{The Cold Winter}--Hetalia

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2:51pm Jan 30 2010

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Roderich felt a slight blush spread across his face. ...It was totally from the cold.

"Don't say it that way, Prussia. I'm not "one" with anyone. Especially your brother. We mearly combined our powers to make this war simpler for both of us." He huffed, so-not-pouting. 'Not to mention he practically bullyed me into it...'

The man stared at Prussia for a moment.

"So that means that if I do choose to go visit with Germany and Italy, you won't be coming with us? Because that's sure what it sounded like."


1:42am Jan 31 2010 (last edited on 1:43am Jan 31 2010)

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Posts: 356

Gilbert shrugged.

"Right, totally. Of course the awesome me would understand that." he said rolling his eyes, "Roddy, if you are so against being 'one' with my brother, then why do you want to see him?  Methinks the lady doth protest too much."  Gilbert reached over and grabbed Japan's chin and made him move his head up in down as if he were nodding in agreement to his statement.

 "Anyway, even if the awesome me doesn't want to see my brother, I think we should all just sit down and relax in front of a TV to watch some horror movies and have a bowl of popcorn and a couple of beers...huh, well, that is if you're like me, and you have nothing better to do since you're not a country anymore.  But I'm fine."  Gilbert concluded, shrugging his shoulders, "Pffft, I mean, I'm just awesome.  Besides specs, do you even agree with everything my brother's been doing? Or are you just the wuss who's a** I always kicked in the war? How unawesome..."


Poland groaned after trying the door again for the eleventh time.  It was still locked.

"Eh mah gaaaaawd!"  Poland whined dramatically and sat down against the door, "I don't even, like, have a signal in here!"  He exclaimed, once again, holding his cell phone up in the air. "This is so totally not cool!  I wish I had my D&G gl*censored*es..." he whimpered as an afterthought and sighed miserably, "How am I like, going to survive?  Today was another shopping spree day too...Liet and I were totally going to go to the mall...again...and totally pig out on slurpees and pretzels...but I guess I like, totally can't do that since I'm stuck here!"

Glaring at the door, Poland once again twisted the handle, only to find it was locked.

He sighed, "Where's a hero when you, like, need one?"


11:14am Jan 31 2010 (last edited on 11:14am Jan 31 2010)

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Posts: 1,301

Roderich clenched his fists by his sides. He was nearly shaking and his face felt like it was on fire. The man took a deep breath to keep from punching Prussia in the face, as he knew it would get him seriously injured or killed. But, Prussia was pushing some serious buttons now.

"Prussia... I'm mearly care about seeing Italy, not your fecking dillweed of a brother, and I sure as hell don't want anything to do with him! I'm already pissed off today, don't push me! The weather is *censored*ty, my country's been anexed by a blonde, war-hungry man who doesn't give me or the other people any rights, and I'm in the middle of an intense war when I don't even like fighting (and am horrible at it). ...And don't you even think of compairing me to you! I sure have a heck lot more duties than you, even if I'm technically not a country anymore. And you're definatly not as 'awesome' as you claim to be. The only thing you're good at is hurting or killing people!" He spat, "Not to mention you're completely narcissitic. I mean, really, you named your bird after yourself? Please. Do us all a favor and let some air out of that head of yours."


5:06pm Jan 31 2010

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Posts: 356

Gilbert stared at Austria and his ex
pression slowly changed from that of surprise to bitter anger. He stared at him for a few moments longer before breaking his gaze and looking up at the sky.

"Geez specs, way to flip. How unawesome..."  Looking down at the ground, Gilbert idly brushed his hair away from his eyes, trying to hide the shake in his voice.  Not that he was getting all emotional and crap. No that would not be awesome.  But it was just unawesome that...

well that...

that what Roderich had said was true...

