10:17pm Jun 29 2011
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"Well, I don't mean to be rude," Collin started, almost angrily. Yes, yes he did mean to be rude. "BUT, if you have a clue about what's going on right now, I would advise telling us." Collin crossed his arms rudely, and was acting impacient, as usual. He wanted to know what was happening. NOW. Why were all of them here? What was in these strange eggs? Who the hell everyone was!
~ Kat, on the other hand, wanted to know everything Collin did, but in a much more... Enthusiastic, respectable way. So, she got up, her hot egg in her left hand, and started walking towards Haine. "Hi, I'm Kat." She said softly, putting her egg in the small bag at her side; it barely fit. "I was just wondering if you knew what was going on here?" She asked this, looking back at Collin. [No, they do not know eachother.] "I just wanted to ask it respectfully..." She added, emphasizing the last word.
10:19pm Jun 29 2011
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((Lol, I think it is actually ok... I would have prefered the eggs that Weba has claimed, but that can't be helped. :D It's alright. I will find away to bring them in. Maybe, depending on where the plot goes from here, you could keep the eggs with you even if they leave the cave... And possibly run up with them later. Does Wolf have one character or Two?))
1:08am Jun 30 2011
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Ellena looked around the cave again before she hugged her egg closer, nuzzling it happily. She jumped slightly when she felt a slight twitch, then grinned and hugged her egg close, sharing her wamrth with it as she let out a soft giggle. She smiled warmly, tilting her head a little bit as she waited for her brother to assess the situation. "These eggs are wonderful, aren't they?" Ellena asked, grinning wide, despite the fact that Marellus gave her a look that told her she sould be quieter. ((Holy crap I have pesterchum. 8D I love Homestuck. So much.))
9:39am Jun 30 2011
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Shay smiled as she held her own egg that was cold as ice. She kept running her hand over it like she was petting it, but instead she was actually making sure it was OK. No other person would ever touch her egg without permission. "I would really like to know what's going on, though..." she repeated softly, glancing around the room at thirteen other people with thirteen other eggs. --- Cole was cautious about touching the... egg, I guess it was. Not a sphere. But lots of others had their eggs gripped safely in their arms... so if it was going to be safe and he had to keep his egg safe, he would pick it up. So... that's sort of what he did. But in an.. awkward way. He tried to find the best way to grasp it, going all around the egg a full five times at least and spreading out his arms and unspreading them in various ways. He most likely looked stupid. "Um..." Cole mumbled in thought. Eventually, after about five minutes, he picked up his egg and held it close His cave egg with three black tear drops.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:55pm Jun 30 2011
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Alyssa ran up to Aaron with a smile. "Okay, I am not usually this fru-fru, but look! It's all...fuzzy! And adorable!" She was petting the pink egg, which, to be honest, was actually pretty cute...but Aaron shook his head. "You don't know what is in that egg, 'Lyss. It could be something dangerous...." He sighed when Alyssa glared at him. "Why don't you pick out an egg yourself?" Aaron shrugged. "I would like to know what is going on first," he explained, before asking again to the crowd, "Does anyone know what's going on? I am curious..."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:17pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 5,998
Nate, being one of the first people inside the cave, shrugged. He wondered why they were demanding answers instead of being fascinated by these mystical eggs. "I'm not sure, also. All I know is that everyone is chosen to be partnered with a certain egg." He unconsciously drew his egg slightly closer to his leg, holding it in his firm grip. "Perhaps once they hatch, they'll tell us the purpose." "Maybe they'll help us fight against the Duke of Mercidas!" Haine piped up, giving Kat a friendly grin. "I'm Haine. I think I've seen you before... Does your family go to the farmer's market often? Mine does!" She nodded towards the basket of fruit and vegetables that she had temporarily forgotten about.
2:58am Jul 1 2011
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"Hi Haine!" Kat said happily, giving no notice that Nate had just spoken. "And yes! I do happen to go to the market a lot! I have 2 little brothers, and 2 little sisters... It's a wonder how we afford them all!" Kat said this last remark as a joke, as she chuckled afterwards.
