her eyes are hazel, and can catch even the slightest movement. She is tall, about 5'9', and has lean muscles, so that it looks like she's not as strong as she really is. As a raven, she is small and built for speed. She looks basically like a normal raven, but her wings are narrower and she has humanoid eyes.
Other: nothing, really
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
8:05pm May 1 2011
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Ooc/ @Nessie: Reread the rules, please. You can't join yet.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:52pm May 1 2011 (last edited on 11:14pm May 1 2011)
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Name: Alexis V. Mordalle Aliases/Nicknames: Alex or Lexi for close friends--otherwise Alexis; alias is Dye Gender: Female
Age: Immortal (Turned at 17, is now 19)
Race: Vampire Deion of Powers: Your normal vampire. Faster, stronger, and more clever than humans. She is very graceful and seductive when she wants to be. Can go for a longer time than most without blood. History: Remember that introduction? Yeah, that girl's her. But her story begins earlier. Alexis was born to an aristocratic family in Massachusetts. She went to private schools for her elementary and middle school education, because her parents were very strict about having a "properly raised" daughter. Despite their concern for her, she remained very distant from her family. Her father was a wealthy business man who retired early and married a trophy wife. At home, Alexis felt it was only an endless circuit of dinner parties and studying. Her only solace was her dog, Brighty, who died when she was fourteen. For high school, Alexis was shipped off to boarding school in rural New York. For a while, she hated it there, with all of the rich snobs and rude cliques. But then she Robert. For about a month, she only watched and wondered. He was everything to her, suddenly--she fell asleep every night thinking of him, and his face was always somewhere in her dreams. Then, by some miraculous twist of fate, he asked her out. At first, it was tentative dates to the movies and going out to old diners, but about two months into their relationship, Alexis was sure he was the one. Only when high school ended did they begin to break apart. She was desperate to hold onto him, but for three months, he never called her back. Then, out of the blue, he appeared in her home town. So happy to see him, she went against her parents' wishes and delayed college for a year, hoping perhaps for a proposal. Another two months into their revived romance, that fateful night happened. Robert bit her, and Alexis fled from her family and the only life she ever knew. For a few months, Robert continued to call her, but eventually gave up when she refused to reply to messages, or left hateful ones in reply. She found herself a vampiric mentor, and only left him about a month ago. Location: Living in "The City," working hard as a hair stylist to pay her rent. Current Status: Her mentor bought her a fancy loft in the downtown shopping district, opened her up a bank account with a generous portion of money in it, and insisted on buying her a flashy new wardrobe and enough food to feed her for two weeks. Now she's found that her bank account has become depleted, and has taken up work to get her bills payed. No conflicts with other supernaturals, tends to keep away from them. Lover/Crush: Still slightly heartbroken by Robert. She doesn't know what her feelings are for her mentor, but he seems content just to be friends. Strengths: Alexis is very agile, even for her species. She can outsmart most, and is belying persuasive/seduction when she needs to be, though she resents doing so. Flaws: Alexis has both a temper and an impatience streak. She is mistrusting and often jumps to the wrong conclusions, driving most away from her. She is lucky to have such a sympathetic mentor, who has friends in high places. Clothing: Alexis goes through clothing phases. Right now, she favors the uber-expensive ripped designer jeans, and form-fitting tank tops. This habit is beginning to break her bank, though, so she's in the process of transferring to less expensive, but similar outfits. Weaponry: Mostly her tongue and body, but she knows how to handle a sword and keeps a dagger in her purse. She generally avoids confrontations, though. Acessories: Wears a small golden wing on a necklace--a gift from her mentor to remind her of him. She has an almost identical one from Robert, but it mirrors the golden one, and is silver. She tries not to ponder this resemblance. Looks: Alexis was mildly pretty in her human form, but becoming a vampire has made her beautiful, as is all of her race. She has long black hair that always has multi-colored streaks in it, hence her alias. The colors change every so often, and now she has pale turquoise, electric lime green, and hot pink. She has large green eyes and fair skin that either tans or burns, depending on its exposure. Her build is lean, and figure not curvy, but still pleasing to look at. She is a lot strong than she looks, but her long legs give a minor indication to her speed. Other: Robert may or may not be still tracking her down. --- Name: Christian A. Kingsbury
Aliases/Nicknames:Goes by Christian most of the time; alias is King
Gender: Male
Age: Immortal (Looks to be around 20-23, is actually over 700 years old)
Race: Angel
Deion of Powers: Christian can read others' emotions. The powers can manifest themselves in several ways, from eyes changing with their owner's mood, to direct signals coming from someone. He can also fly, of course. :P Another strange manifestion, he believes, of his power, is the ability to dream truly about those close to him.
