6:14pm Feb 11 2010
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((*ish poked**roars like a lion* NYOH~!!!! *tackles* D<)) Roderich chuckled nervously, shrugging his shoulders. There was no fricking way they could get this piano through that door. And he was kind of iffy on if they'd even be able to push it to the door, anyways. "I don't know... But we'll just have to try I guess." He said slowly, walking around to the side of th piano facing away from the door and readying himself to push. ((Good job. *rolls eyes* Cause two men can totally push a piano and defy physics by pushing said piano through a door about 4 times less wide than it~ ... Wait. Speaking of which... How did Roderich get it in there in the first place? O; ))
6:45pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 356
((DX GAAAHHHH-- -falls over-)) Gilbert frowned at this. "Of course it'll work, my awesome says it will, therefore it will." (duh.) (Oh. This next part is really cheesy, so SHUT UP ]:<) Suddenly the whole house shook tremendously as thousands of birds of every color and size suddenly flew in through the chimmney, all led by Gilbird who cheeped happily and landed on Gilbert's shoulder. "Hey my awesome little birdie<3" Gilbert cooed then smirked coyly, "I see you invited some of your friends over to help~" Ropes were suddenly thrown over the piano and the birds all flew forward, each holding a piece of rope in their teeth. Slowly, but surely, the piano became airborne as the birds lifted it into the air. Gilbert looked over toward the large windows and walked over to them, throwing them open. "Well Roddy, is that what you call air service, or what?" 
(I phail.)
6:56pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 1,301
((Dood... I thought of Harry Potter. xD ...Short reply is short. Dx)) Roderich blinked and stared at the flock of birds now carrying his piano out of the window. He stumbled backwards a bit but caught himself. How did they even lift it? Sure there was a lot of birds, but.... He mentaly shook himself. Whatever. What was done was done. He closed his eyes and sighed. Why did everything that wouldn't normally be happening start sneaking up on him these past few days? ".... Just make sure they don't drop it." He said weakly. (( ... *blinks* Yes, you do.))
6:58pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 356
Canada stood outside and bit his lower lip nervously before raising his hand and knocking on the front door of America's house. Even though they lived close to each other, Canada couldn't get over the vast difference of his house -quiet, small, quaint- compared to America's -loud, boisterous, brightly colored- house. He sighed and stepped back slightly after he was done knocking.
7:09pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 356
((It's so...silly xD I just didn't know how else to get it out of there~)) Gilbert turned to Austria and looked as if he had been insulted, "Drop it? Drop it? My, my, my. You have much to learn about my awesome Roddy. These awesome birdies wouldn't drop it." He looked at Austria for a moment before a smile graced across his lips, the setting sun casting rays behind him, "Trust me." He turned back to the window and watched the birds continue to fly off, hands on his hips looking as if he had claimed a Vital Region in all of his victorious glory. "Hey Gilbird." He said turning his head toward her, "Sorry to make you work anymore, but make sure they get that hunk of junk over there and not get lost." And with a cheep, Gilbird flew off. "Alright!" Gilbert said excitidly and practically jumped away from the window, "Get your bags Roddy, we have a flight to catch!" ((It's because he's with Gilbert. Everything normal is totally unawesome. He makes life AWESOME.))
7:27pm Feb 11 2010
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((xD Well, it's better than anything I could've came up with...)) Roderich felt a slight blush work it's way up to his face at the scene in front of him; it was like one of those cheesy moments in a film when they put the starring man in front of a breath taking backdrop just to make the female audiance members swoon. He tryed to fight it back, but failed. Horribly. So instead, he just looked away, mumbling back a reply. "Yeah... Okay, whatever." He walked over to his things and gathered them in his arms once more. When he was sure the garrish red color had faded, the musician turned back to the other man in the room. He realized Gilbert didn't have any bags, and wondered why he hadn't noticed sooner. "You aren't taking anything?"
7:35pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 356
((Pft. I bet you could have come up with better XD)) Gilbert shrugged and put his hands in his pockets, "It's because I have to be here when the guys all come around to check this place out. If I'm not here, they're going to know something's up, and they'll search for me. But if I'm here and you're not, they'll *censored*ume I...well, you know, took care of everything..." Gilbert finished off the last few words coming out of his mouth as if he had eaten something awful for lunch.
7:52pm Feb 11 2010
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((*raises eyebrow* Oh really?)) Roderich nodded in understanding, feeling a twist in his stomach at the final words. "Ah, I see. ...Well, as you said, we have a plane to catch. So let's go." The raven walked to the front of the house, suddenly jumpy. He couldn't help but feel nervous. It was as if it just now struck him that he could be killed by these people that were coming. What if they were here already, just hiding? They would have heard everything. They'd kill Gilbert and he both. What if... No! Austria shook the thoughts away.
