4:13pm Jan 26 2010 (last edited on 8:35pm Jan 31 2010)
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(Austria-chan joinage! o3o) click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> - Name: Austria/ Roderich Edelstien
- Age: Unknown. (Ima just say 21 >.>)
- Gender: Male
- Personality: Was aloof when he was younger, but has been saddled with too many things in his lifetime to stay that way. He cares much more about his personal intrests than his work, and is especially fond of music. Austria plays the piano rather well. While not outspoken like Italy or many others, he isn't afraid to speak his mind.
- (And I personally think he's quite hopeless when it come to romance, even though he has an ex-wife. xD)
- Other: Is afraid of most sea animals and prefers being indoors. Also Italy, Hungary (His ex-wife), and HRE stayed with him for quite a while before HRE left and never returned.
(Aww... I wanna be HRE, but he's supposedly dead! *pouts then wanders off to write an intro* "need a scarf Germany~")
5:44pm Jan 26 2010
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OOC: :3 That's fine with me, Sayu. Yes! D8< Austria finally shows up!
6:05pm Jan 26 2010
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It was cold here in America. A young blond carefully chose his way through the snow, trying to follow the large prints made a certain Russian's boots. He frowned a bit before sighing softly. It was warmer here than back in Russia, where he stayed with the man that it seemed almost everyone else feared. He stayed with Russia himself, trying to work his way to become a country. He was North Korea, though he wasn't exactly a country yet. He was currently just the northern half of Korea, though he really didn't want to stay there until he was an official country, marked with the name on a map. He paused a moment to fix his jacket and scarf. He had found the jacket at Russia's, but had gone out to buy the scarf himself, knowing that he would need it the instant he was on his journey. They seemed too small for the large male, so he had guessed that it was from back when he was younger and smaller, though the young male couldn't envision Russia as being any smaller. After he fixed everything, he continued on until he had finally reached where he supposed Russia's destination had been. This must be America's home, he thought, blinking soft violet eyes. His face was a bit reddened from the cold and the snow, something he should have been at least a little used to after living with Russia, He walked up to the door and knocked on it, shivering lightly as he pulled the jacket tighter around him, burying his face into his sky blue scarf, wondering briefly if the American inside would be willing to allow him to stay as well. ((Hrrr. I tried. e.o))

6:10pm Jan 26 2010
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Roderich sighed, pacing across his living room for the fifth time that evening. It was too cold to go outside and, to his dismay, the cold had seeped into his piano room making the space too uncomfortable to play in. It had been this way for a many a week now. Freezing cold. Not to meantion they were in the midst of a bloody war. "D*** it..." He cursed quietly. He had never been much of a fighter; Switzerland could attest to that. Not to mention he hated the outdoors while it was nice and warm. When it was below freezing, he loathed it. The man glanced up at his clock, sighing again. Well... It certainly wouldn't do to just wander around his home all day... Roderich pulled on a heavy jacket and opened the front door of his home. He winced as a blast of cold air struck him with the force of a bulldozer. 'Ugh...' He looked around and blinked. '...Now what?'
4:30pm Jan 27 2010
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((Er... Bump? c:))
5:35am Jan 28 2010
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OOC: I'll reply soon, don't worry. x3
7:38am Jan 28 2010
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Posts: 356
Grinning from ear to ear, Gilbert opened his arms wide and wrapped them tightly around Austria. "Roddddyyy~!" He yelled joyfully and bounced up and down. "Aw, Specs, I was going to knock (for once) but I guess you felt my AWESOME and decided to investigate! You should feel grateful that I came to grace you with my AWESOME! And look!" Gilbert exclaimed and held up his bird, in which had a fluffy red scarf wrapped around its neck, "Gilbird wanted to come too!" The bird cheeped in agreement and Gilbert hugged Austria tightly, "So~ Germany isn't in a mood to play today, and no one believes that a place named Canada exsists. So you're going to entertain me today! <3"
3:53pm Jan 28 2010
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((Hokai. c: -waits-))
4:15pm Jan 28 2010 (last edited on 4:24pm Jan 28 2010)
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OOC: Now to save the poor little dude. America looked over at his door in surpise. "Another visitor? What's with today?" he pondered out loud as he made his way to the front door. Russia stood and walked over to stand next to America as the other nation pulled open the door. "...Huh?" America frowned, tilting his head. "Who're you?" Russia blinked, a puzzled ex pression on his face. Then he smiled. "North Korea!" "North Korea? Oh! I've heard about you," America laughed, stepping aside. "Come in, come in! You're going to turn into a Popsicle if you stay out there any longer." "Da," Russia said sweetly. "Do come in and tell us why you are here."