History: Christian was born to an average Angelic family. They raised him in a rural but lavish mansion, and he grew up on a rich educational diet. When he was 12, he began to show an intense interest in swordsmanship. Delighted, his parents set up fencing for him, and he soon grew to love all forms of combat. He was enlisted into a private "bodyguard" service for a family of rich aristocrats. He served them for nearly ten yeras before moving on to find his way in the world.
Location: In the city, renting a cheap motel room. He's not quite sure what to do with himself. Current Status: No job, thinking about becoming a demon hunter. No current conflicts, but the family he was a bodyguard for was upset at his resignation. Trying to avoid their eldest daughter, who has shown an interest in him. Lover/Crush: None as of now, but trying to avoid a mildly infatuated girl, as stated above. She's pretty, but also has some pretty ugly traits. Bi. Strengths: Can be very convincing when he talks--this he attributes to being able to read other's emotions. He is also a good flyer, and an incredible swordsman. Flaws: Can be arrogant at time. Christian has a bad habit of over-estimating himself, and overusing his powers. Clothing: Black skinny jeans and a graphic tee ishis usual costume. Also likes hoodies, and often puts the hood over his face. Loose sneakers that are comfortable, silent, and grippy are his favorite shoes. Weaponry: Carries a saber, whip, and a small sword on him when he can. If not, a small dagger suffices. Acessories: Has a tribal tattoo on his left hand, on the underside of his wrist. If oyu look at it long enough, you'll notice that they're wings. And they move. Looks: Christian has the flawless look of the boy next door. His hair is a golden blonde, andhis eyes are a heart-stopping, icy blue. He stands relatively tall, and has a lean, muscular frame. His cheek bones are high, and golden piercings line his right ear. His smile is disarming, but also a little bit feral-looking. The wings on his back are white-gold and feathery, very big.
Other: Nope. :)
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:54pm May 1 2011 (last edited on 7:07pm May 5 2011)
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Posts: 3,991
Name: Jethro Reagan Aliases/Nicknames: Jeth, JR (Ellowyn) and any insult you can think of,
Gender: Male
Age: Immortal, but appears around Twenty-five(can change if too old)
Race: Demon
Deion of Powers: Typical demon. Faster, stronger than any vampire. He has that alluring, seductive appeal like all creatures, although he doesn't really use it, seeing after he speaks most girls will avoid him. He can control the element of electricity. It really isn't of use of him, but he enjoys randomly shocking people as he walks up the street. History: Jethro was born into a rich demon family. His father, the King Pin of the city at the time ran an underground syndicate dealing with everything you could think of. Human trafficing, drug dealing, high stakes gambling you name it, the man ran it. Jeth's mother, not a very important figure in his life, seeing as she was off doing her own thing. He was raised by his father. Now his father could never be arrested because he had his hands in a lot of pockets. He had the mayor in his hands, the police commisoner, you name it. He was untouchable, no one had anything on him. He had a perfect empire. Now Jethro knows the underground dealing (some are literally underground) better than the back of his hand. And was set to take over his fathers empire in case anything shoudl happen to him. Although when his father was killed, due to corruption in his 'flawless' system. Jeth not ready to take over let his fathers right hand man do eveything., While Jetho checked in every once in a while. Location: Currently living in small, although up-scale condo in "They City". (And because I'm a visual person, I had to attach a photo of the apartment, or else it would just anger me XP Apartment looks here.)