8:03pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 356
((Pft. Yah.)) "Hey, wait!" Gilbert jogged over to Roderich and grabbed the sleeve of his shirt, pulling him back. "Uh..." Gilbert hesitated, his face becoming red as he realized what he had done, "Uh, you might want me to...go out first, and check to make sure...no one's out there...or anything..." he finished, clearing his throat uncomfortably.
8:19pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 1,301
((No, I dun think so. >3>)) Roderich jumped and had to bite back a scream as he turned to face Gilbert. He sighed in relief when he realized it was only Prussiaand smiled at Prussia. The flush on the other's cheeks made him embar*censored*ed, and he looked down to hide his own blush. He nodded ever so slightly, not sure of why he was so afraid. Austria was not a cowardly country! ... But apparentaly Roderich the person was. "Y-yes, please. That would be appreciated very much." He said queitly, cursing himself mentally for his scared-ness.
8:39pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 356
((This post is...ugh. Whatever.)) Gilbert nodded, his face for once resembling that of serious demeanor. Turning toward the door, he peeked through the peephole, then slowly opened up the door. A man and a woman stood in front of a black car with tinted back windows. Gilbert grinned and waved to them. Quietly, he stepped out and catiously looked both ways. Walking down the front steps he took a look back at the house and waved Austria to follow him. "Hey Hungary, hey France." Gilbert said greeting his friends, "Wow, you two really dressed up for this didn't you? France, you haven't tried touching Hungary again have you~?" He asked teasily.
France, clad in a black tuxedo and wearing sungl*censored*es also shook his head, but grinned back. "Non, with what she's wearing, what would there be to grop-- er, I mean, I'm only kidding..." France quickly added, cringing away as Hungary had taken off her gl*censored*es and sent him a death glare. Hungary smiled, satisfied and put her sungl*censored*es back on, "Good. I was just making sure~ Roderich darling, how have you been?" She gushed, turning her attention to Austria. "Be quiet, you know what'll happen if someone hears his name out here!" Gilbert hissed but Hungary only shoved him away. "Are you all ready for the trip?" She asked him as Gilbert and France threw the stuff into the back of the car. ((FRANCEANDHUNGARYOHMYGOD O:))

8:54pm Feb 11 2010
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Roderich stepped out of the house and smiled at the sight of Hungary and France. He walked over to the car and sighed, greeting Hungary and running a hand through his hair nervously. He looked around, just make sure and relaxed a tad when he noticed nothing unusual. He glanced about one last time before returning his gaze to his ex-wife. "I've been better, Elizaveta, but I'm not too bad. And how have you been?" He asked politely, allowing a smale smile to p*censored* over his ex pression. While he and Hungary were no longer married, Elizaveta was still one of the closest people he had, and Austria was glad for her familiar presence. France kind of made him wary, but what else was new? Francis was just a creepy person. And Gilbert, well, Gilbert had grown on him since... yesterday? It felt like this whole weird running-from-home thing had gone on longer than that. ((FFFFFFFHUNGARY! 8D ...France kind of creeps me out, orz... >>))
9:25pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 356
Hungary smiled and folded her hands and looked up at Austria. Even though they were no longer married, it was still fun to talk to him. She still considered him a close friend, and when Gilbert had called up and requested that they do this for Austria, not only was she surprised by the fact that Gilbert of all people had asked for this, but there was no way she couldn't say no. For someone so close to her, she wanted to make sure he would be okay. And Gilbert too. Not that she was worried for him or anything. No way, she was here strictly for Austria's benefit. "Oh, I'm fine. I've had to argue with quite a few countries. Germany's been pretty nasty lately, talking of embargos and whatnot, but it's nothing I can't handle. Oh! Did Gilbert tell you where you'll be going? It's absolutely beautiful-" Gilbert clamped a hand over Hungary's mouth, though he couldn't help but shove a smirk of amusement, "Okay Eliza, if you talk anymore, your mouth is going to fall off." Hungary glared at him, "You're lucky I didn't bring my frying pan..." Gilbert just smirked and turned away to France and muttered something in his ear, to which he nodded. "Well, anyway. Even though I can't say where you're going, it might be a little cold, but it's a nice place altogether. Don't worry Roderich." She said, a serious look p*censored*ing over her features, "We'll make sure nothing happens to you or anyone else." "True dat." Gilbert said with a grin on his face and he suddenly picked up a rather large, dangerous looking gun, "Check this heat we get to carry around with us!" ((LOLZ. That last line makes me think of Men In Black. I DON'T KNOW WHY.))

