{The Cold Winter}--Hetalia

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6:51pm Jan 16 2010 (last edited on 1:42pm Jan 23 2010)

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Posts: 341

"What's it like to be on the inside of the war during the coldest winter yet? Germany was going to find out."

Welcome~ I, the great England, am here once more to give you another incredible roleplay from the lives of the busy nations of Hetalia-dom.

Plot: The war is getting colder for Germany. Harried along and pressured to advance by Hitler, he finds himself working harder than ever before, regardless of the cold winter around him. The only warmth possible for him to find is in Italy Feliciano, who is also finding the war to be getting colder...not like it matters to him, with his effervescent mind. But it isn't just the Axis who are feeling chillier: England's been trying to go to North America, where it is significantly warmer because of its place in the sun, but has not been able to escape the war. Do his comrades feel the same way, or is America vacationing on some beach somewhere with his frozen brother, Canada? Russia must be laughing at them all, thankful that General Winter is exacting his revenge on all of Europe rather than just his poor, barren State. And what about China, Japan, and Korea? What season is it in Asia? Putting it mildly (forgive the pun)...how can Axis and Allied powers stay warm in the depths of winter without bathing in each other's blood?


  1. No PPing/GMing. Not fun when that happens.
  2. BE LITERATE OR SEMI-LITERATE. I hate one-liners and bad grammar.
  3. You may roleplay as many characters as you want and can roleplay well.
  4. Post “Need a scarf, Germany?” so I know that you've read these rules.
  5. BOOKMARK this page. That way you can always post...and there will not be the "I lost the thread" excuse when this board is deleted.
  6. Don't ask to join or ask to be a character.
  7. OCs are fine as long as you are very in-depth when writing their bios. Also, be sure that your nation is not taken. Here is a list of the current nations in Hetalia.

Character Bios:

Post this information about your nation...


  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Personality:
  • Other:

...OR write a very detailed intro. Don't be afraid to get in-depth...I like that. c: My bios will come in my second post.


  • Germany
  • England
  • Japan
  • Prussia
  • North Italy (Italy Feliciano)
  • America
  • Iceland
  • Poland
  • Canada
  • Russia


  • North Korea

"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

7:02pm Jan 16 2010 (last edited on 1:50pm Jan 23 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 341


Better pictures here and here~

  • NAME: Arthur Kirkland//England//UK
  • AGE: Erm, I think it’s 23...if I am recalling correctly.
  • GENDER: Male
  • PERSONALITY: England is a sharp-tongued, cynical, foul-mouthed gentleman. He has a strong believer of spirits/ghosts, fairies, magic, and other fantasy related things, and has a list of spiritual residents and ghost tours. Note that this does not mean that he believes in aliens; he scoffs at the idea. Behind his cynical realistic view on the world, he is deep down a romanticist. England is also terrible with expressing himself, and is aware of how others often misunderstand him, so he can also be rather self-deprecating. When drunk, his personality will change from that of a gentlemen to a wild and violent punk. He often yearns for the golden years that are now far behind him.
  • LIKES: Embroidery, craftsmanship, reading literature, rock music and giving scathing criticisms to America's movies. 
  • DISLIKES: France, America (kinda...)
  • PAST: England was a delinquent as a child. He was constantly picked on by his brothers (one representing Scotland, the others presumably Wales and Northern Ireland), who used to drive him away with stones and arrows and go as far as to deliver curses to him through the mail. France picked on him, too. He eventually became a pirate and terrorized Spain, stripping him of his status as a powerful nation. At the mention of new land, he renounced his pirate ways and followed France to the new nation. There he discovered America, a small child living alone in the wilderness. England adopted him and raised him as his younger brother. He cooked (to the best of his ability), gave him toys and clothes, and they also slept together whenever America couldn't sleep due to reading or watching something related to ghosts. Then the Revolutionary War came. Near the end of the war, England gave up, not being able to shoot America when he had the opportunity. America declared his independence and split from England, and that event left England permanently heartbroken, explaining some of his rough behavior.
  • OTHER: He can see and interact with beings of supernatural origin. It is said that those who visit England will be able to see the fantastical creatures that he believes in, however, America is still immune from seeing them in this case.
  • NAME: Ludwig//Germany 
  • AGE: 20
  • GENDER: Male
  • PERSONALITY: Germany is always serious, obeying all orders to a 'T'. Strict and seemingly unfeeling, he really has a gentle heart and is extremely cautious about showing it to other nations. He is very meticulous and does not ever make mistakes. Serious and stoic all the time, even when he's on vacation. But all this pent-up anger can come out when he has a beer...
  • LIKES: Saving money, cleaning, walking his dog, and making candy.
  • DISLIKES: The Allies, disorder, and dirtiness.
  • OTHER: Apparently trusts his technology so much that he once plowed his car into his own house using his GPS. Loves to go sight-seeing in Italy.