Current Status: Currently working as a cop, but is under suspension because he beat up a suspect.
Lover/Crush: Yeah as if anyone cares enough to deal with him. He's not really into the whole relationship thing, unless he finds someone who's really worth it, not to mention as I stated before most girls give up on him after he opens his mouth.
Personality: Now Jethro isn't what most would call nice. Sure he has his moments, but that will be quickly followed by something mean. He is the type of boy who will refuse to call a girl by her name, most likely giving her an annoying nick name or calling her a different name that starts with the same letter. He is a rather easily irritated, violent guy, not to mention head-strong. He will never back down from a fight and will most likely fight to the death, unless someone interveens. He tells thing exactly like it is, and when its rude or mean, he says 'I'm simply stating the truth, if you don't want to hear it, don't ask.' There of course is also a playful side to him. He can be rather coy at times, not to mention he makes inuendos and is the first the drop sexual jokes or pick up on them. Sure he may come across as a jerk but those who decide to stick around tend to see hs true colours. He really is a loyal friend, helping you when you fall, or kicking the guys *censored* who pushed you down. And although most may never see it, seeing as it is a rare thing indeed, Sais has a soft side to him. He will do anything for a friend, even if it ment killing someone. Although he hates tears, he will be the first to ask the ever so annoying question 'Are you alright?' even though you clearly are not. And he will be your shoulder to cry on. And although its unbelievable, the boy loves kids, even though he calls them little brats and will swear that he hates them till he's blue in the face, he does. He likes small animals and children, he has some sort of maternal instinct (if that what you could call it) to protect. Oh yes, there are many layers to Jethro, do you think you can unwrap the all?
Strengths: Jethro, surprsingly is quite the buisness man, he can often use his good looks and talk you into about anything. (The charm normally only works on mortals) Although he can only do that when he's in a certain mood, normally he's more of a brute force type guy. Not to mention he's demon, so he has all those powers not to mention his control over electricity.
Flaws: Jethro is rather head-strong, and easily irritated. He also never backs down if challenged. Also, he has a soft spot for children so if you have one hostage he will probably risk his live to save one. Clothing: Jeth's clothes vary depending on what mood his in or where he is. If not in his police uniform he can be found wearing dark blue jeans and a close fitting top showing how in shape he is. He also can be seen wearing one of his several leather jackets, and on his feet you will most likely find hightops. Also because he does some shady things, he can be seen with expensive looking pinstripe suits. Or if he's in the house, he'll probably walk around shirtless with neutrel coloured pajama bottoms, although he may be decent enough to pull on an undershirt.
Weaponry: His tongue. Okay, he always carries a glock with him, seeing as he is a cop. But he often uses his fists, seeing as he knows martial arts and would it a waste if he didn't use it.
Pets: Jethro has a rotweiller named Luther, who he really just uses to scare the people who try and go against him.
Acessories: Nothing other from the tattoos.
Looks: Standing at an above average height of 6'3'', Jethro is a surprising good looking guy, in the bad boy sense. He has black hair, which really has nothing special about it. Its short and just sits on his head, a typical hair cut, nothing special. Now Jethro is pretty in shape from his police training. Unlike some other cops Jeth took pride in being fit, working out although he doesn't have any bulk, but he clearly has a six pack. His eyes are a clear cornflower blue which tend to stand out against his dark hair and pale skin. His mouth is always in a crooked grin, (although some might call it a sneer) which show off his white teeth and his deep dimples. He wears a long sleeved black shirt which shows his broad shoulders and how built he is. On his legs are dark blue jeans, simple as that. The boy has a couple of tattoo's. On his upper back he has a tattoo that says Affliction and on the inside of his left forearm it says Carpe Diem
Other: He has a rather bad habit of smoking. Its not as if he can live without it, but he does it because he knows it won't hurt him seeing as he is imortal. He really does it in once in a while, only when he's stressed kind of thing.
