7:52pm Jul 17 2011
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Ooc// I luffs you gais. |D Feyth shall post her characters now, no? :3
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:02pm Jul 17 2011
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8:35pm Jul 17 2011
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Name: Avalia Coronoki
Aliases/Nicknames: Ava, Fish
Gender: Female Age: 16
Race: Asialli Personality: Despite the fact that she comes from wealthier bloodlines, she is not a young woman to be triffled with. She, although kind, can turn out to be extremely hard-headed and stubborn in her ways, often doing what she thinks is right and not paying close attention to the consequences. Unfortunately, this leads her to bring unseen problems upon her and her companions, whoever they may be. On the up side, this makes her a leader that follows her heart instead of her muscles, which are non-exisitent, by the way. She, even though hard-headed, prefers not to fight even though she is well learned in the way of the sword. Besides the fact, she does keep a sheath for a sword strapped to her belt. Although she can be moody at times, normally you can't tell what she is feeling because she likes to keep her emotions locked away, which is strange for a person of such good qualities. History: (Will complete after I know whether they get the call when they are really young. I read the pact thing, but I'm a bit confused.
Pact bond: Aeseli? Lover/Crush: OPEN Weapons: She carries around a staff, blue with red streaks, hidden in its sheath strapped to her back. On her belt are two daggers, one named Shadow, the other named Fire. They can both be deadly used correctly.She is learned in the way of the sword, but hasn't gotten around to getting one yet, being that she has been traveling a lot.
Appearance: Avalia is a small 15 year old girl with large blue irises, dotted with silver flecks. Her hair is shoulder-length looks like it was spun from gold, which is good because it distracts people from her acne covered face. Of course, she does use herbs, but it only seems to make her break out more. Her nose is petite and tiny, like that of a cat's because of the more prominent upside down triangle that it seems to make. Her lips are dry and cracked, most of the time, but when they aren't it means that she hasn't been to the lake in a while, a most unusual thing, being that she tries to go everyday. As for her body, she is not too curvy, strange for being almost 16, but this is most likely because of all the excersize she does, she never has extra fat, meaning that she doesn't have a large chest. Her second and third toe on each foot are webbed together, not all the way, but enough so that she can't wear the strange sandals her mother got her on her 5th birthday. She can usually be seen wearing a pair of riding pants and a black polo shirt with white designs. Avalia normally likes to adorn her outfit with various bracelets that just happen to sit, collecting dust on her bed side table. On her shoulder, her left one, is a birthmark in an unnatural shape. If you look from far away when she is clothed in her bathing suit, it looks like a blob, but closer up, really close, it resembles more of a cat like blob with disformed wings and a mermaid tail. She likes to pretend it is a tatoo. Other: Nope Name: Generi Aliases/Nicknames: Gen, Era
Gender: Male Age: 450 Race: Dragon Personality: Generi is very hard to describe. At times, he can be bubbly and enthusiastic, but on the other hand, he can be moody and angry. He is never really in between, is always one extreme of an emotion and a bit of a drama queen. He always seems to be getting into trouble, be it stealing livestockin the middle of the night, or killing a human, something frowned upon in the family he was raised in. Despite all this, he is actually a very kind dragon, always willing to lend a help hand, that is, if he isn;'t having mood swings. History: |See personality requirements.| Pact bond: |Name and user| Lover/Crush: |Optional. Delete if not in use.| Weapons: |Optional. Delete if not in use.| Appearance: |Deions are highly preferred. At least a paragraph.| Other: |Anything else we might need to know.| ooc: I need to go take a nap, but I will finish this. Promise!
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9:18pm Jul 17 2011
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Ooc; Feyth, Aeseli is my character, Katrina's pact bond. Sorry. D:
hello my name is elder price
1:11am Jul 18 2011
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((oh, are there any open ones then?))
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8:51am Jul 18 2011
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Ooc; There's my dragon character, Shard. You can look at his bio at the bottom of the first page. :3
hello my name is elder price
12:03pm Jul 18 2011
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7:57pm Jul 18 2011
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Ooc; Don't die. D;
hello my name is elder price
9:18pm Jul 25 2011
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Ooc; o_o
hello my name is elder price
9:23pm Jul 25 2011
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OoC:// Hey! :D I remember this thread... d-_-b
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:30pm Jul 25 2011
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Ooc; I dun wan it to die. :c
hello my name is elder price
12:07pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; Dead?... ;-;
hello my name is elder price
10:14pm Aug 1 2011
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((Hey! Sorry Lola! Am I still welcome with my same characters and intro?))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:07pm Aug 1 2011
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@Lady: Yes. You'll need to figure out partners and such, though~ Eeek!!!! So sorry for not replying guys. I honestly thought that it had died (How I missed the posts....I don't know! D:). We'll get to roleplay soon~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
11:15pm Aug 1 2011
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I don't suppose you have a link to the old thread do you? I, like a dummy, lost it.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:17pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Here eet is! :D It is for page three, but... -shrugs- http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/-the-call-/~page/3/
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:17pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc// On my old comp, yes. In the mean time, you'll have to dig for it. :x /only has her laptop. Sorry~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
11:20pm Aug 1 2011
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((Dragon, you are my new best friend, haha)) Name:Arewn Madelina Aliases/Nicknames: Wen; Maddie
Gender:Female Age:16 Race: Asialli Personality:Arwen is a dreamer. She has always wanted to bond with a dragon. She is strong willed and independant, but has a soft, almost maternal side as well. She will do anything for her friends andhas always been known as both a peacemaker and protector of the innocent. Arwen looks very fragile, but she is not. Her small stature hides her true strength of character. History:Arewn was raised in a small village. She is the middle child of 7 and the only girl. Her brothers are very protective of her, but have taught her to defend herself well. The children's mother died in childbirth with the baby, so they were raised by their father and his parents. The family is very close. They all work together in their father's weaving shop. Pact bond:Open Lover/Crush:To come later?
Weapons:Arewn uses a staff made of dark wood and carved with images of dragons by her father.
Appearance:Arwen is very small, standing at only 5'2". She has a slight frame, so she almost resembles a child, though her curves show her to be anything but. Her long hair is a firery copper with strands of deep auburn mixed in. Arwen's eyes are huge, jade green and innocent. Her emotions are very easy to see there. Name:Aries Aliases/Nicknames: None
Gender: Male Age:502 Race: Dragon Personality:Aries is a very dominate male dragon. He thinks he knows what is best for everyone and everything. As such, it is very difficult to convince him when he is wrong. The only thing he will not ignore is hard proof. Despite this, Aries is incredably honorable. He is a warrior for his people and will protect them with his final breath. He can be kind and generous, but that is always tempered by his temper. History: Aries has trained himself since he was young to be a warrior. His father, who was a warrior himself, has taught Aries much about the way of honor. He was taught, in order for him to be a useful member of dragon society, he must always uphold his principles and stand for the weak. Pact bond: Open Lover/Crush:open Weapons:Claws, fangs and fire. He will also use his superior weight to crush his enemies
Appearance:Aries is a giant among his kind. His scales are a mixture of tarnished bronze and deep emerald green, with a few amythest colored ones sprinkled in. Everything about his is broad, from his huge head to his long tail. His tissue thin wings are the color of tarnished bronze, while the appendages that hold them are deep emerald. Other: none.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:21pm Aug 1 2011
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((But I do need a pact bond... Hmm...))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:21pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// /hugs Dragon. Thank you~ <3 @Lady: Haha, sorry. :> I need to get off now, but I'll put your characters up! <3
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.