{The Cold Winter}--Hetalia

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2:37pm Feb 7 2010

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((*pats comfortingly* It's okay. I'm sure he'll get over soon. :3))

Roderich just allowed himself to be dragged along behind the other, stunned and still in a dazed state.

'Wait... So... I'm not dead?'

He had no idea what was going on, but what choice did he have? He would have to go along with whatever Prussia was talking about, even though his mind was screaming at him to run away from the person who just pointed a gun at his head.

"Uh... Okay. Hide where?"


10:16pm Feb 7 2010

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Posts: 1,062

((Okay, I'll reply now. x3 Artie can jus' chill on the couch for as long as he needs to.))


America twirled the phone cord around his finger and laughed. "Battle plans?" he asked, grinning. It's not like he needed any help. Especially not from Canada. But...

"Sure!" Alfred continued, looking over at Russia, England, and North Korea. "You can never be too prepared! As the hero, I have to think responsibly." He nodded his head matter-of-factly. "I already have a bunch of people at my house. When did you wanna come over?"


4:48pm Feb 8 2010

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Posts: 356

Gilbert didn't answer Austria, but continued to drag him down the street until they came upon a house...a rather familiar looking house...

"Well, look what we have here." And with that, he dragged Roderich up the steps to his own house.  Kicking open the door, he shoved Austria inside and closed the door before placing a hand over his mouth, "Be quiet unless you want to die."  And with that, Gilbert silently shuffled over to the windows and picked out of them for several moments of tense silence until he nodded to himself and backed away from the window and looked at the man on the floor.


"Er...you probably want an explanation, don't you?" Gilbert began uneasily.


4:53pm Feb 8 2010

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Posts: 1,301

Roderish just blinked up at the albino for a few second before his mind finally caught up with what happened. He backed up a bit before standing, watching Prussia warily. He wasn't entirely comfortable with the oother's presence right now, and he had good reason. He glared at the ex-nation to cover that bit of fear left over in his system.

"Yes..." He drawled venomously, "An explaination would be great."


5:24pm Feb 8 2010

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Posts: 356

Gilbert saw what Austria was doing, and he held his hands up, to show that he wasn't holding anything that could prove to be used as a weapon.

"Um...okay...dammit. I don't really know where to start, but uh, listen..." Gilbert said hesitantly while he raked his fingers through his hair, "There were some people that wanted me to...claim some Vital Regions...and well, I didn't really want to, but I had to act like I wanted to, or else they would have done it themselves...God, this is so unawesome..." Gilbert growled and cursed under his breath in German.

Turning his gaze back, he fixed his eyes with Austria's violet orbs, "Well...do you...at least understand a little?"


5:34pm Feb 8 2010

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Posts: 1,301

Roderich stood silent for a minute, running the other words through his head a few times. ...It made absolutely no sence. The only thing he could gather from that was that Prussia wasn't trying to actually hurt him earlier. He was faking for whatever reason. Austria guessed that was enough of an explaination. For now. But... The other would have to work to get back into his good graces. After all, he could be lying.

"Okay, Prussia. I understand a little, I suppose..." He mumbled, still a bit confused. "So... What I gather is that if you hadn't 'killed' me, someone else was going to? Because they want you to claim.... vital regions?"


6:20pm Feb 8 2010

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Posts: 356

((I have no idea what I'm typing.  It's just jibberish XDD))

Gilbert sighed, "I don't know how to make it any clearer without actually telling you.  But they wanted me to ki...kill you...and I didn't want to, okay?" he leaned back and placed a hand over his reddening face, "Dammit Roddy, you're really making me not awesome! Just hear me out. Everyone's a bit jagged right now because of the war, and they come to me, because I'm Germany's older brother, so they instantly think I'm going to do all of the dirty work for them.  But well...I can't take out another country like I had been..."

