11:05pm Feb 12 2010
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Roderich bl ink before shaking his head (in true exasperation this time) and gently climbing into the seat next to Elizavata. He sighed contentedly, manuvering to get comfortable and felt much of his tension melt away. It was so warm. Reaching forward, he placed a hand on Prussia's arm. "Yes, Gilbert, that's very nice. I'm excited for you." Austria said slowly, as if talking to a child, smirk present on his face. He drew back and slumped into the leather seat. Normally, he would never let enyone see him so uncomposed, but Hungary had seen him at his worst and Gilbert could probably care less. Even France wasn't making him nervous. He was around friends, friends who seemed to care about his safety, so who cared about appearance at this moment? (( No, I just don't like your singing. *nods matter-of-factly* x3))
10:57pm Feb 13 2010 (last edited on 10:57pm Feb 13 2010)
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Posts: 356
Gilbert gave Roderich an affronted look looking like a little kid that got told there was no such thing as Santa. "You...you just don't get it." He huffed then turned around, childishly crossing his arms. Elizaveta rolled her eyes and giggled, "Gil, you're such a little kid-" "You don't know me!" Gilbert shouted dramatically from the front seat, sounding as if he were on the verge of tears. Francis reached over and patted his leg comfortingly while murmuring in French to him consoling words. ((D: You. Pfft. Whatevs.))
11:23pm Feb 13 2010
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Roderich rolled his eyes before sending a small glare the Frenchman's way. He blinked, confused at his own action, before settling to stare out of the window. It was beautiful here. He sure would miss his home and his people. He didn't get out much, but there were still a few of the country's residents he had grow to know quite well. It was sad to be leaving, but it was the best thing, and, honestly, he couldn't say it wasn't just a little excited. He'd never had a real vacation before, apart from when Elizaveta and he were still married and the World Conference Meetings, which weren't really vacations. More like obligations. ((Oh, it's okay, Gil. You can get singing lessons! x3))
8:13pm Feb 14 2010
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Posts: 356
Elizaveta giggled as she watched Roderich glare at Francis for a moment before a confused look appeared on his face and he turned away to look out the window. She could tell by the way he was acting that he was more comfortable than he would normally be with most other nations. It made her glad that he wasn't having a hard time trying to fit in, and instead of Gilbert constantly breathing down Roderich's neck and making fun of him, he was instead joyously belting out a verse of "100 bottles of beer..." Franics beside him was shaking his head and murmuring words of French, but she could see that he had a small smile on his face. Reaching her hand out, she placed it on top of Roderich's and searched his eyes. He seemed slightly...sad. "Are you okay, Roderich?" She asked softly. ((Wha-- PFFT. I'm too AWESOME to get signing lessons! >:D))
8:36pm Feb 14 2010
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Roderich turned from the window and smiled at Hungary. He was sad, yes, but he didn't want to bring her down as well. The musician pulled his hand away and placed it on her shoulder gently. "I'm fine, Liz. I'm just not used to leaving the country often, you know? But I'm fine, so don't worry about it." Austria pulled back and looked up front, tapping the tune of the song Gilbert was singing on his leg. He felt his eyes start to close and he blinked awake. Mein Gott, he was tired... ((*snorts* Riiiiiight~))
11:40pm Feb 14 2010
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Posts: 356
She smiled and nodded before she turned away. It wasn't like she didn't know what he must be going through right now, having to leave his very own country, but she could guess. She decided to take his advice and not worry about it. Leaning forward she tapped Francis on the shoulder and whispered something into his ear, to which he murmured something back and she smiled quietly in satisfaction, before sitting back once again into her seat. After a few minutes, Gilbert turned around, now bored from singing his song and smirked at Elizabeta. "You know Eliza, you still are one of the manilest countries I kno--" The sound of Elizaveta's fist colliding with Gilbert's head would have had no one with a single doubt that Gilbert was going to feel that for the next few days. Gilbert whimpered pitifully and keeled over, rubbing his head, and cursing in German. "Aaahh, mon cheri." Francis grinned, "As you can see, she is still quite dangerous even without that frying pan of hers." Gilbert just grumbled something in response and huffed. Really, he was just trying to compliment her. Why make a big deal about it? ((>8( You dare mock me?))