  • NAME: Honda Kiku//Japan (Nihon/Nippon)
  • AGE: A secret
  • GENDER: Male
  • PERSONALITY: Japan is a powerful country, one of the strongest in the Orient.
    As an island nation, he holds distinct cultures and customs which other countries see as mysterious; he thinks he's perfectly normal. He doesn't know much about the world, but is hard-working, serious, skilled with his hands, and needs time to adjust to other people. Slightly naive.
  • LIKES: Elegance and watching the seasons change by admiring flowers and the moon.
  • DISLIKES: Americans, disloyalty, and awkward situations (which he finds himself in often).
  • OTHER: Was raised by China, who he eventually waged war with. Is often seen in Germany's house acting as a sort of maid figure; he apparently is good at cooking and cleaning.

Side note: I love this pic of Prussia and Germany. xD))

"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

7:09pm Jan 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,511

( "Need a scarf, Germany?"
Um, may I join? )

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


7:11pm Jan 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 341
((Read my rules. You don't have to ask, just join. *yawns* Better poke Prussia about this...))

"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

7:29pm Jan 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,511

( I read them, it's just that the post would look weird without asking to join.
I blame OCD. e.e )

  • Name: Feliciano Vargas/Italy
  • Age: Twenty...or something like that.
  • Gender: Male
  • Personality: Italy's a clumsy person, who tends to smother everyone with love. As France says, he's a silly boy, and also very helpless. He's scared of being hurt, and the first thing he pulls out when facing another country or something that poses as a threat is a white flag, so he's pretty weak and so obviously hopeless. Italy relys on others a bit too much, and he doesn't do much for himself in terms of war. At that, he doesn't know how to defend himself too well, which partly explains his tendency to pull out a white flag instead of a weapon. Oh, and he's apparently Germany's only friend.
  • Other: Ah... Italy is very fond of pasta. He's Rome's grandson and South Italy's (Lovino Vargas) younger brother.

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


11:19pm Jan 16 2010 (last edited on 3:25pm Jan 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,062

((Need a scarf, Germany?))

More Traditional Picture:   http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/hetalia/images/4/4e/America_new.png


  • Name: Alfred F. Jones/America
  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Male
  • Personality: America is a cheerful, loud and boisterous person who's full of pride and somewhat childish visions. He wants nothing more than to 'be the hero' and butt his way into other countries' affairs. Because of his obnoxious nature, he has difficulty making friends. During the Revolutionary War, he gained his independance from England, who had adopted him as a younger brother, and continues to rub his victory in the face of his ally every Fourth of July. America absolutely adores hamburgers (and other fast food), movies, sports, and games. He fails to acknowledge his brother, Canada. He has a kind heart, and truly wants to help others. America shows that he has immense strength, as he was able to swing a full-grown buffalo around when he was younger. He also dragged England's SUV behind him for an hour in order to ask permission to borrow it. 
  • Other: America has an alien friend named Tony. Despite this, he doesn't believe in England's unicorns or fairies. America is also oblivious to the geography outside of the United States.


8:18am Jan 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 341

((Ahahaha, I was hoping someone would take Feliciano. :D

America! Long time, no see! :D

Once someone else joins (*coughcough*PRUSSIA*coughcough*) we can start.))

"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

4:15pm Jan 18 2010 (last edited on 7:31pm Jan 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 357

(Need a scarf, West?)

  • Name: Gilbert Beilschmidt - Kingdom of Prussia
  • Age: 20↑ I'll guesstimate 23-25
  • Gender: Male

(I'm too tired to type a proper deion right now, I'm sorry. Let me edit this later.)