4:50pm Jan 28 2010
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((C:>)) The Korean nodded lightly, hurriedly scurrying inside. After loosening up his scarf, which wasn't needed as much now that he was inside, he looked up at Russia, then over to America. Soon afterwards, his eyes fell to the ground. "I...I got a bit nervous being alone..." he murmured softly, embaras-sed by his lack of ability to be alone. Well, he was actually more afraid that Russia's younger sister, Belarus, would decide to visit. She frightened the young nation very much. And, since the Russian wouldn't be there, he figured she'd get upset and take it out on anyone who was. Which would've been him. He felt a shudder shoot down his spine, not even wanting to imagine Belarus angry with nobody but him to take it out on. After a few more moments of staring at the floor, he lifted his gaze back up, taking the opportunity to look around the American's house, tilting his head slightly. It was much different from Russia's house. ((Hrrr. I wonder if my brain will decide to wake up any time soon? .3.))

5:40pm Jan 28 2010
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Roderich jumped and looked at the other man (who was clinging to him) oddly. "...Prussia? What... Nevermind. And I would appreciate it if you wouldn'tt call me 'Specs'. ..And if you would let go of me." The raven gently pulled the platnium blonde's arms off of himself. Now he was cold, unhappy, paranoid, and he had to deal with Prussia on top of it all. Great. Just great. "*sigh* What did you have in mind, Prussia?"
8:36pm Jan 28 2010 (last edited on 8:41pm Jan 28 2010)
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Posts: 341
Germany hid his face in his scarf as he trudged through the snow. The furry hat was warm around his head, but his nose and cheeks were almost numb from the icy wind. He shivered violently, hugging himself in an attempt to warm up. Italy's place was in sight, and he hurried on as the thought of warmth and company wormed its way into his mind. Wait, what? He actually wanted Italy's company? How strange... He rapped on the door impatiently, giving another shiver as the snowy wind whirled around him. "Oi, Italia!" he barked. "Let me in!" ~*"*~ The long voyage to America's place had left England in a sour mood. He growled softly as he trudged down the slushy streets, curling his gloved fingers into his heavy jacket. The sprite in his hat poked its head out and looked down at him for a moment, then nestled deeper into his messy blond hair. "Where are we going?" "I told you," UK snapped, "I'm going to see my little brother. I thought it wouldn't be so bloody cold here!" He gave a loud snarl of frustration and shook a fist up at the gray sky. Why did this always happen to him? After taking a moment to calm himself, the short nation continued tromping through the cold wet slush that covered the street. When he reached America's house, he sat upon the stoop and rested his chin in his hands in a bored fashion. Why wasn't he going inside? He grumbled a curse as the fairy popped out from underneath his fluffy hat and whirled around him in a burst of happy sparkles. Was he...afraid? ~*"*~ The Japanese man walked along the cold street, nuzzling his furry scarf affectionately as he admired the snow swirling around him. How beautiful! He gave a soft laugh as his dog pranced around him, panting happily and giving him a joyful yip of pleasure. "How nice," Honda murmured, extending a gloved hand to catch a few flakes of snow. "I did not imagine that Germany could be so beautiful." His dog yapped playfully and dashed off into the snow, honing in on another presence. Japan, concerned, hurried after him. The dog had found Austria and Prussia. Japan bowed awkwardly; Germany had never introduced him to his brothers. "Ah, hello..."
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:46pm Jan 28 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Italy looked up, then grinned. The voice he heard sounded awfully familiar, and the only person who could ever yell like Germany was Germany. So, Italy hurried over to the door, opening it and throwing his arms around his friend. "Germany!" he exclaimed, tightening his arms around the larger male for a second. He jumped back when he realized that Germany was cold, compared to the inside of his home. "You've come to visit me? That's so unlike you, Germany... Maybe it's because it's a bit warmer here?"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:51pm Jan 28 2010
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Posts: 1,301
Roderich looked over at Nippon, surprise that yet another person had ventured outside in this weather. "Hello, Japan. Why are you out in this weather? And, now that I think about it, why are -you- out in this weather, Prussia? I mean, I understand you're... bored. But why wander the streets? Why not just -call- someone?" Roderich was fully confused. Was everyone going insane? This temperature(sp?) was not nice to be out in. But, still, even -he- had gone outside, despite his better judgement.
1:59am Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 1,062
OOC: He's so cute, Sayu. xD And I'm comin', Artie! >:C Russia laughed. "You want to stay with America, da? America's house is big and warm. Very big and very warm." America pushed his gl*censored*es up and grinned. "It's fine if you wanna stay here for a while, North Korea. I mean, I already have Russia staying over." "You will like it here," Russia said, resting his hand on North Korea's head. "It is very, very warm inside, don't you think? So warm and so... bright!" He held up the sunflower he had been holding."Is it not beautiful, North Korea?" America smiled. He was making people happy. The nation put his hand on the door distractedly and started to push it shut. "Ah, mal'chik," Russia's voice caused him to stop. He looked up. "You have visitor." "Huh?" America said, pushing the door the rest of the way shut. "Yeah, North Korea! I already said he can stay!" "No, no, America," Russia said, grinning. "There is yet one more visitor freezing outside your door." America, confused, pulled the door open again and peered outside. "England!" He ran out the door, slipping on a few patches of ice, and threw his arms around England. "England! What are you doing here?" America asked as he crouched next to where England was sitting, his arm still around the older nation's shoulder. "Did you miss me? That MUST be it," He continued, his loud laughter ringing out in the cold winter air. "I mean, why else would you have come over here? Come inside, England! Russia and North Korea are here, too! We can have a party or something! Oh, you look so cold!"

