[ The 12 Eggs ]

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10:48pm Jun 24 2011 (last edited on 10:49pm Jun 24 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 6,296
(((Oh, I can't join, because apparently 2 was already taken. And she wasn't a sue, I said she argues a lot.))


11:35am Jun 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,016
(( I changed Bobbi's persona. :3 ))

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3:00pm Jun 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Wuuuuuttt? :'c

Anyways.. edited things. ^^'' )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

5:54pm Jun 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,713

((I'm at the beach this week with most of my dad's family, and I don't know how often I'll be able to get on this week. I know this is a lot to ask, but would anyone be willing to play as my characters when I'm not online, at least til next week?))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


5:56pm Jun 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,258
((Lol, Web if you wouldn't mind... Could I play them until you returned? :D))


9:46pm Jun 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Great! Everyone is now accepted, and we can now RP :D That's a good idea, Em. Will you allow that, Weba? o3o ]]


1:26am Jun 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((Yay! -Eager to start- xD))


11:34am Jun 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950
(Woooo! :DDD -happy about starting too- )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

1:00pm Jun 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998

[[ Yay xD I'll start? o3o Oh, and last thing. I control which eggs hatch first and such ._. Basically I RP both my characters and the eggs. Once they hatch they are in the character's control, not mine. ]]

Haine traipsed through the small kingdom of Kaerthe, delivering a meager amount of fruits and vegetables from her family's farm. The crops were withering, and this year's harvest was painfully small, just like any other year since the Duke of Mercidas took over. Haine longed for the animals to come back. It had been years since she had seen any signs of them. When Haine shook herself out of her memories, she realized that she was going the wrong way. Making a small tch of annoyance, she turned to go back, but curiosity made her feet keep walking onwards. It was almost instinctive. She walked through the forests, going past dozens of trees. When her legs started to ache, Haine rested by a rock.

"Ugh, where am I going?" She muttered to herself. She lifted her head up only to see the gaping dark maw of the mouth of a cave. She had never seen this cave before. Her interest piqued once again, Haine rose, bringing along the basket of fruits and vegetables. Poking her head in, she gasped.

14 marvellous eggs, arranged into a circle. Each one of them was different from the other, and varied in sizes. Someone was already there, as Haine heard the moving of feet. Backing away, Haine's hands searched for the nearest rock to throw.

"It's alright, calm down." A voice said. Haine narrowed her eyes. They were getting used to the dark, and she could make out the dark shape of a guy, sitting near an ugly grey-green egg.

"Who are you?" She asked bluntly.

"I guess you where drawn to these eggs too?" The guy said, ignoring her question.

"Eggs?" Haine asked. She felt her feet moving again, this time towards the eggs.

"Seems like you're drawn to this one." He nodded towards a brilliant red egg, radiating warmth and comfort. Haine felt like the guy was right, as her hands reached out to brush the egg. It was very hot, but Haine felt comforted by its feel.

"Nathaniel Sterling, by the way. But I prefer to be called Nate. I was drawn to this egg." The boy pointed towards the grey-green egg, located right by his left side.

"Haine. Haine Makoto." She said, sitting next to her egg. "Will more people come?" She asked Nate. He shrugged, looking out towards the cave's opening. 


1:35pm Jun 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Shay slung her legs out the side of her bed. She had woken up just a while ago since she stayed up until about 11:00 at night because she couldn't sleep. Groaning with sleepiness, she got up and got ready for the day. Her mother ran a hospital in their house for the sick and the homeless - really, whoever came and needed help. One guy came in last night who had part of his leg brutally hurt. Venturing downstairs, she felt an unnatural pull to go outside. Well... her mother was busy and her father was still in bed, so... why not go outside? Nobody would notice, right? But the urge to go got stronger and eventually she had absolutely no idea where she was going. The whole entire feeling was strange and everything was foreign to her. Soon, a giant cave loomed over her. Inside was darkness. Taking a few small steps inside, her eyes adjusted to the darkness fairly quickly.

A few silvery splotches clearing from her vision and she could see fourteen eggs neatly arranged into a circle... and two people! One of the eggs was beautiful to her... she couldn't help but go over to it.  It was a light, sky-blue color with pretty white swirls.  The few plants around it were shriveled up and some even had bits of frost on them.  Her hand reached out to touch the egg and she shivered as the cold entered her body.  But as her fingertips brushed across the egg ever so carefully, Shay began to be fine with the cold.  It became soothing, even..  Turning to the other two people, she could only stare.  With a long pause, she spoke, "What is this place..?  Who are you guys?  And... what are these... eggs..?"


Cole was enjoying the songs of nature outside until he wanted to actually... go in the forest?!  The forest was scary!  No!  He could NEVER go in there!  But... he went in anyways... Whyyy?!  Except it was nicer in the forest.  The trees were so natural, their roots extending into the reaches of the rich soil.  Plants entwining themselves into every nook and cranny, bushes with sweet berries, mushrooms thriving on decaying logs... Oh, what a beautiful sight.

A cave.  Wait... a cave?  This was only one of the few caves Cole had ever seen.  It had beautiful dark gray rock with cracks here and there... It was wonderfully smooth and rough at the same time.  Inside the cave was pitch black night.  This brought fright to Cole, but he went inside.. again, whyyyy?!  Three people and many colored spheres lay inside.  What the heck...!?  Colored spheres?  With silence he entered the cave and saw a sphere that seemed to call to him.  It had three black tear-drop-like circles on it, and was the same shade of gray as the rock of the cave.  Reaching out to touch it, Cole's hand quickly retracted back.  The sphere even felt the same as the cave!  What was this?!

