8:22pm Jun 6 2011 (last edited on 2:28pm Jun 11 2011)
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Posts: 1,985
(( Quickly reserving for mah bios XDD And i'm doing deions AND picturees, you lazy bums :lol: >:D)) **Slowly finishing them up XD** Name: [Scourge] Nicknames: [None] Gender: [Female] Age: [Unknown… guessed to be around two or three] Personality: [Scourge is most commonly known by others for her secrecy... Not much is truly known about her so most things are assumed about this mysterous pup, many being outrageous... But what is true to her character is often explained as cruel and sadistic, very violent and even a little bit cold... she's got much of a personality associated with a fox as well, sneaky, seductive, and clever. That's only half the time though... If you take time to be with her and open up with her, she's fiercly pretective and, though it's very hard to find.. she does have a heart.] Rank: [Ask for important ones, make sure it's open] Crow Number and Deion: [Nine; A demonic entity. Will develop the ability to cause sickness.] Apprentice(s): [None yet] History: [At least a paragraph] Looks: [Deion; A very long slender body with think wispy fur, everything on her was mad to match, being as she also has long slender legs and a longer than normal thinner neck than most wolves. She has blind eyes, though she can very well see through them: Light icy blue iris‘ with dull pale blue pupils, but when dilated they narrow into slits like cats or dragons eyes, as opposed to smaller circles, and her eyes are deeply pressed into her face. Long thin ears to match her body type, that has very short fur along them. She has quite large paws, and very thick long black claws that aren’t very much sharp… Her coat is a very dusty grey/black color, and she has a small, pure black feather lacing across the fur by her right eye. ] [Picture;
 ] Other: [This is MY picture, so please.. don't steal o3o ] Name: [Dakota] Nicknames: [Kotie(Like coyote but without the ‘oy‘)] Gender: [Male] Age: [18 months old] Personality: [To name some of his most commonly thought of atributes... Dakota in quite natural a gregarious being... It's not that he loves attention, but he is very good at making things about him, though it is almost always unintentional, and/or e's very obliviouc to the fact he's doing it. He isn't stupid... in fact he's quite clever, but on occasion can do quite foolish things(once again, oblivous to that fact) To some it could be very annoying... but some convert it into something loveable. He is also very very persistant... If he wants something bad enough he won't rest until he gets it. Dakota is also another funny one... he makes a lot of things into jokes and is not one to be expected to normally take something seriously unless it is direly important... This also makes him a bit hard to control, and all of his personality combine, very often, leads him into trouble. Rank: [Ask for important ones, make sure it's open] Crow Number and Deion: [Three; Can read other‘s emotions as well as shift them to a small extent] Apprentice(s): [] Family: [Optional. Delete if not in use] History: [At least a paragraph] Looks: [Deion; A medium/large sized wolf compared to the average, with thick black/brown fur layering his pelt. At his neck the fur is almost a bit spiny... On top of the dark base there is an occasional creamy colored, almost paint smear shaped trails or patches of fur, with cream white paws and tail tip to match. Small but deep blue eyes that would make a crystal pond jelous... Abnormally, he has quite large canine teeth, ut all his others are a bit smaller than normal... he has quite large ears and a thick tail, put is no better at hearing than the next wolf because of it.] [Picture; 
] Other: [Not my photo o3o] Name: [Griffin] Nicknames: [Grif(though he hates being called such)] Gender: [Male] Age: [Less than one year] Personality: [Griffin has a very large range of personality... But it mostly stems off of a mood of being either a bit obnoxious and careless, or being very happy, loving, or sweet. Regardless of either of these moods, He is essentially loyal, especially the longer he's been with something, and when he feels loyalty towards something, he'll fight for it forever. He always tries to maintain an understand nature, and he can be very very mature at times, especially surprising for a wolf his age.] Rank: [Apprentice] Mentor(s): [He is in need of a mentor :o] Family: [Optional. Delete if not in use] History: [At least a paragraph] Looks: [Deion; With a thinner build than most wolves, Griffin is a bit smaller than the average wolf(but not like. wolfmidget.) He hes very thick fur on his pelt... his pelts base color is a sandy tan with bits of orange markings and patches that are barely noticable at a quick glance, and the toip of his pelt is gently layered with a misty gray color that blends with the cream. His eyes are a normal size, with a deep honey color. He has slightly longer ears than most, with shorter fur along the rims, also unlike the common picture. The fur right near his nose fades to a near pure white, and is the same starting halfway down his front and back legs. ] [Picture;
 ] Other: [not my phot o3o]
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
8:25pm Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// XD I'll also be a few regular non-crows. And since I am lazy to do proper... whatever the word is -- I can't type it at the moment -- ... I'm going to use pictures.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:27pm Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// @Dragon: That's great. I'm going to add pics too, I think. /shot for being a hypocrite Also adding a bit on Crow wolf's age--should be around 2 years.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:24pm Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// I was working on my bios when my idiot little brother stole my mouse because I wouldn't watch something. He must've clicked something and now I've lost them. So, I'll get them up when my urge to kill the little -insert bad word here- has pas.sed...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:24am Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Actually, may I also join as crow 6? o3o I was just going to join as a female, but I want to even out the gender ratios a bit x3 ]]
