6:57pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Sure, it doesn't really matter to me ]]
9:20pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Can my siblings be in the cave already as well? Just like..pop out of the shadows with their eggs?))
10:10pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 4,258
The sun's rays beat down on the blonde's face, warming her face. She lay in the soft gras.s, trying to evade the harder chores of the day. It wasn't everyday that it was so beautiful out and those chores would have eaten up all the available sunlight and wasted away a perfectly good day. She took in a deep breath and let loose a long sigh of peace. A beautifully colored butterfly floated overhead catching her eye. "Don't follow it Nicole, don't follow it." She told herself, but she couldn't help it. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. "Ok, maybe just to see if there are more." She stood up and began to jog after the insect, following it through the forest paths. Soon she had lost track of where she had been and began to get a little worried but she felt that she was on the right track... Like fate was telling her to come here. Ahead, through the line of trees she saw the opening to a strange cave. "Treasure maybe. I'm going to be rich!" Nicole laughed, rushing over to the mouth of the cave. But to her surprise there were others standing in the cave before her, and no treasure was strung about the floor. "What is going on here?" She asked, very confused yet still curious about all the items that were strung about the place. ((I am having oober fail so I am going to take a moment before posting for the other character.))
12:53am Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Another bump~ :3))
1:18am Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 10,925
"Alyssa, you're too slow!" A redhead girl chased her brother down the cobblestone street, the boy calling off playful insults at his sister. He looked behind him as he ran, watching his sister pump her arms but still fail to catch up to him. Thinking he could get away from his sister, the boy slid into the forest near their old cottage, taking sanctuary behind a large tree. The boy panted, falling to the ground on his knees as he caught his breath. The girl, Alyssa, saw his shoe then. With a grin, she ran towards his tree that he thought he was safe behind, trying to be silent. She instead tripped over a root in the ground and fell on her face, opening her eyes to find a strange cave that she had never seen before in the distance. "Aaron!" The girl called for her brother, who jumped in surprise at his sister's voice but when he saw he lying on the ground went over to her. "Why are you on the ground?" He asked her, curious at what she was looking at. Alyssa stood up and brushed some dirt and small leaves from the forest floor off of the skirt of her dress. "Look," She breathed, pointing a slender finger at the cave. Aaron followed her gaze and her finger, scratching the back of his neck in confusion as he noticed the cave. Aaron grinned when he saw Alyssa's eyes twinkle with interest. "You want to go in, don't you?" He asked her, looking over at his sister. Alyssa nodded, already slowly walking in the direction of the cave.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

10:41am Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Austin ran side by side with his bes frind, Bobbi. They were out on a morning jog, happy as can be. Bobbi suddenly stopped jogging, and started walking backwards to be able to look inside the cave. Austin walked over to see what she was looking at. "Hey, wanna go in there?" Bobbi asked, exited. Austin shook his head back and forth slowly. "Not really," He said. But by the time he said that, Bobbi was already going deeper and deeper into the cave. He rolled his eyes. Usual Bobbi. He ran to get to her, and eventually was next to her. Bobbi kneeled down and saw an egg.There was many cracks on it. She could tell this was no ordinary egg. She reached down to pick it up, but it was... VERY hot. She jerked her hand away and shook it for a minute. The she took her sweater off and she picked it up and held it on her sweater. It started to burn her sweater, and her sweater started to turn a "burned" black. But only in the center where the egg was. She stood up and looked behind her to show Austin, but he was gone. She looked around. He was a few feet away from her and she walked behind him and saw him holding an egg in his palm. Austin studied this egg carefully. It was a gentle green color, almost like the grass. Flowers grew out of it, which confused him the most. Was this even an egg? He looked it over one more time, and stood up and turned to face Bobbi. They held their egs, then looked at each other. They grinned and walked out of the cave, exited about what they discovered.

1:12pm Jun 29 2011 (last edited on 1:29pm Jun 29 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[ Wolf, it would be kind of strange if your characters stumbled into a cave where all the characters were then walked out without saying a word ^^' Also I should remind you that we're RPing in the medieval times, so I don't think sweaters were invented yet ._. ]]
2:34pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((.... Bump~ o.o hehe))
4:26pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((-pokes Tld- I asked a question~))
4:27pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Your post was killed by a flood of intros ._. And yes, you can xD ]]
4:28pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Okay. xD I was waiting on that answer before typing up my intro. :U))
5:59pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 11,785
A pair of matching blue eyes stared at the other kids that began to enter the cave, the blue-eyed girl mving to sit beside her brother, a white egg placed carefully on her lap, her arms wrapped protecyively around it. She carefully reasted her head on the top of it, looking to her older brother, who held a pretty sandy-gold colored egg with colors dancing through it. She smiled, nuzzling her own egg as she leaned against her brother. The older of the two, a tall-ish male, looked over to his sister before he returned to watching the others as they began to go towards the eggs that called them here, the older sibling holding his egg on his lap like his sister, but not wrapped around it quite as much. "Hmm... Fourteen eggs, fourteen teens. I wonder what our eggs will hatch into..." he murmured, making his sister smile. "That's the wonder of it, Marellus!" she giggled, tilting her head with a smile. ((Bluh. x.x I'm tired today.))
8:02pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( I think I might have to quit. I'm not used to Medivil times. Sorry Tld, :'( ))
9:52pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ It's not that hard, Wolf :c Instead of houses, you get huts. Instead of sweaters and such, you get tunics and robes. But if you wish :/ Em, would you like to take over the eggs with characters of your own once Weba gets back? ]]
9:57pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Umm, Sure.))
9:59pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Inside the cave was definitely a sight to see. All around were eggs, of all different shapes and sizes, and a lot of teenagers running around and picking them. Alyssa immediately ran up to a fuzzy pink one that she called "absolutely adorable." Aaron, however, was hesitant in picking out an egg, like others were doing. Instead of picking an egg right away, he asked aloud to the kids, "What's going on here?" He was a cautious person, and didn't like to jump to things...like his sister, who was already gushing over the cuteness of her egg.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

10:00pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((xD Paige, I like Aaron. xD He seems so... Funny. Cx))
10:05pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Shaste needs to post on 1x1 -hits with fish- ]]
10:06pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((He is, lol. He's so paranoid. o3o))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

10:10pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Sorry Em ^^' It's just that with Wolf dropping out, I don't think anyone else would even look at this board with a bunch of posts ono ]] "Hey, look at all these people!" Haine said cheerfully. "Hey guys! This is my egg." She pointed at the red egg resting by her egg. A few minutes inside the cave, and Haine was already acting like she owned it. She leaned against the cave, grinning at the 14 marvellous egg, each with a little promise of their own. --- Nate glanced at the girl and sighed. She seemed like the bossy type. He patted his egg, and it gave a litte tremble, startling him. This was the first time. Nate rested his head against the surface of the egg, listening to any odd sounds or feeling any vibrations. But there was nothing. At least he knew that his egg was alive. Happy with the fact, Nate resumed silently observing the others. [-cough- like a creeper -cough-]