{The Cold Winter}--Hetalia

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4:02pm Jan 20 2010

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Posts: 6,511

( I can't get much out of it, either. Are the rest of the characters supposed to be in their own countries, UK?

Oh, Rika, your drawings resemble my friend's. o3o A lot. )

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


4:10pm Jan 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((They do? .3. -headtilt-))


4:15pm Jan 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,511
( They do. u.u )

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


6:12pm Jan 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 341
((Yes. Just put something. If no one does anything, I'll have to remake the board. That is a pain enough. *floats back to D.Gray-man roleplay*))

"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

6:39pm Jan 20 2010

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Posts: 11,785

  • Name: Mattieu Braginski / North Korea
  • Age: 15
  • Gender: MAle, but has a few feminine features.
  • Personality: Mattieu is a very sweet, kind teen that cares for others more than himself. He is also very shy and never gets very loud when speaking, always patiently awaiting his turn to speak. Along with all this, he is also very, very polite, treating everyone witht he utmost respect. He tries his best to keep the peace at World Meetings, though his lack of vocal volume makes it difficult. LikeFeliciano, Italy, Mattieu dislikes fighting. Don't think of him as weak and useless, however. If it comes to it, he will fight hard ot aid his allies and protect his nation. When it comes ot him having to fight, his personality switches to become more like his father, Russia's. But that doesn't happen very often, so he's known to just be sweet as can be, and very trusting, trying to find the good in everyone. He can't bring himself to hate anyone for longer than five minutes. He also loves to visit other places and learn about the other cultures and languages, a big smile on his doll-like face and a sparkle in his violet eyes when he finds himself discovering something new.
  • Other: Mattieu is the son of China and Russia (If that's okay. D:). He enjoys spending time with Japan, content to sit there for hours looking at his art. He also enjoys seeing the Sakura trees in full bloom, and he's even made it a personal tradition to visit every spring to see them. He also likes France. C:
  • Appearance: Mattieu is fairly tall like his father, but not huge. He is only about four inches shorter than France and has rather feminine curves like his mother (China. e.o). He has long, dirty-blond hair that is usually worn down unless he is in his pastel-red, snow-themed kimono, which he only wears to the World Meetings. When in his kimono, he has a large golden ribbon that ties his hair back into a high ponytail. When not in his kimono, he is oten seen wearing a Chinese chanshan, colored red with gold trim, with a sky blue scarf, or more Russian attire depending on if he visits his parents' countries. When he wears his hair down, it is kept out of his face at times when he can't afford to have his hair blocking his view by a silver clip decorated with a pink Sakura blossom. He also has his father's violet eyes, though they are much softer and a bit lighter. His skin is porcelain pale, but soft and warm to the touch.


((Erm, since I have no picture for MAttieu uploaded yet, I'm gonna post his appearance. If my friend uploads her version of MAttieu, I'll stick that one on here, since it'll most likely be better than just a face. C:

And is that okay? -fidget-

I mean, if you don't want me using him I can change characters and edit this post. C:))


6:43pm Jan 20 2010

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Posts: 6,511

The snow outside didn't really bother Italy, since there wasn't exactly a lot of it. Russia was probably covered in a foot of snow, but in Italy, it was only a couple inches or so. Travel wasn't hard at the moment, but then again, why would he go anywhere? Especially if by "traveling" one meant traveling to another country. They were in the middle of World War II, and Italy definitely didn't want to be involved in such a war. Actually, he didn't want to be involved in any war. Being such a weak country, there was no way he'd be able to win a war. Even his boss thought that Italy wasn't prepared for such a war. Not until a few years, at least.

So, Italy stayed put in his home, gazing out the window.

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


8:11pm Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 8:16pm Jan 20 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 356

Gilbert stood at the doorway, resting his head against the doorframe.  Crossing his arms he leaned back, a cold smirk ghosting on his lips, a bitter look of understanding on his face as he stared at his younger brother.

"You think the war's finally got you done in?"  He said in a quiet voice, which was definitly strange for the usually obnoxiously loud ex-nation. "Sucks, doesn't it?  Even if you say no to your precious 'Fuhrer'," -he said these words with a touch of malice to his voice-, "Your protests are useless, aren't they?  You can control a country, but you can't control it's people..."  he coughed and craned his neck slightly to glimpse the pained ex
pression on Germany's face.  Mentally hitting himself, Gilbert scolded inwardly that he was too awesome to make a situation worse, and decided to pretend the words he had said earlier to just slip beneath the surface, unnoticed. Instead, as casually as he could say, in order to change the subject he asked, "Are there any plans being made for any other advances?"

