12:20am May 30 2011
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Ooc// Okay, okay. x3 You just described her as "serpentine. Like an Oriental." o3o
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
3:55pm May 30 2011
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Ooc// Bump~ We need more people to join! Looking for some female riders and male dragons.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:22pm May 31 2011
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 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:27pm May 31 2011
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((I join as female rider and Male dragon. ^.^ That just so happens to be my normal pair. XD ))
8:35pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Emerald can. And I've seen your roleplay. XD
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:39pm May 31 2011
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I would like to join if you don't mind. For examples of my role play, please check out Fyre Fight Begins and Summer of the Fae.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:41pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Lols, oh btw wolves are amazing but dragons, unicorns and uniwolfamens are all cooler than wolves. XD))
8:42pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Welcome aboard, both of you. x3 Do I want to ask what uniwolfamens are? o3o I'll add you guys on the first post~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
10:17pm May 31 2011
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Name:Arewn Madelina Aliases/Nicknames: Wen; Maddie
Gender:Female Age:16 Race: Asialli Personality:Arwen is a dreamer. She has always wanted to bond with a dragon. She is strong willed and independant, but has a soft, almost maternal side as well. She will do anything for her friends andhas always been known as both a peacemaker and protector of the innocent. Arwen looks very fragile, but she is not. Her small stature hides her true strength of character. History:Arewn was raised in a small village. She is the middle child of 7 and the only girl. Her brothers are very protective of her, but have taught her to defend herself well. The children's mother died in childbirth with the baby, so they were raised by their father and his parents. The family is very close. They all work together in their father's weaving shop. Pact bond:Aires/ Nightfyre
Lover/Crush:To come later?
Weapons:Arewn uses a staff made of dark wood and carved with images of dragons by her father.
Appearance:Arwen is very small, standing at only 5'2". She has a slight frame, so she almost resembles a child, though her curves show her to be anything but. Her long hair is a firery copper with strands of deep auburn mixed in. Arwen's eyes are huge, jade green and innocent. Her emotions are very easy to see there. Name:Aries Aliases/Nicknames: None
Gender: Male Age:502 Race: Dragon Personality:Aries is a very dominate male dragon. He thinks he knows what is best for everyone and everything. As such, it is very difficult to convince him when he is wrong. The only thing he will not ignore is hard proof. Despite this, Aries is incredably honorable. He is a warrior for his people and will protect them with his final breath. He can be kind and generous, but that is always tempered by his temper. History: Aries has trained himself since he was young to be a warrior. His father, who was a warrior himself, has taught Aries much about the way of honor. He was taught, in order for him to be a useful member of dragon society, he must always uphold his principles and stand for the weak. Pact bond: Arwen Lover/Crush:open Weapons:Claws, fangs and fire. He will also use his superior weight to crush his enemies
Appearance:Aries is a giant among his kind. His scales are a mixture of tarnished bronze and deep emerald green, with a few amythest colored ones sprinkled in. Everything about his is broad, from his huge head to his long tail. His tissue thin wings are the color of tarnished bronze, while the appendages that hold them are deep emerald. Other: none. Is this acceptable?

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:18pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 1,255
Thank you, by the way. And the only creatures cooler than wolves are tigers, dragons, and werewolves