- - - - - - - - - Name: Ellowyn Grey
Aliases/Nicknames: Elle, Winnie, Grey, Princess (Jethro)
Gender: Female
Age: Fifty, but appears around Nineteen to Twenty-five
Race: Vampire
History: Ellowyn was an average teenaged girl, who grew up in a middle-class family. Although ridiculed and bullied as she was young, considered she was born in '61, a time when african americans were still ridiculed. And to add salt to the injury, she was both black and white. There was only one person at the time who didn't harass her, which was her next door neighbor. He was young guy, and she knew the older girls found him attractive and he was the James Dean of the school. He actually looked like James Dean too, which Ellowyn came to realize as she grew older. When things started to tone down, he parent moved her out of the little town they live in and on the outskirts of the city. Where years later, in 1980, when she was nineteen, she met the neighbor once again. Surprised at first, unable to tell if it was the same man she tried to ignor him. But he saw her and by accident called her Winnie, Which no one called her since she was a child. Freaked out she ran but he chased her with an unhuman speed and reveal that he really was the same guy, he couldn't beleive she remebered him and he stalked her, afraid she would tell his secret. Soon, she felt herself falling for him, and one night when she was coming home from a Michael Jackson concert she was attacked by him in an ally way, he was low on blood and she just happened to walk into his hunting ground, he nearly drained her before he relaized what he did and did the blood swap/transfer to make amends. Which caused her to hate him, for turning her into a blood thirsty monster. She later forgave him and they went off the grid for a good 45 years before they came back into the open, Ellowyn moving to 'the City' a few years ago. Her mentor, Johnny, is paying for her apartment and has given her a good amout on money he made over the past who knows how long. He also gives her a monthly allowence of 100 dollars but that not enough to live with so thats why she has gotten into shady dealings such as breaken and entering and numerous other things. She also gambles in Jethro's company/mob/whatever it is/ place. Although she is unaware that the man she lives next to runs it, let alone that he's a demon, she knows somethings off but she doesn't know what.
Current Status: She lives in 'the City' she currently works at a little dinner, which is a hotspot for dealings. She also currently owes money, due to gambling, and shes on probation.
Lover/Crush: Elle's not really one to go after the person she likes. She'd probably let the guy slip through her finger and end up with another girl before she even thought about making a move. She thinks about it sometimes but, she's...she'd just can't imagine it ever happening to her.
Personality: Ellowyn is a rather nice girl, I guess you could say. Not necesarily the most talkative person in the word, but still nice all the same. But she's done her fair share of illigle things , but considering how innocent she looks people wouldn't beleive that she's dabbled in such things as shop-lifting and breaking and entering (of course nothing too big) She can pick a lock, although it mostly ends in failure and she probably just ends up shoting it off. She also has got quite a mouth on her, cussing out with the big boys. Not to mention her violent temper, the slightest things get on her nerves and she tends to attack. Now she's not that bad all the time, quietness may sometimes comes across as rude or or snotty to some but the girl isn't like that. She is rather nice, she likes being outside and you might catch her just stolling around the city, even with the zombie rate so high. She is also fond of animals, except for cats and little dogs, she feels like drop kicking those. She can be rather childish sometimes, even a little coy if the time is right. She is more of a listener than a talker, so she's a pretty good person to confide in. Elle is a loyal friend to her core, and she will stand by you, and try anything to keep you safe. Now she wouldn't take a bullet for you, or catch a grenade, but she sure as hell will try and push you out of the way (literally and metaphorically). (slightly new so she might come out different)
Strengths: Ellowyn is skilled in parkour, which really comes in handy if she's running from the cops or the collectors. She also like all vampire can seduce men into giving her money, which, although she'snot proud of it, she does quite often. She's akso quite street smart, so she knows her way around and she'll also pick your pocket if you don't pay attention.
Flaws: Her whole bad@ss act is just that. An act, which can often get her into trouble. Also because her act is only for the ones she doesn't like, although she's fifty she often goes with her nineteen year old mentality, meaning she's fairly easy to manipulate. Also she can't go long without blood.