Looking up he forced a smirk on his face and ruffled Japan's hair, "I'll see you around, cutie~" and began walking away but not before lightly brushing against Austria and looking at him and murmuring in his ear,

"If you really think that's it's my brother controlling himself, take a look at his people.  He's no more war hungry than you or I."  And with that, he continued to walk away, hands stuffed in his pockets, and back rigid.  But one thing Roddy was not right about.


He was so not narcissistic. Ha, please.  If words could kill~


Canada held an American trinket that he had bought the last time he had visited his brother.  The 8 ball was said to have all of the answers...Well, here goes nothing.

"Will I become more noticeable, and will this war not turn out as fatal as it seems to be?"

He gave it a small shake, and waited for the triangle on the inside to give it's answer through the blueish liquid.

'Don't count on it.'

"...you're kidding." Canada whispered in disbelief.  Half-heartidly throwing the ob
ject on his bed, he heard the polar bear at his feet sleepily murmur, "Who?"

"Well, nothing better to do than call someone, I guess..."  And with that, he picked up his phone and proceded to dial America's number. 


6:44pm Jan 31 2010 (last edited on 6:45pm Jan 31 2010)

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Posts: 1,301

Roderich blinked, a little surprised. He had been sure Prussia was going to hit him hard for that one. I mean, most people don't just stand there and let them selves be insulted with extracting some sort of revenge. He suddenly felt guilty, think ing that maybe he had hurt Prussia somehow. He sighed.

"Prussia," he said, reaching out to grab the other's arm, "I'm sorry I said those things. I actually don't know your brother all that well, and I'm just slightly bitter about not being a country anymore. I've got a lot on my plate, but that doesn't mean I should take it out on you. I'm sorry."

He didn't want to get on the silverette's bad side, so he figured it was best to apologize. Insulting people wasn't something he did for fun.


8:02pm Jan 31 2010 (last edited on 8:17pm Jan 31 2010)

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Posts: 356

(Course you don't want to get on Gilbert's bad side. Foo >8B)

Gilbert raised an eyebrow and stared at Austria questioningly. After a moment, he smirked devilishly and lowered his head.

"Oh Roddy, you never failed to amaze me.  Even in war you were quite the character.  How awesome."

He looked up at Austria through his eyelashes he blood red eyes flashing mischeviously.

(ROFL. Confusing deion is confuuuuussssiiiiiiiiing~)

"Keep fighting, why don't you?  If you're people just stop now and give up hope, you know how unawesome that will be?  Pffft, you'll be just like England's cooking... and besides, now's your chance to know my brothe, you were going to take Japan to find them, weren't you?"

(It was common knowledge that the Austrian's didn't like Hitler and very very few supported his ways. Yuep.  They liek, booed hem. And Gilbert knows this because he's like totally a creeper, kayz?)

"Oh yeah, and give this to Hungary when you get the chance.  I never got to return it."  And with that, he handed Austria a banana sticker, the back of it covered in lint and hair, no longer sticky.

If it was one thing, when you were no longer a country, you really do have a crapload of freetime.  So much freetime, it can make on possibly go insane.  And not only that, but you no longer have the strength and courage that a whole nation would hold.  You're just like every other human being, weak, small, powerless.  

Of course, Gilbert kept that a secret to everyone but him and his awesome little birdie.  He still had yet to figure out if he was even still immortal or not.  He wasn't too surprised if the outcome would be the latter. 

But when you're an ex-nation, it also gives you a new side of things.  A new side of pain, fear, hate, even happiness and guilt.  Because it's no longer your people's emotions, but your own.  And your mind becomes cleared of muddle thoughts, such as the common 'headache' if the country is in an economic crisis, or the pain of a thousand dying citizens.  With all that 'empty space' Gilbert saw things differently.  It had given him time to think about things that had never crossed his mind before, such as a country's impulse to want to tear another's throat out because they're at a war with each, or hilariously, two country's fighting the urge to suddenly make out with each other at random times because of a treaty both nations may hold made by their leaders.  The ex-nation would see things from their own view, and not their people's or leaders.  Gilbert knew that this Germany he lived with currently was not the Germany he had raised.  No, hatred and power had corrupted his mind.  But it's not like the country can help it.  They're just believing what their people believe. He now saw that their wasn't really any reason for nations to entirely hate each other.