Gilbert Beilschmidt is a rowdy man born on Jan. 18th of 1701. His ego could choke a horse, he's a boundlessly ambitious psychotic punk who delights in mischief, and yet caves at the sight of cute things...  He likes to refer to almost everything as awesome, and likes to avoid getting married.  He is left handed and an albino.  His younger brother is Germany, whom he affectionately calls 'West'.  

To put it simply, Gilbert is a hooligan that will do anything to get strong, and likes to bother others with his 'Awesome'.  He apparently 'hates' Ivan, thinks Francis is a 'loser', and doesn't get along too well with Roderich.  There's speculation that he may have a crush on Elizaveta, and makes sure to let everyone know that he thinks that Canada is Awesome because of his Maple Syrup and Pancakes.  He also thinks that Feliciano is rather cute.

Gilbert apparently has kept diaries/journals ever since the day he was formed, therefore having an entire library of them every entry beginning with the same saying: "I'm so cool/I was so cool today."

He looks up to Frederich II, known to him as "Old Fritz."  He's very loyal to him, and usually becomes rather depressed when someone mentions him.

There is a bird that perches on top of Gilbert's head. Not much is known about the bird aside from the fact that its name is 'Gilbird'.  Apparently Gilbert isn't all too aware of Gilbird's exsistance until Feliciano comments on the cute bird that he has.



(If it's okay, I'd like to also play as Iceland :3 Not much is really known about him and his personality, so I think it's going to be pretty OC x;)


  • Name: Republic of Iceland - Hinrik Ulfgangur
  • Age: 16-17 (D.O.B. June 17th, 1944)
  • Gender: Male
  • Personality: Out of the five Nordics, he is the youngest and second shortest,

    Iceland has silver-white hair, described as being somewhat tousled or "bed-headed". He wears a deep brown military jacket, a white dress shirt with a ribbon tie underneath, deep brown straight-legged pants, and white half-laced boots. He also sports a pair of white gloves. His eyes are also blue or violet.

    He's usually seen with a Puffin-like bird, which sometimes sports a pink bow-tie. Like Roderich, he is seen as a musician type of person.

  • Other: He's friends with Sealand, and his older brother is tle="Norway">Norway


  • Name: Republc of Poland (Rzeczpospolita Polska)

    me given, I'll make one up for him later ;o)
  • Age: 19 (birthday: July 22nd...no...November 11th...liek WTH @_@)
  • Gender: Male
  • Personality: Often mistaken for a female, Feliks is shy and anxious toward strangers, but once you become close to him, he'll talk your head off with his 'like's and 'totally's.  Feliks is all too aware of his feminine look, and will sometimes be seen cross dressing.  Feliks is close friends with Toris (Liet) but it is sometimes thought that the friendship is rather one sided. It is later found out that the friendship isn't as one sided as everyone thinks.  France and England have tried many times (and each time failing) to have Poland join in alliance with them against Germany, but Poland tends to be rather independant, even when help is needed the most. Lets just say he listens to Danity Kane all day and eats candy, then PMS's and complains that he getting fat.
  • Other: He's close friends with tle="Lithuania">Lithuania, and N. Italy. He also tends to argue a lot with Russia, and dislikes Prussia, 

(One more @_@ I'm sorry!)



  • Name: Canada - Matthew Willams ^O^/
  • Age: unknown :'( (B.O.D. July 1st, 1867)
  • Gender: Male
  • Personality: Canada is shy and very sensitive. He is mistaken very often for America, Canada is often dragged into many fights.  Even his closest friend, Cuba, will try to land a few punches on him before being reminded that he is indeed Canada.  His twin brother is America a.k.a. Alfred F. Jones. He is very quiet, so quiet to the point that even his yelling is heard as a strained whisper.  Canada holds resentment toward his brother for being mistaken very often for him, and tries many ways (and failing each time) to individulize himself from America.  He owns a polar bear named Kumijirou how will forget who he is most of the time.  Canada also will forget what the bears name is.  Even though Canada plays a rather large part in many parts of History,  he is often pushed back into the shadows and is left unnoticed due to his almost 'invisible' personality.
  • Other: He really likes Maple Syrup :3



6:28pm Jan 18 2010 (last edited on 6:43pm Jan 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 341

((Thank you for the offer, erm...Prussia. A scarf would be lovely. Go on ahead and take whomever you would like. I doubt a lot of folk will be joining this, so...eh.

