5:05pm Jun 5 2011
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((To anyone that cares... My dragon, Jake, doesn't have a partner either. Just so you guys know. XD))
6:08pm Jun 5 2011
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OoC:// Zakeru snd Jake can be partners?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:15pm Jun 5 2011
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((YA sure Dragon! Ofcourse they can. XP))
6:22pm Jun 5 2011
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:36pm Jun 5 2011
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Ooc// Sorry guys, been gone msot of the ay. >-> So is everything sorted out, then? /squirms excitedly Lol, I'm very proud of this plot. xD
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:39pm Jun 5 2011
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((*Grins* I think so. I know I am but I am not sure about everyone else.))
8:50pm Jun 5 2011
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Ooc// And feel free to thwack me if I forget to update the first page. xD @emerald: Okay~ We can start tomorrow, I think. ^^
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:15pm Jun 6 2011
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OoC:// Front page isn't edited. -gets ready to thwak-
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:19pm Jun 6 2011
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((Then let us start. Like soon XD))
7:23pm Jun 6 2011
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Ooc// Ilu, Dragon. <3 Posting my intros in a moment. Remember, we're starting when the Asialli are being picked up (royal caravan style, ftw :D) to go to Draconic lands. Dragons can be doing whatever, but perhaps getting ready for their arrival? o3o /scurries off to post
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:40pm Jun 6 2011
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Marim's eyes opened to the pale, filtering light of early morning. He yawned and stretched, slipping out of bed quickly and skipping as quickly as his poor feet would let him across the cold stone floot of the house. He heard gentle murmuring from the kitchen, and found his mother and father conversing as he entered the room. At his arrival, they looked up and smiled. Marim weakly lifted the corners of his mouth, but he was sure his eyes mirrored theirs in a reflection of sorrow, pride, and uncertainty. They hovered there for a precious moment, unsure what do say. Them Marim's mother broke the silence. "Good morning, dear heart. Are you all ready to go? The caravans have been spotted about a league away." Marim nodded, swallowing tightly. His father wordlessly handed him a bowl of the normal porridge, but this was stuffed with nuts, fruit, and brown sugar. He gulped again. His favorite. As the family quietly downed their meal, Marim had to suddenly struggle against tears. He washed his dish quickly and retreated to his room in a matter of minutes. There, he did one last survey of his belongings, changed into a fresh sky blue tunic and pale trousers, and then strapped on his sword's sheath. The golden metal glinted in the rising sun's light, catching its polished edge and throwing eerie beams across the room. Marim swung his pack over his back and went out into the entryway. His parents, again, were waiting for him. "They're here," his mother whispered, and then stepped forward to embrace her son. He hugged both of them fiercely, trying to drink in the scents and sounds of home. He wondered when he would see it again--if at all. He wondered if he could ever come back. The next events happened in a blur. Exiting his house, meeting the caravan, handing over his luggage, climbing into the ornately decorated carriage. Waving goodbye to his parents and his childhood home, watching it until it grew into nonexistence behind him. Marim settled deeper into his seat. He knew this day would come, and suddenly it was here. He wasn't sure if he was ready for it. --- Aeseli slunk through the predawn shadows, her green eyes scanning the rocky terrain before her. She scented to breeze carefully, catching the barest whiff of a fleeing mountain deer. An angry hiss slip from her tongue, and she leapt out of her hiding place. Her wings unfurled, glinting a dusty yellow in the dim lighting. She three her head back and took in the scent again before leaping from the air, rising a few times her height before speeding forward. She scanned the landscape, frowning. It was all dull shapes and shadowy sagebrush. Then, a flash of a shadow. There! Asa propelled herself towards it, reaching her claws out. Then, suddenly, the deer dipped downward, racing through a narrow ditch between craggy hills. She growled in annoyance, and shifted her course, but the deer was already gone. Aeseli landed on a mostly flat rock and furled her wings to her sides. Now that the prey was gone, there was no real reason to be out anymore. Not now that the preparations for the Asialli were underway. At the thought of the humans, an annoyed huff sidled through her nostrils. Why they insisted on making such a big deal out of their arrival, Asa didn't know. It wasn't as if this was a special ocassion. Well, she amended, perhaps it was. But Asialli came what seemed every bl ink of an eye to a dragon. They called The Call rare, but one human turned up every few years bearing the magic. Sighing, she extended her wings in the glowing light of sunrise. Aeseli took to the air, whipping towards the small network of caves her family called home. Despite not being enamored with the Asialli's arrival, she couldn't help but be curious as to what the day would bring.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