Gilbert stopped and looked away, "Besides...Bruder's boss...well, let's just say, would rather I be out of the way.   So he finds it convient to gives me the job's that are a bit too dirty for his dear country...Nazi Germany." At the last word, he once again locked eyes with Austria. "He does want you to become one with Germany...to give him more land...it's what the Fuhrer wants."


6:42pm Feb 8 2010

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Posts: 1,301

((... I honestly have no idea what you're typing either, but what the hey. I can make some sense of it. ;D))

Roderich stepped forward, stopping in front of Prussia and smiling. Whoever Germany's boss was, he sounded pretty powerful and a shiver ran down his spine at the word 'Nazi'. Just the sound of it was so... disturbing.

".... Okay. I get it, well, mostly. The Fuhrer gives you the dirty work to get you out of the way. And this dirty work incluses taking out countries, such as myself. He does this so he can gain more land for Nazi Germany." Austria listed off, as if he were solving one of the mysteries in a book, "I'm supposing his final goal is to conquer every country on the earth..."

Looking up from his rambling, the raven smiled again, pink dusting his cheeks as he placed a hand on Gilbert's arm before pulling it back just as quickly.

"... Thank you. For, you know, not killing me when we both know you could have."


7:13pm Feb 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 356

((Eh. I CAN DU DIS! 3<))

Gilbert looked at Austria and nodded his head once in as serious a manner possible before turning away, his face turning read once again.  He stood by the window and looked out it, the snow now falling so heavily the distance disappeared in a white foggy haze.

"Yeah...it's what he wants.  And what I wanted...once." Gilbert sighed and clenched his right fist slightly before unclenching them again. Lifting his one hand, he placed it against the window, appreciating the cold that spread through his fingers.

"I...I filled the gun with blanks...but, but I could have put actual bullets in it.  Do you still want to thank me when you know that I actually want considering it?  Don't you think I'm a monster?"

((Gilbert is mocking Austria. Hur, hur. He wants hem to know Gilbert is still awesome even if he ain't no country ;~; Gilbert is stoopid.))


7:32pm Feb 8 2010 (last edited on 4:21pm Feb 9 2010)

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Posts: 1,301

Roderich stared and slowly shook his head. He knew well what Prussia's goals once were, having been at war with the ex-nation several times. Of course, that was before he had officially become a neutral country and could actually fight... But that was beside the point. He knew Prussia once wanted to, in essence, rule the world, but that was over now. They'd never gotten on well, so Austria wasn't surprised that Gilbert would concider something like that. All that matter was that he didn't fill the gun. That he didn't shoot the musician.

"....... Of course not, Gilbert." Roderich started, trying and failing to come up with words to convey what he was thinking without sounding totally contradictory.

He took a minute to think through how he would phrase what he said so as to not make the other angry.

"...If you were a monster, your final decision would have been to kill me. I don't blame you for concidering it. If I was in your position, I suppose I'd have to think as well. You know that killing me would have been easy. All that matters is that you didn't. And I think that takes a lot more guts than following through with it. After all, isn't this dangerous for you? Not performing the Fuhrer's wishes."

((Aww... Stupid Gil~ Austria respects your strength and *sighes exasperatedly* awesomeness. x3))


5:12pm Feb 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 356

"Hm..." Gilbert hummed faintly and tranced the ice beginning to form on the window with his finger, "Yeah. It's dangerous. Life-threatening.  But it'll be just like old times."

Gilbert looked over at Austria and his face broke into a grin as there was a moment of silence between them.  Sighing exasperatedly, Gilbert leaned away from the window and placed his hands behind his head,

"You got any food? Gilbird and The Awesome I are hungry."  And without waiting for a reply from Austria, he began to march into the kitchen as if it were his.  Staring idly around the counter for something edible, he lowered his head, his bangs covering his eyes.

"Austria...you're awesome." Gilbert said as quietly possible, wondering if Austria would hear him or not...he didn't know how he could live his pride down if he had.  It wasn't in the nature of that of an awesome to compliment other than themselves or their awesome birdies.