I may snag Latvia and Lithuania too, actually. *thinks about it* Intro will eventually make its way here.))

BIC|| The days were getting longer and colder. The cold irritated Germany like nothing else; his brows furrowed angrily as he stared out the frostbitten window, hands clasped behind his back in a tense, formal manner. He leaned forward to rest his forehead against the cool window pane and let his crystalline eyes shut, his whole body shaking from stress and lack of sleep. Maybe it was his boss who was irritating to him, not Russia's so-called 'General Winter,' who was raining down his cold wrath upon all of Europe. The blond frowned and clenched his hands into fists; he wasn't allowed a single respite even now with the chill of winter slowing everything else down.

He was exhausted, stressed out, and cold. Was there no one who could understand how he was feeling?

"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:51pm Jan 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
OOC: I have Ivan's permission to take Russia. xD I'll edit this a bit later, when I have more time to do a deion and everything.


9:55pm Jan 18 2010 (last edited on 1:19am Jan 20 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 989


:D Ivan speaking! I would join this, but alas, I'm far too busy with... Communist things. *looks around sneakily*

Anyway, as you've seen above, I gave Ameri-kun permission to portray Russia in my stead. ♥

Enjoy the roleplay, comrades...! (And Prussia)


EDIT: Hey, did you say TAKE Russia? That sounds sort of... conspiratorial. ~_~


7:37am Jan 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 341
((Hai hai, go on ahead. :3))

"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

12:03pm Jan 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

((Oh, darn. -was going to claim Ivan-


Well, since that kinda..failed, could I join as my little OC, North Korea? C:

It's kind of ironic for him, since's he's all sweet and stuff, which North Korea is actually a very scary place. xDD;;

Need a scarf, Ludwig? ;O

-listening to different versions of MAru Kate Chikyuu- <3))


2:40pm Jan 19 2010 (last edited on 3:27pm Jan 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,062

OOC: xDD Sorry, Sayu. <3





















More Traditional Picture:



  • Name: Ivan Braginski/Russia
  • Age: Unknown
  • Gender: Male
  • Personality: At first glance, Russia seems like a big, kindhearted and innocent man. However, many soon find that he's the exact opposite. Corrupted by the pain and suffering he's had to endure, most would say that Russia is completely and utterly insane. Russia is very controlling of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, and has an intense fear of his sister, Belarus, who wants to marry him. His older sister, Ukraine, gave him the scarf he never seems to take off. When Russia is angry or upset, he chants "Kolkolkol", which often frightens others into obeying him. Russia has a special interest in China, who remains suspicious of him after the Sino-Soviet Split. Russia has even been known to go as far as stalking the other nation while wearing a bear suit.
  • Other: Russia can always be seen carrying a faucet pipe or a bottle of Vodka. He hates the cold and wishes he could live somewhere warm where sunflowers are able to grow. It is hinted at that Russia and America's relationship isn't the best it could be since the Cold War. When Lithuania tried asking Russia about America, Estonia quickly reminded him that he's not supposed to talk to Russia about the other nation.


3:00pm Jan 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785


Though, originally, my made-up for Noth Korea is the son of Ivan and Yao. He was created with the help of a friend. xD;;;

And his name is actually Frnech...but I could change it to something more Korean if it's needed. .o.))


3:21pm Jan 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062

OOC: Homg, there. D8 -updated Alfy's bio a bit- I'm sorry if the colors make your eyes bleed. It's Alfy. It has to be "8D LOOK AT ME."


7:11pm Jan 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 357
Oh UK, is that the starting post? :3 -points up-


7:36am Jan 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 341

((*sighs* Yes, Prussia, it is. Gawd, 'm tired...))

"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

10:00am Jan 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
OOC: I think I'll come in after a few posts have been made. I can't really think of anything to put based off that first post.


3:29pm Jan 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

((So...should I just post my little bio for my OC?

And I have a picture of his face that I drew...but I have to take a picture and upload it...but I don't have the cord to do that with right now. e.o

Oh well. C: -will do it eventually-))

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