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10:03pm Apr 16 2014 (last edited on 12:26pm Apr 18 2014)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
It's Survivor: Atquati

As such, there's a limit of 16 characters, not counting the host (me! yeehaw!). If 16 individuals don't join (which is not likely anyway)then whoever is here may take on as many as they want or are needed.

After each Tribal, everyone will Rmail me their vote on the person they'd like to have voted out. When strategizing among other Survivors, I'm going to trust you guys to not turn everything to your own advantage. Even so, feel free to plan blindsides and such through Rmails or Skype or whatever!

Hidden Immunity Idols
I'll post a little riddle regarding the location of the HII and if a person happens to stumble on it's location while actively searching, I will send them an Rmail notifying them as such.

Immunity Challenges
Each challenge will be chosen from a list of past actual Survivor challenges. For now, I trust you all enough not to powerplay everything into your favor - however, if it becomes evident that there are Mary Sues out here I will resort to randomly generating each action's outcomes and how it will affect the result.

Each person's tribe will be randomly chosen upon acceptance of their audition - two teams of eight with tribe names and colors TBD.

Rmail me with basic info - name, age, gender, etc. Profession is also recommended. You'll be notified if chosen! 

It's basically Survivor/TDI. Outwit, outlast, outplay - try and be the sole Survivor! And all that jazz.


10:10pm Apr 16 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
Tribe and location info as well as contestants will go here<3


4:09pm May 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 174
((I've never played anything like this, and I'm sorta confused '^^ Is this a full-fledged RP with writing and stuff, or a sorta game thing? Sorry for being stupid. |D))


6:11pm May 8 2014

Normal User

Posts: 53
((i rmailed you, Souda))
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