8:13pm Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// @Tld: Reserved Crow 6 as well. ^^ Thanks for paying attention to the ratios~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
10:12pm Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Anyone Jarek can mentor? c:
11:38am Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 496
OOC: Can I join as Crow four? I've been RP-ing for three years now, and I'd be happy to r-mail you some of my past links. (some RPs I can no longer access, so I'll just do the more recent ones) I'll also be happy to take on some normal wolves. Thanks! (call me Nom, btw)
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
9:31pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// @Nom: Mail me a few links, please? :3 I'd be happy to reserve Crow four for you, though~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:41pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( my bios are mostly done, excluding history and a scattered thing or two~ ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
4:18am Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 496
((sure thing))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
7:34pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// @Scourge: Looks good so far, but perhaps make your Crow wolves should be about a year younger, and be mentored, not have apprentices. @Nom: Thanks for mailing me your examples. I have Crow Four up for you~ On another note, we still need someone for Crow One. Does anyone want to take it, or know someone who might be interested? I'll make an exception for a third Crow to a user if they're interested.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:22pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 2:57pm Jun 11 2011)
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Posts: 496
Name: Maerd
Nicknames: Aer Gender: Male
Age: Just over the age of two. Personality: Maerd is a serious wolf with all to serious idea's. He like's to be taken seriously, and will hate you for eternity (well, almost) if you treat him his age. He is a hard working wolf who will not step down at a challenge. Not much scares him, and he can sometimes act like he's on top of the world. Although a little arrogant and sometimes even vain, he never stops trying as hard as he can. He can sometimes be a tad stubborn, and even selfish, but he will hopefully grow out of that. Maerd doesn't like to be proved wrong (even if he knows that he's wrong). Because he has such a strong will, he will fight until either, he wins or his opponent leaves (theoretically). This stubborness might help him win a fight or too, but it can aso gain him a lot of disrespect and hatred. He tries to be fair, but fairness to him is usually whichever side he's on means that that side is in the green, so to speak. He shows too much favoritism, and it's obvious to his piers, but they play along. Ony, when he gets older will he realize how wrong he is. Maerd has a certain loving for all forms of life, especially young pups. It brakes his heart to see another creature die. He must learn to control his emotions if he ever hopes to be successful with his yet unheard of talent, although he will later call it a curse. Maerd loves to just hang out with his mates and have fun. Often taking the lead, he loves to pull a prank, and will often, even take full blame, just so he can earn respect from his piers. Maerd is a weasel sometimes. He can seem to wriggle his way out of any punishment that he earns, although he can never seem to wriggle out of trouble. He can be a little devil, often taking advantage of the pity given to him when he's "suffering" because of a punishment. His puppy face doesn't help deter the unfortunate wolves that feel sympathy for him. He needs a strong mentor to prove that he can't always get his own way. Overall, Maerd is a strong-willed, determined, weasel of a wolf. He has his faults and prides, but most of all, he is a powerful wolf who will come in handy in the future.
Rank: Apprentice
Crow Number and Deion: He is crow number four. He will discover that he can sense when someone is going to die, live, or give birth. Although some view it as a gift, he will call it a curse. Mentor(s): Waiting to recieve one. (Just a question, but can Ai {or DetNeth106 as you know her}'s character Jarek mentor Maerd?)
History: Not much of interest. His mother died from a coughing fits, during which she stopped breathing. His siblings all died during the winter, leaving him in his father's care. If ony his father did care. To be honest, the two don't talk much. Nor do they get along extremely well. Maerd mostly relies on his friends and their families for company.
Looks: Maerd has a mostly gray pelt, with faint touches of a rusty brown color here and there. His eyes are chocolate brown, and he uses them to express most of his feelings, whether or not they are true. At his neck is where there is an unusual black mark in the shape of a raven feather. This, athough unusual, is harmless. Maerd's ears are big and rounded. He has a short snout that will grow and lengthen over time, but right now, he looks exactly like a pup should.
http://www.firstpeople.us/pictures/wolves/1024x768/Gray_Wolf_Pup_Quebec-%281024x768%29-bandwidth-thief.jpg Other: Not really. His best friend is an albino wolf known as Krow (will make his bio later, but for now, this is all that I have).