Clothing: Ellowyn's clothing depends on her mood or where she is. She normally wears skinny jeans and her shoes alternate between Nike's, combat boots or some sort of high heels. She often goes for that bad@ss look. Leather jackets, dark skinny jeans, combat boots. Alhtough she doesn't always dress like that. Honestly she doesn't fit into a style category.
Weaponry: Nothing really. She tends to flee at the first sight of trouble. Although she has a hidden compartment in her combat boots where she keeps a hunting knife. She mostly realizes(sp?) on her vampire powers.
Acessories: She always wears dogtags around her neck. One of them belonging to her father, the other from her brother (broodmate).
Looks: Ellowyn like all vampire is attractic,in a california beach girl way. She stands at an average hight of 5'6'' and gets her tanned/fair, complection from being half black and half white. Her shiny, light brown curls fall just bellow her shoulders, and bounce whenever she moves her head. Her eyes are a pretty grey-ish blue, that light up whenever she laughs. She has no visible scars except for one faded one on the side of her left forarm from when she fell from a tree as a child. She has a rather slim body, which is considerably feminin, so she is a pretty curvacious girl. Although, she lacks in both the upper and lower departments, probably being only a B in cup size. She has a rather pretty face. She has a small nose that fits her face, and when she smiles her pink semi-full lips show off her straight white teeth. On her long legs she wears skinny jeans, her long model legs helping her with speed and her parkour. Elle's ear ar peirced in multiple places. She has double peircings on both ears, a cartalige peirce on her left ear, and on her right she has an indstrial piercing. Although she's not found of the bar she has no idea why she has it.
Other: Nothing I can think of.
((Will finish, either later or tomorrow XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:57pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc/ @Serenity: Okay~ I forgot to mention that my male charrie will be up soon. ;o
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:36pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 681
Name: Uri Experanza Aliases/Nicknames: Ignite Gender: Male Age: 72 years of age; looks about 19 due to slow aging; a mutation he aquired from the inbreeding. Race: Fallen Angel Deion of Powers: Due to his mother and father being an Angel and a Demon, he inherited only one trate: Fire; which was the elemental power of his demonic mother. Somehow, however, he was born with two unusual gifts: he cannot feel pain; sees spirits of the dead. History: His mother, a Demon, and his father, an Angel, were never ment to meet. A Demon luring a Fairie to it's doom with her bewitching beauty had caught the eye of an Angel, who was also on the hunt. It was a one sided relationship. While his mother tried to escape the advances of his father, the Angel never stopped the chase, for the natural beauty of a Demon was overpowering. So one night, while his mother was sleeping, the Angel had impregnated her unintentionally, and thus Uri was born. The Demon abandoned her son as soon as it was born, for Fallen Angels were often frowned upon in the mixed society or creatures. One day, however, a Witch had found the child, and adopted him for their own. Until one day, the Witch was accussed of housing a 'Demon amongst Demons', and was killed. From then on, Uri had lived on his own. Location: Uri currently lives no where. He travels on his own terms. If he is suspected as being a threat or such, he migrates to another area. Current Status: Currently, he is traveling, as stated above. Lover/Crush: None as of now. Open. Strengths: Courageous; Confident; Optimistic Flaws: Bi-polar; Cannot fly; Generally slow. Clothing: Uri wears a ripped dark cerulean shirt and a black skinny jeans finished with thigh-high boots that are the same color as his shirt. He wears a black leather overcoat that drops to just above the floor. It is also sleeveless. The only unusual thing about his outfit is a glove he wears over one hand. It is made out of silver, and are pointed at the end as if his fingers were blades. Weaponry: He uses his glove-blade as a weapon. Looks: Uri looks very unusual. He has a scar across his nose, and his eyes are bi-colored. One is Gold, and the other is Lime. His air is blood red, and goes down to his shoulders. His nails are naturally black, perhaps they were inherited. His face is aged as a nineteen year-old. Other: Since he is indeed a hybrid between an Angel and a Demon, he is very insane. Sometimes he makes no sense when he talks, and since he is bi-polar, it just makes it worse. [May use space for another character--Elf]

9:41pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 2,962
@Vampire: Accepted so far. :D
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.