Across the world, Matthew sat in a chair at his desk that was tilted back so that he could pull back the curtains and glance out the window at the commotion going on in the streets below.  The snow fell in large clumps to the ground.  The streets were still not fit for the white powder to stick, and instead, the snow would melt away, creating large puddles of water.  Matthew knew that sooner or later, the temperature would once again drop, and all the liquid would freeze into a state of cold, solid, icy m*censored*.  Several kids, all looking to be about Elementary age, where running back and forth on the sidewalk in front of the house as they all tried to catch the most flakes on their tongue.  Screams and laughter of delight reached his ears and he smiled.  Leaning back, he squeezed his minature Polar Bear closer to him,

"Well, Kulakarti, at least somebody's having fun..."  Canada said quietly with a smile on his face, then rolling his eyes in annoyance at the bear's question of, "Who?" before placing him down on the ground, to which it shuffled away, nose to the ground in the search of some food that may be lying around.   Standing up, Matthew walked out of the study over to the kitchen, mind intent on making pancakes.  Maybe if he was lucky, someone would stop by and say hi to him, but he knew better than to wish the impossible. He was Canada afterall.  Shivering, he wrapped his arms around his body and rubbed them with his hands to make himself warm.  It wasn't uncommon for him from time to time to feel these bouts of cold out of nowhere that seemed to come from deep down.  Across the ocean, he knew a war raged.  And when a war raged, every Country felt a part of it, even if they didn't hold any part.  Maybe it was like a curse...or like a blessing...but either way, at random moments, the smallest feeling of hatred toward one Country,  or anger, and even pity or greed could be felt emanating from different Countries at all times.  It was like a small channel of emotions on this plane.  These emotions were so small though, that they could go unnoticed by the Countries if they weren't particularly aware at the time.  But because he was alone so much, Canada had grown acutely aware to these feelings, even to the point that he could almost decipher whose emtions they were.


Axis and Allies...

Canada shook his head and forced a smile onto his face.  He wasn't included into the war...yet...of course he knew it wouldn't last too long.  In the time of War, even he happened to be noticed once in a while.


6:50pm Jan 21 2010 (last edited on 6:59pm Jan 21 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,062

OOC: x3 Sayu, it's okay with me if Russia's like, his adoptive father or... something. I mean, Russia pretty much adopted Latvia and those other boys. Kind of. xDD I'm just not interested in RussiaxChina. n-n' -trying not to sound like a jerk- Dx

Ahem. I guess I'll join in now. I'm sorry if everything's not like... totally historically accurate.




America sighed and stared outside. He never did like winter very much. Christmas seemed like the only highlight of the frigid season. America shut his curtains and walked over to the vase of sunflowers sitting on his kitchen table. At least they added a little bit of life to his otherwise dreary house. America never felt like decorating or keeping up with housework during the winter. 

There was a knock on his door. America looked up and walked over to the front door, pulling it open. A startled gasp escaped his throat. "Russia?"

"Da," the taller nation replied, gazing down at America. "I am sorry. I have disturbed you?"

America shook his head and gestured for his ally to come in. It was a very rare thing for Russia to willingly show up at his door. Russia cautiously walked in and looked around, his eyes stopping on the vase of sunflowers.

"So..." America began casually, leaning against the wall across from Russia. "What's up?"

"It... is cold here," Russia began, tearing his gaze from the sunflowers. "You... are cold."

America nodded and saw a smile creep onto Russia's face. "It is cold in my country, da?" America felt a shiver run down his spine. Something about Russia's accent both intrigued and unnerved him.

"Yeah, it's cold where you live, Russia. It's always cold."

"Ah..." Russia's smile broadened. "It is colder than here."

"Where are you going with this?" America asked suddenly, fed up with Russia's games.

"Oh, I simply came to ask question, mal'chik," Russia answered, reaching out and touching the delicate petal of a sunflower. "It is like Heaven for me here. This 'cold' is nothing to what I am used to. I... would like to stay with you for while, America."

America blinked. Russia had a point. America was staying in one of the warmer parts of his country. What felt like a freezer to him was probably like a warm blanket to Russia. America couldn't see much harm in letting the other nation stay at his house for a while. What could go wrong? They were allies, after all.

"Alright," America said, grinning. He was helping Russia. America loved helping others, even if it often got him into trouble. He silently hoped he wouldn't regret this later. "Of course you can stay here, Russia! We're allies, right? Hey, maybe we can even draw up some plans for--"

His breath was forced out of his lungs as Russia attacked him with a gigantic bear hug. "Oh, thank you! You will not have regret, comrade!" Russia let go of America and stepped back, grinning childishly. America took a deep breath and laughed.

See? You have nothing to worry about, he thought to himself. This guy owes you.

But he couldn't shake the chilled feeling that Russia's smile gave him.


OOC: Sorry. I had to get those two in the same place or else everything would seem messy to me. >_> ...Uh, yeah. Russia's sick of the cold. He's staying with America now. He's also probably plotting something. It's Russia.


6:56pm Jan 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

((Mmkay. C: -can deal with that-

I'm just too afraid I'll totally screw up the other canons. ^^;

-begins to work up an intro-

Thanks, Nii-nii. <3~)) 


11:22pm Jan 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 341
((Will post in the morning. I just pulled a seventeen-page story out of my butt for my Creative Writing cl*censored*, so I've been really busy. :x))

"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

2:06am Jan 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062

OOC: -finally had the time to get caught up on the Hetalia anime- x3

Wow, Artie. o.o Good job.


1:39pm Jan 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 341


BIC|| Germany looked up, annoyed with his brother's attitude. "Done in? Not at all, Prussia." He stood up straight, allowing his hands to rest at his sides as he turned his crystal-blue eyes onto the albino. He cleared his throat and walked back to his desk, ghosting his fingertips over the piles of paperwork laying, untouched, upon its surface.

