6:29am Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 1,062
((I ain't replying until Canada gets to America's house. xD -doesn't feel like having conversations between America and Russia-))
4:00pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 356
((And yet, they have cleaner mouths than us :3)) Gilbert noticed how rigid the other had become and he knew exactly what he was thinking. Chewing slowly, he cleared his throat uncomfortably, before he opened his mouth, "Uhh...I'm sure we can try to keep it so that some of the stuff won't be touched...or damaged. I can't promise anything, but we can try to hide it somewhere..." Placing his fork down, Gilbird took this as a sign that he was done eating, and began pecking up whatever scraps were left on the plate. Gilbert leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms and tilted his head down. "Hmmm...but where to put it? My awesome has to think about this..."
4:09pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 1,301
((xD It makes no sense to meh.)) Roderich shook his head. He was unhappy (well, wasn't -that- the understatement of the year...) that his piano could be... destroyed, but there was no possible place that he could hide it here. It would have to be left in place and he would hope for the best. Though, there were a few things in the attic he'd like to take. Mearly for sentimental purposes. "...It's fine. We'll leave it." He said tightly, looking towards his music room sadly, "But there are a few things I'd like to take."
4:31pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 356
((I know... Oh well, I love the giant Squid :3)) Gilbert looked up at the unhappy ex pression on Austria's face and sighed. "Roddy, come on. Don't make this difficult for us. I know a place where we can hide it, okay? But my awesome -for once- is going to need your help moving it. You got the cover for it?" Gilbert asked and stood up, straightening the cuff links on his uniform. Even though he no longer exsisted as a country, he still loved to wear his uniform, because he was just awesome like that. "Do you need help packing? We'll have to leave in about an hour to get you over to uh...well, I can't really tell you where you're going, but we'll have to get you over there so that I'll have enough time to come back and make it look like I've been here for a while."
4:46pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 1,301
(( Heck yes! 8D Lol, Roddy gets so emotional over his piano~)) Roderich looked up at Prussia and smiled widely, eyes sparkling. He was going to keep his piano? He resisted the rising urge to hug the ex-nation. "Yeah, I've got the cover. It's inside the piano seat. Where are we going to be putting it?" He asked happily. He stood and smoothed down his shirt, before walking (Not skipped or prancing or anything of the sort. He'd never do something so unfitting.) out of the kitchen, heading for his music room.
5:28pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 356
((Imagine Evanescence, or some other emo band playing in the background. It's raining outside, and Roderich is crying over the crushed remains of his beloved piano. Dear God, I shouldn't think it's funny...)) Gilbert stared at Austria smiling back at him and felt the corners of his mouth turn up slightly. He couldn't help it though, sometimes someone's good mood was really addicting. "Oh...I know a place." He said and smirked slightly, "Though we'll need to sneak past a few people, and it'll probably be shipped overseas, but basically, it's going the same place you are." Gilbert finished and shrugged with his one shoulder. He watched the other walk off down the hall and snorted slightly, but the small smile didn't leave his face. What was this oh, unawesome feeling? That feeling you got when you helped someone other than yourself? That feeling that when you bring someone's mood up and it brings yours up also? Charity? Pity? ...Gilbert didn't know what to call it, maybe because he had hardly felt that way before. And only to himself would he admit that he lied--it didn't feel that unawesome. (WTH. Something's wrong with the fonts on my computer D8<)

6:09pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 1,301
((That's right! You shouldn't think it's funny! D'8 I love -my- piano, just like Roddy loves his~ Even though it's not mine, really. It's my school's... >.>)) Roderich hummed as he open the compartment in his piano's seat. He lightly brushed the soft velvet and smooth silk of his piano cover. The sheet was thrown over the heavy instrament, velvet side down, and he sighed in contentment. It felt so much like he was just heading to one of the world meetings and making sure his piano didn't dust over in his absence. When the cover was all smoothed out and he was ready to move it, Austria walked back out to the kitchen, smile never leaving his face. "Hey, Gilbert. The piano's all ready to move now."
6:14pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 356
"Alright!" Gilbert said and placed his hands on the side of the piano and rolled his shoulders back, "You ready for this, Roddy?"
And with a mighty shove, the piano smashed through the window nearby and fell the whole three stories down to smash into a million pieces onto the concrete below.
"There! That's one thing taken care of with my awesome!" Gilbert proclaimed proudly with a grin on his face, "Now, about that giant squid..." ...Just kidding. XDDD
6:28pm Feb 10 2010 (last edited on 6:28pm Feb 10 2010)
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Posts: 1,301
(( D'8< You fix that post right now, missy! *flails in anger*))
6:30pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 356
~*Actual post*~ Gilbert nodded, though slightly distracted as he was listening intently to his cell phone, a serious ex pression on his face. After a moment he hung up and turned his full attention to Austria, a smirk again on his face. "Alright~" He began and rubbed his hands together in anticipation, "We're going to have to catch a plane, what do you think of that Roddy? And guess what? Your beloved piano is going with you. So now you can watch it's every move to make sure it isn't going on any suspicious rendezvous with any other instrument and will always remain loyal to you." (( ;( Wasn't as fun to type this one.))
6:35pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 1,301
((Gewd. *nods* That's better, even if it wasn't as fun. *smiles*)) Roderich smiled before flushing and glaring at Gilbert. "Don't imply that there is anything other than mutual respect btween me and my piano!" He said indignantly. His blush deepened as he realized he was talking about his piano as if it could actually feel. Austria looked down and took a deep breath, calmeing himself before looking back up. "When's our flight, then?"
