Name: Eric Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: He's the calm, intellectual type who prefers reading to interacting with anyone else. However, if someone else speaks to him first, he'll happily engage in a conversation, keeping his vocabulary to a certain limit so he doesn't make the other person feel stupid.
Background: ...Do I have to? ;c Ugh. Basically, he had an all-out normal childhood and was sent here because he has weird, overprotective parents. :I
Crush: Open~
Sexual orientation: Gayyy~

Name: Nathaniel Lodge
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: Very easy-going and has a kind of.. 'I-don't-care' kind of attitude. He lets many things slide at the bar, but one thing he will 'not' tolerate is the mistreatment of females. If you hit a girl, for example, without it being in self-defense, he will be on your case wquicker than you can say 'crap'.
Background: Once again, normal life. :I Nothing to really explain.
Crush: Open
Sexual orientation: Bi, but doesn't know it. ;D
Other: ...Nothing really. ouo;