Then, Collin finally spoke up. He turned to Nate and said, "How long have you been here?" He asked, no emotion on his face, and his spikey egg in a tight, as tight as you can when you have spikes surrounding an egg, grip around it.
Sure, Collin was curious about the eggs, and why they were all here, BUT, at the same time, the boy had no desire to find out. What if it was bad? What if it required them to become 'heros'. He didn't want to be a hero. It... It was just too much pressure, too much work.. Collin prefered to go un-noticed... Maybe he would dissapear when his egg hatched... Lead a 'mountain-man' life. Sounded good to him!
4:08pm Jul 1 2011
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[[ bump ._. ]]
4:39pm Jul 1 2011
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James wandered the forest, bored out of his mind. Nothing here was very interesting and even his inspiration to explore the forest turned out to be a dull waste of time. He walked around in random directions, trying to find something to do with the chores finished for the day. Yeah, he had been so bored, he even did all of his chores willingly. That was a true sign of boredom. He sighed and continued walking along a path he just found. He followed it for a little while but finally he decided that he was going to turn back. That's when he tripped. There was no telling what he tripped on but te next thing he knew, he was rolling down a hill. He lay on the ground for a moment, recovering from the long fall and his head spinning. He stood to his feet to see where he had ended up just to find the opening of a cave that obviously had several people inside aleady. "Hello? What's going on here? Are those... Eggs?" He wondered, rushing inside and finding himself near an egg that seemed to call out to him. The colors were astoundingly beautiful and it seemed as if it were so vulnerable to everything around it. Picking it up gingerly he looked at it with wonder. He scanned the area about him, looking at each person. Among them was a girl who was holding an egg that was slightly clear and very odd looking. What are all these doing here? He wondered to himself, looking around in confusion.
5:48pm Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Weba is now back on Res, Em :D ( I presume >_> ) I see her posts on boards and such. So post your characters and join 8d ]]
6:13pm Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Herpderp. I got my hair cut today and I think it looks awesome. <3))
6:39pm Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((I talked with Weba in the SB... She said that she thinks they are leaving the beach tomorrow so... Ya. I'll leave her with just the failure introductions. XD I'll get the bios together now.))
3:24pm Jul 2 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Shay bumps this. o.o xD))
7:34pm Jul 2 2011
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[[ Meh bump ono ]]
12:22am Jul 3 2011
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Name: Jade Katanna// Jake Shimihiro Gender: Female// Male Age: 17// 17 Appearance: Both coming. Personality: Jade can be a bit cold sometimes, pushing others away and unwilling to trust easily. She is very observant of her surroundings, even when it seems that she isn't paying any attention. She has a short temper and often resorts to violence when annoyed. She bottles all of her emotions up and doesn't share any of her inner most thoughts with anyone, even her best friend Jake.// Jake is the exact opposite of Jade. He is energetic and full of life, always on the move. He can't stand being still and doesn't let anyone tell him what to do. He hates to see others get hurt but his actions often times result in other's pain. He is willing to give you the benefit of the doubt but once you loose his trust, it takes a long time for this sensitive guy to heal. Chosen Egg: 13// 14 Other: Jade and Jake are childhood friends. They are as close as one could be and almost move as one entity. You will almost always see them side by side.
6:47pm Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ accepted :3 ]]
12:19am Jul 4 2011
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((Ba-dump. :3))
12:30am Jul 6 2011
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12:26pm Jul 6 2011
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Aaron looked over at the boy who had answered his question. "I see...thank you," He said to him, before turning around and walking around the cave, looking for the right egg. That egg happened to be a gray, sort-of fuzzy one, that Aaron thought to be really neat-looking. Hesitantly, as though he didn't want to break it or something, he picked up the egg, holding it in his cupped hands. Alyssa came up to him, her eyes on his egg. "That egg looks neat," She noted, her hand reaching out to touch it, which caused the egg in her hands to fall. She gasped and swirly caught it before it touched the ground. "Well, I guess I need two hands," Alyssa said with a small laugh.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:20pm Jul 10 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Bump~ c:))