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

1:41pm Jun 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,713

((Yep, Tld. ^^ It's just til I get back from the beach, which will be next week.))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


9:03pm Jun 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338

Collin sighed as he folded clothes right off of the line. He HATED this chore. It was a girl's job. And here he was, folding his own mother's laundry. There was only one more thing he hated than folding laundry, and that was being the only child of a tailor. 

Finally, when all the clothes were neatly folded off the line, and put in a basket, Collin trampled back into the house. And this was where he was handed a full basket of wet clothes.

"Put these up on the line please, Collin dear," A sickeningly sweet voice said to Collin. It was his mother. She was way too happy for Collin's liking, as he was the opposite in personality as her. Collin, very unhappily, took the basket full of wet clothes, and swapped it with the folded laundry. 

The teen murmured words inaudible as he started propping laundry onto the line. Then, he stopped. "This is stupid..." He muttered to himself as he threw a wet smock back into the basket. He was sick of doing chores, sick of his mother, sick of not being able to do what he wanted. Then, it hit him. There was only one place he could hide where nobody would look for him: The forest. 

Collin dropped everything and took a full sprint into the trees, not pausing to stop or look back. He didn't want to look back, or go back. He ran and ran, until he was out of breath, and his chest hurt. He leaned against a tree, to catch his breath. 

Then, Collin looked up. About 10 feet away, he noticed a rather large cave. He felt rather pulled to it, as if fate had brought him here. Slowly, but surely, Collin made his way to the cave, ignoring all others that were there. His attention was solely focused on an egg. It was dull gold in color, with a singular brown circle running through the middle. All around the egg were little black spikes. It seemed different from all the other eggs. ... That's why Collin was so attracted to it. 

Collin leaned down to the egg, touching a single black spike. It was so sharp, that one little touch made his finger tip get a spot of blood on it, his own blood, of course. But, it didn't hurt him. It made him laugh, more than anything. Collin then stood up, looking at everyone else, but not saying a word. He would just listen, as usual. 




"Three, Two, One. Ready or not, here I come!" An adorable little voice called out, then, a cute little giggled followed. A little girl, about the age of 8, uncovered her eyes from her hands. She pushed away from the tree she was leaning on and started looking for her older sister, who was hiding in her game of Hide-and-Seek.

"Katherine?" the same voice called out, this time sounding confused. The little girl put her hands on her hips and frowned. Where is Big Sis? She thought to herself angrily. She had been searching for almost FIVE minutes now! Then, she heard an all-too-familiar laugh, coming from the forest. The girl's eyes widened. Katherine was in the forest... The FOREST. The big, scary forest! No way she was going in there!

Kat, who was supposed to be playing with her little sister, dodged the bullet by skipping into the forest. She didn't even like her sister anyways! Besides, she'd find another to play with, it's not like she had 5 other siblings anyways. 

Soon, Kat became slightly worried. She hadn't been paying attention to where she was walking. The trees overhead thickened so much, she could barely see the sky, and it was a bright day out. "Oh my..." She whispered to herself, thinking she heard voices. "Wait." She then mumbled, "I DO hear voices!" She then said, her voice almost reaching a shout. 

She walked forwards, finding herself facing a large rock wall, that seemed to go on for a mile in both directions. Kat paused and listened for more voices; she heard them, coming from the right of her. She walked that way, keeping close to the wall. Soon, she saw the mouth of a cave. Her feet then carried her, without her knowing. She was very drawn to this cave, as if it were magic. 

Kat entered the cave, surprised at the amount of people in it. "Er.." She said awkwardly, looking at everyone. "Hi?" Kat said, giving a chuckle afterwards. Yes, it wasn't hard to make things awkward with her around!

After a moment, she realized that there were eggs, or extremely strange looking rocks, in the cave, and each person was standing next to one. " 'Scuse me," She said, walking in-between the small group that was talking. Her sight was set on one egg. And one egg only: It was a vibrant green color, and it looked like it had scales on it, of some sort.

Kat reached down to touch it, but it came as a great shock to her, to find out that the egg was scalding hot! "Ouch," She muttered, quickly pulling her hand away. Kat stuck her finger in her mouth, still examining the egg. She pulled it out, and put it on the egg again, which didn't seem as hot anymore. It felt... Comfortable to her. It felt... Like a bit of her was in the egg. But, hah, that's crazy! ... Isn't it?



((Sorry for these fails. xD I didn't know what to write, so... I rambled. :P

And, heh. Color coding. :B)) 


2:29pm Jun 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

8:40pm Jun 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((Bump~ :3))


9:17pm Jun 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Where is everyone -_- rMails will be sent out to those who didn't post their intros by  tomorrow ]]


3:13pm Jun 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((Bump? o.o))


3:22pm Jun 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 10,925
((Sorry, my intro's coming soon. I haven't had time to get on an actual computer.))

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


3:53pm Jun 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

((Sorry. My friends have been dragging me outside every day. And I'll intro after I go eat something and take care of my cramping. ><

God, Mother Nature hates my guts.)) 


5:35pm Jun 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ rMails sent ]]


6:52pm Jun 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,016
(( Can Bobbi and Austin be very good friends? I'll post once my question is answered, because I got a good idea if the answer is yes. ))

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