"No, we haven't made any new plans. The Fuhrer has been quiet lately, ignorant to the cold and suffering of his nation. He wants me to continue forward, pressing the Allies into submission by attacking France." he made a face; France had to be his least favorite neighbor. He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair; the cold was making him restless, eager to move, to go somewhere other than here. Without giving an explanation, Germany walked to the door and brushed past his brother, making his way swiftly down the hall and snagging a hat and a scarf from the coat tree standing beside the front door.

Maybe things would be warmer with Italy.


Cold. Snow. Fog. The usual in his country. The short nation gave a pitiful shiver, glaring coldly up at the bleak sky as he nosed into the heavy black scarf around his neck. So cold! He furrowed his brows as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Whatcha doin'?"

"I am going to the harbor," he replied gruffly, glancing up at the sprite floating beside him. "I have business to take care of."

"Are you leaving?!" the fairy panicked, darting around him in a flurry of green sparkles. "You can't leave!! We need you here!"

"Then come with me, little one!" England snapped, his green eyes narrowing with frustration. The mythical creature looked downcast, sitting upon the blond's shoulder and sniffing back tears.

"I've never been so far away from home..." its ears drooped sadly. UK looked away, the heavy hood on his head obscuring his face from the fairy's vision.

"I'm going to America. I have to. I've got nowhere else to go."

((Hurr. I'm surprised no one's snagged Nihon. I think I'll take him, yosh. :D Taking Japan.))

"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

3:22pm Jan 23 2010 (last edited on 3:38pm Jan 23 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,062

"Sunflowers are such beautiful things," Russia said, smiling happily and staring down at the large sunflower in his hand.

America grinned. "You like those flowers a lot, huh? I never knew..."

"There are many things you do not know about me, mal'chik."

America's grin faded. Russia was right. Even though they were allies, comrades during this harsh war, there was little America actually knew about Russia.

"But," Russia continued, a sickeningly sweet smile plastered on his face. "There are also things that Russia does not know about America." He looked back down at the sunflower, stroking a few petals with his gloved hand.

America stood up from his seat on the couch and walked over to the window. "Yeah," he said quietly. He pulled back the curtain and watched a few flakes of snow fall from the sky. "I guess we have that in common. Not knowing things about each other." America took a deep breath and let out a laugh. He wasn't used to having conversations like this. Most of the time, Russia just seemed like this big, scary, sadistic guy. But America had discovered that Russia had another, genuinely gentle side to him.

Something suddenly sparked in America's mind. "I wonder if England's okay..." he said under his breath. England had always been more than capable of taking care of himself, but in the midst of such a terrible war, America couldn't help but worry.


3:40pm Jan 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
OOC: Bump. xD


5:19pm Jan 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
OOC: Homg, guys. ;-; Come back.


5:25pm Jan 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,511
( *holds hand up* I'm still here, s'just that I don't know what to do. o3o
What should I do? )

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


7:28pm Jan 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 356

Gilbert watched Germany walk out the door and sighed.

"You're young...but smart and strong...but God, do you even know what's happening to you...?"

Gilbert continued to stare at the door until a small cheep brought him out of his thoughts. Looking down, his face broke into a smirk.

"Holy Crap!" He exclaimed and scooped up the yellow bundle of fuzz,"How's my awesome birdie doing?!"

Gilbird cheeped lovingly and snuggled up to Gilbert as he placed her on top of his head.

"Pffft...at least someone understands the Awesome me...damn, I want pancakes..." Gilbert looked over at the phone on top of Germany's desk, and a wicked awesome thought ocurred to him.  Walking over to it, he picked up the phone and dialed the nearest German airport.

"Hello? Yes, The AWESOME ME would like to request a ticket to Canada...you don't know what Canada is...? God, you're so unawesomely deprived---look lady, just get me a ticket to Canada! YES IT DOES EXISIST! BECAUSE THE AWESOME ME SAID SO--NO I'M NOT ON DRUGS!" And with that, Gilbert slammed the receiver down. 

"AHAHAHA! Pancakes, here I come! >D"


Meanwhile, over in Iceland, Hinrik was reading over reports from both sides of the battle.  Sighing, he rubbed his temples in a rythmic manner, trying to rid the pain of his headache,

"Who would have thought that being neutral was so hard?" He whined to no one in particular. This was going to be a long war...



3:15pm Jan 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785


So, Raito-nii, should I have North Korea kind of follow Russia to America? .3.

Ffff. That would sound so weird to someone who hasn't seen Hetalia before. xD)))) 


3:39pm Jan 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,511
( xD I know, huh?
Sometimes, I talk about Hetalia to the people who read manga and watch anime, and they're just like, "Um, what?" ...That's when I crack up. )

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


3:48pm Jan 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

((I got my friend into Hetalia.

She randomly says 'Pasta' during lunch and clas-s. Like world Geography.

And we're doing the Middle East in World Geography. The only country on there that's apparently in Hetalia is Turkey. And Turkey is scary.)) 

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