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
7:35pm Jun 1 2011 (last edited on 6:33pm Jun 5 2011)
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Posts: 4,258
((Lols, It's what my friend decided she wanted to be reincarnated as during the whole judgement day fiasco! XD It is a unicorn so she can have a pretty horn, a wolf cause they pretty, a fish so she can breathe under water, a moose so she can live in canada and a dragon so she can fly. XD It was rather amusing to help her come up with it.)) Name: Jadaria Katanna Aliases/Nicknames: Jade Gender: Female Age: 17 Race: Asialli Personality: Jade is a quiet girl with a lot to say. She often keeps to herself but the moment you pick on somebody she will swarm on you like an ant colony on sugar. She is flexible, both physically and figuratively. A plan she makes is always open for failures and always built for change. As energetic as she can be, Jade has a sort of dark soul. A bit on the more negative side but still full of adventure. Almost nothing will keep her from an adventure, and no one can tell her what to do. Sh emust learn on her own or else it doesn't count in her eyes. She likes to play leader but in reality she prefers to be a drinker of the kool-aid.
History: Jade lived only with her father and a small group of men. She had been told that her mother died of some unknown disease when she was still to young to retain memory, but she always felt something was off about the story. She grew up moving from town to town but they never actually stayed in them. It was more common to see her and her 'family' living in small camps on the outskirts of living areas. She was trained by her father to sneak about, and to steal without being noticed. It was only when she was slightly older that she realized that she was living with a band of theives. Ordinarily, Jade would have left but she decided to stay and receive more training before she snuck away and began living on her own. Pact bond: Aeseli Lover/Crush: Open Weapons: Two hand held, short blades. She fights most often with them or fights hand-to-hand combat. Appearance: She is a tall girl with jet black hair and electric blue eyes. On the right-hand side, she has one colored streak the matches the intense blue of her eyes. She is thin but well built, fast and sort of on the stronger side. However, running was never her strong point and staminia was lacking in her make up. She often wears a tube top and booty shorts with a cape of sorts. All dyed in black. Other: Her fighting style is unique, almost dance-like but still deadly. Even so, her stamina levels are sometimes really low and she will have trouble breathing after running. ~~~ Name: Jake Aliases/Nicknames: None Gender: Male Age: 498 Race: Dragon Personality: He is demanding at times, and a little hard to control. He needs to be shown that you know what your are doing and doesn't care unless you can. To him, if you can not prove yourself than you are just extra weight. Beware when he acts this way for he might try to leave. A bit of a temper is present and he is impatient, unwilling to wait for anything or anyone. It drives him crazy to have to stay in one location for any amount of time. He boasts that he is the strongest but he is really just looking for attention. He lacks self-esteem.
History: He lived in a family of many siblings, him one of the youngest. His parents paid more attention to his siblings than him so he learned to be independant. He would try to prove himself as better than his brothers and smarter than his sisters but his parents soon tired of his actions and sent him out to live on his own. He learned to defend himself and how to fight on his own, but never really gained back the confidence he once had. He acts like a tough guy but inside he has as much insecurities as any normal being. Pact bond: Zakeru Lover/Crush: Open Weapons: He tends to fight dirty, using his tail and wings as tools. Appearance: Jake is more on the smaller side, thin and bony looking. But don't be fooled by his helpless appearance for he can strike back hard. His body is covered in a tough material but it appears more like the feathers of a bird than actual scales. Still they act the smae way as an almost impenetrable(?) sheild from attacks. They take on a deep royal purple hue, much like that at dusk and dawn. He blends in perfectly with the shadows of the night but looks more majestic in the sunlight. Other: Dont' think so.
9:46pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// @Lady: Accepted! Just make sure to use Ooc when not posting. ;) @emerald: Accepted as well (I adore Jade's name!), but remember to fill out the rest of it. Aeseli might be a good pact bond for Jade. ^^
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
10:09pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 2,422
((I'm I still able to join? I'll fill whatever spot needed. I prefer to play a male rider and ?? dragon.*I dont care what dragon*))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:23pm Jun 1 2011
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Ooc// @Bloodrose: You still haven't sent me some examples of your roleplaying. :/
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:58pm Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// I'm thinking of closing up the slots now. :) Are you guys ready to start? I believe emrald just needs to finish her bios~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
12:52am Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 1,255
OOC: Yas, ma'am. Ready to go when you are.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
5:24pm Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((XD Sorry, ya I will. I'm alright with anyone being my partners. Give me a sec to finish the rest of it... Do you want me to put Aeseli as Jade's pact bond?))
7:08pm Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// @emerald: Go ahead. /squirms I'm so excited~ :D
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
1:46am Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 1,255
OOC:Would you like me to leave mine open, rather than pairing the two up?

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:17pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Zakeru doesn't have a bond....
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.