((Awww, Roddy ;~;))


5:27pm Feb 9 2010

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Posts: 1,301

((Ah, but chu forget that because of his musical training and years of experiance hearing the slightest tume problem with his piano, Roddy has hawk-hearing. Of course he'd hear~ x3))

Roderich watched as the other walked into the kitchen and sighed in faux-annoyance, smiling. Just like old times, eh? He walked towards the kitchen, but then froze in place, blushing brightly at the whisper he heard from the kitchen.

"Austria... You're awesome."

W-What now? Said country shook his head furiously, trying to clear his shock. Clearly he was still suffering drawbacks from earlier. After all, there was no way Prussia would say something like that about him. But even as he tried to convince himself of his mistake, a giddy feeling spread throughout Austria's chest. He stood for a minute, fighting down the flush on his face before stepping into the kitchen.

"What do you want? I can cook us both something." He said, smiling abit nervously.


5:42pm Feb 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 356

((Oh. Darn. D:)

Gilbert looked up and tried to keep his composure as if he hadn't said anything in the first place.

"Uh...wurst and potatoes...yeah, those are awesome. Can you make those? And Gilbird wants some foooood." Gilbert whined and held up Gilbird as she let out a overdramatic cheep, "See? She's dying! Hang on lil' awesome birdie!"

((...what the heck xD Like that got anywhere))

It was then that Gilbert's cell phone vibrated.

"Huh...?" taking it out, he examined the caller id and sighed,

"Really? Calling to interfer with my awesome again?" and with that, he flipped open the phone,

"Hello? Whaaaaaaat~ *huffs* No I-, well duh. Uh-huh, and you're not awesome. Okay. Yeah, yeah, whatev. BYE." Closing the phone, Gilbert rolled his eyes, "Mein Gott, how unawesome."


5:53pm Feb 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,301


Roderich began removing the utencils and food items he would need from the cabinet and fridge. Potatoes, peeler, pot, pan, wursts... Does the bird eat wurst? He mentally shrugged and glanced over at the other when he heard the albino talking. When Prussia hung up, he looked up from his work of peeling potatoes and spoke.

"What's not awesome?" He asked curiously, finishing up the peeling and walking over to the sink to wash them clean.


6:18pm Feb 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 356

Gilbert ran his fingers through his hair and sighed dramatically...again.

"Well, you see, Poland is being totally unawesome and said that he's stuck in some jail or whatever...but anyway, apparently he says he wants me to help him bail him out...but I don't really want to. My awesome has had enough excitment for one day." Gilbert concluded, sitting down on a stool that was next to the kitchen counter, summing up the day as if it was just a walk in the park, and not the contrary. Though, information from Gilbert is usually not entirely correct, he forgot to mention that Poland was being kept in a jail held by Germany, and that he wasn't doing to well at the moment, sadly.  I mean, no WiFi? Pffft, that just bites.

Gilbird hopped off of Gilbert's head and hopped over to Austria, first looking at him with her beady eyes, and then fixing her eyes hungrily on the potatoes.

((She. Likes. POTATOES. >O))


6:40pm Feb 9 2010 (last edited on 6:40pm Feb 9 2010)

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Posts: 1,301

Roderich smiled down at Gilbird and gently pushed her back towards Prussia.

"Uh-huh~" He scolded lightly, "Not till they're done. Go back and sit with Gilbert."

The raven placed the potatoes in the pot of water, turning on the heat and letting them simmer. Meanwhile, he placed the wurst in the already-heated pan and smiled at the sizzling noise they produced. He truely did enjoy cooking. It was one of the only things other than music that calmed him. He looked down and frowned. Well... Perhaps it was better if he wasn't wearing his apron. It was better to possibly get dirty than to have Gilbert see the apron Hungary had made for him when they were married. For some reason she had seen fit to make him one of those frilly pink apron with little hearts on it. He snorted. Probably to fufill some weird desire of hers to see him looking like a housewife.

"You said Poland is in jail?"

