{The Cold Winter}--Hetalia

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8:28pm Feb 5 2010

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Posts: 1,301

((Ch~! Totally. X3))

Choosing to ignore Gilbert's first statement, Roderich looked around in confusion, dropping the snowball he held.

"Um... I'm not sure... Maybe Japan knows where we are and will come to get us?" He half-asked half-stated.

This was peachy. Stuck in the middle of nowhere with Gilbert, who seemed to be agravating him much more easily than usual. At least Austria was in a decent mood now that he'd sort of calmed down. Saved him from a headache.

"Well, we were on our way towards Italy's, right? And my house was... which way again?"


8:50pm Feb 5 2010 (last edited on 8:51pm Feb 5 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 356

"Like hell I'd know!" Gilbert snapped hotly, "In case you forgot, this is your country and not mine!"

Gilbert wasn't too worried...yet.  Always being a rather adventurous person even at a young age, he had always had his fair share of getting lost.  The best advice he always followed was,

"Let's just start walking in some direction, I'm sure something will begin to look familiar..." Gilbert said confidently and pointed toward the East, "Onward!"

(Lulz. East becuz eetz hez nicknaem later awn? Geet eet? Geet ett? @ 3@)



9:10pm Feb 5 2010

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Posts: 1,301

((*pats you re*censored*uringly* Yes. I get it. x3))

"No need to snap."

Roderich brushed the snow off his cravat and started off towards the east. Gilbert was right, after all. This was his country, even if it wasn't reallly his right now. He knew every tree and every rock in this place. Or at least... he thought he did. Right now, he wasn't so sure. But he would run into something he recognized eventually. Right?


9:37pm Feb 5 2010

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Posts: 356

Gilbert crossed his arms and silently mocked Austria, but huffily stomped through the snow after him, Gilbird once again flying to his shoulder.

The snow began to fall heavier, and Gilbert shook his head, large flakes falling from his hair.

"Dammit Roddy." Gilbert grumbled and brought his hands up to shake more snow from it time to time, "I wouldn't be surprised if Japan just went on ahead to Italy's place...Ugggh.  Where are we?!" he complained loudly and looked up at the darkening sky.


10:03pm Feb 5 2010

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Posts: 356
Gilbert became more irritated when Austria didn't answer him. He knew that  his awesome was to not be ignored.  Sighing in frustration, he folded his arms across his chest and jutted out his lower lip.


10:12pm Feb 5 2010

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Posts: 1,301

"Oh, shut up, Gilbert!" Roderich snapped, "I'm trying to concentrate!"

Everything looked different. He hadn't been out of the house since he was annexed and now that the snow had fallen and people had left the 'country', taking all of their things and house decorations with them, he didn't recognize anything. He swallowed a frustrated whimper and opened his mouth to cover his ignorance.

"I think I recognize this house... My house should be to the left of here... I think..."

Austria mentally growled at his hopelessness.


3:18pm Feb 6 2010 (last edited on 3:23pm Feb 6 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 356

"Tch..." Gilbert opened his mouth to retort but closed it again when he saw the pained ex
pression on Austria's face.

"...Austria, do you have any idea where we are?"

He knew this.  He knew what was happening. Austria was changing.  His country was trying to adapt to knew new ways or rules, and it was too much to get used to at once.

With a cold smirk, Gilbert looked down the street and sighed quietly. All for the better.  This could actually work for him.

Wiping his face clear of any earlier ex
pression and raised his hand to point to an abandoned looking alleyway not to far down the street.

"Why don't we try down there, Roddy?"


3:25pm Feb 6 2010

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Posts: 1,301

"Of course I..."

Roderich trailed off, realizing that Prussia would see right through his blatent lie. Okay, so he didn't know where they were. Why didn't he know...? He sighed and looked in the direction Gilbert was pointing.

"Sure. Why not? It's not as if I have any better ideas..."


3:40pm Feb 6 2010

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Posts: 356

"Awesome~" Gilbert said and stuffed his hands back into his pockets, "Man Roddy, must suck that you can't even tell where you are.  Some crazy s**t must be going down with your people right now." Gilbert stole a glance at the Austrian, "You don't think my brother has anything to do with it, do you?  Or rather, Germany?"

A shadow concealed Gilbert and Roderich's expressions as they p*censored*ed into the alleyway.


7:29pm Feb 6 2010

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Posts: 1,062
((I'll reply once Artie and Gilbert have. x3))


11:04am Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 1,301

Roderich sighed.