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
12:43pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( Sorry I haven't been on *facepalm* Been busy with school D: ~le bump~ ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
1:10pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 496
((Sorry the link to Maerd's looks won't work, but I included it anyway. Just copy and paste it into your URL bar, and click back when you're done looking.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
1:20pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 1:24pm Jun 11 2011)
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// @Nom: Ah, I love Maerd. His personality is really well done~ <3 Just one note: he should be around the age of two, not six months. :s Hopefully this isn't too much of an inconvenience, but if it is, let me know. EDIT: Oh. And forgot to include Sourge. :c /shot @Scourge: Just noticed you offered for Dakota to be a mentor. He should still be an apprentice himself. /pokes first post If anyone's confused on the age thing, I have a bit on the first page. Mentors should be 3 years +. I'll make a few so that we're not short~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
2:29pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( What, really? *facepalm* I thought I'd delted that already XD ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
2:56pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 496
((Sorry, will change the age thing))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:40pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 496
((I noticed that you need another mentor, and Krow has still to be created, so I'll have two normal wolves here)) Name: Krow
Nicknames: Wo, Wro Gender: Male
Age: Just over two years.
Personality: Krow is the sort of wolf that will say, but never do. Sure, he'll act all brave, but has anyone actually see he do anything remotely courageous? Nope. He's all bark, but no bite. It's a good thing that his best mate, a gray wolf known as Maerd, is both Bark and Bite, or Krow would be lost. He was kind of considered an outcast until Maerd picked him up. First off, he's extremely nerdy, and can make up seemingly amazing plans, which always look as if they might fall apart if one things goes wrong, but nothign ever does. He hopes to one day be the pack Beta, as he is rather good at planning useful strategies. Krow was also bullied for his looks. Being an albino ain't all sunshine and daisies. His litter mates made fun of him for having red eyes, while the more elder wolves took his red eyes as a bad omen. In fact, if he hadn't of been lucky enough to attract the attention of Maerd, he would of been dumped to die a cold and lonely death, although this fact has remained hidden from him. He's not exactly what you'd call leadership material, being a follower almost completely, but, he hopes to be Maerds second in command one day. You see, the two boys figure that in time, the pack will recognize their genius plans, and make them Alpha and Beta, with Maerd being the Alpha, and Krow being the Beta. They have the future all planned out, almost.
Rank: Apprentice, hopes to be future Beta.
Mentor(s): Waiting to recieve a mentor. History: There's not much to tell about. When he was born, with his blood red eyes and his pure white pelt, his father took it as an omen, although his mother still cared deeply for her pups, no matter what they looked like. He was bullied by his litter mates, and spent extended periods of time outside, trying to escape their wrath. It was during this time, that Krow and Maerd met. they litterally fell into each other. Krow was running away fromhis siblings, and Maerd was running away from his dying mother. Despite their families problems, the two spent the day together, plotting and pranking every unfortunate wolf that happened to pass them by.
Looks: He's rather small for a wolf, and a couple have even mistaken him for a large, white fox before. his fur is slightly short, and he has a bushy tail with long fur covering it. His ears are large and rounded at the tips, with slightly cream fur covering them. His tongue is a pale pink, same as his gums. His eyes are blood red, marking him as an outcast.
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_uuOo8x3WXWE/R_QAyAEvjeI/AAAAAAAAOtQ/1kk2-oZAkVk/s400/knuttz_ueba_31.jpg Name: Nrael Nicknames: Nela Gender: Female
Age: Just over Four Years
Personality: Nrael is a kind and considerate, wolf, but a strict mentor. She dislikes dishonesty, and punishment is soon to follow. She can be occasionally cruel, but usually she's fair, and she's never mean without a cause. She grew up in the care of her aunt, making her who she is today, proper and just. She believes in giving praise and punishment, sometimes, at the same time. Her teaching methods often make others respect her with silent awe. She's been known to turn even the most reckless and dishonest wolf into a model pupil. Her ways may be strict, but she sure does her job well. Although she has quite a heafty reputation to uphold, she does enjoy the juicy bit of gossip, and will dive for a chance to catch up with her friends. She likes to get to know wolves, new and old, and even the ones with the most terrible tempors seem to like her. She does have a little bit of a naughty side, and will often enjoy a good prank, especially when the prankee deserves it. Although she can be strict, she's a good laugh and she certainly knows how to have fun.
Rank: Mentor. ((This said, can she please not mentor any of my wolves. i.e. Krow or Maerd.)) Apprentice(s): Waiting to recieve one.
History: There's honestly not much to tell. Her father and mother were killed three days after she was born in an encounter with a grizzly bear. She was raised by her aunt, who taught her to be proper, just, and fair. Her aunt always told her to strive for the best. She had a normal childhood, growing up around friends. Her mentor wasn't unusually cruel, and life was almost normal. Almost.
Looks: Her pelt has an almost compltely red touch to it, with shades of dark gray and black mixing in with it. The fur is long and luxurious, giving her extra warmth in the cold and bitter winters. Her ears are large with rounded points, covered in pale red, almost orange looking fur. Her eyes are amber in color, looking warm and welcoming. Her tongue is almost hot pink, with her gleaming white teeth to match. Her tail is bushy, yet not all of the way around. She looks, utterly normal.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
11:34pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Bumping this up~ Will be pairing mentors with apprentices soon. Is two apprentices to a mentor too much for y'all?
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.