Usually something like this would rattle him, but he was so tired after today''s events, he didn't really feel anything.

((*holds up hands in surrender* Okay, my bad. D:))


6:52pm Feb 9 2010 (last edited on 6:57pm Feb 9 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 356

((Pffft. It's okay. I mean, who cares about lil' Poland anyway?))

"G-guys...?" Poland whimpered quietly as he stared at his cell phone. He had lost service...again.  Was anyone coming to save him? He didn't want to miss another episode of Gossip Girls...

((And that's why Austria didn't save Poland. Because they were too tired, OH MY GOD.))

Gilbird huffed as huffily a bird could huff and dignantly marched back over to Gilbert and pecked at his hand that was resting on the counter, demanding attention.  Gilbert looked down at the bird, smiled softly, and began running his finger over the small bird's fluffy head.

"Hey awesome little birdie..." He cooed softly and then stiffened with his face reddening. Austria DID NOT just hear him say that. Quietly he scoffed and continued petting Gilbird as if he hadn't said anything.

"I wonder...now that I think about it...some of the who-has...or whoever they are," Gilbert said dismissively and waved his hand in a circular motion, "anyway, I think they're supposed to come and stakeout your house...I just remembered that now...I think tomorrow or something...huh."


"U-uh..." Canada began and twisted his finger around the phone cord, "I...guess." He answered as he stared down at Kukakiki chewing on one of his shoes, "I'll be over soon...or something."  And he murmured a quick goodbye, hanging up the phone before America could say anything back.  Canada pinched himself. It couldn't have been a dream.  Someone, besides Gilbert had remembered who he was for more than two minutes.

A small smile played across his lips. Maybe the world wasn't such a bad place afterall.

(PFFFT. This is a dumb reply ;o)


Iceland stood in the middle of nowhere. Iceland had a plan.

((Yes. Yes he does.))


7:12pm Feb 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,301

Roderich poked the wurst with a wooden spoon, turning them over. His eyes widened at the gentle tone of voice he heard Gilbert use and he smiled brightly, cheeks pink. Austria had to hold back an 'aww'. That was just too cute. Something he'd never though he'd say about Prussia. But his next words made his smile faded and his muscles tense. Deftly, he stirred the potatoes for a few second before spooning them onto a plate with some wurst. He placed the plate in front of his companion along with a salt and pepper shaker.

"What now?" He asked worriedly.


7:33pm Feb 9 2010

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Posts: 356

"Thank you."

Though Gilbert had fought battles and had gone great lengths to be one of the most awesome and brutal, he always said thank you to those who had cooked for him.  It was the was Old Fritz had taught him, and he swore to follow those ways.  Picking up a fork,  he stabbed a potato and instead of eating it himself, he offered it to Gilbird, who took a small nibble off of it first.  Then when she was done, he ate the potato himself.

(Ewww D;...even though I do that with my Dog xD I share ice cream with him <3)

"Uhh...some people are going to be sent here tomorrow." Gilbert said as he slowly chewed, contemplating how to say the next words, "They may...tear  your house apart...they want to...make sure I actually did the job all of the way through." he turned his gaze up toward the aristocrat, "I don't know how much I can prevent them from damaging (Gilbert tried to keep the fact that he was referring to the other's piano as discreet as possible), but we're going to have to try and hide you before they get here."

Gilbert looked away again and offered Gilbird another potato piece, to which she gulped down ravenously.


7:47pm Feb 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,301

((I could never! My dog is disgusting and eats everything. EVERYTHING. Dx))

"Your welcome."

He fixed himself a plate and used his knife to cut the potatoes and wurst into smaller pieces as he ate. He watched Gilbert and Gilbird share the potatoes and was torn between thinking how cute a picture that made and being horribly disgusted. He swallowed harshly at the man's words and almost whimpered. His house... His stuff... His piano!

"....Okay." He said stiffly.

Austria supposed it was better his piano than him. ...Probably.

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