4:24pm Jun 7 2011 (last edited on 4:26pm Jun 7 2011)
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The town was bustling when Arewn stepped outside. Her brothers and father had been up for a couple hours already, busy at work well before the sun came up. She was allowed to sleep a little later on this, most important day. She gave a glad cry and lept into the air. "Yes! I get to be with a dragon!"She took off running down the street to the sound of laughter coming from the grocer's cart nearby, her firey hair streaming behind her. Arwen's grandmother was rushing about the kitchen when she ran in, putting the final touches on a huge breakfast for the family. The girl beamed as she took in the scents of bacon and eggs, and saw the platter of her favorite honey oat cakes sitting beside them. Marayla, Arwen's grandmother, laughed at the girl's ex pression and have her a hug. "Go on now, go fetch the menfolks. We'll all eat at the same table before you go." Arwen gave her a nod and ran back out the door to find her father, brothers, and grandfather. Soon, they were all trooping back inside to group around the huge trestle table and enjoy the food. They talked and laughed untill all the food had been consumed, then Marayla stood and walked into a back room, returning with a bundle of packages wrapped in pieces on brightly colored scraps of cloth. Arwen watched in suprise as each member stood and retrieved one of the packages before sitting down again. The last to take his parcel, her youngest brother Harcel, approached her. "We each have gifts for you to take with you, Arwen. This is from me. Gram helped me pick it out," Harcel said as he handed her the package. Arwen smiled and hugged her brother, pressing a kiss against his reluctant cheek. "Thank you, Har." Looking up at everyone, she said, "Thank you everyone!" Then she opened the present. When she saw what was inside, she gasped. It was a silver necklace, with a small pendant of a dragon holding an amythest. "Oh, it's so beautiful!" She exclaimed as she slipped it over her head. The rest followed in a line. There was a waterskin, beautiful warm blankets, a handmade pack. From her grandfather she recieved a beautiful dress woven from soft cotton. It was deep green, with wide sweeping sleeves, a wide v-neck that exposed the exact right amount of clevage, and a long flowing skirt. She decided to wear it that day. Her oldest brother gave her a long white cloak made of bleached deer hide, soft as butter. It had a deep cowel hood that completly covered her red hair and gave her a mysterious air. From her grandmother, a sack full to the brim of honey oat cakes for her journey. The best gift she recieved was from her father, however. It was a long staff, like the one she was accustomed to using. This one, however, was made of ebony wood and carved with dragons. It was beautiful, and perfect. Everyone gathered outside when they heard the royal carriges pull up. Arwen, wearing her green gown and white cloak and carying her staff climbed inside the carriage to the courus of "I love yous" and "Good lucks" from her family. She waved at them untill she could no longer hear them, then relaxed into the seat. It was only then that she realized that she had company, a boy. She smiled at him. "Hi! I'm Arwen!" ()()()()()()()() Aries flew above his village, watching out for the young ones from above. He was determined that nothing would happen to disturb the bonding. If there was something dangerous, he would destroy it. OOC: I know, not much on Airies, but we'll see more of him later.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:17pm Jun 7 2011
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Ooc// I'm guessing the boy is Marim...? If so, I'll wait to reply until others have posted their intros. ^^ ~Bump~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
10:44pm Jun 7 2011
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OOC: Yes, he is. And that sounds good to me.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:41pm Jun 8 2011