Of course, even with this knowledge, Gilbert could never deny he missed being his own-and the most awesome- country to ever grace the world.

And yet, he felt like he was something else now...something that would soon be big...


8:37pm Jan 31 2010 (last edited on 6:27am Feb 1 2010)

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Posts: 1,301

 ((You are aware we've practically written an entire page of this forum all by our lonesome? xD))

 Roderich flushed a little from the albino's gaze and let go of the ex-nation's sleeve, pulling his hand back slowly. He thought about what he had said and allowed a small, grateful smile to show itself on his face.

"Yeah... Thank you, Prussia... My people deserve more than this. We deserve to be free. To be our own country again. I'm going to treat my people like we're still under our own control. And I'll get to know Germany more along the way, too. Maybe I'll see this other side of him that you say there is."

He reached out and took the small banana print ob
ject from Prussia and stared at it.

"... And I'll be sure to give this to Hungary for you." He said slowly, wondering what in the world his ex-wife would do with a used banana sticker. ...Or when and why she had given Prussia a banana sticker in the first place. Oh well.


10:16pm Jan 31 2010

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Posts: 1,062
OOC: I'll post as soon as I finish this homework. xD'


6:33am Feb 1 2010

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Posts: 1,301
((xD Okies, Mugi.))


5:57pm Feb 1 2010

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Posts: 356

(Yayzies! This is so fun! :3)

Gilbert smiled excitidly, looking like a little kid again.

"Good, because that banana sticker right there, it. Means. Everything. O_O ...isn't that right awesome Gilbird?"  Gilbird cheeped in agreement.

"Anyway, now that I think about it, you were complaining about the weather being so crappy, then why are you even outside? And what happened to the cutie?  He hasn't spoken...in a while..."


6:24pm Feb 1 2010

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Posts: 1,301

Roderich smiled back, which them morphed into a small frown.

"I... I don't really know. I got bored at home, so I thought I'd go somewhere..."

The wind blew lightly, making the raven shiver despite himself. It really was unbearable outside.


8:27pm Feb 1 2010 (last edited on 8:28pm Feb 1 2010)

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Posts: 356

Gilbert stared at him and shrugged,

"What? Is it like your feeling the cold of the war or someth- GAH!"

Gilbird was pecking at Gilbert's hair in a manner like she was trying to make a nest.

"Gilbird-! Stop-ouch! Oh my god, you're being really unawesome!"  Gilbert swatted at his hair and Gilbird let out a chirp of surprise before jumping off of his hair and fluttering over to land on Austria's hair in a huffy flurry of wings.

Gilbert pouted and stuck his nose up in the air with a angered sniff,

"Fine then, be unawesome.  You're just PMS-ing anyway."

Sometimes it made people wonder how some humans could act like such little kids.


8:31pm Feb 1 2010

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Posts: 1,301

Austria looked up as far as he could, berating himself when he realized he wouldn't be able to see on top of his head. He felt a rush of happiness and smiled.

"Hello Gilbird. Prussia... I think your bird likes me."

He carefully reached up to stroke the top of Gilbird's head lightly. Her feathers felt soft under his fingers. It was nice, really. He could see why Gilbert kept her.


1:04am Feb 2 2010 (last edited on 1:06am Feb 2 2010)

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Posts: 1,062

America grinned and slung his arm around England's shoulders. "So you're cold too, England? Seems like everyone wants to come to my house to escape the weather! ...Not that it's much better here."

As America continued rambling, Russia heard the other nation's phone ring. He looked over at the device, then back at America.

"Ah, America," he started, trying to find an opening in America's seemingly neverending speech. "Your phone..."

America stopped and looked over at Russia, a confused look on his face. "My phone?" he asked. "What about it?"