10:14am Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 356
Gilbert, up until Austria had addressed to him, had been poking Japan repeatidly on the cheek. "Eh...? But of course the AWESOME me had called someone! Don't insult me with your so-not-awesomness Roddy." Gilbert huffily replied, "I tried to get a plane over to meet Canada, but no one would give me a ticket! And Germany's mad at me...again. And even if I wanted to hang out with your wifey, I know she'd pull out that unawesome frying pan of hers..." Gilbert threw his hands in front of his face, "I can't feel the cold lately...isn't that awesomely weird?" Gilbird cheeped and snuggled in closer to his hair.
8:47pm Jan 29 2010 (last edited on 8:48pm Jan 29 2010)
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Posts: 341
Germany gave a small 'urf' when Italy hugged him. He was used to the Italian's affectionate greetings, but it still unnerved him a bit. He gruffly patted Feliciano on the back and pushed them both inside, pulling the door shut with a loud 'clack'. "I suppose so," he replied, leaning against the door with an almost inaudible sigh. "I came to discuss future battle plans." He cursed himself for lying, but then...why had he come here in the first place? What was it that compelled him to visit Italy today? The cold? ~*"*~ England gave a gruff sigh as America's warm arms slid around him. He tried to pull together an intelligent answer that also sounded uninterested and masked his relief at being here, "My country's cold." He got to his feet, pulling the American up with him, and tromped into his little brother's house, unceremoniously tossing his hat across the hall as he stepped over the threshold. Russia. His eyes locked onto the taller nation and narrowed; what the hell was Russia doing here? North Korea? He wasn't very familiar with the Asian nation, but he knew South Korea all too well. He prayed that they weren't the same. "Yo," he spoke, shaking some of the wetness out of his hair. ~*"*~ Japan could do little more than stand there awkwardly and allow Prussia to poke his cheeks. He answered Austria with a soft, "Ah...I w-was looking for Germany-sama, b-but he is not home...he must be with Italia. Perhaps we could g-go visit them...?" His dog barked happily and ran in circles around his legs, then ran to Austria and jumped up on his knees, begging to be petted.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:56pm Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Italy stared at Germany for some time, a half-hearted smile on his face. "Battle plans...?" he said finally, sounding like he had no idea what Germany was talking about. "But, my boss said that Italy wasn't ready for war... Not only that, but I don't wanna go into war." It was only natural for Feliciano to refuse (if you could call Italy's attempt to avoid the discussion refusing) to discuss "battle plans". One, Germany was rather harsh, especially when Italy didn't understand whatever the other nation was talking about. Two, it's not like he'd ever use those battle plans. Of course, he'd still attempt to help Germany's country whenever he was in a pinch, but if he and his army could be of any use...he wasn't so sure. "Germany," Italy began, losing even more of his smile as he spoke. "aren't you involved in a big war right now? What's that all about?"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:22am Jan 30 2010
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Posts: 1,301
"Alright, alright, don't get so huffy, Prussia. You and your... awesomeness," Roderich said sarcasticaly, "Are not to be questioned." The piano player looked over at Japan and then down to his dog that was currently pouncing on his legs. Allowing a small smile to spread across his face, the man leaned down to stroke the dog's fur gently. A sigh esaped his lips when he stood up again. "Germany and Italy, eh?" Roderich wasn't so sure about Germany, but he hadn't seen Italy in a long, long while. It might be nice to go for a visit. "What do you think, Prussia? You get to see Germany, which should curb your boredom (even if he will probably cause you bodily harm), I get to visit Italy, and Japan gets to see his allies."
2:34pm Jan 30 2010 (last edited on 2:35pm Jan 30 2010)
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Posts: 356
Gilbert frowned, "You're Japan? I've only ever seen you at the meetings. So, what's your reason for being in the war? I can tell that you're cold...I hate to admit it Specs, but I can tell that you're feeling it too. So how is it, being "one" with my brother?" he said the last line and raised his eyebrow in questionable amusement. (Austria united with Germany on March 12, 1938, so technically Austria was a part of Germany.>:B Pfffft~) Gilbert stretched and looked toward the South, "If you want to go see my brother, he's at Italy's or something..." he then resumed squeezing Japan's cheeks, "You have the cutest, softest cheeks ever. And your dog is so frickin' cute! How AWESOME!" Gilbird cheeped in agreement. --- "This is like, no fair!" Poland yelled from where he was sitting. It wasn't fun to have been invaded by both Russia AND Germany. But Poland refused to surrender. And yet, he was still stuck in a holding pen until the countries decided to deal with him whatever way they wanted to. "This is, so totally not cool." Poland whined and crossed his arms, "Maybe Liet will like, totally come and help me..." And even though on the surface, Poland rambled on about nothing important, deep down, he was trying to figure out ways to get out of there. Ways to get revenge. Deep down, the burning hatred was growing at Germany and the USSR the longer they kept him there.