6:44pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 356
((D'aawww...Pft, you know you wanted the other one ;o)) Gilbert nodded, "Riiiight." Teasing Austria was definitly one of his top ten of 'Most Awesome Things to Do." Number one being, "Being Awesome." "But yes, Roddy." He said slyly and walked up behind Austria, slinging an arm over his shouler and proceeding to poke the other repeatidly in the cheek, "You're dear, beloved Piano will need to be pushed by us outside so that some of these people I called up can put it on the truck and can take us to the airport. And oh yes, because of my awesomeness, I've been able to snag the last two seats on a flight for Iceland that leaves at 7:30." It was x:xx now. (I don't know, YOU make up a time xD)
7:32pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 1,301
((*rolls eyes* Yes. Of course I wanted my piano -which is way awesomer than you, btw- pushed out of a window and smashed. *sarspazztic*)) Roderich looked at the clock: 5:47. The airport was about an hour away and he still had to get packed, but they should have enough time. At the feel of Prussia's arm around his shoulder, Austria rolled his eyes and lightly slapped Gilbert's hand away, pulling away from the comfor-, ehm!, uncomfortable contact. "Okay. Well then, I should start packing, hmm?" He wandered of to his bedroom, easily packing a few outfits and tolietries, before walking to the attic. The raven looked up at the attic door, and felt a saddened feeling form in his chest. He may not have seen any of his old things since the the Holy Roman Empire left, but he had no time to be nostalgic.
7:56pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 356
((D: W-wut?!)) Gilbert huffed as his arm was slapped away but fell back onto Austria's couch and begin stroking Gilbird with his two fingers. "Yeah, you do that..." As Austria was getting his things together, a thought suddenly hit Gilbert and he stood up, and looked to where he was. Finding Austria staring up at the attic, he cleared his throat to let his presence be known. "Um...you know, not that my awesome is suggesting anything or whatever, but you may want to get one last look at anything before you leave...you know, to remember them better or whatever..." Gilbert murmured and looked down, scratching the back of his head. ((Gilbert cares. HE. CARES.))
8:05pm Feb 10 2010 (last edited on 8:56pm Feb 10 2010)
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Posts: 1,301
((That's right. Piano > You. *smirks*)) Roderich jumped and the sound of Gilbert clearing his throat, and turned around. "Yeah..." Austria pulled the cord that would open the door and watched the stairs fall. He took a deep breath and accended, looking around in awe when he reached the top. He brushed his fingers against a black suit hanging from a rack in the front of the room and smiled. His wedding tuxedo. The raven gathered the tuxedo along with an old family portrait of Hungary, The Holy Roman Empire, Chibitalia, and himself and an old violin he had forgotten he owned. He was leaving the attic when it caught his eye. The old sword he hadn't used in god kknows how many years sat glimmering on a shelf in the corner, it's metallic sheen surp*censored*ing the dust that had fallen on it. Roderich walked over and stroked the gleaming weapon thoughtfully and decided to bring it along. He walked down the stairs, readily pack for their trip. ((Aww, so Gilbert does care for people other than himself~ :3))

8:58pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 356
((WELL. YOU KNOW WHAT? Roderich < Awesome Little birdie)) Gilbert stood off to the side, his hands in his pockets as he looked down at a picture of The Holy Roman Empire, an imp*censored*ive look on his face. He knew that is was Germany as a younger kid, but...why did Austria have a picture of him? And more importantly how did he know him before Gilbert had? Gilbert opened his mouth to say something until the sound of the sword being taken out of it's storage interuppted his thoughts. Looking up, a wide grin broke across his face. "HA! I remember that! You always use to have it with you when the awesome I would kick your *censored* in the war!"
3:56pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 1,301
((*gasps* ... Well ... Nyeh~! *sticks out tongue*)) Roderich scowled and held the sword up. "You did not always 'kick my a**' as you so elquently put it. There were a few times where you got yours." He said defensively, "And just because I'm now officially a neutral country doesn't mean I've forgotten Silesia. I'm still a bit sore about that, you know." He smiled to let the other know he was joking. The sword was once again held in two hands, and Austria placed it on the floor with his other possesions. "But that's all in the past, huh?" He concided with a slightly sad smile. The war was actually one of his more plesent memories, despite the fatigue and pain he felt almost constantly in those days. He almost missed the thrill of fighting, having not experienced it in so long.
5:31pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 356
((>:3 Niyo niyo niyo~)) The corners of Gilbert mouth turned up slightly, though he still stared longingly at the sword. What he would give to fight in a battle once again... Raising his head, he smirked at Austria.
"Heh. Course you are. The scars I leave never go away, y'know? I am the most awesome Vital region claimer there is. No one can beat me." Turning around and giving a final look to the picture of The Holy Roman Empire, he sighed huffily, "Now c'mon Roddy! You're unawesome slowness isn't helping!" Gilbert jumped down the last couple stairs of the attic and looked back up it, "I'm going to lock you in there if you take any longer!" ((I just realized how much Gilbert smirks...oh well, it can't be helped xD))
5:43pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 1,301
((D8< Grrrrrr!)) Roderich rolled his eyes. "Of course," He replied sarcasticaly, "You are the most awesome of all the vital region claiming beings." He picked up his suitcase, painting, and sword and walked down the stairs. Hrm... Austria dropped his things near the door and wandered back to the music room. Now, how to get this piano outside...
6:01pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 356
((:3 -pokes wif a stik-)) Gilbert was staring at the piano in disbelief. "You know...how are we going to get that...out the door? Didn't really...think that part...heh..." (Oh god. I really didn't think that part up... XD) Gilbert turned to Austria, "You ready to use your wimpy excuse of muscles? Because we're going to be pushing your dear precious. Just the two of us."