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It was the faint noise of footsteps and hushed voices that woke Zakeru from his slumber. He opened his odd, light orange eyes slowly before blinking the sleep away as he saw light streaming into his room. Pushing himself up to his elbows, he glanced around before slipping out of his bed. His feet touched the cold floor and he flinched slightly as he pulled on a pair of black, ankle-length breeches that fit snugly around his legs. Tieing it so the top would stay up, he pulled a crimson tunic that held black embriodery of coiling dragons on the ends of the voluminous sleeves, around the collar, and around the end of the tunic. Pulling out a belt from his chest, he tied it around his hips and fixed it so the belt stayed on. Sitting back on his bed, he slipped his feet into flat boots that hugged his skin. The boots came up to the knee, but he folded the ends down slightly. His fingers stayed on the soft, brown leather before he tapped one of them and changed his mind, letting the boots end just below his knees again. Standing up, he stretched out the muscles in his arms and back before running his fingers through his gray-white hair. He walked to the door of his room before bounding down the stairs to find his parents, all of his grandparents, and his two little brothers waiting in the sitting room next to the kitchen. This was strange... His orange eyes rested on the assortment of parcels in the center of the room. What...? His mother suddenly walked forward with a sad smile on her face. "Zakeru, you Call is now strong enough for you to visit the Dragons at last," she said, her voice attempting to sound excieted on the matter. But Zakeru could sense the sadness behind it. The sadness of having her eldest son go off on his own. "We have gathered gifts for you. Come see them." She gently wrapped his delicate fingers around his bigger hand and pulled him to the center of the room before gesturing him to kneal down so he could accept the gifts he was being given. Zakery let his eyes wander over each wrapped ob ject. Each was labeled with the name of the giver. He smiled slightly as he spotted Zackari's and Trisdane's sloppy, six-year-old scrawl on the browned parchement used. And after a few seconds, he opened the first of the gifts. It took him about half and hour to open the gifts. But he already loved them all. From his maternal grandparents, he was given a durable, black cow-hide leather knapsack that looked bigger on the inside than it did on the inside and a small leather bound book with a quil and ink. "For writing down anything you deem important," his maternal grandfather had said when he looked quizically at it. From his paternal grandparents, he was given a woven reed bracelet that looked like it had all the colours of the rainbow and small, wood-carve lizard; as if reminding him of his family legend. That they were descendants of the lizards who were cousins -- in a way -- to the dragons. But Zakeru didn't believe it. Though, he placed the bracelet, the book, quil, and ink, and the wooden lizard into the knapsack before his mother handed him a soft parcel. When he opened it up, he took out the folded cloth he came upon. Several breeches, tunics, and a few cloaks were there. All neatly folded and washed with care. He turned to his mother and smiled his thanks before placing the clothes into the knapsack. He left the black cloak out and set it next to the leather bag. He took his father's package. Which turned out to be water skin with a painted, snarling dragon on both sides. Zakeru placed it on the cloak Zackari gave his brother a river-smooth stone made out of black with white veins. And it fit perfectly in Zakeru's palm. He hugged his litter brother and promised to keep it with him always; just as Zackari had asked. From Trisdane, he was given his little brother's most prized possession. A stone broken in half with shinning crystals on the inside. Zakeru remembered giving this to him when he was younger. Now, holding it gently against his chest, he kissed his little brother on the forehead and thanked him for the gift. But there was still another package waiting for him. Zakeru glanced at his mother, who also looked puzzled. Shrugging a shoulder, Zakeru pulled it close; feeling some resistance. Whatever it was; it was heavy. Unwrapped it, he saw three daggers, tight in their sheaths with straps attached to it. The fourth item with the daggers was a long sword; also in its sheath. Zakeru pursed his lips for a moment before grinning broadly. He knew who these were from. Ash, Saker, Acton, and Bramble. Four of the knights he sparred with. How had they known? Nonetheless, he mentally thanked them before placing the daggers in his knapsack and the sword diagonal across his back on the strap. He pulled on his cloak; feeling is texture on his open skin. It was so soft. He uncorked the waterskin and brought the knapsack to the kicten where his mother was wrapping some food in squares of cloth. He went out back to fill up the skin from a clear, fresh-water stream. His parent's call made him stand up as he corked the skin. The carriage was coming! Cursing softly, he rushed back inside, grabbed up his knapsack and waited outside for it to come closer. And while they were waiting, his family hugged him and wished him luck. The carriage stopped in front of him and he walked up to it and opened the door. He noticed two people in it already and nodded a hello befor sitting down on an unoccupied cushion. Zakeru closed the door with his foot and slowly spread his hand in a good-bye as the carriage rolled off. ~xXx~ Ari slumbered deep in her mountain cave. Her black scaled hide moving each time she took breath and smoke slowly rose from her nostrals. She snorted suddenly and raised her head; looking to the entrance to her den. They were coming. She could feel them. Rising to her feet, Ari lumbed out of her den with grace of flowing water. Stopping at the end of her perch, she spread her crimson feathered wings slightly as she let out a roar; announcing her presense to the world. Crouching down, she raised her wings and jumped up into the air the same time her wings beat downward. Her serpentine bodyshot upward before she circled once and lazily flew over the valleys. Beating her wings occasinally to ride the higher thermals. Thud... Thud... Thud...