12:05am Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 12:06am Feb 15 2010)
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Roderich chuckled at the scene before him before feeling his eyes close again. He didn't open them this time. ~Timeskip! 8D~ Austria opened his eyes blearily and let out a tired yawn. It squeaked at the end and he blushed, hoping no one noticed. He reached up and rubbed his eyes to clear his vision. Wait... where were his glas.ses? The raven looked around the seat, but groaned in realization. He couldn't see! How could he find his glas.ses without being able to look for them?
12:24am Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 356
((Haha! It sounded like Roderich died! ...wait. D:)) Elizaveta looked out the window before turning back to address Roderich, seeing that he was awake. "Roderich, we're almost ther..." She noticed that he was looking for something, it the way he was squinting his eyes, and searching around blindly gave it away. She looked around for a moment before she spotted the gl*censored*es, lying on the floor close to his feet. Leaning over, she picked them up and handed them to Roderich, a smile on her face. "You dropped these." She said quietly. At that point, it was now Gilbert driving the car, Gilbird perched once again on his shoulder, looking up in the rearview mirror, he grinned. "Hey, sleeping beauty! Decided to finally wake up, huh? How was Dreamland?" Elizaveta rolled her eyes and smacked Gilbert's shoulder. Francis was in the front seat talking in French quite animatedly to Gilbert and occasionally he would answer with and 'Oui' or 'Non'. Years of hanging out with Francis in the 'Bad Touch Trio' didn't leave him without learning a thing or two of Spanish or French. Elizaveta leaned in toward Roderich, "We're almost there, Gilbert's going to pull right up to the plane-- or as close as he can get with this V.I.P. stuff. But you'll have to take the plane alone." She stared at him with an apologetic look on her face.

12:40am Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 12:41am Feb 15 2010)
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((It did, didn't it? xD)) He nodded in thaks and slipped his glas.ses on. Everything cleared and he looked out the window to see the airport in the distance ahead of them. So... just a few more minutes, huh? Roderich sent a half-hearted glare in Gilbert's direction for the sleeping beauty comment. He was no girl, dang it! "It was nice actually. I feel a lot better now that I got some sleep." The musician replied curtly, ignoring that fact that it was a rhetorical question. He looked over at Hungary and smiled, nodding slightly. "I know. Gilbert already told me he'd have to be there when those guys show up at my house and I can't expect you or France to come with me. I'll be okay." 'I think...'
12:56am Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 356
((If Roderich really died, I think I'd cry. And so would Prussia, but he'd say he's too awesome to cry.)) Gilbert snorted and rolled his eyes. "Riiiiight..." Elizaveta smiled re*censored*uringly back and took his hand, squeezing it one more time, "You won't be gone for long. As soon as they leave, we're going to send Gilbert out to bring you back, I promise." Francis pointed to something on the plane runway and told Gilbert instructions in French. Gilbert nodded and pulled up to the plane so that it was only about twenty feet away. "Damn, I love this VIP stuff." Gilbert said, thrilled to death to be playing a CIA agent.
1:20am Feb 15 2010
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((Oh, you know if Roderich died you'd both be bawling. Austria's just too loveable~ ... But, fer srs, I'd be distraught. >w>; )) Roderich squeezed back, not wanting to let go of this moment where he was fine and with everyone. Not alone. But, he let go reluctantly and smirked weakly. "Yeah, okay. You guys be careful, okay? And... thanks." He opened the door hesitantly. "Er... do I need a ticket, or do I just get on the plane?"
2:01am Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 356
((I would for sure be distraught, no lie. That would just be sad. And Prussia would go upstairs and cry in his bedroom with Gilbird.)) Gilbert turned toward Austria and sighed, "Roddy, we got this. Just get on the plane. Be happy, it's first cl*censored*, just like your artisocrat prissy self would like it." But he smirked in the end, showing that he was just joking around.
Elizaveta smiled weakly back, "We'll be fine. You're the one that should be careful." And with, s he leaned forward and kissed Roderich on the cheek. "Goodbye Roderich..." She said quietly, and got back into the car before he could see her eyes tearing up slightly. So many emotions flowed through her. She was afraid for him. She was afraid it would be the last time she saw him. Taking a deep breath she wiped her eyes. No, she was going to make sure she would see him again, and safe too. "See ya Roddy!" Gilbert called and Francis waved goodbye with a small smile on his face, "Remember, Hinrik will be waiting for you at the airport, so just follow him!"

2:21am Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,301
((I think know I would cry. A lot. It'd be like when my puppy died almost. And that's sad. D; )) Roderich nodded and grabbed his bags and carry-on items from the trunk. He walked towards the loading dock of the plane and got behind a woman who was comforting a screaming child and a man who looked like he had one too many beers before leaving home. Thank god he'd be in the first cl*censored* section away from them... The raven turned to give a small wave to the car he had left before boarding the plane. ...It wasn't so bad, actually. Everyone in his section was quiet and he had time to take out the objects he had brought down from the attic to reminess. (Well, excluding the sword as they had taken it from him and said they would ship it off borad. He was reluctant, but they were determined to have it. Something about not wanting him to go psycho on the p*censored*engers or some such nonsense.)
10:34pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 356
Canada sighed and bit back the retort to correct the nation (And his brother, of all people) of his name. But instead, he placed a smile on his face and walked into the house, slipping his jacket off. He looked over at Russia and nodded his head slightly. Though the country was referred to very often as somebody to be feared, Canada felt no reason to fear him--especially on the hockey court. ((What am I even typing...? XD))
2:24am Feb 21 2010
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((Pffft. I've been waiting so long for England to reply to MAttieu. xD; And I've beenr eading this for a while, and it made me giggle how Roddy and Gilbert were acting. |D Now I'm kinda sad. Roddy has to leave. D:> Should Mattieu strike up a conversation with Matthew? c:))