9:44pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 1,301
Roderich smiled happily and stepped forward to give Hungary a hug. He pulled back after a few seconds, perfectly comfortable with the contact. He didn't let many people touch him, but it was just natural to hug Hungary; they'd been so close for so long. Austria winced at the mention of Hungary's frying pan. He'd never been on the recieving end of a whack from Eliza, but he'd seen it enough time to have a good idea of how it felt. "Thank you, Liz. Be careful around the other countries, oka... Where the heck did you find that?" His tone suddenly switched from happy to shocked to exasperated. Of course Gilbert would be excited over a gun such as that. He shook his head, smiling slightly. It seemed that around his favorite people, even fear couldn't wipe it off his face completely. ((I can see why. Sounds like a Men In Black line. xD))
8:41am Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 1,062
America walked to his front door and threw it open. He blinked a few times, then broke into a grin. "Canaday! You made it!" Inside the house Russia scratched his head, confused. He could've sworn the nation's name was Canada...
4:50pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Sorry for not being on. D:> TOO. MUCH. SNOW. DX And my uncle's had to work... >w>; But the snow doesn't help much, either. -will reply now-))
4:58pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
North Korea looked up at Russia and nodded, smiling a little. Friends were useful during times of war, as well as times of peace. It was also reas-suring to know that you could count on someone for anything, whether it be to help you fight or to just be able to talk to. He glanced at the door as it opened, another blond walking in to join them. Having heard the American's exclamation over the phone, he figured that he must be Canada. He had to admit that it was nice to have friends, even if it was only for a short time. The Korean returned his attention to the blond on the couch with him. England. "Are you one of America's brothers as well...?" he asked, curiosity tugging at the back of his mind. ((Fail reply is fail. .3. -shakes fist at snow-))
9:49pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 356
It was Hungary's turn to be excited. "It was amazing! Gilbert told France about this, and since France has his 'connections' he was able to get us this car (Bulletproof by the way, isn't that amazing!?) and the weapons too. Hell, they even made us Secret Service agents with Fake ID's to boot!" Gilbert rolled his eyes, and yet he also had a excited gleam in his eyes. He unbuttoned his shirt, slipping on his own black tie uniform. When he had changed fully, he slipped the sunglas.s on and smirked at Austria. "Whaddaya think, Roddy?" He asked Austria, holding his arms out for the whole world to see, "Am I the sexiest Secret Service agent ever or what?" It was France and Hungary's turn to roll their eyes and France handed Gilbert the huge gun he had been handling earlier, to which he slung over his shoulder. "Alright, now that we've all been reunited, we should get going." Hungary nodded at France and smiled at Austria, "You ready to go Roderich?" She asked as she reached out and held his hand, squeezing it comfortably. (("Here come the Men in Black. (Men in Blaaaaaaack) The galaxy defenders. (uh oh, uh oh)"))

10:14pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 1,301
Roderich nodded, feeling his face heat up. "Yes, you're amazingly sexy, Gilbert." He mumbled sarcasticly. "I think you guys are enjoying this a little too much." He shook his head in feigned exasperation and placed a hand on the car door. He looked of the car and over his three compainions. "... Isn't this supposed to be inconspicuous?" He asked, not sure whether to be concerned or amused at the fact that they looked exactly like a group of people trying to sneak out of the country. Well, at least whoever was coming wouldn't think to look for people dressed as the Secret Service, and focus their attention on the people who weren't drawing attention to themselves. ((... No. No bursting into theme song! D<))
10:42pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 356
All three couldn't help but smirk. "Damn straight." They all said in unison.
"Tell me Roddy." Gilbert began, "How many times in our life are we going to be able to do this? Huh? Huh? That's right. Like, none. So this is an awesome once in a lifetime chance! And besides, why make it inconspicuous? We gotta make a scene!" Hungary sighed. Obviously he didn't understand what Roderich was getting at. "Come on Gilbert, before your head gets any bigger." Hungary said as France reached over and pulled open the doors, acting as if he were just the common butler of a rich person. Hungary sli in onto the comfortable, heated black leather seats and smiled as she patted the seat next to her for Roderich. Gilbert sighed and looked up at the sky as the snow continued falling down. "This is hell, you know that?" He said to nobody in particular, "You really gotta make it snow? How unawesome~" And with that, he slid into the front seat next to France, who was driving. Turning around he held up a Walkie-Talkie. "And check this. We get to talk into these! Isn't that awesome?!" He exclaimed excidtidly. To anyone else that may have been watching, they could have sworn Gilbert had turned into a six-year-old. (("Here come the Men in Black (Uh it's the M.I.B.'s) (Uh here come the M.I.B.'s) Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black) They won't let you--- Oh. 3: Pffft. You just don't love teh Men In Black ;o))