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:35pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Bumping this up so it isn't lost~ Thanks for the post, Dragon. <3 I'll mail emerald so that she can post her intro, and we can keep going! :D
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:24pm Jun 9 2011
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((Ooops. Sorry, finals are keeping me buisy. Sorry it my post wont be as long and fantastical. I solemnly swear to post better in the future.)) Jade stood alone in the dawning light. Her black hair slowly coming into sight as the wind shifted it into the rising sunlight. Her posture was straight and tall, a proud girl with bright blue eyes. They scanned the horizon taking in everything that moved, which wasn't much but vegitation shifting in the early morning breeze. The thin girl leaned her back against the dead tree that stood behind her and closed her eyes. She used senses to look about her for the eyes were most easily confused and tricked. Nothing around her, she was sure. No family, no animals, nothing. She was alone there where she stood but it phased her not for there was something deeper keeping her company. A feeling that she knew to be a voice calling her name. Somewhere she felt eyes on her, but no one was around. She could hear her name whispered in her ear but she was alone. A lone girl, with out kith or kin to keep her company. Still something tugged at her insides, pulling her in one direction. She was being called to the Draconic lands. ~~~~ Her eyes snapped open at the sound of footsteps and the sudden stop of churning wheels. She was immediately on her feet, blades in hand. Her reflexes were amazing, how could they have snuck up on her? It didn't matter now, they were here and now it was time to find out what they wanted. Pirates? Theives, was it her father's gang? Her muscles relaxed a little when she realized it was the very people she had been searching for that very morning. They were here to take her to the source of her calling. She would forever be tied to the mightiest of creatures, a powerful girl to keep peace and fight. Thoughts of her father flashed through her mind and she smiled. "One day my dear father. One day." She said to herself as she climbed into the carriage. She stayed silent after that, merely laying her head against the side wall and falling asleep to the rythmic sounds of their departure.
11:48pm Jun 13 2011
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Ooc// Sorry, didn't see there was a reply to this! D: Replying in a second~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:58pm Jul 12 2011
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OoC;// Lola still needs to post....
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:13pm Jul 12 2011
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Ooc// O____O It seems this slipped my bookmarking list. Kill me now. Ehm. Really, REALLY sorry about forgetting, everyone. You may now proceed to throw me in front of a stampeding herd of wildabeasts. D| @emerald: Is Jade in the same carriage as everyone else? There are several heading up. Bic// Marim looked up as the girl declared herself Arwen. He swallowed down his sorrow and mustered up a smile, offering his hand in a way that would have made his father proud. "Nice to meet you. I'm Marim." He settled eeper into the plush seat of the cabin and resumed staring moodily out the window. he didn't want to be rude, but not a word of a conversation starter came to mind. So he watched the land go by, trying ahrd not to think of his mother, father, and friends he had left behind. As they carriage pulled to another rattling stop, Marim looked up. The boy that climbed in looked about his age, and equally sad to be leaving his home. "Hello," he said, but didn't offer his name, neither did he ask the boy's. He simply couldn't seem to muster up the energy. The continued for a long while, Asiallia rolling by. Then, they came to a sudden rocking halt. "I wonder who's getting on here?" He mused, looking to his cabinmates with an ex pression of amusement. The caravan appeared to have stopped in the middle of nowhere. He wondered if perhaps they were stopping for supplies at an inn hidden from view, or worst case scenario, they had been held up by thieves. It would be just his luck if the latter happened. Sighing, Marim settled for looking out the window. He just hoped they would continue soon. Ooc// I don't think it's really necessary to post for Aeseli until the Asialli arrive in draconic lands. Hopefully you can reply to this all right? ;-;
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.