"I'm not sure, Gilbert. There's a definate possibility that my country is changing because of your brother. Technically, I'm part of his country now, so it would make sense... I know Austria, not Germany. Of course, it could be that fact that I haven't been out of the house in a while and mearly forgot..."

Austria trailed off, recognizing his pointless attempt at fooling himself. He was almost 100% sure his sudden loss of directional skills was a result of his annexation. ...It just wasn't fair.


12:01pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 356
"Hmm..." Gilbert  nodded slightly as he stopped and stared at the wall in front of them, "What do you know, a deadend." He turned to Austria, "Looks like you're stuck."


12:11pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 1,301


Roderich looked up to see the wall in front of them. Well -that- wasn't the right way.

"Well, we can just turn around and try another way..." He said quietly, wondering why the other ex-nation had used the combination of words that he had.

((Da~ If what I type is hard to understand or decipher, I blame my sickness for addling my brain. Dx))


12:20pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 356

(<8( -wraps a snuggie around you and gives some soup- It's okay honey, I get it. I get it -hugs-)

A small smirk broke across Gilbert's face and he moved slightly so that he was standing in Austria's only path to get out of the alleyway.

"I don't think you get it Austria...there is no other way." Gilbert said quietly, still smirking down on him.


12:31pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 1,301

((*smiles and hugs back* Nya~ *sips soup* Thankies, Chester-chan~ <3))

Roderich backed up a bit, looking wide-eyed at Gilbert. His heart thumped in his chest. What was the albino doing...?

"What... P-Prussia, move out of the way." He said, trying to inject some power into his voice.


12:39pm Feb 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 356

((-pats- Anytime Glue, anytime.  Oh yeah, and it was originally Chicken Soup, but Gilbert started crying when we saw it...he made us bury all of the chicken bits...isn't that just morbid?  So it's just noodles...I hope it still tastes good though~))

Gilbert's smirk was now a cold smile that never seemed to leave his face. Turning to Austria, he reached into his coat and pulled out a pistol.  He would have much rather preferred he had carried his sword, but he knew that the Austrian would have caught on if he had due to it's size. 

"Austria, you have no where to run.  Give me your country." Gilbert said coldly, the breath leaving his mouth in a crystal mist.



12:48pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 1,301

(( Daww~ *pokes forlornly at a noodle then smiles* Tis still tasty~ At least Gilbert feels better, ne~? x3))

Roderich's breath caught at the sight of the pistol, and he glared up at Prussia.

"You..." He hissed, shaking angrily, "You... I never should have trusted you. But, it doesn't matter now, does it? You know I don't have anything to give you. Your brother owns me! If you want my land so badly, you can have it! But I'm not the one you're going to have to take it from. Go *censored*ault Ludwig or something."

He laughed bitterly.

"And here I thought I might actually know someone who would understand what I'm going through..."

(D8< Betrayal!? Ffffff! *growls*)


1:00pm Feb 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 356

((Yes...once I get him to stop trying to call the cops on me...he's tried to get me arrested...twice.  For murder...>___> IT'S JUST BITS OF CHICKEN! -yells in frustration-))

Gilbert cocked his head with a smile,

"No...I'm giong to him next.  I just want to get you out of the way before I claim Germany too."  he kneeled down beside Austria until they were at eye level with each other.  He jutted his lower lip out in a mock pout.  Taking his hand he rested it against Austria's cheek and patted it lightly, "Awwww, Austria thinks he has it so hard, doesn't he?  Well, maybe now you'll find out what's it'll be like to no longer be a nation..."

Standing up, Gilbert pressed the gun against Austria's forehead, "I'll admit, the last hour was really one hell of a time.  And damn, when we fought in wars, those were some of my best years. But this is goodbye Austria...Roderich Edelstein..."

And with that Gilbert pulled the trigger.

(D: !!!!!)



2:00pm Feb 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,301

((D; Daw, I'm sorries. All this trouble for some chickens! xP))

Roderich flinched and clinched his eyes shut. He waited for the impact that was sure to come, but it never did. Hesitantly, he cracked one eye open. What...?


2:16pm Feb 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 356

((It's...okay...once Gilbert just chills about it ;())

Gilbert dropped down to his hands and knees, and was breathing deeply as if he had just finished running a race.

"Okay. Austria, let's get out of here. NOW." and he unsteadily stood up and began dragging Austria out of the alleyway.

"I know this is going to be hell to explain, but let's just say I had to do that, and you're not dead.  But now we have to hide, or else they might find us."


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