"It's... Nevermind." Was America really this dense? He reached over and picked up the wailing phone. "Privyet?" he asked, then remembered that the person on the other end probably wasn't Russian. "Ah, hello?"

"Anyway England," America said through his grin. "Russia and North Korea are staying here for a while, since Russia's really cold and North Korea's apparently lonely. Are you gonna stay here, too? My house is pretty big, so I bet I could fit you!"


4:59pm Feb 2 2010

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Posts: 341

England gave a cold grumble and shrugged his shoulders weakly. "Whatever, pup..." he growled, tossing himself down on a nearby couch with a soft thump. "Anywhere's better than back there..."

His fairy, invisible to everyone else, danced around the room happily before settling down on England's shoulder and curling up inside a handful of fabric that made up his coat sleeve.


 "You are involved in this war whether you want to be or not, Italia," Germany's words were harsh. He folded his hands behind his back and turned to look out a nearby window, muttering something about the cold under his breath. Curse the cold for lingering for such a long time! He clenched his hands into fists and furrowed his brows. The Fuhrer was not prepared to halt his nation's forward motion just because of a little chilly weather.


Japan shivered at the cold as his dog yapped its thanks up at Austria. "P-Perhaps we should find someplace...warmer...?" the Oriental nation suggested weakly, burying his cold nose in his scarf. "I must find Germany to discuss battle plans..."

"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

5:59pm Feb 2 2010

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Posts: 6,511

Even though Italy was almost used to all of Germany's harsh comments, he was still a little shaken. "Is that so...?" he murmured, looking down and wishing Japan was there at that moment. Although, he wasn't sure what the other nation would be doing in Italy, unless he had followed Germany here, which was unlikely.

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


7:45pm Feb 2 2010 (last edited on 5:06pm Feb 3 2010)

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Posts: 356

Gilbert frowned and locked as with the content bird that was now nesting in Austria's hair.

"Pffft, whatever. She's going to miss my awesome soon enough."  He grumbled and folded his arms sulkily.

At that moment, Japan spoke up and Gilbert turned his head to him, "...eh?  Oh yeah...Hey Roddy! We gotta get lil' cutie to my younger brother!"  He yelled while gesturing obnoxiously toward Japan.



Canada's eyes widened as he recognized not America on the other line, but Russia instead.  He swallowed nervously, fear in his eyes as he thought the worst.

"A-ah, Russia?  Where's America? Is he okay, eh?" Canada at this point was suspicious, and who wouldn't?  What would anyone expect if someone else answered a phone that was not their's?


7:55pm Feb 2 2010 (last edited on 7:56pm Feb 2 2010)

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Posts: 1,301

 ((Gah! Short responces are short. Dx))

 Roderich sweatdroped at the albino's.... Gilbert-ness and turned to Japan.

"Yes, we should get along to Italy's house. The cold is really beginning to bother me, I'm I'm sure you want to meet up with Germany and Italy as soon as possible, right?"

He shifted uncomfortably, just now realizing how cold it was. ...He must've been distracted.


10:01pm Feb 2 2010

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Posts: 1,062

America turned the heat up and plopped on the couch next to England. "Wow," he said, awe shining in his eyes. "You're so worn out, England."

Russia glanced at America. "Yes, he is okay," he answered quietly. "Please, hang on for moment." The tall nation put his hand over the receiver. "America, there is someone on phone for you."

"Really? I didn't hear it ring," America said, blinking a few times. He stood up and walked over to Russia. He took the phone and held it up to his ear. "Yeah?"

Russia took this opportunity to stare at England, a smile playing on his lips. "Hello, England."


3:03pm Feb 4 2010

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Posts: 356


Gilbert watched as Austria practically shivered out of his clothing.  He sighed, and while rolling his eyes dramatically, unwrapped the scarf from around his neck and threw it on top of Austria's head (and on top of Gilbird too. Lulz) 

"If you stand there shivering all day Roddy, you're going to start pissing me off."  He said while brushing the snow off of his shoes, avoiding Austria's gaze.

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